Wednesday, October 31, 2007






The spirit of the Antichrist reigns wherever I Am not recognised. That is where he has already caused his work of confusion, he has weakened people's power of realisation, he obscured everything, he has displaced the truth and deluded people with his deceptive light, having used his power as My adversary and thus worked against Me. His favourite weapon is to tear the image of the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ from people's hearts and thus he works against Christ, and this to an ever increasing extent the closer it gets to the end. It is his achievement that people distanced themselves from Me, that they no longer believe in Jesus Christ and therefore don't find the way to Me anymore; and yet his activity is only possible because people do not resist his onslaughts and the beginnings of his activity. For they can defend themselves if they want to.... They live on earth as completely independent beings and have absolute free will. They are far away from Me but at the start of their embodiment as a human being also so far away from My adversary that he cannot force them to become subject to him. I gave people the means to absorb the impressions surrounding them with heart and mind and to think them through in their heart and with their intellect, for I did not create automatons who must carry out their activity according to the Master's law; I externalised you as free beings, gave you intellect and reason and constantly influence you through all events in a helpful sense….


However, he, too, will not let his power go to waste. He will likewise try to influence your will but the final decision rests with you humans yourselves…. Nevertheless, you only need to use the means at your disposal…. you only need to ensure that you receive My spirit of love, My strength, which will enable you to resist all your enemy's onslaughts. You can always gain this strength by merely practising love yourselves, thus by acquiring My strength of love, which you can use without limits but which can only be gained through activity of love. My adversary is an enemy of love and you will always be able to conquer him if you stand up to him with the weapon of love. Then you will take the path of Christ, you will take the path of love which He travelled too, then you will follow Him and He will be your patron, your leader, He will have become your Redeemer as a result of your will which has joined Him through love…. However, as long as humanity lacks love it will not recognise Him, and this is caused by My adversary who believes he can increase his power by reducing the power of Jesus. He conspicuously directs his activity against Him, and every person who turns away from Jesus Christ, who renounces Him, who rejects Him when He confronts Him in the Word is controlled by the Antichrist; he is an antichrist himself who willingly carries out what Satan impels him to do…. Beware of these antichrists, even if they pretend to strive for the same noble goals…. They are in his power and are therefore also My adversaries and will have to pay for their antagonism on the day of Judgment, which is very close…. Amen - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde





Booklets translated into english by 10/2007:

..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy

001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
008 You between two worlds Part 1
009 You between two worlds Part 2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011 Souls in the beyond 1
012 Souls in the beyond 2
013 Souls in the beyond 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
016 False prophets
017 God and the churches Part 1
018 God and the churches Part 2
019 The church of Christ
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
023 Pre-Adamites
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1
059 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 2
060 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 3
061 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 4
062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 5
070a Return to God 1
070b Return to God 2
109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster
182 We are only guests on this earth
220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 I will guide you into truth 1
E03 I will guide you into truth 2
E04 I will guide you into truth 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days
S02 What will happen to the human race


Tuesday, October 30, 2007






Sooner or later all of you will have to give account of yourselves before My judgment seat and remember every hour you wasted and lost for eternity. Sooner or later all of you will have to confess your sins because they become apparent and cannot be kept secret any longer, for nothing remains hidden before My eyes. And thus I demand an account for all your thoughts, words and actions. And you should remember this Day of Judgment if you think that you can sin with impunity, this day, when all of you will have to be answerable about your way of life on earth. It will come without fail and take all of you by surprise because you don't expect it quite so soon. Yet it will come like a thief in the night, without warning and in silence, it will come when no-one expects it. And yet not unannounced, for long before I will have drawn people's attention to it, to the Day of Judgment, the day of the end and the destruction of this earth. The fact that you humans do not want to believe it will not change My plan of eternity, for this day has been predetermined according to My will and human will shall be unable to postpone it but must submit to My will. The reason why I speak to people time and again through servants on earth and in the kingdom of light is due to the fact that a day like that, which concludes an unimaginably long period of development, shall not come unannounced to humankind. The Day of Judgment is the conclusion of an earthly period which was granted to people for their salvation. During this developmental period people received a special privilege…. the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ Himself came to earth in order to help those people who wanted to fail in their process of development.


