Thursday, November 29, 2007






Many people believe that they think and act religiously, but they lack the right attitude towards Me … They certainly think of Me as their God and Creator, but not as their Father, and thus they do not establish the relationship of a child to its father. As a result they will not confide in Me in prayer either, they only see the distant almighty God in Me to Whom they are subjected as human beings, and Whom they rather fear than love…. because they are still unable to recognise My true nature.


And again it has to be explained that the degree of a person's love determines his correct attitude towards Me…. that love will recognise the Father, Who is love Himself, and that the human being will then strive for Me with love and call to Me as My child. Only then can one speak of a person's 'religious' way of life, because this way of life will lead back to Me for sure. But as long I Am still a person's distant God and Creator Who, due to His might, will have to be feared, there is little prospect that the person will approach Me with love. He will merely fulfil, as a matter of formality, things which are demanded of him by his church. He is only motivated by his upbringing to conduct himself accordingly but this will not guarantee a change of his inner being, which is the purpose and goal of earthly life.


Consequently, if you humans experience heavy strokes of fate they are only intended to make you come alive, to forego mere formality and start thinking more about God, Who created you…. to start pondering why you are living on earth, and then voluntarily surrender yourselves to the power to Which you owe your life: because your indifferent attitude about Me will not result in your spiritual advancement…. However, if you seriously want to know what your God and Creator requires of you during your earthly life you are certain to find out. First of all you should ponder the nature of your God and Creator, and the urge to act with love will be aroused in you…. because this is My voice with which I Am speaking to your conscience and initially make Myself known to you.


By following the voice of your conscience you will come closer to Me, and then you will also establish the kind of connection with Me which corresponds to the relationship between a child and its father…. My gentle voice will always direct you towards actions of love which will bring you the light of knowledge and with it an understanding of My nature, Which is love Itself …. Then you will leave 'empty formalities' behind and become alive in your essence and actions. You will no longer perform formal acts but begin to lead a second life next to your earthly life…. You will have set out on the spiritual path, since due to your new life of love you will be inwardly driven towards Me.


And thus you know that everything which tends towards love, is taught by love and is the activity of love, is good and acceptable to Me. For love is the indicator of truth and also the indicator of a person's spiritual maturity who, as My representative, wants to lead his fellow human beings to Me. As long as he has no love himself, his 'preaching' will be without strength too; it will be a formal, lifeless service without benefit to anyone because I Myself Am distant to him, since only idle words are spoken which can never reach My ear. Only the close relationship with Me established through love will make your thinking, willing and actions come alive. Only then will you come to life yourselves, because as long as you are without love you are still dead.


And thus, taking part in a 'church service' is always just an external formality, and there can be no question of My presence as long as you humans only believe in a God and Creator but do not find the right attitude towards Me…. First you have to come to the Father as children and trustingly talk to Me, only then can you be sure that I Am close to you. And then your faith will also have come alive, because a 'child' will always endeavour to fulfil its father's will. It will no longer just comply with external formalities but desire My presence with all its heart, which it will certainly also receive.


I only want you to come alive, to abandon useless habits and customs which you were taught to observe, but which are and remain completely worthless for your soul. You will only be able to love Me when you recognise Me as a Father, and only then will you fulfil the purpose of your life on earth…. Only then can you mature, which is always achieved by love alone…. Amen



Bertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1

Bertha Dudde - Autobiography - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde


Booklets translated into english by 10/2007:

..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy

001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
008 You between two worlds Part 1
009 You between two worlds Part 2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011 Souls in the beyond 1
012 Souls in the beyond 2
013 Souls in the beyond 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
016 False prophets
017 God and the churches Part 1
018 God and the churches Part 2
019 The church of Christ
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
023 Pre-Adamites
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1
059 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 2
060 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 3
061 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 4
062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 5
070a Return to God 1
070b Return to God 2
109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster
182 We are only guests on this earth
220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 I will guide you into truth 1
E03 I will guide you into truth 2
E04 I will guide you into truth 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days
S02 What will happen to the human race


Wednesday, November 28, 2007






The earthly path of the human being Jesus was exceedingly sorrowful.... His pure soul found itself in an impure and dark environment and experienced this environment as torment, on account of which the child Jesus was never able to be cheerful, although He was not yet conscious of the mission the soul itself had offered Me to carry out…. From time to time the light of His soul's true nature burst through indeed, then My spirit expressed itself through Him, so that he already performed miracles as a child, which only could be accomplished by a purest being of light in possession of abundant strength and light ….. Yet this only happened now and then in order that the people in His neighbourhood should believe in His mission….


