Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Word of God
The evil also is admitted by Me, but is never My Will, because the evil contradicts My Law of Eternity. It is a wrong direction of the will that strives away from Me and aspires towards something quite ungodly; a condition that contradicts entirely the primal-state of my Creation. But the endeavor for good and evil must be open to that from Me "Created" and therefore good and evil must exist, if the being wants to remain perfect, or to become perfect out of free-will.
Everything that contradicts My Law of Eternity is evil. Everything that remains in My eternal Order is good. But it is My Will that the being can feel within itself its desire in every direction, or can develop it. And that every wish can be perceived in its heart, is My Work. But My Wisdom and My Love are the reason that I have created the being in such a way, because I want to lead it to eternal Bliss and this has as a condition a striving to the good in free-will.
To be able to develop force, there must also exist a resistance. To be good, man must have also the possibility to be bad, and to become good or to remain good, due to one's own accord. Otherwise his perfection would be a pure work of My Loveā¦.. that however is lacking the highest grade -because the free will is indispensable, but that one must be proven beforehand. The evil can never be called good and be presented as coming from Me, although I allow also a space to the evil, though I admit it. Evil thinking, evil speaking or evil acting stays outside of My divine Order. But should I, through the Force of My Will prevent man from thinking, speaking or acting evil, he would not be a free independent or self willing Creature, but be solely a product of My Will-Force, that never could lay claim to perfection. But I want for Me to form perfect Creatures that I could flood throughout with My Love-Force and want to make them extremely blissful. And for this they must have passed the will-trial and strive to reach the highest grade of perfection out of their own impulse and in completely free-will. And with this goes also the possibility of sinking down in the further state of imperfection, to the farthest distance from Me.
My Will is and remains good until all Eternity, and whatever submits freely to My Will is and remains good. But whatever opposes My Will prefers the evil, and I will not hinder it. However, it deprives itself of its perfection; it does not pass the will-trial, and after it sunk down even to the deepest depth, it must strive again without doubt towards the heights in free-will, even if it needs an endlessly long time to reach that grade of perfection that admits My presence.
And precisely therefore a margin must be given to the will so that it is possible to act against the eternal divine Order, but this I can never call good, and it is never My Will. And therefore good and evil will exist until all spiritual is redeemed, i.e. until everything that came out of Me has passed the trial of will, to strive in free-will for the Good and Divine, until it has found in free-will the way to Me, and then as perfect being can enjoy all Delight and Bliss in Eternity .
FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
The evil also is admitted by Me, but is never My Will, because the evil contradicts My Law of Eternity. It is a wrong direction of the will that strives away from Me and aspires towards something quite ungodly; a condition that contradicts entirely the primal-state of my Creation. But the endeavor for good and evil must be open to that from Me "Created" and therefore good and evil must exist, if the being wants to remain perfect, or to become perfect out of free-will.
Everything that contradicts My Law of Eternity is evil. Everything that remains in My eternal Order is good. But it is My Will that the being can feel within itself its desire in every direction, or can develop it. And that every wish can be perceived in its heart, is My Work. But My Wisdom and My Love are the reason that I have created the being in such a way, because I want to lead it to eternal Bliss and this has as a condition a striving to the good in free-will.
To be able to develop force, there must also exist a resistance. To be good, man must have also the possibility to be bad, and to become good or to remain good, due to one's own accord. Otherwise his perfection would be a pure work of My Loveā¦.. that however is lacking the highest grade -because the free will is indispensable, but that one must be proven beforehand. The evil can never be called good and be presented as coming from Me, although I allow also a space to the evil, though I admit it. Evil thinking, evil speaking or evil acting stays outside of My divine Order. But should I, through the Force of My Will prevent man from thinking, speaking or acting evil, he would not be a free independent or self willing Creature, but be solely a product of My Will-Force, that never could lay claim to perfection. But I want for Me to form perfect Creatures that I could flood throughout with My Love-Force and want to make them extremely blissful. And for this they must have passed the will-trial and strive to reach the highest grade of perfection out of their own impulse and in completely free-will. And with this goes also the possibility of sinking down in the further state of imperfection, to the farthest distance from Me.
My Will is and remains good until all Eternity, and whatever submits freely to My Will is and remains good. But whatever opposes My Will prefers the evil, and I will not hinder it. However, it deprives itself of its perfection; it does not pass the will-trial, and after it sunk down even to the deepest depth, it must strive again without doubt towards the heights in free-will, even if it needs an endlessly long time to reach that grade of perfection that admits My presence.
And precisely therefore a margin must be given to the will so that it is possible to act against the eternal divine Order, but this I can never call good, and it is never My Will. And therefore good and evil will exist until all spiritual is redeemed, i.e. until everything that came out of Me has passed the trial of will, to strive in free-will for the Good and Divine, until it has found in free-will the way to Me, and then as perfect being can enjoy all Delight and Bliss in Eternity .
FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.