Monday, January 30, 2006
Word of God
You should heed the needs of the moment, i.e. you have to hold yourselves in readiness, so that when My call resounds in your heart, you can be of service to Me without hesitation, as the hour of assuming your ministry is near. And this is a sign and proof of My Word, that worldly obligations no longer seem important to you when you have heard My voice, which clearly directs you what to do. You will have no hankering after this world but find your joy exclusively in your spiritual activity, and you shall be helped in keeping up with it because it is My will.
A spiritual drought shall precede this, a time when you shall hunger for My Word, and for lively activity in the spiritual field, and when you shall lack all opportunity for spiritual debate. You shall be receiving My Word indeed, and My love shall constantly and always look after you, yet you shall stand isolated amidst a life-hungry world which can give you nothing. You will get little understanding from your fellow men and feel crushed, but you shall be more firmly conjoined to Me; and thus your hunger for My soul-food shall constantly grow, until you will suddenly hear Me within you.
Then your hour has come, the start of your ministry. And I shall see to it that you are able to commence your ministry, that you drop all inhibitions that all misgivings and fears leave you.
You shall be speaking, thinking and acting only in accordance with My will, you shall represent Me personally on earth, i.e., speak what My spirit gives you, you shall be living witnesses of My Word. You shall again go before men as My disciples and proclaim My Word to them with this addition - that the end is near and that I shall come Myself to fetch Mine, when the time has come which I had determined from eternity.
And in order for you to speak freely and unhindered, I shall put people at your side who shall be supports to you materially - satellites, as escorts, being protectors and umbrellas against the world, even though you shall always enjoy My protection, and I shall not leave you till the end.
Yet My care extends to you also materially, and you shall attend you your ministry without worldly cares, as same shall completely absorb your vitality and hence you shall be made rid of all worldly cares.
But one thing I do demand of you, that you pass on the gifts you receive from Me, making them accessible to fellow man; that you carry My Word in to the world verbally as well as in print, that you spread the Truth and acquaint mankind with My administration, so that their thoughts are directed to the spiritual kingdom. And I want to give you strength till the end and once reward your work in eternity.
Send this message to family and friends. "... freely ye have received, freely give." Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to: To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION ...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler, ..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations. (german homepage)for english downloads contact: 432 revelations in numerical orderand18 theme bookletsGod answers our Questions about the universe God Himself beams the truth to earth God's proclamation to the dying world I will guide you into truth 1 - 3 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings Pre-Adamites Souls in the beyond 1 - 3 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?The Christ Problem The Forerunner of the Lord The Mystery of Man The New Earth The salvation plan of God Thus it shall come to pass Who was Bertha DuddeFREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Men may be offered exceptional gifts of grace and they walk past them as if they were everyday things. They do not bother to earnestly examine them, and although they hear what is offered them as a precious gift of grace, they do not apply it to themselves and, therefore, do not perfect themselves according to My Will. And thus the time of grace passes without much benefit.
The end is near. I make Myself known in every possible way, I use all the means to open their hearts, so that I may enter them and teach them Myself. Therefore, the work-efforts for the coming time must be doubled, and My servants should take their task seriously and not deceive themselves thinking, they have done a good job.
The short space of time until the end requires the greatest possible assistance on My part and extremely zealous activity on the part of My servants on earth, if the souls should be saved that are in extreme distress. You will not have much success, for many will reject you however, the work will not have been in vain.
But one will come and speak the same words to men that you have received from Me. And people will compare and be surprised because they will recognize that it is the same as that which they have already received through preaching and literature. And again people are offered the opportunity to change their way of life and to form themselves according to My Will.
For the teachings from above are obviously in full accordance with the gospel preached by him who is My forerunner before My last coming. Only a few recognize the extraordinary Light and know that the time has come. The majority, however, disregard a gift of grace which My Love keeps offering to them. They can no longer be helped, for they either accept pr reject of their own free will, which I shall never force.
Soon the time of grace will be over and that which has not found its way back to Me until then, will be staying remote from God for eternities, thus in a miserable state, which to prevent, My Love keeps endeavoring. The success, however, is up to you people.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Word of God
I have told you that you will witness the destruction of this old Earth while still in the flesh and I repeat this again so that you may believe. Your faith is weak, and inwardly you rebel against the fact that you live in the end-time. But My Spirit again and again reveals to you that the time of the end is close at hand. Why do you not believe this? How else can the truth of My messages be revealed unto you?
Why do you still hope and count on progress and the improvement of earthly conditions? Why do thoughts of the end through a total destruction of the Earth seem so unbelievable and unacceptable? It is because you want to live, or because you are not prepared, you do not absorb My Word, which explains very clearly the necessity of a total transformation of the old Earth. So, engrossing yourself in My Word will lead you to greater faith. Accept it as coming from heaven and live accordingly.
Truly, you who must spread My Word allow doubt to trouble you, therefore you do not represent My Word convincingly. You let yourself be weakened by opposition. Your faith is not strong enough in spite of your desire to serve Me. Life with its daily concerns is too important to you, consequently you cannot reconcile it with man's spiritual destiny. The result is that you are not diligent enough to represent what I make known unto you concerning the coming time.
You do not take My Word seriously enough. For that reason I must speak to you about the coming end again and again. The fact that you will experience this physically, does this mean nothing to you? Do you know what age you will reach? Could it be that you will live only a short time? I alone know when your last day will be. I keep this a secret, but I tell you, it is not far off. You must serve Me to the end. You must believe that you will see that day. If you believe you will be a good laborer for Me, because you will then be able to speak with conviction and a convinced faith.
I need servants on Earth who will urgently approach people and tell them how necessary My work on Earth is and in what spiritual need mankind remains if no help is brought to them. You receive My Word and are advanced in knowledge, still you do not believe although you do not openly reject it. So, I speak all the more urgently to you, because a deeper faith is needed for your words to have success with your fellowman.
When you yourself are convinced that what you receive, through the voice of the spirit, is the Truth you are then a proper representative of My Word on Earth. Lend Me your mouth so that I can express Myself to men. It is absolutely necessary that they hear Me although they do not always recognize My voice.
The need in the end weighs heavily upon mankind, so much so that without My help and without My Word they must surely despair. But when I Myself speak to them they will be strong and be able to endure the greatest need. My Word will give them strength. So you must render your service. People must be influenced without force. I will always be wherever you as mediator engage people in a spiritual conversation. Contact is being restored between Me and the people you are instructing, who need My Word urgently so that they can endure until the end.
That end is coming soon. I have told you this again and again. You must believe My Word and trustingly approach the future, which will unfold as I have announced long ago, both in Word and Scripture.
Send this message to family and friends. "... freely ye have received, freely give." Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to: FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Word of God
When all earthly help fails then the Love of God is often clearly revealed. Whoever even let’s the seemingly impossible happen so that people will learn to believe and love Him above everything else. There is no limit to God's power, what He wills, will happen.
There is nothing that cannot be realized for with God anything is possible. So people suffer unnecessarily through their earthly life because if they want to be able to accomplish or experience the unusual they need only ask God for help. And He can and always will help. But such faith can only be acquired by men through the practice of Love for their fellowmen, for only good works can restore union with God, and only through this is the receiving of power certain, which radiated from God and inevitably must return to Him. Thus man must learn to believe, which he will do if he strives earnestly upward.
In the end-times great things will happen which seem to be supernatural but the explanation can be found in the will of men and the power of faith. In this lies the explanation of all that seems incomprehensible but is really only the result of a proper walk with God. It is not enough that people formally call themselves Christians or professes to belong to a church, but they must live out their Christianity and through their life's walk show that they belong to a community of believers who represent the True Church of Christ. It is also necessary to have a living faith, which results in deeds of Love to their neighbor. Such a man has at his disposal an unusual power, which is the power of God, which radiates through him and has no limitations. So men can through faith in the power of God accomplish great things, and also through faith God can reveal Himself by rendering supernatural help, often coming when no hope for help exists. With God nothing is impossible -- men must remind themselves of this again and again in every difficult situation. Then when their difficulties are overcome their faith will be strengthened.