And even these remarkable expressions of strength troubled the boy Jesus as soon as He had regained His natural human frame of mind but impelled Him into ever more heartfelt contact with Me, His eternal God and Father, Whom He loved with all His heart, which therefore joined Him ever more to Me so that My love, too, permeated Him ever more until the moment came when He, in brightest light of love, recognised His task …. until He realised that He was meant to deliver His fallen brothers, until He became aware of the complete act of Salvation and He saw before Him the arduous path to the cross He should take if He so wanted …. His path of suffering was shown to Him in every detail, the knowledge of which darkened His soul and filled it with fear from which only His burning love for the wretched living creations helped Him escape again…. Yet He had to struggle with the decision to voluntarily take the path to the cross, He had to be willing to shoulder humanity's every gilt of sin and render such an agonising act of atonement for it that it surpassed all human imagination. For Jesus had not been destined by My will to make this sacrifice on the cross, rather, His soul had voluntarily offered itself to bring the lost children back to Me. For this purpose it lived life on earth as a human being and then had to struggle to make this decision again as a human being, because free will was decisive again too, for I would never have destined a human being to make such a sacrifice of atonement against his will, because only a sacrifice made by love was able to redeem the original sin of the fallen beings. And the sacrifice not only involved the act of crucifixion, the days of most bitter physical suffering and humiliation inflicted on the human being Jesus by My adversary's vassals, but His whole earthly life was a path to the cross, because His soul suffered indescribably, having descended from the kingdom of light into the kingdom of darkness.


And Jesus very soon knew the cause and purpose of his descent to earth and this knowledge burdened the 'human being Jesus' beyond all measure, so that He undeniably travelled the path across earth as a human being yet the pleasures of earthly life were denied to Him, which every human being enjoying his earthly life was usually allowed to take pleasure in with impunity…. For His life was constantly overshadowed by the events ahead of Him which…. since He was merely human…. constantly frightened Him and never let Him be cheerful…. Only in his refuge with Me did He find peace and strength and then, due to his ever-increasing love, His will to make the sacrifice grew constantly stronger too, and He carried the heavy burden of earthly life consciously and only ever endeavoured to do My will and help His fellow human beings…. And this also steadily increased His strength enabling Him to work miracles and thereby helping his fellow human beings who needed His help. Yet His mission before the actual act of Salvation consisted of preaching the Gospel to people, to proclaim My will to them and to admonish and encourage them into leading a loving and righteous way of life…. He brought people the truth which had no longer been recognised for a long time already and which had to be imparted to people in all purity again in order to induce them into a right way of living, so that His act of Salvation would then also be correctly understood and accepted by people who made the effort to live a life of love.


He led the way which all should follow who wanted to return to the kingdom of light, to Me, and who would be able to do so after Jesus had redeemed the original sin through His death on the cross. This act of mercy by Jesus had such enormous consequences that you cannot receive enough clarification about it. Time and again the knowledge of it will be truthfully conveyed to you again, for you should not just see in Jesus the human being Whose life was prematurely terminated by other people, but you should recognise His great mission, for Jesus' act of Salvation is of such immense significance for you humans that it is imperative for you to accept it if you ever want to escape the kingdom of darkness and be admitted into the kingdom of light. And you will only accept it if you are instructed of it absolutely truthfully, which always happens through My spirit which alone guides you into every truth…. Amen




Bertha Dudde - Autobiography

Bertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1 - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde









Believe Me that people would be in a dire straights during the last days before the end if I did not continually send messengers of light to earth to bring them light and strength directly from Me and thus contribute towards saving at least those people who have not yet entirely handed themselves over to My adversary. These messengers of light consequently fight against the prince of darkness by exposing the misconceptions which people adhere to, by bringing them the light of truth and thereby also illuminating the path of return to Me into their Father's house.  There has to be an activity of strong counteracting forces, for the adversary's power is great given that people concede to this power themselves with their wrong attitude towards Me, their God and Creator of eternity. They are living in his realm and constantly move in spiritual darkness. My kingdom, however, is the kingdom of light and bliss, and from this kingdom helpful beings of light, motivated by their love towards the wretched, avail themselves to Me to descend to earth in order to help them still find the way back before the end. And since they are only impelled by love for this work of redemption, I accept it and place them where there is a possibility of success, where they are then lovingly active, both earthly as well as spiritually.


For now they are living as human beings amongst human beings and thus…. although their souls are already fully mature…. also have to fit in with people. Consequently they do not stand out in any special way but live like everyone else, often in underprivileged circumstances. Yet they will never need to suffer adversity, because they work as My servants on earth and, like a good Master, I will also always take care of all their earthly needs on their behalf. Nevertheless they are not conspicuously noticeable in their environment, yet every believer can recognise them by their unusual mission. For they serve Me as bearers of light, as bearers of truth, which they can receive directly from Me and pass on to their fellow human beings. Only the pure truth can still bring salvation to those people who still live in complete error, in spiritual darkness, and who are therefore at greatest risk of getting lost. For you humans are unable to assess in what danger humanity finds itself during these last days before the end. And this motivates Me to send messengers of light to earth which, as human beings, will then do their utmost to work on My behalf on earth to prevent people from becoming subject to compulsory faith. These bearers of light might well sense where they are coming from as soon as they, as people, receive revelations from Me in order to be able to fulfil their mission…. For they will soon recognise their fellow human beings' spiritually low level and their hopelessness of ever attaining the light of truth unless they will receive special help…. And since they themselves will be guided into the knowledge of all correlations by Me through the conveyance of the Word, they will also know that they have come from a different sphere for the sake of a mission.