And thus people were able to redeem themselves if only they wanted to. If, however, their will fails then it will be their own fault, and as long as people live on earth I warn them time and again about this fault. Their fault only consists of the fact that they don't want to accept help but are too weak on their own. What they can do they don't want to do, hence they will also have to take responsibility for what they don't want to do. This is why everyone will be held to account on the last day, for they all had a measure of blessings at their disposal which could have helped them to ascend with ease. And the indications of the end through seers and prophets are part of theses blessings. But anyone who does not listen to them, who does not give credence to them, does nothing for his own redemption either. I always admonished and warned people through seers and prophets, and the often enough announced end of the old earth also explains the emergence of prophets in My name, because I won't leave people without warning and they are living in the last days, because the end is so near that all of you would be shocked if you knew the day and the hour. Time and again I draw your attention to it yet no-one shall be forced to believe it, but woe to those who listened to My Word and refused to believe it…. who recognised it as My Word and yet do not believe in the end and the Judgment and therefore do not prepare themselves for the end. Woe to them…. for the hour will take them by surprise when the last Judgment arrives…. Amen

 - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde


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Monday, October 29, 2007






The gulf between humanity and Me grows deeper and deeper, for the number of those who believe in Me with conviction continues to fall. The strength of My representatives on Earth gets constantly weaker, they certainly speak in My name yet are not the distributors of the pure truth. Ever more people leave the faith and turn to the one who is My adversary.... they turn to the world which is his kingdom and thereby increase the distance from Me which they should reduce during their earthly life. They move away from Me and broaden the gulf that separates them from Me. Yet this only works up to a point, for once the limit has been exceeded when the strength of My love no longer affects them, the spiritual substance within people hardens again into solid matter…. As long as the earth still exists the defected people will remain within the circuit of My flow of love, yet leaving it signifies the disintegration of the forms which shelter the spiritual substances…. it signifies the death of people as well as of animals, it signifies a dissolution of creation and a restoration of the same.


No being can distance itself from Me with impunity, for it will lose its life if it loses Me. And so, anyone who wants to stay alive and does not want to lose his life ever again must strive towards Me and look for Me, he must endeavour to reach Me and thus lessen the gulf between us. However, without faith in Me as Father and Creator of eternity there is no path across this gulf, for the bridge leading to Me is invisible…. Only faith makes the bridge apparent, for faith causes people to call upon Me. Faith in Me leads to prayer, which is the safest bridge to Me. Untold people go past this bridge and even those who should be their leaders often don't find the bridge themselves because their words are lifeless, because the paths they take are unsuitable to serve as a bridge, paths, which time and again lead back to the beginning; because their words of prayer do not emerge from their heart and therefore do not reach My ear either, thus they do not use the bridge which is the only path that leads across the gulf to Me. Sooner or later, however, even this bridge will not exist anymore, for once My Own have come across it will be too late for the others, because then every path will be cut off and there will be no more escape for those left behind; then they will be devoured by the abyss, the earth will admit them again and everything will become solidified and become matter once more, because it didn't strive to ascend but chose to reach the abyss…. Amen
 - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde


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Sunday, October 28, 2007






A visible power will control you which will refuse to acknowledge an invisible Power.... And this power will provoke your last test of faith, for it will be fighting against Me and will also want to educate you into becoming My adversaries. And this is why you will require your entire strength of faith in order to resist it. Many will bow down under the sceptre of the ruler promising them golden mountains but will demand the surrender of all faith in return, of all spiritual knowledge, the acknowledgement of his power and sovereignty and the denial of an eternal Creator, of a loving and righteous God, Who will call people to account one day for their will, thoughts and actions. And thus he will oppose Me, and although the last battle will not last long it will be very difficult for My believers because they will be placed under inhuman pressure which will make professing Christ incredibly difficult for them. Yet the knowledge of the pure truth, My obvious help and the hope of My coming and life in paradise on the new earth will give you the strength to persevere and to defy every onslaught on part of the worldly authority. You have My Word that I will not let you remain in adversity, you can be firmly convinced of that. I know My Own and will support every one of them if only they rely on Me, if only they believe in Me. But the one who will come will dazzle people with his intellectual sharpness, his comprehensive knowledge, with his easy-going conduct towards other rulers, and they all will grant him the right of organisational activities with the ultimate goal of displacing all spiritual schools of thought.


