Saturday, March 31, 2007






You should always ask Me for the pure truth and you will not live in error. And once again I refer you to the working of My spirit in you so that you will not run the risk of accepting mental concepts as truth which did not originate from Me Myself. And time and again I also draw your attention to Satan’s activity in the last days before the end, who uses every means to fight the truth, who with cunning and trickery intends to capture people who are not closely enough in contact with Me, who already allowed themselves to get entangled in misguided teachings and are unwilling to let go of them. I will send the truth to anyone if only he sincerely desires it….  


When the ‘incarnation of light beings’ in the last days before the end is mentioned, then this always happens in combination with a spiritual mission, because there is great spiritual hardship on earth and these beings had agreed to help people. And truly, there are many enlightened spiritual beings embodied on earth, which live unrecognised by their fellow human beings and fulfil the mission: to bring people spiritual information or to exemplify a life of love to them, to work for the benefit of their fellow human beings, thus to help them find the right path which leads to Me.  But as a rule their task consists of working on My behalf in My vineyard, thus to be true ‘representatives of God’.... teachers who are educated by Me Myself, who thus speak in place of Me, who are My true servants. They themselves have offered in the spiritual kingdom to carry out this redemption work and were in fact accepted by Me, which necessitated an embodiment in the flesh on this earth.


However, they are unaware of their origin; they do not know the task they had voluntarily taken upon themselves but live their life like any other person on earth, only their free will determines their conduct in life and their work in the vineyard. They don’t know of their pre-existence either…. And this is how it must be, because absolute free will should be the driving force…. irrespective of what kind of spiritual mission such a person carries out. It would truly not be beneficial for you to know a person’s previous incarnation for it would confuse your thinking, because My adversary recognises people’s weaknesses and can easily slip in wherever he detects but a spark of pride. Hence, such embodied beings of light received no knowledge about their origin from Me….


And yet people claim to have knowledge of it and don’t question the source of such knowledge…. And ‘My spirit’ will never have revealed such information to them either, rather, ‘immature spirits’ have actively spread misconceptions and portrayed people as embodied beings of light where, in reality, no spiritual mission is recognisable or it would not be founded on lies or misguided assumptions ….  The beings of light work in seclusion, or their activity comes so openly to the fore that a mission on My instruction is very clearly evident….


But they will reject everything which does not correspond to the truth, and they will also recognise and condemn erroneous messages from the spirit realm as lies and deception. For they know the truth and fight for the truth, and not for misguided teachings which come forth from the one who is My adversary. And I can only ever warn you humans about his activity in the last days before the end, for he will do anything in order to invalidate My pure truth, and he will always find approval with those who look for extraordinary things, who are not content with the pure truth they receive from Me…. But I will always grant you clarification again, providing you seriously desire it…. Amen



Friday, March 30, 2007






You still don’t know what it means to be spoken to directly by Me because you people do not believe that your God and Father from high talks to you. For you are still of unenlightened spirit and you deem this not to be possible. You therefore still have a very wrong understanding of God because you put yourselves completely beside the Might that created you and thus cannot feel Its love because you are without love yourselves and therefore the working of the eternal love is incomprehensible to you. But, in not to remote a time you shall have proof that your God and Creator truly does speak and has spoken to you, for you to go through the fulfillment of My continuous announcements yourselves; and that you will go through a natural disaster of greatest extent ,which has never before befallen the earth.


Over and over I announce to you these happenings without finding any faith. But I want you to be able to believe when these My announcements will come true, for then I want you to believe too on the shortly afterwards following end and will prepare yourselves towards it. For the purpose of all My predictions is just always that you do sincerely tackle your soul-work, that you make well use of the short time and then live through the end, regardless, and not to be lost again for eternal times. i.e., having to bear the rebanishment [into matter] which you are irrevocably threatened with at the arrival of the end: if having not found your way to Me yet.


I just want to save you humans but not leave you to perish, but I cannot influence you against your will. I therefore talk to you through My messengers and make you aware of the near end, I remind you to keep thinking of your earthly purpose. I keep telling you over and over my divine teaching of love and all of you could believe if you just had an earnest will to achieve your earthly purpose of life. But you live a carefree life without any serious thought because you don’t believe in an afterlife of the soul. But I cannot do more than passing on the truth about your being and your destiny by Myself…..I cannot do more than directly talk to you by My messengers and to explain everything as comprehensible to you to the point where you can truly believe. But you don’t want to and you can’t be forced to believe My words from on high. Yet you ought to pay attention to every world event, to the condition amongst people and to the obvious spiritual low. You also ought to be critical towards yourself and your walk of life and you should meditate about the meaning and purpose of the earthly life…..You then would recognize the condition of man on your own and consider it plausible, this condition cannot remain like this; a change is due to occur and then attention will be paid to My word from on high. Yet, for obtaining faith the good will is required, for I help everyone who’d like to rise from the depths, who directs his thoughts towards Me in striving for recognition of the right and to detest the wrong..…


Truly, no better information can be given to you people than by My word….Truly you can find no better explanation except I give it to you by means of the direct address and you can believe it – it’s the great spiritual need which causes Me to grant help to you people on earth in the way that I direct the truth towards you, which is foreign to you, because My opponent is doing and has been doing everything to increase the darkness upon you people, that you don’t see anything properly anymore. To also prevent you from recognizing the voice of your God and Father who wants to help and bring the light to you prior to the coming of the end.


Listen to Me when you hear My voice by means of My messengers, do not refuse what they bring you, for you who do not believe are in greatest danger….And you can still get saved and find faith because the plain truth is presented to you….And I will give you proof of the truth of it because it will very soon be fulfilled what there was proclaimed a long time ago already: that the earth will be befallen by an enormous natural happening as not experienced before….And soon afterwards the end will truly come like proclaimed in word and scripture….         Amen.