Through his attitude toward God, through his deep unshakeable faith in His help, he is able to cast every care on Him and face each threatening danger without fear, confident that God will help him, for He will never put strong faith to shame. With God nothing is impossible. Everything can be accomplished according to His Will and everything will be accomplished when His children call upon Him as their loving Father and trust Him without reservation. He will then provide for all their needs and help them in all earthly troubles and difficult situations…. for he is a God of Love and Love always wants to give help for it wants to bring blessing.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
You should be heedful of end-time appearances. And thus, changes in nature shall soon become conspicuous, you shall be able to observe a peculiar power-play, a phenomenon which must make you think if you regard it with the right attitude towards Me, the Creator, Who causes also these appearances to take place in order to turn all men's attention to Himself. And you shall be astounded at how small the number of those who have the right attitude towards Me - how they seek to explain everything in the material sense - unimpressed even by extraordinary phenomena.
It shall be a luminous display visible in daytime, which shall appear in the sky without prior signs and shall appear in the sky without prior signs and shall not allow of any interpretation other than Christ's work of Salvation, because it is in the shape of a cross, with the unmistakable countenance of the Saviour. And this luminous phenomenon shall give rise to much debate, and My servants shall then be ready, for this appearance is the prelude, it is meant so to speak for all men, because it can be seen by all. But how differently shall it be regarded, and how little understood. I cause a visible sign to appear in the sky, and yet find very little attention; I place the work of Salvation before their eyes that they may find beatitude, but faith in Him is as good as gone and shall not be found even through this luminous appearance.
Because mankind has become too worldly-minded and does not want to believe - they want to shirk all responsibility, which they could not do if they had faith in Jesus Christ. And thus this luminous appearance too shall serve as a sign from heaven - a sign of the end-time for the few. An inner disquiet shall indeed take hold of most, yet only fleetingly, making way for tense vigilance, which however holds good for only the appearance as such.
They will not believe that same is tied up with the imminent end and only deride the believers who make these predictions known to fellow-men to prepare them for the end. The former shall find little credence, yet must not slacken in their work for My kingdom, because such opportunities are a special grace for men to contemplate, and to formulate the notion of possible intercession by supernatural forces through natural phenomena of an extraordinary nature, and that the phenomenon is intended by Me for a pointer to the end.
Science shall be offering an explanation which will be accepted, but whoever strives spiritually shall recognise My hand therein and shall cheer and rejoice the imminent end because the world has nothing more to offer him; yet his heart is full of hope for life after death, and he longs for the last hour, which shall free him from worldly affliction - as I promised - to come in the clouds to gather Mine elect to My kingdom. He knows when the earthly tribulations increase to a point where no earthly help can be anticipated. The I shall shorten the days of My elect that they may remain faithful and endure to the end.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
God's graces and proofs of love during the final time can fully compensate men for the distress and sufferings of this time, for it secures them a fast ascent if they make good use of the gifts of grace and strive after the maturing of their soul. It is the time of which is written, that God will be with His own in the spirit until the end. It is the time where men see Him come in the clouds, where the connection between heaven and earth becomes evident, not only in people's imagination, but in actual life, beings of Light will be active on earth and spread Light, and men will be taught from above, when God Himself descends to the earth in the Word, handing to His own the bread from Heaven when men can, at all times, draw from the source of life, since God Himself offers them the drink of life to strengthen them.
During this time one will become known, who is destined to be the last messenger before the coming of the Lord, who will be His fore-runner and tell men the truth unafraid, although that will endanger him being apprehended. But he does no longer care about the world and is quite willing to exchange his mortal life for the eternal life. Therefore, he does not fear the world, for he knows, how near the end is and what is awaiting those who do not believe it.
His appearance, too, is an outstanding grace, because he keeps reminding men of the near end and encouraging them to work on their souls, thus directing their attention towards eternity. He will also possess the power to heal the sick and help where help is needed and appears impossible to men. He will be leading an exemplary life of love and be filled with the spirit of God. God Himself will be working through him, and who will listen to him, listens to God Himself. He hears God's Word through a human mouth, but just as it has come from Him
And this time has come - the final time of grace, which can bring success to those who strive after perfection. And even if they may have to suffer terribly in an earthly sense, they gain great benefit, if they only make use of the graces; for now they know that the end is near, because they recognize in him the forerunner of the Lord and wait for Him full of joy. And He will soon appear to save His own from great misery and lead them to a land of peace, as He has promised.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
There will be only a small flock who will await the coming day of judgment. There will only be a very few people who I can call My Own, who remain strong in faith and acknowledge Me be fore the world, and for this reason be persecuted in such a way that they would fear for their lives, had their eyes not been trained on spiritual things. But this flock knows about the end. They are awaiting Me in great faith and will therefore endure the hard times with steadfastness, acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God before the world. Therefore I will take them to Me and give them a paradise in which to dwell until they can be placed on the newly transformed Earth.
This small flock has the task to proclaim My Word to their descendants, so that it will be passed on unadulterated as I have given it to mankind. This Word must remain as a fundamental teaching on the new Earth. I will continue to care of My Own in the future, which includes all who surrender to My Will and seek Me. Such will be kind and charitable, because their desire for Me is their expression of their Love, which they will express to their descendants. They fulfill My commandments and I will give them My Word, either directly or indirectly.
My Word contains the teaching, which Jesus Christ brought to Earth, because HE was filled with My Spirit of Love. The Man Jesus has already found His union with Me on Earth. In order for mankind on the new Earth to come to reconciliation with Me they must be taught the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Also My Word, the pure Truth from heaven in all its depth of wisdom will be offered to mankind and must be transmitted to the new Earth. This word will be accepted as a message from above, and as a direct teaching from God. It will therefore remain as a fundamental teaching for a long time, until mankind again becomes materialistic and, on their own, undertakes to "reform" and change My Word. This will be the cause of the loss of know1edge of the Truth. Their understanding will be darkened and their spiritual condition will dec1ine. So I will then decide to bring My Word to Earth once again.
But be fore that time My Word will remain pure and reach many people. The Word will be acknowledged as My gift. Those people will Love Me and be happy on Earth…. because they live continually in union with Me, and therefore receive Light and strength. My presence will enable them to be wise and powerful as I have promised.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
The spirit of the Anti-Christ, who approaches men under the guise of a saviour but is utterly astride of God's Will, is such that he will not acknowledge a God of love, just as he also rejects spirituality as supernatural and therefore unverifiable, and hence non-existent. And so foreign shall be Christ's nature to him that he is not capable of faith in His work of salvation and Ministry on earth, seeking therefore to present Him as a utopian, and shying no efforts to displace this identity from the hearts of men. His own nature does not tally with that of Christ, and hence he understandably fights Him as a spiritual adversary.
The awaited Anti-Christ is someone emerging from the natural ranks; an exceedingly gifted man, whose strength is his worldly assurance in his traffic with those entrusted with statesmanship. And for that reason he shall register success; they will cede supreme control to him, to which he aspires; they shall feel entitled to expect extensive reforms for the majority through him. And all men of the world shall thus give him recognition, which he shall exploit for measures of all kinds. Especially will he stand up against the spirit of transcendence however: against all religious association, as against churches and spiritual movements, which profess Jesus Christ and His teaching as their base. Because he shall present the love of the neighbour as feebleness, which must be fought at all costs.
And whoever merges with his efforts also counts as an Anti-Christ; he counts as an adversary of God and proves without love towards neighbour, and walks in spiritual blindness therefore, belonging to Satan's kingdom.