For he will try to portray spiritual striving as the wrongly applied energy of life, which should be used for the construction and improvement of earthly requirements. And he will find followers everywhere, who will acknowledge him and likewise proceed against all spiritual work. And thus My servants on earth will have a difficult time. At first the intention will be to take all means which enable you to be spiritually active away from you, but you will also be individually persecuted and will have to give account to the earthly authorities about your convictions and activities. Furthermore, you will also be plunged into earthly hardship as a result of laws which seem, and indeed are, extraordinarily hard and brutal for the believer if I was not going to manifestly stand by you and sustain you by spiritual means. And you will feel My obvious help, you will sense that I Am with you and know the hardship of every individual person which I will remedy when the time is right. The Antichrist will come and with him all the signs of the approaching end. For as soon as the battle of faith commences you can be certain that the end will not be long in coming, because the battle of faith will be waged with such severity and so brutally that I Myself will have to come in order to rescue My Own from deepest distress and lift them up into the realm of peace…. And then the last Judgment will happen and My adversary's power will be broken for a long time…. Amen

 - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde


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Saturday, October 27, 2007






And time and again I say to you: You will experience the end.... It is an urgent wake-up call which I send to people who presently inhabit the earth, it is a call which I will still intensify because you need to let go of your conviction that you still have much time left, because you need to spend thought on a sudden end and try to come close to Me. You have only little time left and very soon will be startled out of your calm, fear will enter your hearts which you can only banish by calling upon Me, by faithful prayer, which will provide you with strength and composure. The time is fulfilled, and even if you resist this thought.... you must prepare yourselves for whatever the end entails. It is you who will experience the last battle, who ought to win it; it is you who will experience the last Judgment, who will either see My coming in the clouds and the homecoming of the righteous or the final act of destruction take place, depending on your attitude towards Me, depending on your will and your love. It is you who must make a decision since you will not be able to enter the kingdom of the beyond after your death if you side with the adversary, but you will have to repeat the process through the creation of the new earth according to My eternal counsel. Do not expect the end in the future, get used to the idea that the present time will lead to the end, that you will be affected and that everything will come upon you as seers and prophets predicted according to My will. I can only ever draw your attention to it and as confirmation of My Word speak to you from above, and I will implement it shortly because there is not much time until the end.


I will inform you, whose will to serve Me made you My Own, once again of this just before the end, so that you will not experience the day unprepared, for even though you believe that My Word is truth you are still not taking My prediction seriously enough, you are still counting on a reprieve and not on My speedy arrival which, however, is about to happen to you. Yet you will yearn for My arrival when the time of the battle of faith comes and you enter the last stage of this earthly period. Then you will have learned to despise the world, you will have no further desire for earthly possessions, you will only yearn for My Word, and I will also always be with you in the Word and comfort you until the day when I will appear in the clouds, when your adversity has reached huge proportions and help can only come from Me. You must take it for granted that you will experience this time if I won't recall this or that servant of Mine prematurely, according to wise judgment. You will all be surprised as to how quickly events will unfold, which I predicted long in advance through the voice of the spirit. And once I appear the end will come upon you with giant strides. Anyone who is profoundly faithful will inwardly rejoice despite hardship and suffering, for he will know that he will be compensated one day, that sooner or later all adversity will have an end and that a new era will start again with the paradise, as I have promised…. Amen
 - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde


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Friday, October 26, 2007







I convey a proclamation to you which is extremely important. You must prepare yourselves for the forthcoming turn of events, for soon I will visibly appear. The time given to you is coming to an end and My Word will fulfil itself, to the joy of a few and the horror of many people who have recognised and shall again recognise Me when I express Myself and demonstrate My will and My power. You are at the final stage in order to then take a path full of deprivations and tribulation, for this is needed for people who shall experience My power in order to reach out and grasp My helping hand. My last teaching method seems to be relentless and cruel to people and yet it is only based on My love, for countless souls will go astray without this final means and I still want to gain a few by using it. Recognise My love in the fact that I have announced and persistently continue to announce the forthcoming event to you in order to make you believe, if you don't want to believe it beforehand….