Wednesday, March 28, 2007



You should not imagine your God and Creator as a strictly limited Being, you should not try to associate Him with a form, for then your idea would always be wrong, because something defined can never correspond to My nature, which is utterly perfect, thus infinite. For I Am a spirit Who fills and permeates everything. In My nature I will be eternally unfathomable for My living creations, for although My living creations were externalised by Me in supreme perfection they are nevertheless only sparks of love, emanated by the fire of My Eternal Love and externalised as individual beings who, however, would be unable to behold the eternal source of light and strength if I showed Myself to them in My full abundance of brilliance, since they would perish if they faced the radiating light….
Yet you need not visualise Me in any other way than as the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ…. In Him I became the ‘visible’ God for you, in Him the eternal, infinite spirit has manifested Itself, in Him you see Me and are able to behold Him face to face…. Thus I gave Myself a form for you, whom I had externalised from My love and My strength as My living creations…. The Eternal Spirit Who fills all of infinity permeated this form with light and became a visible God for you…. And yet I reign and work throughout all of infinity and thus My Being cannot be limited either, I can only have become a conceivable idea in the form of Jesus Christ for you, who are still finite yourselves, who have not yet attained the highest perfection, for I have to give to you what corresponds to your state, which is still far from perfection.
However, I Am and remain also inscrutable in My nature for the spirits of highest perfection, which, however, is a cause of increased beatitude, because My children constantly strive towards Me, are constantly delighted by Me through My fulfilling of their desire yet never able to reach Me…. and on the other hand may behold Me from face to face in Jesus Christ…. This, too, will remain an enigma to you, and only in the state of enlightenment will you begin to comprehend and yet eternally unable to fathom My nature. To you I appear infinitely far away and yet I Am as close to you as only a father can get to his child. But this awareness makes you immensely happy, and your love for Me increases constantly and is also the cause of bliss, because it always meets with fulfilment.
And thus your love for Jesus Christ will blaze ever more ardently, in Whom you have recognised your Father of eternity and in Whom I bestow unlimited bliss upon you…. For in Him I Am now able to be close to My children, even though I Am not bound to the form, even though I fill all of infinity with My light and My strength, with My Being, which is and remains inscrutable. But you, My living creations, shall look for and find Me in Jesus, for I have chosen Him as the form which received Me; and this once human external form completely spiritualised itself and yet remained visible to every being which attained the state of maturity of spiritual vision….
Thus you see My eternal spirit when you see Jesus, for He and I are one, you see the Father when you see Jesus, because I wanted to be visible to you, My created beings, in order to gain all your love. Yet you will never be able to behold Me in My infinite abundance of strength and light without ceasing to exist…. But I want to be able to create and work with My children and thus also reveal Myself to them in order to heighten their beatitude…. And I want to experience their love Myself and therefore will always be close to My children…. Amen

Monday, March 26, 2007






And this My Spirit will reveal to you, that there is only one God and that this God manifested Himself in Jesus Christ.  Because God is a Spirit, I could not become visible as a limited entity to the beings created by Me, but in Jesus Christ I became a visible God for all My creatures. Therefore, you must not speak of Jesus Christ and the Father, for I am one with Him, so that when you speak of Jesus Christ, you speak of Me, your God and Maker, your Father from eternity...


Already the infant Jesus was filled with My Spirit, and already after His birth I manifested Myself in Him in an unusual way, to make the people around Him realise that My Spirit dwelt in the infant. The man Jesus died on the cross, but His body was already spiritualised and rose from the dead - for all its substances had united with Me. My Spirit had permeated body and soul and nothing human was left in Him. That which had arisen from the dead on the third day was I Myself, the Father-Spirit from eternity. The God, whom the beings desired to see and who had manifested Himself in Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ is God, for I am a Spirit and have become visible to all My beings in the Person of Jesus Christ.  And you cannot imagine Me in any other way than as the Divine Saviour Jesus Christ.


If you want to pray to Me, if you want to make contact with Me, you must pray to Jesus Christ - you must speak with Him, you must acknowledge Him as your Father from eternity, and then you will also have the right concept of God, which, however, can never be right if you pray separately to Me as "God" and to Jesus Christ as "God's Son".


In the man Jesus there dwelt a soul, which was My "son", a supremely perfect being created by Me that remained faithful to Me when the great apostasy of spirits took place.  And this "son of God" made it possible for Me to incarnate Myself in a human body - so that the complete unification of the eternal Father Spirit with Jesus Christ could take place. But subsequently there were not two separate entities, but only one God, for the Divine Spirit, the First Cause, completely permeated the human body, thus also spiritualising it.


It was all "Divine Spirit", it was the Spirit that pervades infinity, but manifested itself in a form visible to men, so that they could form a concept of Me and rejoin Me.  For their original guilt of apostasy consisted in the voluntary separation from Me, because they were unable to see Me.


And thus I provided for them a possibility to rejoin Me of their own free will, by rendering Myself visible to them in Jesus Christ.  You must never separate "Jesus Christ" from Me, for He and I are One and the same; whoever prays to Him, prays to Me, whoever sees Him, sees Me personally, Who Am, have been from eternity, and shall be forever and ever.