The Anti-Christ as a ruler over many shall cause great uproar, with measures devoid of all humanity, designed only to bring hatred and discord to mankind: to throttle love and sink man into deepest spiritual affliction.
And God's counter-measures then shall be of the greatest priority, explaining God's manifest action through His servants on earth; because He too has to be recognisable to those belonging to His camp. He has to manifestly act thus so that He is not rejected but acknowledge, where men are willing to tread the right path, consciously or unconsciously turning towards the Creator of Heaven and earth to ask Him for help during spiritual want. And then the wrestling between good and evil becomes especially vehement, the last hour approaching ever closer; and the separation of the spirits for judgement-day must take place. And this separation can take place only where men are purposefully driven towards either choosing, or denying god. That question shall force them to a decision, and in order for this to become acute, the adversary makes a public appearance, by influencing his emissaries on earth to institute and enforce measures, which exhibit apostasy.
And so begins the last conflict on earth - the faith-conflict, a struggle against Christ, resulting in a decision for or against Him. And then comes judgement - because they have turned towards or away from God out of free will, for which they shall be brought to account.
This conflict is unavoidable, as it shows up the Anti-Christ's nature distinctively, when mankind at large can now assess his thinking and action of him who appears in the guise of a saviour in order to carry out his despicable plans; who openly fights God and shall in the end be bound for a long time for this, whence he shall not be able to free himself until he is helped again through men, who loosen Satan's fetters by their false love of matter.
But Jesus Christ shall not be capable of displacement ever. He shall remain Victor on judgement-day and His teaching shall fill all loving hearts and His followers shall take it with them on the Rapture, and it shall be praised highly as a spiritual knowledge on the new earth and shall be lived out; and men shall be in the highest spiritual cognition thereby and aglow with deepest love for God. And it shall be capable of displacement of God's adversary no more, because all power shall be taken from him for a long time.
Friday, January 20, 2006
World affairs are determined by higher laws, even if human will plays a large part. It is the lawgiver from eternity Himself who directs and rules and Who adjusts the effects of human will to His eternal plan. And thus, apparently, the hatchet is buried, yet the fire is not extinguished - it smoulders - to suddenly flare into a mighty fire with devastating effects.
And, what has been prophesied through the Spirit is then fulfilled. A new human phase takes effect, and well for those who do not rate earthly life too highly; well for those who have recognised the world of appearances and not become its slaves; well for those who know the sense and purpose of life, who have set themselves an aim higher than the fulfilment of worldly lusts and joys. These shall take up the life-conflict, which the ensuing time brings with it. They shall become and remain victors. Mankind shall enter upon a new phase; a heavy struggle for the individual shall set in, he shall have to live through great earthly depravation and spiritually withstand the last faith-conflict preceding the ultimate end.
And this shall irrevocably come to pass as foretold, because the time is up, - the spiritual depravity dictates a halt; judgement day shall break the spiritual development on earth in aggregate, so that same can continue on the new earth.
Soon mankind enters this last phase, and those initiated into spiritual knowledge shall know its inception from the run of worldly events. Because worldly happenings must first come to pass - the conflagration has to first flare anew so that extremity should reach its peak - laying the foundation for Divine intervention, so that God Himself rebukes the combatants, wresting the weapons from their hands, causing a great disaster to come upon all, so the attention of all men shall be directed to the nations where god has clearly spoken.
Because He shall identify Himself, He shall speak a language understandable to all who wish to understand. And He will also manifest Himself to the believers; He shall be with them in Spirit, shall act among them and fill those with power who are full of faith. Because these shall need His presence, they shall require His help, because the time of extremity will affect them as well, since the fight against the faithful escalates as the end draws near.
The last phase will only be of brief duration but press heavily upon mankind, bearably only with God's help. But all those shall bear up to the conflict who live in and with God, loving Him and keeping His Commandments, and they shall feel God's presence and constantly draw upon the power of His Word, which in His love He conveys to men, so that they remain faithful and abide to the end.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
I gave you the commandment of Love, so every Sin you commit against your fellow- man will be a burden to you, because you Sin against Me. These Sins shall be heavy upon you in the beyond if you do not repent on this Earth. Therefore, do not think that you will get off unpunished if you Sin against your fellowman. Do not imagine that there is no just judge, because your fellowman does the same to you and disregard My commandments of Love. Although your conscience is dulled you still do not diminish your guilt because your intellect remains active and you know right from wrong. You will not be forced to think and act, thus you are responsible for your thoughts and actions. You burden yourself greatly if you add sin upon sin by harming your fellowman, by treating him unjustly and acting selfishly instead of supporting him in his need and helping him in unselfish Love, which is pleasing to God.
You submit yourself to the power of Satan who works on your soul drawing you into the abyss. As a reward for your willingness he gives you temporarily better worldly conditions. But will that sanctify your soul? Do not burden yourself with sin, because your remorse will be dreadful.
Believe in a just God, Who will call you to account for all your deeds. Ask Him to forgive your guilt, pray that He will strengthen your will to do good and give you strength to do deeds of Love. Have a desire to be good and you will receive help, you will be able to free yourself from the swamp of sin, you will find forgiveness already on Earth, and Grace in My eyes. So do not reject Him who gave you life. Do not deny His righteousness. Acknowledge your sins. Do not act against the commandment of Love, which I gave you for the well-being of your soul. Have mercy on the weak and the sick and you will find mercy from Me. Relieve their needs, and I will always help you when you are in need.
Because you treat your fellowman so will I do to you in the Day of Judgment, which is at hand. Do not sin , for as the amount of your sin becomes greater, so will the burden of your guilt press down on you, so that you will not find Grace in the day of judgment. I know each injustice, for to My eyes nothing is hidden. You are responsible for each deed and each thought. Woe unto them whose sins will be revealed and judged by Me.
Atonement will be very hard, and according to your guilt, because I Am a just judge, although My patience and compassion are endless.
There is a limit set to your evil deeds, which if exceeded will be dealt with in the hour of judgment. Justice will be demanded for all sin, as is proclaimed in My Word and the Scripture.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
The evil also is admitted by Me, but is never My Will, because the evil contradicts My Law of Eternity. It is a wrong direction of the will that strives away from Me and aspires towards something quite ungodly; a condition that contradicts entirely the primal-state of my Creation. But the endeavor for good and evil must be open to that from Me "Created" and therefore good and evil must exist, if the being wants to remain perfect, or to become perfect out of free-will.
Everything that contradicts My Law of Eternity is evil. Everything that remains in My eternal Order is good. But it is My Will that the being can feel within itself its desire in every direction, or can develop it. And that every wish can be perceived in its heart, is My Work. But My Wisdom and My Love are the reason that I have created the being in such a way, because I want to lead it to eternal Bliss and this has as a condition a striving to the good in free-will.
To be able to develop force, there must also exist a resistance. To be good, man must have also the possibility to be bad, and to become good or to remain good, due to one's own accord. Otherwise his perfection would be a pure work of My Love….. that however is lacking the highest grade -because the free will is indispensable, but that one must be proven beforehand. The evil can never be called good and be presented as coming from Me, although I allow also a space to the evil, though I admit it. Evil thinking, evil speaking or evil acting stays outside of My divine Order. But should I, through the Force of My Will prevent man from thinking, speaking or acting evil, he would not be a free independent or self willing Creature, but be solely a product of My Will-Force, that never could lay claim to perfection. But I want for Me to form perfect Creatures that I could flood throughout with My Love-Force and want to make them extremely blissful. And for this they must have passed the will-trial and strive to reach the highest grade of perfection out of their own impulse and in completely free-will. And with this goes also the possibility of sinking down in the further state of imperfection, to the farthest distance from Me.