And yet, I Myself shall keep their origin concealed until they have reached a specific degree of maturity as human beings which, however, they will only attain just before the end of their physical life, for it is irrelevant for the human being's mission which spirit has embodied itself in him, since all beings of light offering themselves to live on earth for the salvation of people are spirits of love which are close to My heart, and My love to all My living creations is so profound that I on My part do not apply any classification, as is always the case with limited thinking…. You humans, however, harbour this wish to know about your previous existence, and then I Am occasionally motivated by your love to give you small hints, providing you interpret these indications correctly…. For in My kingdom are countless beings with the same degree of love whose characteristics.... even though every individual being is self-aware…. correspond to a great original spirit again, precisely because of their greater than great love…. And I also embrace these again with My love and Am present to them on earth in order to support them in their spiritual mission, which is urgently needed because humanity has reached such a spiritually low level that only the pure truth can help it ascend again which you, My messenger, shall receive directly from Me and pass on, so that the error can be recognised…. so that there shall be light on earth, so that I Myself shall be recognised by people in My whole Being…. For it is precisely this realisation which My opponent tries to suppress in order to prevent people from looking for and finding the path to Me…. For anyone who recognises Me in My infinite love, unsurpassable wisdom and overwhelming might will also strive towards Me, and he will be saved from a repeated fall into the abyss…. Amen




Bertha Dudde - Autobiography

Bertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1 - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde

Word of God Endtime Prophecy



Tuesday, November 27, 2007






If you know the blessing of disease, if you know that disease contributes towards the soul's purification…. that disease aids your patience and humility to accept My will and you consequently no longer oppose My will…. if you accept that everything happening to you is recognised by Me as beneficial for you, then you will know that I also recognise the moment in time of your recovery….


However, the fact that I will not cure you instantly is due to your freedom of will, for then you would be forced to believe in Me and My might, but you shall attain this faith without coercion…. Furthermore, you know that the purpose of earthly life consists of providing loving service…. Thus one will always have to work for the other if he wants to fulfil his helpful earthly task. And thus I will also bless the people who are always willing to help even where it concerns physical ailments and pains, and who are able to do so in so far as that they recognise the cause of an illness and the correct remedies to heal it. For depending on their helpfulness and their love for the weak and suffering fellow human being they will indeed be successful. But in the final analysis every cure is based on My will which therefore imposes a limit on a human being's work when I recognise that the effect of a long illness is of value for the soul. My will determines a human being's destiny, thus it also includes diseases which human will is unable to cure despite all applied treatments.


I will never condemn people's attempt to discover methods which are intended to help those who suffer…. For as long as loving helpfulness is the reason of all kinds of research My blessing will rest on it too.... If, however, the motive for producing such remedies is based on the acquisition of earthly possessions, they will generally be ineffective or damaging for the human body despite apparent improvement…. The most harmless remedies can equally suffice to result in a cure, because it is My will and I deem the moment of a cure to have arrived.


An illness shall primarily further the bond with Me, the human being shall take refuge in Me and appeal to Me Myself for being healed, then I will send people to cross your path who only want what is in your best interests, whose thoughts will be guided by Me if they are in contact with Me in thought or through a life of love in accordance with My will. But such healers are only rarely to be found, and therefore people more than ever use remedies which likewise originated from unblessed work…. And then neither the body nor the soul will be able to derive a cure from them because I Myself don't allow that the soul shall be helped against the human being's will…. so that he learns to turn away from the world because the body is no longer able to meet the demands of the world.


Thus you humans can always call upon the help of a physician, but the cure is determined by Me, however, I will often bless the efforts of the latter so that you will recover; yet you shall also derive from every illness a blessing for your soul, that you submit yourselves to Me and My will, that you patiently and gratefully bear the suffering, because it is greatly beneficial for your soul when you prove yourselves during an illness.


But with a rock-hard faith you will also be able to free yourselves from every ailment…. just as I Myself during My life on earth was able to heal people 'whose faith had made them whole….' For nothing is impossible to Me and if your love is so profound that it brings forth a living, strong faith then you will not doubt My love and might for a second.