Sunday, March 25, 2007



And you were given the task to spread My Word which is conveyed to you from above by Me.... I truly want to smooth the way for you, I want to help you take My Word to wherever people hunger and thirst for it. For I know whose hearts will not reject My Word when it is offered to them. And thus you only ever do the work which you are capable of doing and should know that I Myself will arrange everything else that serves the distribution of My Word. For this much is certain, I do not convey My Word to earth without purpose, even if it occasionally seems to you that the spiritual information does not fulfil any real purpose….
You should only patiently and with perseverance cooperate and carry out the work which has to be done by people, because I cannot affect all people directly and therefore need you to serve Me as mediators; for not all people would allow Me to have a direct effect on them, and yet they, too, shall receive My Word in order to enable their souls’ maturity. And time and again opportunities will arise when My remarkable work with you can be mentioned; there will be receptive hearts who recognise that it is an extraordinary gift of grace and gratefully offer to assist in My vineyard, and whose willingness to help is gladly accepted by Me. For only love will achieve spiritual success. Therefore don’t believe that you can attain such where this love is missing. Don’t believe that I will give My blessing for an undertaking that clearly betrays the spirit of worldly interests….
My Word shall speak to the heart, and I can truly find other ways than the way people in the midst of the world want to take…. For they are not interested in My Word, they are still worldly minded, and therefore they will not contribute towards the spreading of My Word which shall have a liberating effect from the world…. The human hearts which shall accept My Word must have conquered the world already, just as My fellow workers on earth must have overcome the world in order to be able to work for the benefit of their fellow human beings. Thus worldly minded people cannot be accepted as labourers in My vineyard, for they will never work in accordance with My will but pursue their own interests, since they are driven to do so by the lord of the world, to whom they still belong. But I have enough means and ways to achieve My objective even without such ‘assistants’. Love always has to be part of it if success is to be achieved, and love will also recognise My Word as an invaluable gift of grace and therefore also support it.
And thus you will also recognise your true fellow workers who gladly offer their help, and you will not hesitate to accept their help; and you will also know that My blessing only rests on your work when all of you carry it out with love and don’t expect any worldly benefits from it…. For as you receive it you shall also pass it on; as My love has an effect on you, your love, too, should have an effect on your fellow human being. And this happens when My Word is unselfishly distributed, which is conveyed to you from above and, as the most valuable gift of grace, shall impart help and strength to people in their spiritual adversity during the last days, so that they will endure until the end…. Amen

Saturday, March 24, 2007



When earth came into existence, countless spiritual substances were able to embody themselves in its works of creation and gradually ascended during their evolutionary process, because the creations corresponded to the spiritual substances’ inherent resistance, which was still unbroken but of different intensity. The works of creation were more or less hard matter, because even earth itself gradually evolved into a work of creation which was to shelter people one day.... the spiritual essence which had already covered the process of development to the point when all substances of a fallen original spirit had gathered once again and regained their self-awareness and free will….
But an infinitely long time had passed before the spiritual substance could reach this stage because earth needed this time in order to produce all the creations required by the spirit for its higher development. And the human being should know that he has already spent infinite periods of time on this earth, that the stage of human being is the conclusion of an evolutionary process which his will can now bring to an end. He should also know that one day this infinite path will be shown to him in retrospect, but that this memory has to be removed from him as a human being, since his task as a human being concerns his voluntary return to God. However, when he contemplates the countless wonders of divine creations surrounding him he should seriously ask himself what purpose they have to fulfil, and then he will receive clarification in his heart.... He will feel it, if the knowledge is not yet made accessible to him. And he should try to grasp the Creator’s fundamental nature, i.e. request clarification about his relationship to Him. And this, too, will be given to him, since the goal of earthly life rests in the person re-establishing his relationship with God, which he once voluntarily had severed. For that was the ‘fall of the spirits’, they had separated from God of their own free will…. And thus…. during the last stage of their return to God…. they have to voluntarily restore their relationship with Him again and the purpose of their earthly progress will be fulfilled.
The fact that creation has largely contributed in returning the fallen being again can only be understood by you humans when you have achieved this return, because you would never have been able to reach the ascent if the divine Creator had not taken you away from His adversary’s power who had caused your fall into the abyss…. if He had not removed you from his influence during the infinitely long time when you were integrated in the works of creation as tiniest particles of soul. His adversary had no control over you during this time, nevertheless you still belonged to him because you once followed him of your own accord into the abyss. But since you were completely without strength and light as a result of your apostasy from God, your path of return to God would have been impossible for you. For this reason God Himself provided you with this path of return through His works of creation which, in supreme wisdom and infinite love, were shaped to give the spiritual substance the opportunity of service in some form or other and thus, through service, reach ever higher levels of maturity. The spiritual particles which once belonged to an original spirit gathered again and, having achieved a certain level of maturity, commenced their last transformation …. For a brief period of time they were allowed to live on earth as a human being and had to be of service again…. but of their own free will and with love…. The purpose of earthly life for every soul embodied in a human being is to liberate itself from every cover by way of loving service, to return to the spiritual kingdom again, when its earthly life has ended, as the free spiritual being it had been in the beginning.
However, it cannot achieve this spiritualisation without help because it is burdened by the original sin which repeatedly pushes it down again…. i.e. during its earthly life God’s adversary has the right to exercise his influence again, since the spirits once followed him voluntarily. And the fallen original spirit.... the human being…. would succumb to his influence once more were it not for the offer of guaranteed help: redemption through Jesus Christ….in Whom God embodied Himself to redeem the guilt of sin for all fallen spirits through His sacrificial death on the cross…. This help by Jesus Christ, the complete redemption and forgiveness of his sin, is assured to him providing he wants it himself, providing he acknowledges Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation and he acknowledges Jesus as God Himself, Whom the original spirit once denied acknowledgment….