My Will is and remains good until all Eternity, and whatever submits freely to My Will is and remains good. But whatever opposes My Will prefers the evil, and I will not hinder it. However, it deprives itself of its perfection; it does not pass the will-trial, and after it sunk down even to the deepest depth, it must strive again without doubt towards the heights in free-will, even if it needs an endlessly long time to reach that grade of perfection that admits My presence.
And precisely therefore a margin must be given to the will so that it is possible to act against the eternal divine Order, but this I can never call good, and it is never My Will. And therefore good and evil will exist until all spiritual is redeemed, i.e. until everything that came out of Me has passed the trial of will, to strive in free-will for the Good and Divine, until it has found in free-will the way to Me, and then as perfect being can enjoy all Delight and Bliss in Eternity .
FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Word of God
I allow the human will its freedom. What that means, and why it cannot be any other way can only be understood when you are born again in the Spirit. Only when you have the knowledge of My Eternal Plan of Salvation and of the redemption of all the bound spirituals, will you see why it is necessary that the people change themselves. Only then will they achieve a change in their lives. I am the LORD of Heaven and Earth. All things are only possible through My Will and when I allow it.
Whatever attitude the human being takes to My Eternal commandments, whether he adapts himself or rebels against My eternal orders, so is their lot on Earth and in the Spiritual realm, just as he prepared for himself. I will never break people's will with force, but will try through many ways to move My creatures to change themselves in free will.
And that is the reason for the great suffering that is present in the Earth. People themselves through their wrong decisions cause it. I must let them rage because of their free will. I will not prevent this possibility that they, as free beings, can use their free will in the right way to become perfect.
What has come forth out of My Power is and remains Divining. It can never stay in a bound state, even if they cause such a state. If I should take this free will away, that creature would remain forever bound and unable to return in its original state, which he can now in free will.
I must take away from My created creatures all knowledge of their destiny and lead them according to My Will. But in that state it is a being under judgment, which is still far removed from the Divinity. However, to come closer to its original state, it must be given freedom of will. And it must use that will in the right way. Therefore, I give him life as a human being. I give him the ability to think and to act. I will never eliminate his free will be fore his time of testing is over. But a misused will, I must bind again for an endlessly long time. But I will eventually give his free will back again when he, in mercy, is embodied as human being to walk again on Earth and stand his last test of the will.
This is the law from Eternity, which I cannot overrule. To do this would be against My Order from Eternity and would rob that being totally from its divinity. What has come out of Me remains forever Mine. Its final purpose is to reach its original state. In order to reach that state, free will is absolutely necessary. Even if this will produce the worst selfish deeds, I will not bind it before its time. But will, in this way restore the order where the free will of man is being used to come closer to Me.
But when the end-time has come which I have determined since Eternity, I will terminate the upward and downward development. Then the original state of Order shall be restored. But this requires the binding of rebel wills, so that the redeeming of bound spirituals can begin again. Because I shall not cease to care for My created beings, who are fallen away from Me in free will, to receive again their freedom and reach their original state of Bliss.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Word of God
In the very near future you will already live under other conditions, and you must completely change your way of living- if you want to accept the new, very difficult conditions and be able to bear them. This change is irremissibly because the final time enters into its last phase, equaling the heaviest life struggles, in order to achieve the quickest spiritual upwards development. Because the time until the end is truly very short, and what this great earthly misery cannot achieve anymore, that will put the hope down for any improvement of the world situation. But whoever is still alive after God's forceful intervention, can, with good will, form a spiritual concept: he can bring all events into the right affinity with the will of the Creator and can gain from this attitude the grandest benefit for his soul.
Those who are wholly unbelievers will not accept this coherence and will seek to master the earthly life with their own force, thus using their will wrongly and not in accordance with the divine Will. And they will succeed because they find support by that might, that works against God. The ones who are faithful can also overcome the more severe conditions with the Force of God which they can indeed feel, but that does not act in a discernible exterior way, - that for instance, though the person lives in worldly comfort, but he will produce the inner force to endure also under the hardest life conditions. The earthly misery will be great and not easily changeable in a natural way because the immense destruction through God's Will causes great chaos which will strain everyone's endurance to limit.
And then each one must get more Force from God, if he wants to survive the most difficult time. This Force is, however, abundant at his disposition. And therefore God, will show constantly through his servants what is to come. Thus all people are informed about its imminence, in order to establish the previous connection with the force giving Might, which omits no one who asks for it. It is still very difficult for humanity to imagine such an intervention of God, and therefore they refuse what is hard for them to believe. However, they should think seriously about it in order to face the fact not entirely unprepared, when the day has come. Because it comes irrevocably and will surprise all, even the believers, and will cause enormous changes. And happy is he, who changes also his thinking, who rectifies his opinion towards God, who finds the way to Him in the greatest misery - - because for him the day will be blessed.
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Human will shall be put to shame by My will: what men are striving for shall be stopped by My intervention, and shortly all powers that he will experience an abatement to the extent of impotence, when confronted by My will. Because I intend to show the world that it cannot leave Me out, and that I steer world events unto a new course when men no longer have the capacity to do so by themselves.
I permit events to take their course, until it transpires which power is striving for ascendancy. Then I tarry no more and shall break that power, even if only transitorily, so that the time should be fulfilled. I assert Myself visibly, i.e. I again approach mankind making Myself known to them as an invincible Might, which manifests in a destructive manner because only fear can still move men to call to Me, the fear of death, to which they fall irretrievably victim without My help because their senses can no longer be turned towards Me in any other way. And all worldly power shall come to naught because incapable of resisting the natural forces through which I will speak.
And a sudden change shall set in; what hitherto had moved men's thought shall become redundant; new problems will be there to solve, new afflictions will make their appearance, and much strength needed to master the new emergencies.
And this is My will. It grieves Me for a mankind which has not in spite of grossest earthly misery found its way to Me, and which takes notice only of worldly affairs and does not recognise in it the outcome of deluded thought and utter God-distance, and attributes all cause to man's will but not to his own spiritual depravity occasioning it, and which every man should make it his task to eliminate.
And thus I want to confront men with My will, that they may see themselves delivered up to a different power; that they would then approach this Power for help; that they would acknowledge Me, because only then can I helpingly stand by their side. Men need help urgently but close their minds against the Power they need and in order to make them receptive to same I allow great affliction to come over them.
And yet a little while, and you shall hear Me, you shall hear the truth of My word substantiated. Happy those who believe before I deliver them the proof, happy those who prepare and who constantly draw strength from Me, because them the affliction need not frighten, just as the natural forces will not harm them as that is My will.
Send this message to family and friends. "... freely ye have received, freely give." Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to: To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION ...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler, ..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations. (german homepage)for english downloads contact: 432 revelations in numerical orderand18 theme bookletsGod answers our Questions about the universe God Himself beams the truth to earth God's proclamation to the dying world I will guide you into truth 1 - 3 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings Pre-Adamites Souls in the beyond 1 - 3 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?The Christ Problem The Forerunner of the Lord The Mystery of Man The New Earth The salvation plan of God Thus it shall come to pass Who was Bertha DuddeFREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
You must not in the end-time abandon yourselves to idleness; you must not remain inactive, apathetically awaiting the end, but instead work tirelessly in accordance with need, spiritually as well as terrestrially. Because your soul derives benefits only from activeness and not leisure. The end-time shall demand bustling activity, due to the great extremity, which shall compel participation in every type of work. Only those shall be well off who shall deny Me, who have fallen away from Me completely.
My faithful are having to struggle with extremity, terrestrially as well, which however they shall be able to overcome with My support, if keenly active. But even right up to the end I want to keep up their keenness, not wanting them to be in danger of falling away from Me, by making comparisons between themselves and the godless and begin to wager in their faith in Me. Keen activeness guards them against erroneous thought, as activity is life; and so long as action is for the benefit of fellow man it also is a blessing for man' soul.