You will all have to experience fearful hours and the survivors must endure most difficult conditions which seem insufferable to them. Yet I promise My strength and help to all who call upon Me in spirit and in truth. I will not take notice of lip prayers but only of the call that rises up to Me from the bottom of your heart…. This will be granted, and every adversity will be lessened and thus become tolerable for people who believe in Me…. News will reach you about worldly plans and measures yet they shall be shattered by My will, you will hear about new danger but should know that a different danger is approaching and that you need not fear the former and should only direct your attention to Me and My kingdom and that you must join Me ever more closely in order to receive more strength for the hours of greatest need…. I say this to you because My love wants to prepare you for that which is inevitable and will happen according to My eternal plan, because you still require much strength and have to receive it through a sincere will, heartfelt prayer and activity of love. Only take care of your souls and let go of all earthly worries, come to Me in every adversity and difficulty so that you will never distance yourselves from Me, so that you will constantly stay in contact with Me and then also feel My presence when I speak to you humans from above with a voice of thunder…. so that you will not be afraid of Me but appeal to Me as your Father of eternity for His protection, which He will surely grant you…. Amen



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Thursday, October 25, 2007






People carelessly pay no attention to the signs of the time, nothing seems unusual to them, and they accept every happening without realising its significance. And they do not believe the proclamations about the impending natural disaster either, for they think that the time which is mentioned in the Scriptures has not yet come…. They do not accept any kind of explanation because the thought that people of the present time should be the victims is inconvenient to them. Therefore the forthcoming event cannot be made plausible to them either and they will be taken by surprise and be unprepared when the day arrives. And these are the people to whom the Lord says 'I will come like a thief in the night....' They will be fast asleep and will have made no preparations, and their souls will suffer serious hardship when they are recalled from earth. They will not be able to call upon God anymore because the magnitude of the disaster will deprive them of every thought.... God's love will not let anything happen to humanity without informing them first…. And He warns them a long time in advance yet He will not force people to believe these warnings.


However, anyone who pays attention to the signs will not find it difficult to believe. And anyone who is in contact with God will also feel God's admonition in his heart. He will become aware of the signs of the time himself and he will try to attain God's grace, that is, he will appeal for it and commend himself to God's mercy…. Only a short time separates you humans from this event, and you should use this time so that you can expect it with composure…. You should not entertain the thought that you are perfect and have no need of mercy, you should humbly entrust yourselves to God's love and always believe that your last hour has come…. you should listen to the admonitions of those who, as representatives of God, bring you His Word; you should know that the hour is not far away and always be ready. And God's love and mercy will help you during the hours of adversity. He will remember you as you remember Him…. He will spare your life if it is helpful for you, or He will remove you from the earth and grant you a better life in the beyond if you are worthy of it.... But woe to those who approach this hour unprepared and lose their life…. Their fate in the beyond will truly not be an easy one. And God wants to protect people from this by announcing the forthcoming events to them and admonishing them to turn around if their way of life does not correspond to His will. And thereby He will demonstrate the Words of the Holy Scriptures 'I will come like a thief in the night, therefore watch and pray….' Amen