And thus you humans are given a brief explanation concerning the cause and significance of the act of Salvation. You have to know this in order to fulfil the purpose of your earthly life, in order to understand the divine plan of Salvation too, which only ever aims to guide the spirit essence back to God and which will be carried out with love and wisdom, since He has every power at His command to one day achieve the goal He had set Himself when He created all spiritual beings…. Amen



Thursday, March 22, 2007



The return to Me was guaranteed as a result of My act of Salvation.... One day all souls will be able to stay with Me again, one day all beings which once had originated from Me will be permeated by My love again, as it was in the beginning, for with My sacrificial death on the cross I established a bridge from the abyss to the pinnacle, from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light and beatitude…. My death on the cross paid for the extreme guilt which separated all beings from Me when they followed My adversary into the abyss….
Until My arrival on earth an unbridgeable gulf existed between people and Myself which they had caused themselves but which they were no longer able to bridge by themselves since they were too weak, since the burden of sin pushed them to the ground and My adversary, too, prevented their every attempt to bridge this gulf. And thus I built a bridge by descending to earth Myself and only then made amends for the immense guilt…. by taking the burden of sin from people and shouldering it Myself I walked the path to the cross with it….
What was impossible before has now become feasible: that people who are of good will shall follow Me and take the path of the cross, that they only abide by Me and never exclude Me again, that they want to belong to those for whom I died on the cross, and that they then find complete forgiveness of their guilt which enables their return to Me again into the kingdom of light…. I did not forsake people in their adversity, I came to help them, I took abode in a human being’s shell and accomplished in this human being Jesus the act of Salvation, for I wanted to start a path leading from the abyss to the pinnacle again….
And My life on earth was a life of love until My death, for people lacked love and therefore I set an example to them, for only love is redeeming, because love is the law of eternal order and because…. anyone who returns to Me…. has to change his nature into love in order to unite with Me again, since I Am love Myself…. And thus the kingdom of light and earth were bridged when I descended to earth Myself. And you all have to cross this bridge in order to reach Me again, Who was unattainable to you because of your guilt.
But My love is greater than your guilt, and My love sought a way out, it tried to re-establish the connection between you and Me which was broken by you…. And thus I found a way: My love Itself made amends for the guilt and opened the path of return to Me. By then a connection had been established from the kingdom of light to earth, because a soul of light had descended to earth in which I was able to embody Myself; for this soul took on flesh…. the human being Jesus was born, Who then travelled the path on which all human beings can follow Him, which enables you to enter the kingdom of light and concludes your return to Me…. My love built this bridge for you, for My love took abode in this shell and walked the path of the cross for you, that is, it compensated for the immense guilt of your apostasy from Me which had created the unbridgeable gulf between the kingdom of light and darkness…. My love for you is infinite and wants to win you back again, My living creations. Yet My justice did not permit Me to accept you again without the redemption of your guilt. And thus My love has also made amends for the guilt on your behalf …. a human being made the sacrifice of atonement on your behalf, and I Myself was within this human being….
What was impossible before My crucifixion became achievable through the crucifixion: that you were allowed to approach Me again, that you would be able to return to your true home again, into the kingdom of light, where you can be active again in light and strength and freedom as in the beginning. The path to Me was open, you could leave your guilt behind under the cross, you could hand yourselves over to the love and mercy of Jesus, your Redeemer, and He would then open the gate to beatitude for you, to the kingdom of light. But even this, your ‘deliverance’, is a matter of your free will, otherwise every soul would instantly return to the kingdom of light, but in that case My goal to prepare you as My children would not be achieved…. You have to take the path to the cross of your own free will, in free will you have to ask for forgiveness of sins, and in free will you have to desire your salvation and approach Me in Jesus Christ. And it will be given to you…. you will return to Me and be joyfully received by your Father, Who descended to earth Himself in order to set you free…. Amen

Wednesday, March 21, 2007



Your human existence is the result of your earlier apostasy from Me in the spiritual kingdom. It has been explained to you many times already that you yourselves were the cause of the emergence of the earthly creation through which you, as creation’s crowning glory, shall once again achieve your original state which you once had voluntarily surrendered. I brought every kind of earthly creation into existence because of you, for I searched for and found a way for you to return to Me, and this way is the progress through the earthly-material works of creation. The last stage of this earthly progress is your human life.... And now you have to start your voluntary return to Me again, since you once parted from Me voluntarily. Because you are divine beings by origin who, as a sign of their divinity, possess free will. Your life as a human being gives you the opportunity to prove your divinity.... it gives you the opportunity to direct your free will towards Me and thus also to unite with Me again …. Then the earthly creations have served their purpose, they succeeded in achieving the work of return in accordance with My plan of eternity. And thus you have to view all creations as the result of your transgression against Me but also as your means of learning to acknowledge Me again…. you have to recognise creation as an expression of My love for you which I did not want to lose. You should know that My supreme wisdom recognised ‘creation’ as the most reliable means of winning you back…. And one day you will be able to see the progress you made through the creations for yourselves and be tremendously grateful for the mercy My infinite love bestowed unto the souls which otherwise would be lost …. Then the creation will no longer be a constraint for you, rather it will be such immense proof of My love that you yourselves will want to take part in the work of creating in order to give the spirits even more opportunities to return to Me for good.... 
Just as love motivated Me to create, so will love not let you rest either, and then you will use the strength, which flows from Me to you, in accordance with My will: you will create and design for your own blissfulness…. But this requires a certain degree of maturity which you can acquire during your earthly life already if you use your free will correctly and direct it towards Me…. Then your soul will return to the original source of light and strength from whence it once originated, and then it may also receive light and strength in abundance, then it will be able to create and work with Me and be happy. And thus, on the one hand the works of creation are a constraint for the immature spirit, but on the other hand they are an opportunity for the free spirits to work lovingly and help the unredeemed souls…. On the one hand they are judged spirits themselves, and on the other hand they bring freedom to the spirits because all creations have to comply with their instructions to serve, thereby enabling the constrained spirit within to achieve freedom…. The redeemed spirit of light knows this and in its love is constantly active by forming new creations in accordance with My will, by taking part in creating, because it knows My eternal plan of Salvation and wants to help with the work of returning all spirit essence to Me. Hence the creation may well be considered My adversary’s realm because it contains the unredeemed spirit …. however, he himself cannot influence this spirit during the time of its constraint…. while the world of light protects this spirit and time and again can help it to become free.
Yet the human being has to fear his influence again. But he need only use his will correctly, he need only direct it towards Me and I will take care of him and truly release him from the hands of My adversary. However, he has to pass this test of will himself…. neither I nor My adversary will force his will in either direction, he has to prove his ‘divinity’ himself by asking for the light, from whence he once originated …. Amen