And the want of the time shall demand intense activity on behalf of fellow man; Mine shall have to be greatly on the move, and the proponents of My Word themselves, My servants on earth, shall have to be so, and I shall bless the efforts of all and take excessive depravation from them even though it will seem like their self-help before the world. Because My help shall manifest openly in them only where the power of faith is to be published.
Every person however shall be able to act and strive spiritually, in spite of the greatest demands on his physical strength before the end. - Because if he strives towards Me then My spiritual power shall carry out the work of man, and he can let his thoughts roam into the spiritual kingdom; he can have close ties with Me always, he shall not through physical labour be prevented from acting for the kingdom of God, where feasible. For I place everyone where he can act in accordance with his abilities, spiritually and terrestrially. Besides, time to an active person will seem shortest, whereas in inactive person prolongs his own time through lethargy.
Idleness registers no success, neither spiritually nor terrestrially. The prince of the underworld takes an idle person into possession; he entices him through worldly promises, and deflects him from his actual task on earth. And the idle person follows him only too willingly, because of trying to improve his worldly lot. - I earnestly warn Mine against idleness. I want to bless any activist, which does not consist in downright lovelessness, and My blessing manifests in constant help out of spiritual and earthly want.
Hence be untiringly active, considering there is not much time to the end and that every activity is life. - Do not terminate the condition of life before time, - use the life-power streaming to you in the proper way, then the spiritual power also shall be multiplied, you shall hold out to the end and shall not have to fear and want, because you then fulfil My will also in this aspect, and shall be constantly assured of My protection, love and power.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Henceforth you will be compelled to request my aid always and permanently if you don’t want to succumb in life’s battle, in terrestrial as well as spiritual need. Though you can also come off as winner through this without calling Me for aid, but then you are already in the force of My opponent, who gives you strength to overcome, yet who as final payment will instead belay your souls with heirship…
The greatest disaster in the future is to become hardened through this force, for you will through this be lost forever in the empire of darkness and you’re trading for this short time of power an eternity of powerlessness, where you must repent extremely hard for ones neglect to not have come to Me for aid.
The coming time is only bearable with My support and with My outpouring power and without danger for the souls. Nevertheless, it remains up to you whether or not you want to call on Me. The great calamity should have you do something but I won’t force you too and only seek to move you through the calamity to set up a connection for you with Me, I cannot transmit the power to you any differently.
Heavy and sorrowful will the life be for each and everyone who does not carry Me in their heart…. Yet, all of you will come into ease, if you turn to Me for help. For my love helps carry you, it helps each one who believingly trusts in Me, because the great calamity must touch humanity for there own sake as the last resort, to win them for Me and My kingdom. I want to make their hearts receptive for My Word, and yet this should bring about the great calamity, that they hunger after a word of comfort, the explanation for their need and then seriously consider My Word in their hearts and are able to recognize Me, if they are of good will.
Many misdirected souls who missed the right way, will be led back by it through My Word, which reveals the truth in all abundance.
The distress will also close many hearts to My Word, and by force they cannot be opened, except those who can bear it, without invading My adversary for help in form of loveless ness committed toward the neighbor with bad thinking and speaking, self evidence speaks for itself, and he provides them relief of all type to win them over entirely.
Do not seek through renewed lovelessness to improve your earthly life, patiently and humble carry your destiny and come to Me…I will always stand by you if only you ask for My help, if only you find the way to Me and humbly bow before Me and recommend yourself to My grace. I never let go of a serious pleader without any aid from me, and all of you must win this trust, should the great calamity pass by tolerably for you. You can always be certain of my loving care if you render yourself to Me, if you acknowledge Me, if you therefore do not banish Me out of your thoughts…
However he who neglects this is in grave psychical distress, out of which only his own will can help. The time throngs, and it will become increasingly more recognizable as end time, for Satan operates obviously, he impels people to deeds of the most blatant loveless ness, they always take affect in earthly calamities and tribulation, und he poisons the thoughts of people, where there is no opposed resistance through My Divine direct Will.
And the people should be alert, for it counts that the last life on earth stands the test; they should have an attentive eye on the appearance of the time, on the conduct of the people who are evidently governed from below, and also on the effect from above…
They should watch the heralds of My Word who are able to give them full and entire clarification over sense and purpose of the last great calamity and over the eternal plan of redemption that must take its course, how it is determined and how My Wisdom has recognized it as purposeful since eternity. They should watch their warnings and admonitions, and the hard time becomes more tolerable for everyone who is of good will and calls on Me in distress.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
The death of the body is not the end of the soul. People fail to recognize and believe this and therefore they do not value the earthly life according to My Will. To a certain extent they care only for the needs of their body and not for their soul. They act without any responsibility concerning their soul, because they are not convinced of the immortality of that soul.
Therefore they must first of all be taught about the immortality of the soul so that efforts to bring them to a change of their way of living may succeed. But a belief in this requires considering it in free will and can never be reached by force. Immortality of the soul makes sense and makes the purpose of life understandable. Man may change himself when he considers the life of the soul more important than the life of the body. Two great dangers are among mankind: unbelief in the soul and its immortality and, the wrong doctrines of those who do believe in immortality. There is a hindrance to spiritual ascent, because they create a wrong picture of the everlasting Godhead.
People usually neglect to restore unity with Me in thoughts or through sincere prayer. Only that is a guarantee for spiritual ascent, because I Myself can then become active.
So, it is an important work of My servants on earth to eradicate wrong teachings and to stimulate faith in a life after death. Mankind should listen to My servants if they want to have success in the short time on earth that is still left for them. They will only then receive the true explanation as it is sent down from Heaven.
They can only be taught about the life of the soul after death and the doctrine of Christ by Myself, either directly or indirectly. Then their faith can become a fully convinced faith that can stand up against all objections. It also makes them sure of their ascension and gives the soul everlasting life in the greatest bliss.
Otherwise the fate of the soul is unhappiness, because it never ceases to exist. It is in that state in eternity, which it has created for itself through its own will, through unbelief and an earthly life, which was against My Will. Whoever holds firm to the belief in the immortality of the soul shall all the sooner begin working on his soul's development. But the person who believes that his life comes to an end with the death of his body, his steps will be slow, unwilling and faltering.
You, My servant, therefore cannot be earnest enough to introduce them to the immortality of the soul, even though you cannot prove it to them. But with earnest thinking men can come to a conviction that you speak the truth, because I Myself will help men recognize the Truth, if they only want to and do not refuse to listen to you. For those who believe in the immortality of the soul, this earthly life takes on another" meaning, because they see it not as the purpose itself, but as a means to the purpose. He seeks to improve this walk according to the strength of his will. If he is taught in the pure Truth his faith will become stronger. However, wrong doctrine destroys him and man again sinks in deep darkness. Therefore the Truth should be spread on earth to bring life to the soul, for wrong doctrines and lies are death to the soul in the spiritual kingdom. This is a state of greatest misery, which I want to prevent for every soul by sending messenger who will give help before it is too late.
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
You shall not through ordinances or teachings initiated by man raise the degree of your soul-ripeness; for I assess man solely on his will to live the way that pleases Me, and to therefore keep the Commandments which I gave him in wise recognition of their effectiveness. If man's ordinances therefore conform to My Commandment of love, and hence aim at spurning man towards love, so that abiding by them signifies the practice of unselfish love of fellow man, then they also meet with My approval. For then the working of My spirit becomes evident in those men who enacted such statutes.
Every other law has no worth before Me, and I place no store by its fulfilment, because the life-force streaming to you is to be used exclusively for love-action, in order to attain to soul-maturity on earth. Your goal is to become perfect; but how are you to become perfect without love? - How can you expect graces to flow your way through the keeping of ordinances whose non-fulfilment is no offence against love?