Then you can be instantly healed, because then this recovery will not be compulsory faith for you since you possess an unshakable faith…. But which one of you can muster this strong faith? Who can use My might without doubt, who will give himself to Me so completely with the plea to heal him and is also convinced that his plea will be granted? Then any miracle can truly happen, be it on yourselves or on a fellow human being on whose behalf you voice this request in strong faith…. But anyone who is very sincerely united with Me has already completely accepted My will and lets Me rule and not use his will in advance…. He will bear even the most difficult suffering with humility in My will and thus render a far greater service to his soul than through the healing of the body…. But I will always work in you such that your fate will be endurable…. and when a human being has to suffer immense pain it also just expresses My love for his soul, which one day will be grateful to Me in the spiritual kingdom that it was already able to dispose of many impurities on earth, that it was also permitted to remove guilt on earth enabling it to enter the spiritual kingdom far less burdened, which it could never have achieved with a healthy body…. Amen - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde


Bertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1


Booklets translated into english by 10/2007:

..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy

001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
008 You between two worlds Part 1
009 You between two worlds Part 2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011 Souls in the beyond 1
012 Souls in the beyond 2
013 Souls in the beyond 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
016 False prophets
017 God and the churches Part 1
018 God and the churches Part 2
019 The church of Christ
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
023 Pre-Adamites
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1
059 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 2
060 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 3
061 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 4
062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 5
070a Return to God 1
070b Return to God 2
109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster
182 We are only guests on this earth
220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 I will guide you into truth 1
E03 I will guide you into truth 2
E04 I will guide you into truth 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days
S02 What will happen to the human race


Monday, November 26, 2007






If the knowledge of the infinitely long path of development, which you had to travel before your last embodiment as a human being, is given to you and you think about it, then you will also become aware of the tremendous guilt you had burdened yourselves with by your former apostasy from Me… Because My sense of justice would certainly not let you endure an excess of suffering if you had not brought it on yourselves.  Yet it is not an act of punishment on My part but once again only an act of My eternal love, because I want you to be joyful; however, I cannot give you a blissful life which conflicts with My law of eternal order while your frame of mind opposes Me… which is the case due to your past antagonism towards Me.  However, as human beings you cannot assess the magnitude of your guilt because your thoughts are only limited.  Yet the beings which previously had fallen away had no such limitation of knowledge as you have as human beings.… instead they were perfect living creations who were fully enlightened.  For that reason their guilt is so tremendous that it requires an act of atonement which could not even be achieved with the infinitely long path through creation. Rather, the greatest act of love and compassion had to be accomplished first by the man Jesus in order to make a final redemption of guilt possible which, however, also necessitates the acknowledgement of Jesus as Son of God and Saviour of the world.…


When you return to the realm of light from where you came you can judge the magnitude of guilt that an opposition to Me had meant.  You will also understand that only by following the path through creation can you once again obtain the degree of maturity with which you can also comprehend and accept Jesus' act of Salvation….


As human beings, however, you cannot grasp the extent of the immense significance this act of Salvation has for you… for each individual soul… and you therefore have to 'believe' what you are told and accept the divine Saviour Jesus Christ without proof. Then you become free of your former guilt and once again place your trust in Me… Who was incarnated in Jesus… and at the same time voluntarily return to Him, Whom you once refused to acknowledge and Whom you resisted…  You humans certainly can be given complete clarification; however, you are not able to understand everything in your as yet imperfect state.  Therefore it will always be an act of faith when you follow the path to the cross but it is also your only and certain salvation because Jesus Christ will then accept the guilt on your behalf, because He died on the cross for the sake of people's sins, He took them upon Himself and redeemed them with His blood so that you would become free of sin…  And yet, this greatest and most important doctrine concerning the act of Salvation cannot be proven to you… You have to believe it of your own free will and without any coercion…  And you are able to do so because I will never ask of you the impossible and because I will always help you to come to the right understanding.


However, one thing you should not omit or exclude: that you live a life of love… because love is the strength which enables you to do everything, because through love you attain enlightenment, and because through love you unite with Me again  and establish the condition prior to your fall into sin, when My light could continuously enlighten you.  That way I can illuminate you as human beings, as soon as you practise love and voluntarily turn towards Me, no longer oppose Me and open up to Me so that the flow of My love can pour into you without restriction.  But this is only possible after you have taken the way to the cross, so that you become free from the guilt of your sins, otherwise you will still suffer in the bonds of the adversary who will prevent you from doing actions of love and keep you in spiritual darkness because he does not want to lose you. Your guilt has been immense but it is redeemed by Jesus Christ Who now has become the visible God for you humans, providing you allow yourselves to be redeemed by Him, because you cannot ever remove your guilt yourselves.  I, however, cannot admit you into My kingdom with your guilt because, although I Am in fact a God of love, I Am also a God of justice…  And this justice necessitates complete forgiveness of sins which you can only find in Jesus Christ, in Whom I Myself accomplished the act of Salvation…  Amen



Bertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1





Sunday, November 25, 2007






Anyone who belongs to My church also has to have a living faith, a faith which came alive through love and thus enables the working of the spirit in the human being, which again is only the result of love. The members of My church will only ever consist of people who are so sincerely united with Me that they feel My presence, whose faith is consequently unwavering and cannot be shaken…. which stands firm like a rock against every onslaught from outside, on account of which I said to Peter 'Upon you I will build My church…' For Peter's faith was strong and unwavering, even though during one hour he did not pass the test of faith, since events precipitated and shook his confidence…. It was, however, more due to his intellect, which saw no way out from greatest danger, whereas his soul was pushed back and felt abandoned…. Yet after this test of faith his love for Me grew ever deeper and his faith strengthened, and such faith I also expect of those who want to belong to My church. Then they will no longer fall victim to My adversary and their enemy….