Tuesday, March 20, 2007



I always want to give to you what you desire. You only need to take notice of your inner voice and it will instruct you truthfully, because I want you to live in truth and gain a clear understanding: My crucifixion has brought salvation to you humans, it has redeemed your past guilt of sin…. As the human being Jesus I took extreme pain upon Myself, and a most bitter death was My fate…. However, since I was unable to suffer as ‘God’ I took abode in a human shell which was capable of suffering and which also mustered the will to suffer on behalf of His fellow human beings in order to satisfy My justice, in order to open up the path to Me for His fallen brothers. Yet His will was free.... He was not impelled by the Deity within Him to accomplish the sacrifice He wanted to make for Me…. although love…. Which was Myself…. was the cause for which He mustered this will… Yet I Myself never coerce the will of a human being and neither does My love. However, anyone who has love can’t help himself but emanate it. And thus, the human being Jesus, too, radiated love and thereby only wanted to please humanity. Hence He only ever wanted what would help people to become blissfully happy. The will of the human being Jesus was free…. yet He had completely subordinated Himself to Me and My will. Consequently, His will could not be different to Mine. For the love in Him was so powerful that it had merged with the Eternal Love, with Myself.... Thus I Myself was in Him, and I Myself achieved in Him the act of Salvation ….
And yet, the human being Jesus had to take the final decision Himself when He undertook the most difficult journey…. the path to the cross. And even though I, the Eternal Love, was in Him, My divine Spirit withdrew, that is, Love… the spirit…. no longer urged Him into action; it kept quiet and apparently left the human being Jesus to struggle on His own…. And this was the most difficult of all, the fact that the man Jesus felt alone in His suffering and nevertheless walked the path until the end…. He was not alone, for I would never have been able to separate Myself from Him again, Who had become one with Me…. But I no longer expressed Myself, because the atonement of the original sin necessitated an extreme amount of human suffering and torment which the human being Jesus had readily taken upon Himself, and therefore the sacrifice of atonement has been the work of the most merciful love that was ever accomplished on earth. And these pains lasted until His death on the cross and made Him proclaim ‘My God, my God, why have You forsaken me….’ I was in Him but I did not speak, yet it was only the body which suffered until His soul recognised Me again, when He called ‘It is finished….’ and ‘Father, into Your hands I commit My Spirit….’
The body suffered until the end and I had to withdraw Myself during these hours or His already spiritualised soul would have rendered the body insensitive to pain, because My spirit is unable to suffer. And the human being Jesus had already attained the spiritualisation of soul and body as a result of His way of life on earth…. But the purpose and objective of His earthly progress was the redemption of the guilt of sin, which was only possible by way of an excessive extent of suffering and pain…. Hence the ‘Deity’ withdrew and left the ‘human being’ Jesus to His tormentors, who truly carried out the most shameful work on behalf of My adversary, because Jesus Himself wanted it this way…. For His soul had offered of its own accord to descend to earth in order to make the sacrifice of atonement for His fallen brothers; it had offered to take on flesh in order to accept these said immeasurable pains and torments because only a human being was capable of suffering. And I accepted the sacrifice since it was, after all, made by ‘love’…. which may never be rejected. And ‘love’ stayed in Him until His death, even if It no longer allowed It’s strength to take effect…. Thus I Myself must have been in Him too, even if I remained silent at the end so that the act of Salvation could find its culmination: that a human being allowed Himself to be crucified for His fellow human beings…. that He truly made a sacrifice which I accepted as an act of atonement for the whole human race…. No ‘divine strength’ alleviated the sacrifice for Him, for ‘Love’ Itself remained quiet, although it had taken complete possession of the human being Jesus....
And this, too, is a mystery you humans are as yet unable to grasp…. The man Jesus had to taste the greatest suffering: to feel alone and abandoned. And precisely this suffering redeemed the sin which every being had burdened itself with when it left Me, Who had given them all My love, which they rejected. The human being Jesus had to experience this suffering, and therefore He spoke the words ‘My God, my God, why have You forsaken me….’ Yet you humans will never be able to understand the magnitude of the act of Salvation as long as you live on earth. Nevertheless, one day it will strike you with a sudden, blinding realisation and you will praise and worship Me without end…. For this act of Salvation applied to all of you, you all may participate in the blessings of the act of Salvation, and as a result of the act of Salvation the path was opened for all of you to return to Me …. Amen
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Monday, March 19, 2007