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Wednesday, October 24, 2007






The fate of everything which is visible to you is to be transient, and yet it cannot be called senseless and futile, for the transience of every single work of creation is simultaneously the prerequisite for the emergence of new life. This should be understood spiritually as well as physically, for as soon as life escapes from one form, something new comes into being out of the external form in combination with other dissolving external forms, and the escaped spiritual substances united with equally mature spiritual substances animate new external forms once again, and thus new creations keep coming into existence as soon as old creations appear to dissolve. Coming into being and passing away is the eternal cycle which aims to achieve constantly higher development.  Coming into being and passing away, however, only affects that which is visible to you…. the spiritual substance concealed within is everlasting; it continues to exist for all eternity…. Consequently, everything visible, the material form, will in fact release the spiritual substance after a specific time, the spiritual substance itself, however, enters into a new form, i.e. into earthly matter, until it no longer requires it…. Only then will true life begin which will never end but last forever. The cycle of spiritual substances through the form will take eternities, since this time is so infinitely long for human understanding that one can indeed speak of eternities. And yet it is but a fleeting moment compared to the never-ending eternity in the state of freedom. Everything visible strives towards the state of freedom, whereas all free spirits look after that which is visible again, that is, after the banished spirits therein and provide them with new possibilities for liberation. Thus the free spirits let visible creations emerge for the bound spirits which the bound spirits have to overcome in order to release themselves. Bringing such creations into being is the activity of the spirits which, in a state of perfection and in harmony with God's will, use the strength of God for creating and giving life to many different kinds of works of creation.


Therefore, coming into being and passing away depends on the will of the free spirits again which, however, due to love for the unfree spirits and in profound wisdom, only create what is most beneficial for the latter in accordance with divine will. This is why the emergence and disappearance of visible works of creation will always demonstrate some regularity, because it is implemented with profound wisdom and nothing in creation arises at random or without meaning and purpose. Such a well-planned work of creation must, therefore, also offer the highest opportunity of development for the immature spiritual substance; the passing away of visible things has to be just as necessary and successful as their emergence;  passing away need not signify an end to what exists but only a transformation, because that which emerged from the divine creative power cannot cease to exist anymore even if it looks like that to the human eye. Consequently, only a constant transformation of that which shelters spiritual substance takes place, just as the spiritual substance keep changing by growing, since the spiritual substance having escaped the form unites with other substances of the same kind and therefore continues to need ever new external forms in which it can achieve the degree of maturity which will result in the unification with equally-matured spirits again. The apparent breaking down of visible creations therefore signifies spiritual progress, i.e. the merger of spiritual potencies, and thus the passing away of all visible things, is just as necessary as the emergence of new creations. And even if infinite times pass by, the love of the free spirits will nevertheless offer the still bound spirits every opportunity of development and subsequently even these spirits will be free one day and help the as yet unredeemed spirits again. And for this period visible Creation will exist too, which constantly changes because only through continuous change is it possible for the spiritual substances to develop further. … Coming into being and passing away…. Without it there will be no salvation…. For all bound spirits will only be free when they awaken to eternal life, when they have travelled the path on earth through the creations, through constantly changing their external form, through continually coming into being and passing away…. Amen
 - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde




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Tuesday, October 23, 2007






Endless times have passed by already and endless times will still pass by until the spiritualisation of that which is the fundamental substance of Creation will be completed. This process is so inconceivably laborious and requires such an infinitely long time because the initial resistance of the spiritual substance cannot be forcibly broken, but it has to decide to surrender it voluntarily, and therefore it cannot be interfered with to speed up the process. Only the exertion of exceptionally hard pressure can weaken the spiritual substance's will of resistance, hence the consistency of the visible creations appear to be almost indestructible in their initial stages and their disintegration is only possible again through violent events. Such violent disintegrations only take place through God's will when the spiritual substance has become so compliant that it no longer requires the insufferable state of constraint. Then God will loosen its restraints, and the previously hard form will disintegrate and reshape itself into new external forms, but they no longer signify such a painful state for the spiritual substance. Every violent breakdown of a formerly solid form is an act of liberation for the bound spirit within, at the same time, however, creations which shelter more mature spiritual substances will also become subject to change. For the forcible disintegration of a hard substance is a process which is felt by all spiritual beings far and wide. It is not a gradual decay but an elemental eruption of the spiritual substance which is momentarily granted freedom by God and which it uses in order to burst that which keeps it bound. Such eruptions entail momentous changes for those creations which are affected by the destruction. 