It is the love of neighbour that proves to Me love towards me, your God and Father from eternity. He who does not love his neighbour has no proper love for Me either, which would prompt him towards deeds of love for neighbour. If therefore you pretend to, out of love for Me submit yourselves to regulations demanding performance of various external motions, then I do not recognise such love, since these are mere formalities you keep up, to secure for yourselves rewards promised by men.
This is no love-action, through which alone you can substantiate to Me your love from the heart, through which alone you can gain beatitude. All external formalities, everything recognisable on the surface has not Myself but human will as its author.
To Me only unselfish love of fellow man is well-pleasing, although this also requires external deeds. That with which you pretend to please Me I do not demand of you, wherever same is not based on My commandments of love. I want only the fulfilment of these Commandments together with sincere prayer demonstrating a will devoted to Me.
Only then can you gain possession of grace and power, for there are no ways to grace other than prayer and unselfish love.
Then however this flows to you without measure. Your entire life should be an interior one, without any pomposity; you nevertheless are called upon to witness of Me openly, you are to confess My teaching, which you must strive to follow; you are to openly stand up for your faith in Me, My name and My salvation works before the world: hence speak to fellow men, so that they too recognise your mind and what you strive for, and that this is not for the terrestrial world but the kingdom of the spirit. You are to prove yourselves as My adherents, as My proper children, in that your style of living corresponds to the demands I made on you, and still do time and again, through My Word which is conveyed from above to those who as mediators proclaim My will to you.
And if you want to fulfil My will, then your action has to be a constant acting from love, by which I shall once assess you in eternity, and not for external gestures and transactions that bring you no benefit for your soul, but rather permit man to become careless towards keeping the only true commandment - to be active from unselfish love.
Monday, January 09, 2006
You only have to call Me trustingly in hours of trouble, and I shall be closer to you than ever. Every mental tie with Me brings you My proximity because I am a Spirit Whom you carry within you in the minutest measure. And when your call is deep from the heart, then it is the spirit spark in you which strives towards Me, the Father Spirit from eternity, inseparable as it is from Me and therefore drawing Me to itself. I am indeed near you always, but perceptively only if your will consciously strives for Me, asking for My presence.
You shall feel My closeness, in that a peace comes over you from within which is based in a strong faith in Me and My help. Call to Me in trouble and I shall hear you! If therefore you believe that I am, and that I love - that nothing is impossible to My power and My will, then your call shall also come from the heart and you shall tarry for the granting of your request and My help without doubting. And you shall be helped. But all doubt weakens the strength of faith - you then make the working of the spirit in you impossible; you prevent it from yourselves from striving towards Me and it cannot transmit to you then the power which streams over you from Myself through the spirit spark.
Children of true faith verily I call My own - those who trust the Father's Word without reservation; who entrust themselves to Him in every trouble and danger, not fearing and becoming timid, because they know themselves under a loving Father's protection. Such depth of faith makes you exceedingly strong in spirit, banning every physical and spiritual trouble, because an unshakeable faith allows Me unencumbered action and constant, perceivable presence.
Then I can also act openly, I can let the seemingly impossible come into being, because deep faith results in the fullness of power, through which either man himself, or spiritual power on his behalf becomes the over comer of what troubles him. Believe, and you shall always be helped. Allow Me through your faith to stream you with My power, and through the spirit in you to grant you peace and security, because the increased power in you emanates from Me, it is an outpouring of Myself; and hence I am Myself in you and with you according to the strength of your faith and the sincerity of your call upon Me.
You shall not be able to understand, while on earth, how I Myself and the spirit spark in you and love, power and light all are One; that I am therefore ever present where the spirit can work within you, where love is practiced and I can be recognised as power and light. Because, if all of this were comprehensible, you could no longer doubt. But you should strive to grasp it and you should engage the spirit within you for advice, that it may teach and enlighten you about what is still incomprehensible to you. And the spirit within you will teach you. And again, it is I Who is teaching you, Who wants to draw you to Myself and bring you Truth, so that you may find your way to Me - that your senses would turn spiritual and you become anxious to enter upon union with the Father Spirit.
Then your faith shall grow stronger, you shall always and constantly recognise Me; you shall constantly feel My presence and hand yourselves over to Me and My guidance, fully comforted; you shall verily be guided correctly on this earth, you shall be walking the right path which leads to the everlasting Fatherland, and reach your goal with certainty.
Send this message to family and friends. "... freely ye have received, freely give." Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to: To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION ...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler, ..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations. (german homepage)for english downloads contact: 432 revelations in numerical orderand18 theme bookletsGod answers our Questions about the universe God Himself beams the truth to earth God's proclamation to the dying world I will guide you into truth 1 - 3 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings Pre-Adamites Souls in the beyond 1 - 3 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?The Christ Problem The Forerunner of the Lord The Mystery of Man The New Earth The salvation plan of God Thus it shall come to pass Who was Bertha DuddeFREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Examine yourself and recognize your weaknesses and then strive to overcome them. This is the work on your soul when you try to shape yourself into human beings, who remain within My Order, who live according to My Will and thus form themselves to Love. Because each weakness, each mistake and each bad habit has its source in unkindness and in self-love.
Gentleness, Peaceable ness, Humility, Patience, Mercy and Justice are signs of Love for one's neighbor. If these signs are missing, you are not filled with Love, and therefore you have to work on yourself with zeal. Thus you must recognize your weaknesses and your faults as such and this requires a serious reflection, a honest critic on yourself so as to correct your relationship to Me and your fellow-men.
You have to recognize Me as Father, and every man as brother, because you all are children of one Father and you, children should love each other. Then you will obtain My Benevolence, because then I Myself can tarry with you, My children. Every bad habit prevents this and it is to your logs. Because without Me and My presence you remain weak and imperfect and you can not reach' your goal on Earth.
Your goal is perfection, mutation to Love and change of your being to the primal - state, that you left voluntarily. Because only the primal -state is blissful, and as long as you are away from it, your destiny on Earth as well as in the spiritual realm is insufficiency, ignorance and weakness. I want to help you again to happiness and therefore I admonish you constantly to strive for it; that you start to work on the transformation of your being; that you learn to recognize by examining your inner-self how little your thinking and acting answers to My Will, because you still persist in self- love.
And therefore you must endeavor to change this defective state, practicing Love wherever and whenever an opportunity will be offered. Only through Love can you become blissful and only through Love can you dominate your faults and bad habits. And if you do not yet feel this Love in you then use your intellect to form yourself into rightly thinking people. Be gentle and peace-loving, humble and patient and try to bring help to your fellow-men.
And the feeling of Love will awaken in you, it will make you happy and incite you to activities of Love. And then you are no longer driven by your intellect, but by your heart; then you are on the way to heights. Therefore observe yourself, meditate and ask yourself seriously whether you think and act righteously, and your heart will answer you.
And I Myself will help you, provided you ask this question in sincerity. I will give you Force to fulfill what your earnest desire is, and the work on your soul will advance with success. You will find satisfaction by submitting yourself to My Will, and you will steadily stride toward the height, because then it is your will to become perfect.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
The cleansing process of a departed soul starts immediately after it leaves the body, but always according to the will of the soul. Souls who are still in total spiritual darkness experience this darkness as an agony. This is the beginning of this process. This will cause the soul to change its will. The duration of this process varies but it is always a cleansing process.
God's Love continually gives the soul the opportunity to change its will. But in the beyond the means are not always recognized as the work of God's Love, but still this can lead to its goal in a very short time, if the soul does not resist. The soul must cleanse itself thoroughly before it can accept the Light. Therefore its condition will be agony until it receives Light. Consequently the lot of the immature soul is to be pitied. Man can never convey enough help through loving thoughts, intercession, teaching, admonishing or through deeds of Love.