One thing is certain: I will protect My Own in the hollow of My hand when the end has come.... I truly have enough angels to whom I can entrust My Own, whom I instruct to build a protective wall around them. And thus you can all know yourselves protected in My care, come what may. Therefore I want to caution you not to abandon yourselves to and expect help from beings whom you suspect to be outside of My spiritual kingdom…. who thus have not yet reached the perfection of beings of light to implement My instructions…. I want to warn you about looking for contact with inhabitants from other worlds, which you can only establish spiritually but who cannot offer you the guarantee of imparting truth to you. Time and again it has to be said that only ‘perfect beings’ may and are able to carry out tasks which guarantee you protection and assistance….
Beings who have not yet achieved this perfection will always still reside, for the purpose of their development, on such works of creation to which they are bound by natural law…. Thus you have to distinguish between beings of light who accomplish My will on My behalf and dwell with Me in the kingdom of light, and beings who are still constrained, who have not yet achieved complete spiritual freedom as long as they still live on all kinds of celestial bodies for the purpose of spiritual maturing. You should not rely on mediumistic messages from those worlds which are and remain unreachable for you humans on earth and vice versa. Do not count on help from those worlds when the end of the earth comes in accordance with the eternal plan…. For I Myself will protect and rescue My Own from their adversity, because only I know who belongs to My Own…. Do you believe that you will be rescued by merely mustering sympathy for these dwellers of other stars?
What misconception do you suffer from, you lack all clear understanding of My plan of Salvation, which will certainly be implemented when the time comes. And would I not inform you of it Myself if it were My will that you should entrust yourselves to these beings whom fellow human beings want you to believe in? Since I convey the truth to earth I would not withhold this information from you if it were true…. Yet you rather doubt My Words than the reports which are passed on to you through My adversary’s influence. And I want you to know the truth…. I repeatedly want to assure you that My Own will be protected and that innumerable angels will take care of them, because they comply with My will and also have the strength to help you. And therefore it will not require earthly means of help, for My love, might and wisdom will become clearly evident at the end, albeit My working will and can then be contrary to natural law because My Own believe that everything is possible and the unbelievers will be devoured by the earth….

But I do not require My Own to believe in appearances or reports which come to people by means which do not correspond to My will.... Why don’t you contact Me? Why do you call on beings whose degree of maturity you cannot estimate?.... Why do you entrust yourselves to these beings and believe that they will protect you when the last day of the end has come? I only require your faith in Me in Jesus Christ, and anyone who intimately unites with Me Myself in this faith truly will not need visible or invisible helpers, for My angels with an abundance of strength and might will constantly stand by his side and always act in accordance with My will. And he will not want to establish contact with inhabitants of other worlds whose degree of maturity is unknown to him either, for this can only take place by way of mediumship which, due to its great danger, should not be taken by you humans. For you are truly able to hear Me Myself if it is your will and you ask Me for the truth…. And then you will surely be instructed truthfully…. Amen



Sunday, March 18, 2007



When you take part in the distribution of My Word you should only be motivated by your love for Me and other people. You should want to carry out the task I have appointed you to do, and you should try to lessen the other person’s spiritual need which has prompted Me to endow with you with gifts of grace abundantly, so that you share these where I cannot take action Myself. Your work for Me and My kingdom should only ever be inspired by love. Then success won’t fail because love is a strength which is never without result. Although your spiritual work will be ridiculed by people who have no faith whatsoever because it is incomprehensible to them why someone should work without material gain… but then you can be even more certain of My blessing which rests upon every selfless labour in My vineyard… You have not understood the value of My gifts of grace until you regard them as spiritual values which alone can result in spiritual success. Only then are you useful servants to Me who do not serve their master for their own benefit but who seek to increase his profit… And this consists in the acquisition of souls for the celestial kingdom.
One day you too will have to discard your body and you cannot bring your earthly possessions into My kingdom... And yet you can enter it richly blessed because spiritual possessions follow you into eternity, which were disregarded on earth by those who did not become aware of the meaning and purpose of earthly life. They have acquired earthly goods for themselves on earth and consequently have already received their entitled reward for their actions and way of life. But they will have little to show for at the gate of eternity because they took no notice of spiritual wealth. Those of you who want to work for Me and My kingdom should disregard earthly gain, only love should motivate you to do your work… You should look around you and recognise the spiritual poverty in humanity’s life… You should want to help in the knowledge that humanity is approaching the abyss, and you should work untiringly because this is necessary in view of the end.
Then you will also understand why you become isolated from the outside world which can distract your attention from the task you should fulfil … You will understand that time and again I will seek faithful servants to take part in the work, who want to bring the gospel to their fellow human beings, because people ought to hear My Word which I repeatedly send to them through you… And you will understand that I will knock on every door, that I send you before Me to announce the Lord, Who wants to come Himself, Who wants to take abode with them... Since they cannot yet hear Me Myself you have to go before Me so that I can speak to them through you, because they badly need to be informed of Me, of My love, which wants to save them too before the end. And thus everything should be done to inform people that I work through My spirit in the heart of every human being who is of good will... You should tell them with love and kindness of Me and My actions, you should bring them My Word which I have blessed with My strength, and you should not tire to take care of your fellow human beings’ spiritual poverty by helping to spread My Word… And I Myself will lead the people to you, I shall bless every selfless work done by you for Me and My kingdom... Amen

Saturday, March 17, 2007



My plan of Salvation is so clearly presented to you that you will also be able to recognise My infinite love therein, that you need not doubt a God of love even when you have to include the final work of destruction in the plan of Salvation. Could I ever do anything that is not motivated by My Love?.... But you humans are unable to assess everything, and yet My eternal plan of Salvation should explain to you what your intellect would rather refuse to accept. Only My infinite love determines Me to implement the plan of Salvation, which My wisdom recognised to be right and which will be carried out by My omnipotence at the predetermined time. And you humans should not believe that you can change My decision.... for it no longer concerns the sole deliverance of humanity, but a phase of development for all spiritual substances will start again, which will lead into a new period of Salvation….
It concerns the reintegration of all spiritual substances and a separation of the spirits which have already acquired self-awareness and which consequently will also be placed to where they belong in relation to their maturity. In the course of a period of Salvation there have always been short periods of time when I had to intervene in the form of various kinds of judgments…. Time and again people have been warned and admonished, and depending on their willingness to improve, these judgments could be deferred or cancelled. Time and again My love intervened and tried to guide people onto the right path.... before My justice expressed itself…. But the duration of a Salvation period is limited, and it would truly have sufficed to redeem the souls completely had people’s will used it for this purpose. Yet one day even this limited time will come to an end, and the constrained spiritual substances in the creations will have to be considered again, which must and want to take the same path of development in order to get released from the form sooner or later.
For My love also applies to these still constrained spiritual substances.... My plan of Salvation includes all once-fallen spirits…. And this is what you humans have to remember when this plan of Salvation seems to you incomprehensible and not compatible with My love. A reintegration of all spiritual substances has become necessary and humanity, too, has reached a spiritual low which demands an end, a disintegration of the creation and of those people who have not found the way to Me and will not find it anymore either….. Therefore you should believe that I in My wisdom recognise and have recognised this since eternity, that I knew the human beings’ will and state of maturity in the last days and correspondingly established My plan of Salvation, which will now truly be implemented when the time has come. Every day is still a blessing, since it can be used for the return to the Father. Every day can still help the soul to mature, and therefore you should even now recognise every day as a gift of grace and be thankful for My love, which will certainly help you until the end, until the last day has arrived…. But that it will arrive is certainly true, for My Word is and remains eternal truth…. Amen