A member of My church will always recognise the truth and renounce all error, because My spirit works in him as an indication that he is part of the church founded by Me….  And where My spirit works there can be no lack of clarity, no doubt and no confused concepts…. A member of My church will be enlightened and his thoughts will be correct....

This church needs no external characteristics, it needs no organisations, because there are people in all ecclesiastical organisations with a living faith who thereby arouse the spirit within them, and they all affiliate themselves to the 'Church of Christ' which, in truth, is a purely spiritual connection of those who unite with Me through love, who do everything consciously and not as a meaningless external activity which is purely mechanically implemented. 


You are meant to be living Christians, always conscious of the fact that you should fulfil the purpose of your earthly life, always eagerly striving to reach your goal, and always submitting yourselves to Me so that I Myself can assume your guidance, and then you will truly reach your goal. For I Am not satisfied that you only fulfil humanly decreed commandments which you were taught during your upbringing, which are pointless and do not result in psychological maturity…. As members of the church founded by Me Myself you will also always be My true successors, you will always humbly accept all suffering and hardship affecting you, because you recognise them as a test of faith which you should pass, and as a means of help to increase the maturity of your soul…. For this is what the spirit within tells you, and you will also understand the reasons of what I allow to happen to you.


You will live a second life next to your earthly one, a life in unity with Me, your God and Father of eternity, and this life will guarantee your perfection. Hence every person is able to attain this perfection, irrespective of the school of thought he belongs to, providing he always stays in a living relationship with Me and can thereby also be guided into truth.... which, however, always necessitates a life of love and a firm, living faith…. As long as you humans are lacking both you are just dead forms on this earth which eternally cannot come alive, for your external actions will not result in inner changes which, however, are the meaning and purpose of a human being's earthly life.


Join the church which I Myself founded on earth, wake up from your sleep of death, bring the spirit in you to life by doing selfless deeds of love, and you will thereby also achieve a faith so unwavering that hell will fail to shake it…. And when you possess such faith you will be truly close to Me already, then you will feel My presence, then you will also regain the abilities that were yours before your apostasy from Me. You will become perfect again as you were in the beginning, and your life will be a happy one for all eternity…. Amen







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Saturday, November 24, 2007






It is indeed difficult for you, My servants on earth, to assert yourselves against misconceptions, for everything that comes from the adversary will also be endorsed by him, and he will support those who are of service to him in every way by spreading error and plunging people into ever greater darkness. His worst action, however, rests in the fact that he makes them believe that they are working for Me. And thus you will also understand when it is said that he will appear in the garment of an angel of light, and you will equally understand that truth and error are often close together…. that the same seemingly takes place and yet it is entirely the opposite, concerning its content as well as its effect. And you will raise the question as to why I allow this to happen, since I, after all, love My living creations and would like to lead them into beatitude…. You will raise the objection that all human beings strive for happiness and yet can be misled by the adversary and the enemy of their souls. And again, there is only one answer to this, namely, that every person need only establish heartfelt contact with Me and sincerely appeal to Me to protect him from error…. Then he would also brightly and clearly recognise the error…. But what causes the adversary to have such a large following.... why do people allow themselves to be caught up in a misconception without opposing it? They are indifferent to the truth, they don't deliberate enough on what their fellow human beings tell them, they don't have the desire for the bright light of realisation to be kindled in them…. And this is because their nature is not yet controlled by love, because they are still too attached to the world and fail to live up to My commandments of love for God and their neighbour, otherwise they would be brightly enlightened and permeated by the desire for truth. They certainly acknowledge the fact that people are required to lead a spiritual life and therefore join this or that school of thought, they allow leaders to push them into this or that direction of thought and do not sufficiently reflect on it themselves because they have not yet found a heartfelt bond with Me which is the result of a life of love…. 