If the soul is not too stubborn it will gradually progress upwards in its development. Each suffering melts the hard cover, making it more receptive for help and more anxious to be free. For some a very long time is needed to accomplish this cleansing process, before the soul itself, as a receiver of Light, can work in Love. But even the already mature souls must make themselves receptive to Light, because Light can touch a soul in different degrees of intensity, depending on their state of maturity, which can always reach a higher degree. When the soul enters the spiritual Kingdom it can be so far advanced in knowledge that it does not need to dwell in dark surroundings... because this soul can recognize and understand everything, whether in a strong or weak circle of Light and thus can be active accordingly.
This soul must also purify itself to be able to receive a higher grade of understanding. This can only happen with works of Love for other needy souls. Self-sacrificing Love for such unhappy souls cleanses the soul and makes it ready to receive more Light. So its own happiness increases because of its redemptive work. As soon as the soul has the will to strive upwards it will become diligently and untiringly active.
Because of their will to help other needy souls they receive in turn grace to be diligent and happy. However, it is first necessary for the soul to raise itself out of its weakness of will, so that the impenetrable darkness around it is broken. Then the rays of Light sent down by the merciful Love of God are available; it wants to escape from its dark condition. Suffering and darkness surrounding the soul provides the cleansing necessary in its upward struggle
The souls covering evaporates, it becomes receptive for Light and its ascent to the heights of Light is assured. In accordance with the souls own will, so God will help it gradually upwards, until it can work in that spiritual Kingdom, penetrated by Light, which is its destiny.
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Friday, January 06, 2006
Worldly-minded men are so far removed from the Truth that they also are unaware of the power to be derived from faith, and an intimate union with God; and hence they give regard to only worldly happenings and fail to recognise that it is the false attitude towards God which is the cause of every worldly event, causing men to suffer.
So long as mankind lacks this insight, the state of suffering shall not change. Suffering shall simply take other forms, so that the thought would strike mankind that the diversity of want and afflictions suggests that a power other than human is behind all tribulations, and that not human will alone but a higher power comes into play, and that they should enter into some kind of relationship with such higher power.
Knowledge of pure Truth explains all, making the great depravity comprehensible, because cause and effect are recognisable. And thus a change is possible as soon as people adjust to purpose and goal and hence try to eliminate the cause of suffering and want; which for the worldly-minded is and remains incomprehensible as long as he counts the world as first priority, as long as he concedes all prerogative to the body, consigning the soul to depravation. However, true knowledge can be conveyed onto him who separates himself from the world, because truth conveyed to the worldly-minded is not recognised as such, and rejected. Hence he has to be made receptive to Truth, making him recognise through sorrow and depravity the worthlessness of worldly goods, thus diminishing his craving for same.
The desire for Truth rises proportionately unless he is being influenced by evil powers that completely confuse his thinking, diverting him from Truth and stirring up hatred in man, as the world with its joys begins to disappoint him. Such then no longer find the connection with God while on earth, and every means, which God employs is in vain. It is nevertheless an advantage for man's soul to recognise the impermanence of earthly values while still on earth, learning to despise these and to be not excessively tied to the earth by them, at the point of leaving it, even if passing to the beyond with low maturity.
The overcoming of matter in the spiritual kingdom is then not so difficult, and upward development can take a more rapid pace, once it has commenced in the spiritual kingdom. The soul will more readily accept the offered Truth in the spiritual kingdom - it is no longer as God-resistant as on earth. And hence the lot of the departed souls is not as hopeless, where they had recognised the impermanence of worldly goods on earth through much suffering, even where they became seemingly victims of adversity through losing their earth-lives.
And thus also sorrow and depravation caused through human will is of benefit to the souls which are still God-distant, and that is why God allows men to rage against one another in free will, until He Himself calls a halt when it ties in with His plan from eternity. As long as men walk in ignorance, as long as they turn a deaf ear to Truth, He allows them to ripen through their own action and go through unspeakable depravation and sorrows, because they themselves want it thus and are themselves the instigators of their sorrows.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
The material world and the spiritual realm remain in mutual opposition, and therefore claims of an opposite nature are put upon humans. Man can never do justice to both claims. He must cope without restriction the demands of one of these worlds. The spiritual realm can only distribute -- which is quite understandable -- only spiritual goods, and this under conditions which contradict the longing of the "world". Meanwhile, the world offers earthly treasures to man that equal his longing. The longing of the world is in opposition to the demands of the spiritual realm insofar as it puts corporal enjoyment and corporal comfort in the foreground. These enjoyments and comforts cause difficulties to the soul, for they make it a problem for the soul to strive after the spiritual realm.
Because the claims of the spiritual kingdom must be accomplished by the soul, it has to dispose the body to the same longing, which means the abandonment of earthly wishes.
And so two worlds face each other, and man has to decide in which of them he wants to live. And, always, one of these worlds will demand the submission of the other. Either the body or the soul has to speak, i.e. the soul has to decide what is more important for itself ... its own formation or comfort of the body during life on earth as man. The spiritual realm has many different kinds of wonderful gifts for the soul, but their true value cannot be fully understood by man. However, they are eternal and present a wealth to the soul that can be used by it in the spiritual kingdom for its own happiness.
Indeed, the world also offers the body treasures, but they are perishable and cannot be taken over into the spiritual realm. They disintegrate as does the body when the soul moves from the earthly sphere into the spiritual realm. And as the soul on earth can receive only goods from one kingdom, it will be poverty-stricken in the spiritual realm if it has rendered homage to the earthly world.
Giving up earthly goods with free will inevitably results in the possession of spiritual property -- i.e. if love acts in that first step. I love is not in that art, the longing for earthly goods pre- dominates.
Where love awakens, the soul strives unconsciously towards the spiritual realm and pays no attention to earthly goods.
Therefore, the soul of man has to decide during its life on earth, to choose the goal of its endeavor -- either the earthly world or the spiritual kingdom. And as the soul decides, so its fate will be in the spiritual realm to which it comes when the time of trial on earth is ended -- wealth or poverty, bliss or grief -- for bliss requires the overcoming of all that is earthly, therefore perishable.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Have mercy with erring souls, looking on them as sick ones who need help. Do not let them famish in their spiritual needs. The need of the physical body comes to an end but the soul takes its needs with it into eternity. The soul can be spared from this if it comes to the truth on Earth. This Truth you should bring to erring souls. Whenever you have the opportunity to help them, speak to them about the Love of God, Who longs for them. Point out to them their immaturity, which makes it impossible to come nearer to God. Show them the way to healing, to the only way, which leads the soul to its goal, the Way of Love.
Show them that they cannot come to maturity, nor reach their goal without deeds of Love. This Earthly life is given to them only for the perfection of their soul. Guide their thoughts to the spiritual. Urge them to think about the purpose of their earthly Life, giving them an explanation about the meaning and the purpose of the creation, about their earthly mission and the purpose of suffering. Urge them to pay attention to their spiritual needs, having mercy upon erring souls. Trying to help them is a work of Love, which is of tremendous importance. Do not let initial rejection deter you. Bring them the Word of God and think at all times about your mission on Earth, which is a redeeming one.
Innumerable souls are in spiritual need, but they only see their physical need. They do not come to a self- commitment that could bring them a ray of Light. They care only about better circumstances in their earthly life and do not realize that this thirst is a result of their spiritual need. So this need must be removed before an improvement of their earthly life can occur. Lead them into this knowledge. Help them to go the way of Love and they will thank you forever.