Friday, March 16, 2007



You cannot accomplish a greater work of neighbourly love than unselfishly distributing My Word, the Gospel, which your fellow human beings have to know in order to travel their earthly path successfully. Spiritual work is not valued by fellow human beings because they don’t generate earthly success, yet as soon as you are spiritually active, expect no earthly rewards and only impart to your fellow human beings what I Myself offer you from above…. you are truly doing works of neighbourly love which extend into eternity, for they are helping the souls to mature, they can prepare them for entry into the kingdom of light when the soul discards its earthly body and has to leave everything behind…. Then it will have spiritual possessions to take across into eternity. You shall provide and bestow upon others just as I have bestowed upon My disciples the bread of heaven, the water of life…. This is the greatest gift of love which you can give to your fellow human beings…. it is true neighbourly love if you unselfishly carry out the tasks which are necessary to pass on My Word, for I Myself want to address people through you, since they are unable to hear My voice directly.
People are suffering great adversity, for they only use their earthly life to acquire earthly profits and yet shall consider their soul, which ought to mature during their earthly life. Whatever you therefore undertake in order to lead your fellow human beings onto the path of faith…. whatever you undertake on My instruction in order to proclaim the Gospel to them is selfless neighbourly love and blessed by Me. You yourselves are not yet aware of the great gift which you are receiving from Me every day, you are as yet unable to estimate its value and its significance or all of you, who know about the working of My spirit, would eagerly distribute what is sent to you by My love and grace.
You don’t realise that you are able to scatter seed which can bear glorious fruit.... you should not leave the seed unused, and you should always rely on My help, for where you get into difficulties My angels and guardians are ready to help and protect you, so that you can just do your spiritual work in order to bring help to those who won’t find the right path without you. For there are still many I want to address through you, and to do so I only require your will to be of diligent service to Me…. I accept your service, for I Am only able to speak through a human mouth, given that people’s state is already too unspiritual as to speak to them in any other way, and their freedom of will has to be upheld. Yet you shall derive strength from the fact that I promise you My support as soon as you are just willing to take care of your neighbour’s spiritual adversity. There is not much time left, and the Words I speak to you will sound increasingly more admonishing; however, you only need to entrust your will to Me and then you will also conduct yourselves in accordance with My will. And everything will sort itself out if you commend yourselves to Me with complete trust and only ever let Me reign. 
Thus, all of you who are of service to Me, accept My blessing and work tirelessly in My vineyard, for the day is soon over and the night is approaching…. a turning-point is coming earthly and spiritually, the time of the harvest is coming.... the day of Judgment is approaching…. But first I still want to win souls over for Me, and you shall help Me and consider your neighbour with love …. You shall work for Me and My kingdom, you shall proclaim My name in the world and testify to My working in you, so that people will be able to believe and become blessed…. Amen

Thursday, March 15, 2007



Let Me tell you that you will be increasingly more exposed to assaults by My adversary as the end is approaching, because he uses his power in truly satanic ways, and particularly against My Own who want to serve Me and whom he believes he can still win over for himself. But you merely need to be watchful, because you will always recognize his conduct, you will always know who is hiding behind the schemes which disrupt or entirely prevent your spiritual work. Because it will be confirmed that many false prophets appear under My banner, that they will try to belittle My Words and My information concerning the approaching end. It will be confirmed that people are easy prey, that they would rather believe these false prophets than you, because these will always give them the hope that they are approaching a bright future, that they do not have to fear the future, that their worldly efforts will be successful and that an end to this world is thus unthinkable…
And in that case you will know that you are dealing with false prophets, and then you will have to remain strong in faith and believe what I had proclaimed and continue to proclaim to you, that the time has been fulfilled and that you humans are in great danger if you do not prepare yourselves for the end such that you need not fear it. Anyone who lives righteously and just, who has found Jesus Christ and completely gives himself to Him, anyone who recognizes Me Myself in Him and thus calls on Me in Jesus when he is in distress will survive the dangers of the last days and emerge unscathed. He will live to see the new earth and its paradisiacal life, and his faith will indeed become a blessing to him, because he will not fear the end anymore, he will hold on to Me and thus endure until the end and be blessed, as I have promised…

But My adversary will rage and try to influence My Own until the end… You should know this and not allow yourselves to be misled. However, he has his followers, and they will do his bidding and spread misguided teachings amongst people who completely oppose My Word, which is brought to you directly from above, My Gospel, which you may nevertheless believe totally. You should merely examine what is offered to you from elsewhere whether it corresponds to My Word… since whatever is contrary to it also shows that it has originated from My adversary, and you can unhesitatingly reject those as false prophets who offer you spiritual knowledge which exclude an approaching end, which promise you humans a long existence on this earth yet… You are on the threshold of the end and should prepare yourselves, and you would do well by doing so since then you would not need to be afraid of it. Because then the time will come which had also been proclaimed to you.... then  a happy and blissful life on the new earth will come, but only for My Own who believe in Me and who defend their faith until the end… Because everyone who perseveres until the end will be blessed... they will live a wonderful life in the paradise of the new earth… Amen