The whole explanation only rests in the individual person's degree of love as to whether and why the human being falls prey to error. Equally, however, the person whose way of life is a life of love will just as surely know the truth…. And I can only convey the pure truth to earth by way of actively loving people, so that it is always possible to gain possession of the truth, because this is guaranteed by the love within a person's heart. And this, too, is known by My adversary, consequently he tries to distort the concept of love…. He stops people from correctly realising what they should do in order to gain My love…. He stops people from carrying out unselfish deeds of love and thereby also from attaining inner enlightenment. He will always know how to nourish a person's selfish love, and for that time the latter will remain in spiritual darkness and think wrongly, for he will be receptive to many currents of thought which originate from the adversary. The human being, however, has free will…. If he seriously wants to know the truth it will also imparted to him with certainty.... However, if a person only relies on that which is supplied to him by another fellow human being without actually experiencing the burning desire to learn the pure truth from his God and Creator himself, then he will neither recognise error nor defend himself against it and My adversary will have  succeeded in his work of increasing the darkness; this will become particularly evident at the end of an earthly period so as not to lose his followers who, however, would recognise his true nature and renounce him if they knew the truth. Everyone who reaches out with pleading hands in order to accept the truth from Me will also be able to receive it in abundance, and the truth will indeed make him very happy. Even so, I cannot prevent My adversary's activity since he is entitled to fight for his followers. And no matter how apprehensible his methods are…. the human being need not succumb to him because he always has strength at his disposal and because he need only turn to Me Myself in order to be protected from his influence. And truly, My Word is being conveyed to earth as a brightly shining light which can also be recognised by all people as truth.... However, anyone who is still so entrenched in selfish love will also be instilled by My adversary with the belief that he lives on earth as an elevated spirit, and this misguided point of view entails that the human being also keeps himself closed to every emanation of light which originates from Me directly. And yet the person believes to be of service to Me and is nevertheless not aware of My will which requires him to hand himself over to Me completely in order to then be permeated by Me with the light of truth, in order to enable Me Myself to address him, Who undeniably needs servants on earth but only those who have completely entered into My will and are therefore able to work on earth on My behalf…. Amen




Yes, you do have permission to send this message to family, friends and other spiritual needy. "... freely ye have received, freely give."

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Booklets translated into english by 10/2007:

..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy

001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
008 You between two worlds Part 1
009 You between two worlds Part 2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011 Souls in the beyond 1
012 Souls in the beyond 2
013 Souls in the beyond 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
016 False prophets
017 God and the churches Part 1
018 God and the churches Part 2
019 The church of Christ
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
023 Pre-Adamites
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1
059 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 2
060 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 3
061 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 4
062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 5
070a Return to God 1
070b Return to God 2
109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster
182 We are only guests on this earth
220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 I will guide you into truth 1
E03 I will guide you into truth 2
E04 I will guide you into truth 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days
S02 What will happen to the human race


Thursday, November 22, 2007






You still do not understand the spiritual meaning of My Word.... you interpret the letters intellectually and therefore cannot get the correct results. You cannot understand what I wanted to say when I told My disciples 'Baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.' By 'baptism' you only ever understand the immersion in water.... an external formality performed by people to demonstrate their obedience to the commandment of baptism…. which, however, is and always was merely an accompanying formality but it does not affect the real core of My commandment. Baptism with water as such does not actually effect a transformation of the person, as you humans will have to admit… Only the contribution of what emanates from the Father, the Son and the spirit…. which proves the Father's love, the Son's wisdom and the spirit's strength…. can cause a change in the human being and is the true baptism, which every person must have received in order to reach his goal on earth: to perfect himself in order to be eternally united with Me.


The Father.... love.... is an eternal fire which emanates the light of wisdom…. the Son, and the strength of the spirit has to express itself as a result.  The human being….  as a weak creature, has to be so permeated by love and wisdom that he in turn attains strength and freedom himself once again. He has to be permeated by My spirit, hence love, wisdom and spiritual strength have to characterise him as a divine living being which has returned to perfection. The human being has to immerse himself in the sea of My love, he has to be guided into truth, which will always come about by way of My will, My strength and My greater than great love.


Baptise them in the name of the Father.... be kind when you give them My Word which is wisdom, and thereby enable the working of the spirit in the human being, which presumes an activity of love, because the manifestation of My spirit is the gift of My love which expresses itself in the conveyance of wisdom…. of truthful knowledge…. Love, wisdom and strength.... they have to be truthfully clarified to you humans, and this clarification is a true baptism of spirit which cannot be replaced by an immersion in water.


Try to understand that you humans should not adhere to external formalities.... try to understand that I truly do not demand outward appearances from you but only ever evaluate what is done in spirit and in truth. And if you now, as evidence of your correct thinking, refer to My baptism by John in the river Jordan, then remember that people knew very little about Me in those days, that outward actions meant a lot to them then, and that every person needed a certain degree of maturity first in order to explain to him the spiritual meaning of baptism. Besides, by their willingness to be baptised by John people proved their desire to come closer to their God and Creator, and in those days this was indeed a substantial spiritual gain. And thus I, too, submitted Myself to this formality in order to legitimise the actions of My forerunner John. It would have been futile to explain the unimportance of this external action to people because they would have been unable to comprehend the pure spiritual truth. The baptism with water caused them no harm, but would only be beneficial to them when they also accepted the Word of God, which John passed on to them....


And therefore the human being today will also receive 'baptism' when he accepts My Word, which is conveyed to him by My infinite Fatherly love, and lives accordingly and thereby finds wisdom…. as a result of love…. which awakens and activates My spirit of light and strength inside of him…. However, all this cannot be replaced by baptism with water, the latter will always remain a symbol, an external formality from which people do not want to part because they try to demonstrate everything outwardly and are not content with the value of purely spiritual experiences.