The closer it is to the end-time the greater the need will be. For God's opponent is winning power over souls, and his influence is very harmful for them. The knowledge of the purpose and the meaning of their earthly existence may protect them from Satan's influence. Those souls can, with good will, break away from his influence because they recognize him as wicked and God's adversary. But the soul has to be introduced to this knowledge. This work of mercy is for you to accomplish whenever you have the opportunity. Your efforts will not be without success. The need is great and the end is near. Every hour must be used for God's Kingdom. This is the will of God, which must be honored if you want to serve Him and be a vigorous worker in His vineyard.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Word of God
You shall find out in the hour of fear what grace and strength emanates from God's Word, conveyed to earth through His love, when you consider yourselves cut off from the entire world and communicate only with God through prayer. Then He shall speak to you and provide you with strength, He shall protect you and care for you, and His Word shall be sufficient eating and drinking, until help comes.
Men shall not be able to give you the comfort which streams to you in His Word, because in His Word you sense His present well, and entrust yourselves to Him in faith. And when you hear His Word, the fear has gone out of everything. His love speaks to you; His Fatherland grasps you and never lets you fall again. His Word is full of mildness and goodness - it speaks hope to you and you recognise it as Truth, and hence all fear and worry leave you because you now trust Him unreservedly.
The greater the earthly want, the nearer God is to you, if only you call upon Him. He does not leave you and emphasised this in His Word, which you may either constantly hear directly or through mediators, if you desire it. He does not leave you without spiritual food he does not close off the well whence the fountains of living waters stream - He guards it against destruction; He will not allow human will to bury it, allowing the well to dry up, which His great mercy-love opened up for those of you who hunger and thirst, languishing in depravation of body and soul, asking for refreshment.
And thus God Himself descends to earth in His Word - to His own, when men have blocked off all access to you. Then He shall be with you and you shall be able to receive rich gifts from His Fatherly hand, you shall be strengthened physically and spiritually, and when you shall have relinquished all earthly aspirations and given yourselves entirely to God, He Himself takes your fate into His hands and delivers you from all want. Because His love embraces you, as it does with all who seek refuge with Him through prayer.
To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION ...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler, ..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations. (german homepage)for english downloads contact: 432 revelations in numerical orderand18 theme bookletsGod answers our Questions about the universe God Himself beams the truth to earth God's proclamation to the dying world I will guide you into truth 1 - 3 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings Pre-Adamites Souls in the beyond 1 - 3 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?The Christ Problem The Forerunner of the Lord The Mystery of Man The New Earth The salvation plan of God Thus it shall come to pass Who was Bertha DuddeFREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Whoever unites himself with God cannot be separated from Him forever. Therefore, a Light being who incarnates himself on earth for a certain mission cannot fall away from Him into the bands of the prince of darkness. On the contrary, he will steadily strive towards God, in spite of his exposure to all the temptations of man on earth. He must go the way of development as any other person. But his soul longs for God and turns away with contempt from God's opponent. This person is of good nature and therefore develops an ability, which identifies him as an instrument of God. He will be a recipient of power on earth and can therefore lead and teach his fellowmen. Because of his mission, which was the reason for his earthly life, he will serve people on earth as a spiritual leader.
The close union with God, which existed already before his life on earth makes him a person who constantly receives power from God that will urge him to his life's task, which he with joy and devotion conscientiously fulfills. Still he will be threatened by the powers of darkness, because they will take every opportunity to weaken the 'flesh' of the Light-carrier to cause him to fall. In their blindness they do not recognize Light-beings who protect the incarnated Light-beings on earth. They also do not know the power, which lives in that being and the depth of their Love to God, which constantly assures them the protection of God. They see in them only a human being, which they can tempt and try to weaken in every possible way.
The incarnated Light-being is surrounded by their fellow Light-being. But because he is able to receive gifts of strength from the spiritual world he also possesses a great amount of strength and grace to endure such temptations. The spiritual need among man requires special help, therefore God sends His servants down to earth, to work partly spiritually, partly living among mankind to influence them in an ennobling way, and particularly teaching them the Will of God. However, they will find very little enjoyment in this earthly life, because they long continually for their eternal Homeland.
But they must first fulfill their mission, because for that reason they took upon themselves the embodiment as man. In the time of need their work for God's Kingdom is extremely important. It requires special strength and endurance and a will totally submitted to God. Besides, the conditions in this end-time are so difficult people can easily fail if they would not have helpers or advisers who receive their power directly from God for they are in such close contact with Him.
They will be able to work on earth with a great blessing and will certainly carry out their earthly mission, until they again enter the spiritual Kingdom, and again become closely united with God. However, they were never separated from God, but on earth were never conscious of this close union with Him.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Word of God
Man has free will. But the use of this free will requires and understanding of what the will should and can strive for, and must decide. Free will must have the opportunity to choose in either direction. Thus it must be possible for man to discern good from evil, otherwise freedom of the will would be of little or no use. For that reason God gave man an intellect.
To not use ones intellect is to disregard this gift of free will. In fact, man has an obligation to use his intellect and for this he must give an account. So it is necessary to consider the purpose and meaning of life. This will give rise to many questions. Man must consider these quest ions and then make his decision in free will.
It is absolutely necessary for his spiritual progress that man's relationship to God and righteousness is made clear to him so that he learns to recognize how close this relationship is, and in free will strives toward God and chooses what is right. He must also learn about the power of evil. He must learn to recognize this power and learn to hate it. He must decide between one or the other.
So evil cannot be banned from the world otherwise man could not make free decisions. Evil must be given room to vent its fury. Thus even evil powers are useful to God, because though unwillingly they help spirituals to progress when they use their free will in the right way. However, the powers of darkness often try to use their influence more than they are entitled to. So, God aces not forbid their attempts to hinder the influence of good, or their attempts to make it impossible for man to choose between right and wrong, obscuring the knowledge of God' s goodness and trying to overpower the will of man.
But God will put an end to Satan’s work and bind his limited free power, at the same time prevent those people who have not made a clear decision or have decided for the power of darkness, from using their free will for a very long time.
Only those, who of their own accord, in spite of great temptations, have decided for God will remain alive. They therefore do not need a further test of will, because they have endured the most difficult trial.
In the coming period of the only people who can live on this new Earth are those who have undergone this test of will, who knew about the works of the adversary to which they were exposed and fled from them in free will. Only those, who have reached a degree of maturity will be given this time on Earth where they will not be influenced by God' s opponent. But others who have failed must again go the long path of development, until they reach a state where they can again use their free will. Man must constantly encounter good and bad, consequently the Earth remains a battlefield of both powers as long as immature spirituals embody themselves on it.
In its beginning only Light-beings will inhabit the new Earth. This means that only people who are spiritually matured will live there. They will have continual contact with Light-beings of the spiritual kingdom. Evil will be prevented from coming near men, by the power and will of God. The first people on the new Earth do not need to be put to a test, therefore negative powers do not need to come near the Earth. This will be realized in a state of complete peace, a condition of mutual understanding and a society of perfect harmony, because Love rules, and where there is Love a being opposing God cannot exist.
However, this state will not last forever. Later generations will again give God' s adversary power over themselves. They will willingly give in to his temptations and so separate themselves from God Who wanted to prepare for them a paradise on the new Earth. Thus the battle between Light and Darkness will start anew. This will continue until the end of a redemption period, so that people can make free decisions as to which master they will acknowledge. In Eternity they will be judged according to their free will decisions. They will suffer in darkness or enter the everlasting realm of Light until they have united themselves with the primal Light.
To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION ...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler, to name a few..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations. (german homepage)
for english downloads contact:
432 revelations in numerical order
18 theme booklets
God answers our Questions about the universe God Himself beams the truth to earth God's proclamation to the dying world I will guide you into truth 1 - 3 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings Pre-Adamites Souls in the beyond 1 - 3 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?The Christ Problem The Forerunner of the Lord The Mystery of Man The New Earth The salvation plan of God Thus it shall come to pass Who was Bertha Dudde
FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.