Tuesday, March 13, 2007



You have passed through the entire creation.... This is a significant statement which you will only understand when you recognise My plan of return, My plan for the spiritualisation of all immature spiritual substances, when you know about the circumstances which are the reasons for your process through creation…. For only as a human being will you be the first created entity again which you were when I created and externalised you from Me.... Your past desertion from Me into the deepest abyss resulted in your disintegration, so that you passed through creation as countless individual substances.
These were embodied in the works of creation and had to comply with their task in order to gradually proceed on the path of higher development, thus to achieve the return of the spirit…. the transformation of its nature…. in accordance with My eternal plan of Salvation. For every work of creation has its task which consists of a function to serve. Through constant service in the law of compulsion the spiritual substance repeatedly sheds its external form and can embody itself in a new external form and continue like this until it has achieved the necessary maturity to embody itself in a human being. This process of development through the creation of earth irrevocably leads to maturity since it happens within the law of compulsion.
My will is the decisive factor, and in accordance with this will everything fits in with My laws and accomplishes full maturity, even if it requires an infinitely long time until a certain degree is reached when the individual substances have gathered again and then, embodied as a human being, the original soul goes through its final earthly process in order to complete its spiritualisation. But this process through creation cannot be arbitrarily stopped or substituted by another process…. It has to be taken by every being which wants to return to its source and ascend from the deepest abyss to the pinnacle and become perfect again, as it was in the beginning. For the physical creation only emerged as a result of My will, because I recognised it as a way by which My living creations, who had totally distanced themselves from Me, could approach Me again.
Creation itself comprises the fallen spirits which had solidified into spiritual substance that was subsequently transformed by My will into the most diverse forms, to whom I assigned a task and a purpose: to gradually bring the spiritual substance into maturity and to offer this spiritual substance ever new external forms in order to acquire ever increasing maturity…. in order to finally strive as a self-aware entity embodied in a human being towards the ultimate objective …. to consciously look for and find unification with Me and to complete the concluding return to Me…. The only purpose of every work of creation is to shelter spiritual substance, whose ascent to Me is predetermined and which, due to My will, will also achieve this gradual ascent because it fulfils its serving function, if only under the law of compulsion, and through service releases itself from the form time and again.
But eternities will still pass before all minute particles of the last spiritual being will have gathered again…. and then My opposing spirit Lucifer will also turn to Me once more of his own free will, because he will be utterly weak after all of his created beings have left him of their own accord, who then will strive towards Me because they recognise Me as their Lord and Creator…. Only then will My adversary recognise his complete helplessness, and he will long for strength and light again, he will long for My love which once had made him extremely happy, and then he will also willingly open himself for My illumination of love and as My son return to Me again…. Amen

Monday, March 12, 2007



It is My will that you should turn to Me in heartfelt prayer before you make contact with spiritual beings, because it depends on this heartfelt prayer whether the contact with the spirit world will be beneficial for you. Heartfelt prayer protects you from beings who cannot benefit you since they are not yet enlightened themselves.... But you yourselves do not know whether the souls of the deceased called by you have already entered the kingdom of light, for even if they confirm it you cannot know whether their statements are credible. Hence you should approach such contacts with the spiritual world very cautiously, because you yourselves already have to be in a spiritual setting which deters all evil, so that nothing can touch you and you are only taken care of and taught by beings of light. Dealing with the souls of the deceased is always very dangerous because you humans do not know which sphere they occupy. Although such conduct is not a sin if you are motivated by your love for these souls, but you yourselves won’t gain anything and are more likely to lose if you thereby come into contact with dark spheres and receive misguided teachings or messages which are not beneficial for your soul. Consequently, I strongly warn you against such dealings with the spiritual world for your own sakes....
Irrespective of what you are told by this world.... it will never match the profundity and wisdom of My Word, which is transmitted to you humans by My love from above and conveyed to you by messengers of light, if you are not able to receive it from Me directly…. I Myself want to be your friend and teacher, your brother, Whom you can approach with any kind of question, be it earthly or spiritually…. And I will always answer you if you desire it. I will tell you that you have to take the path to Jesus Christ if you want to achieve beatitude. And thus you yourselves should inform the souls of the dead too and direct them in thought to Him, Who is everyone’s Redeemer from sin and death…. For even these souls will have to find him first before they can be admitted into the kingdom of light. You cannot provide a greater service of love to these souls but to proclaim the Gospel to them in thought, the divine teaching of love, which I preached Myself in the man Jesus in order to show them the path of return to Me, into the Father’s house. You have to want to help the souls of the deceased, you have to give to them.... and not accept instructions from them, irrespective of what kind they are.
The knowledge about the future is withheld from you by Me, thus you should not raise questions of this kind to them.... However, you should always desire spiritual knowledge, but this cannot be given to you by these souls. Nevertheless you can always ask Jesus Christ, the divine teacher. He will lovingly enlighten you and always call you to Himself to appeal to Him for forgiveness of sin, to follow Him, in order to be guided by Him into the kingdom of light and bliss…. But without Him you cannot become blessed.... You should remember this, and if it is your will to live in accordance with My will then you will also live up to everything Jesus had taught on earth, what He expressed in His commandments of love for God and your neighbour: Then you will live in love yourselves and recognise where light can be found.... then you will be able to discern the value of spiritual communications and endeavour only to contact the spiritual world of light which can then transmit clarifying instructions to you. For you yourselves always determine the degree of light which you find yourselves in…. But be warned that dealing with spiritual beings is dangerous if you do not know the degree of maturity of the souls you are questioning…. Always remember that you should give to these souls, for they all will need your intercession in order to ascend, thus you should give it lovingly for their, as well as for your own, salvation of soul…. And then you will receive as you give yourselves.... Amen

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