I can only ever repeat that all external actions and customs are of no benefit, that I will never judge a person by his outward action but solely by his inner attitude towards Me and My Word. As soon as a human being accepts My Word, acknowledges it and lives accordingly he will perfect himself while still on earth, because My Word is the water of life which comes forth from the source of all being. And in this water you should immerse yourselves, this water will flow from your body and you will experience the spiritual baptism when the spirit within you awakens to life, when you are permeated by love, wisdom and strength and you once again become the original being you once were, when by the water of life you achieve eternal life which you will never lose again…. Amen



Bertha Dudde - Chronological lists of all translated Revelations - 1








You humans are not conscious of your hardship, yet this calamity cannot be described to you pessimistically enough, so that you will endeavour to remedy the situation yourselves, for you can do so providing you muster the firm will. But first you have to recognise this adversity yourselves….  You ought to know that you have reached the end of an eternally long process of development through the earthly creation, that you had to suffer indescribable torments during this time and that you now, as a human being, are able to end this state of torment and enter the spiritual kingdom as a free being of light.... You ought to know that it is your last opportunity to free yourselves from every physical shell, but that you now also have to lead an appropriate way of life as a human being otherwise you will fail and the whole preceding path has been in vain…. You ought to know that you, in that case, will fall back into the deepest abyss again and have to cover the path through the creations in appalling agony once more, constrained in matter….


You humans live your lives irresponsibly; it does not occur to you that you are on earth for a purpose.... you do not concern yourselves in any way with such thoughts and don't recognise a spiritual reason for your existence…. you do not look for a God and Creator, from Whom the creation as well as you yourselves have originated, you live indifferently and…. most importantly…. you live without love. Only love can take you to final perfection, only love guarantees that blissful fate in eternity, since you only need love to attain the last goal: the final release from matter. For although you will enter the kingdom of the beyond after your physical death you will nevertheless not be able to detach yourselves from earth, and then you can still descend further and get banished into matter again. But you can also be caught unawares by the end while you are still on earth, and then you will return to the abyss without fail, from where you had worked your way up already…. And you will have to bear this awful fate once more, for I cannot digress from the law of eternal order, even though My love belongs to you and will never ever abandon you…. But I cannot bypass My justice which is equally part of My perfection.


Time and again I call to you: Take stock of yourselves…. you are travelling the last short stretch of the path. Don't take the wrong path which will inevitably lead to the abyss, but join Me and cover your earthly path holding on to My hand…. Consider the possible cause and purpose for your earthly existence, and truly, I will illuminate you in this respect because I want you to follow the path to your Father's house, because I long for your return to Me and would like to spare you the terrible fate of a new banishment…. Realise the fact that you are in tremendous spiritual danger and try to change it, for it is entirely due to your will to fulfil the task on account of which you were allowed to embody yourselves as a human being…. But you have to liberate yourselves from worldly longings; you should not look at your earthly life as an end in itself but always recognise it as the means to an end….


And it will be possible for you to live an expedient way of life if only you endeavour to live a life of love…. Then you will have escaped the risk of failure in this end period, then you will recognise ever more clearly why you are living on earth, and you will always make the effort to fulfil the will of your God and Creator, you will enter into a father-child relationship, and then the Father will take hold of you and draw you to Himself and never ever let you descend into the abyss again.  Listen to My admonitions and warnings, change your way of life, and try to conclude the infinitely long earthly path in order to enter the kingdom of light and bliss after your physical death. And if you muster this determination then you will also truly receive the strength to do so, for I will help you until the end so that you will attain life and not fall prey to death again…. Amen





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Wednesday, November 21, 2007






The human being's will to know the truth is blessed by Me, for then I will be able to reveal Myself to him, I will be able to mentally convey the truth to him or address him so that he will hear My Word. Under no circumstances do I want him to accept mental concepts which seem doubtful to him, for such doubts are justified if he genuinely requests the truth. Then these doubts will already constitute a mild rejection of what contradicts the truth. You ask Me how you can recognise the truth, you ask, how you can recognise My messengers…. If I transmit a major revelation to earth you will always recognise it as coming from Me by the bright ray of light that illuminates your heart…. For a divine revelation has to enrich you, you have to receive something that makes you happy, that you don't want to part with again…. always provided that you genuinely desire the truth…. then the Eternal Truth will reveal Itself to you. In that case it is irrelevant as to whether you receive this gift directly or through My messengers, for then you will also experience the same feeling, because they, too, only impart what originates from Me.


If, however, the spiritual information leaves you unmoved or you inwardly reject it, then you can unhesitatingly dismiss it, for it will never be a divine revelation but usually your own or adopted ideas which have no effective strength. Then you need not fear to do wrong, for anyone who wants to hear Me will also recognise My voice…. 'He who keeps My commandments is the one who loves Me…. and I will reveal Myself to him….' i.e. I will make Myself known to him.

