Tuesday, January 03, 2006



Word of God


You shall find out in the hour of fear what grace and strength emanates from God's Word, conveyed to earth through His love, when you consider yourselves cut off from the entire world and communicate only with God through prayer. Then He shall speak to you and provide you with strength, He shall protect you and care for you, and His Word shall be sufficient eating and drinking, until help comes.

Men shall not be able to give you the comfort which streams to you in His Word, because in His Word you sense His present well, and entrust yourselves to Him in faith. And when you hear His Word, the fear has gone out of everything. His love speaks to you; His Fatherland grasps you and never lets you fall again. His Word is full of mildness and goodness - it speaks hope to you and you recognise it as Truth, and hence all fear and worry leave you because you now trust Him unreservedly.

The greater the earthly want, the nearer God is to you, if only you call upon Him. He does not leave you and emphasised this in His Word, which you may either constantly hear directly or through mediators, if you desire it. He does not leave you without spiritual food he does not close off the well whence the fountains of living waters stream - He guards it against destruction; He will not allow human will to bury it, allowing the well to dry up, which His great mercy-love opened up for those of you who hunger and thirst, languishing in depravation of body and soul, asking for refreshment.

And thus God Himself descends to earth in His Word - to His own, when men have blocked off all access to you. Then He shall be with you and you shall be able to receive rich gifts from His Fatherly hand, you shall be strengthened physically and spiritually, and when you shall have relinquished all earthly aspirations and given yourselves entirely to God, He Himself takes your fate into His hands and delivers you from all want. Because His love embraces you, as it does with all who seek refuge with Him through prayer.


To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION ...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler, ..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations.
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