All spiritual substances, including those already further developed, dispose of their old form in this way, unite with other released spiritual substances and take abode again in a new external form, depending whether these spirits are willing to fit in with a serving task. And thus through such violent disintegration the spiritual substance is induced to carry out a serving activity again, which signifies a relaxation from its previous constraint for the spiritual substance. This is why every forceful breakdown involves liberation, i.e. further development for the spiritual substance bound in the form, and is joyfully welcomed by it. It is only a sorrowful event for the spirit during the last stage of development, for it deprives this spirit of any further prospect of development on earth and therefore triggers dread and horror if it didn't make use of its last abode in the form while it had the opportunity. Yet such eruptions are necessary for the sake of the immature spiritual substance which cannot be released from its solid form by any other means. For as soon as it decides to be of service after an infinitely long time of resistance to God, it will also be granted the opportunity to do so by God…. Amen - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde




Monday, October 22, 2007






Just a little while longer and you will remember the Words I spoke on earth that the world will become chaotic in every respect. Soon you will realise where heartlessness between people will lead to. If you still harbour a spark of love within yourselves you will recognise the opponent's power, who incites everyone to conflict with each other. His activity is demonic, and as a result people also behave demonically in their unkindness. And thus I will intervene and by means of apparent disorder nevertheless restore order again, so that humanity's real purpose is made clear to them. When people in their delusion destroy everything, such an act of destruction from above is absolutely necessary so that the injustice will be clearly revealed and humanity will recognise it as such.   


And there will be acute distress, and in this distress people's pleading prayers will rise up to the Father in heaven, which is the purpose of My intervention, so that people will look for Me, so that they will remember Me again and take refuge in Me.


For there is no other way left to achieve this, only the harshest adversity will make them take the path to Me, and only the harshest adversity will yet be capable of changing humanity. But My spirit will be with all those who are loyal to Me. They will recognise Me in everything that is happening and faithfully await My help…. And they will speak on My behalf and try to explain to their fellow human beings the error of their lives and refer them to Me. And then, depending on their attitude towards Me, I will also take care of their hearts, and wherever a devout thought rises up to Me I will send comfort and help. I will bestow My love upon all those who recognise their wrong and thus call to Me appealingly. For I love My living creations and only want to save them from greatest danger…. from a danger which will far exceed the earthly suffering they will encounter. And I will permeate all those with My spirit who are willing to be of service to Me, so that they will be able to comply with their task and not waver in their faith when the time of affliction arrives…. Amen - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde



Booklets translated into english by 10/2007:

..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy

001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
008 You between two worlds Part 1
009 You between two worlds Part 2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011 Souls in the beyond 1
012 Souls in the beyond 2
013 Souls in the beyond 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
016 False prophets
017 God and the churches Part 1
018 God and the churches Part 2
019 The church of Christ
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
023 Pre-Adamites
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1
059 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 2
060 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 3
061 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 4
062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 5
070a Return to God 1
070b Return to God 2
109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster
182 We are only guests on this earth
220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 I will guide you into truth 1
E03 I will guide you into truth 2
E04 I will guide you into truth 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days
S02 What will happen to the human race


Sunday, October 21, 2007



Just a little while longer and you will see Me coming in the clouds, and you will cheer and rejoice and be happy that the Scripture has fulfilled itself. And the righteous will hear My voice sound delightful to them, but those who deny Me will be horror-struck and want to run away from Me. Yet the Judgment will catch up with them wherever it may be; for once the day has come which I specified as the Judgment everyone will be held to account and be incapable of escaping the Judgment. And My loyal followers will give thanks and sing My praises that I have revealed Myself to them, they will worship Me in spirit and in truth, and when they behold Me they will be imbued by profound love for Me and subsequently serve Me with most heartfelt dedication. For I will need willing and devoted servants after the time of the Judgment. I want to establish a community and give it a task; it is My will that people who recognise Me and proclaim My teaching shall unite and if they work together the community shall be powerful everywhere. But I want to exclude those who are intolerant and haughty, for they endanger the small group of My faithful servants. I want to be in their midst and thus sincere humility and love has to be inherent in people with whom I Am in loving harmony. And if I sit enthroned in the clouds I will lift up whoever so loves Me that their hearts long to meet Me. And I will take them to a place where no suffering and sorrow exist…. I will create a new home for them, I will shape the earth anew and prepare it to receive these faithful servants of Mine who henceforth will work for Me and in My will
And then there will be a time of peace on earth, people will live in love; they will honour and love God and in truth will be My children, to whom I descend in order to feast with them. And I will join people together and bless their union, and a new, spiritually highly developed generation will come forth which will receive My Word from Me…. which will humbly bow down to Me and yet be united with Me in deepest love…. Amen