And the human being will recognise Me when he is informed about My nature…. when he receives the knowledge which hitherto was hidden from him…. Hence on account of this knowledge he will be able to recognise Me…. for knowledge, in turn, is the light which illuminates a person from within. If you therefore receive varying knowledge, i.e. contradicting knowledge from external sources you only need to make heartfelt contact with Me and ask Me to help you recognise the truth and truly, you will feel the correct spiritual knowledge come forth from Me and can safely reject the rest. Not everyone hears My Word directly, and yet I Am addressing him Myself when the directly received Word is imparted to him…. And if I address him Myself through these very messengers who received it directly from Me, he will also feel that he is being addressed by Me, and this is your most reliable evidence that you receive the purest truth, for I place this feeling into your heart Myself….


You have further reliable proof of a 'divine revelation' if it keeps exposing existing misguided teachings, if the contents of such a revelation clearly intend to 'purify the Gospel' which was repeatedly spoiled by human will…. True messengers can therefore only be people who endorse the truth of such a revelation, who make sure that these revelations are passed on to people…. Since I Am the Eternal Truth Myself I will consequently also ensure that people can receive the truth if they genuinely want it…. A revelation from Me must therefore enlighten them about everything pertaining to spiritual subjects. Thus I only call those people 'My messengers' who try to spread My Word which I directly conveyed to earth…. I indeed pour out My spirit upon all flesh, as I promised…. Yet this is not limited to such obviously remarkable revelations on My part but includes enlightened reasoning, correct communication in spiritual discussions, realisation of My divine Word, hence also complete understanding of the unusual knowledge contained in My revelations from above…. And if the recipients of My Word can be addressed by Me directly they will always proclaim and advocate the same…. For this reason an unusual revelation can always be regarded as a criterion for the truth of spiritual knowledge, and since its contents predominantly consist of Jesus Christ's act of Salvation it also proves its divine origin and therefore also guarantees the complete truth…. Amen






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Tuesday, November 20, 2007






My disciples received the Gospel of love from Me directly when I lived on earth, and thus they were able to carry it into the world in its pure and unadulterated form after I accomplished My act of Salvation and ascended to My kingdom of light again. And they, on their part, also kept My teaching pure and people came to know Me as their Redeemer from sin and death…. They were instructed by My disciples that they would have to take the path to the cross and live a life of love in order to be able to fulfil the purpose of their earthly lives and to enter My kingdom after their deaths. My disciples were guided into truth by Me and also passed on the same truth because My spirit was able to work in them…. In the beginning, therefore, people accepted My pure Gospel and also made an effort to live a life of love, and thus they, too, became spiritually alive and I was able to work in them Myself. And so My teaching remained pure for a certain period of time, My disciples passed on their teaching ministry because they recognised the spiritual state of those they appointed as their successors….


Yet it did not take long before people assumed such a teaching ministry by themselves, partly due to selfish reasons, partly due to overzealousness of complying with My will but without waiting for the inner calling…. And so it came to pass that this teaching ministry was eventually conferred indiscriminately.... that the inner ability, the human being's spiritual state, was no longer pertinent but that external circumstances played a part and thus increasingly endangered the pure truth as well which, however, was not noticed precisely because of the teachers' unenlightened spirit…. The people, however, to whom the Gospel was preached were denied the right to form their own opinion and to voice doubts about the absolute truth of what they were taught…. Those who deemed themselves spiritual leaders were convinced of their mission and authority and allowed no contradiction whatsoever. And those who were being taught were obliged to accept without scrutiny that everything they were offered was true. It was only possible for the truth to remain pure as long as its guardians were spiritually enlightened. Yet the number of those who were placed into positions of authority without being enlightened by My spirit soon predominated and all objections by a spiritually awakened person were dismissed…. The former grew more powerful and the pure truth became interspersed with error…. with ideas which had originated in people's intellect and were endorsed by them as divine truth. And although spiritually enlightened people time and again tried to eliminate this error…. My adversary succeeded in asserting himself, for his followers' power was already too great and the pure truth was no longer recognised as such.


This explains to you that in the course of time something entirely different established itself as the 'church of Christ' than what was founded by Me on earth…. Only this explains how an organisation came into power, why time and again divisions occurred within this organisation and why I only ever want the 'church founded by Me' to be regarded as a spiritual edifice that includes those people who live in truth due to a life of love, which results in a living faith and the awakening of the spirit. And this church has indeed kept itself alive to this day, for time and again My spirit could pour itself out over people who made an effort to live a life of love and to fulfil My will…. And so the pure truth which exposes all misguided teachings could always be imparted to them again, and every genuinely truth-seeking person will receive an explanation as to how humankind was able to fall into such confused thinking and is unwilling to free itself from it. Yet it will also be understandable to everyone that the masses will never be open to the truth but willingly accept error, and thus every individual person should try to free himself from wrong spiritual knowledge as soon as My grace offers him the pure truth, for just his sincere desire will enable him to differentiate between truth and error, and then he will also belong to the church which I founded on earth Myself…. Amen





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