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Saturday, October 20, 2007






I want to send My Word to all places, I want all people to be informed of it and I will also lead all those to you to whom you shall impart My Word. I will pour My spirit upon all flesh and choose the right vessels for Myself far and wide which I will be able to instruct mentally or even through the inner Word because it is essential to inform people of My will and their earthly task. And thus I work everywhere because the last days before the end will require extraordinary help. And time and again I say to you that I speak to you directly or indirectly through My messengers of light who receive My Word from Me and pass it on to those of you who allow the flow of spirit to enter you. In the latter instance My Word, which is given to these messengers of light by Me, will also be recognisable by the style of the Word…. Yet it will always be the pure truth from Me, because the messengers of light merely comply with My will and will not pass on anything other than truth to those of you who sincerely desire the truth. Nevertheless, you should always check it and, at all times, bear in mind that My adversary, too, wants to express himself in the last days and that he will present himself as an angel of light…. you should always remember that I have warned you about false Christs and false prophets…. For they, too, wreak havoc on earth and intend to confuse people. And you will always be able to carry out this examination by appealing for My support and by taking My Word into consideration: that every spirit which professes that Jesus Christ came in the flesh can also be regarded to have been called by Me…. But attention always has to be paid to the fact that this embodiment in the flesh has to be explained to you…. For in order to deceive you an evil spirit can use the same words too, since it knows them well yet it will be incapable of explaining them.


Similarly, immature spirits which are as yet unenlightened but bear no ill intentions may also want to express themselves and thus pass on what they remember from earthly life. These should not to be acknowledged as teachers…. And, again, the recipient's attitude is decisive as to whether such immature beings will be able to express themselves or whether the sincere will for truth will prevent them from carrying out their intentions. In the same way as preachers exist on earth who only use what they know as subject matter for their sermons without, however, being spiritually enlightened…. and yet they need not be bad…. so beings express themselves in the beyond which had also once performed this ministry on earth and then continued their instructions in the beyond. And as long as they pass themselves off as otherworldly teachers they will be listened to or rejected.... depending on the person they try to educate. But since these beings in the beyond don't know that God and Jesus are one and only ever see the 'human being' in Jesus Who perfected Himself on earth…. but neither do they know what this 'perfection' implies…. they avail themselves of His human name in order to make their instructions credible…. For they lack the full realisation of this great sin otherwise they truly would not commit it…. They still intend to lead people into the 'heavenly kingdom' just as they planned to do on earth during their work as preachers. This is why their reports from the spiritual kingdom will also give people the impression that they are perfect spirits from higher spheres…. The spiritually awakened person, however, can sense that I Am not and cannot be the source of this spiritual knowledge, because My divinity in Jesus is not clearly emphasised, but this shall always be made comprehensible through My Word since Jesus Christ's act of Salvation will only be understood and acknowledged if you humans receive truthful clarification about it. You can never be advised often enough to constantly enter into heartfelt contact with Me and to pray to Me in spirit and in truth, so that everything is excluded which is misguided or incomprehensible to you and does not benefit your soul but is more likely to cause it damage…. For My adversary, by using shadows, eagerly tries to darken the light which shines brightly wherever the will for truth prevails and where he himself is therefore unable to lead people astray…. Yet whenever you are unsure, ask Me and I will always grant you illumination and, time and again, give you the evidence of My love which will lead all of you to the light so that you will be able to become blissfully happy…. Amen


 - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde





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Friday, October 19, 2007






The final work of the earth's destruction will be triggered by you humans yourselves. And I will not stop you, because I also consider the spiritual substance which, as a result of this work of destruction, will be liberated from matter and able to continue its process of development in new forms on the new earth. You have been informed of this several times already and yet have little belief, for the whole event is simply unimaginable to you. Nevertheless, it is the conclusion of a period of development which will lead to a new period, so that the work of return can once again successfully proceed in lawful order, which was no longer evident before the destruction of the old earth. My adversary completes his last satanic work by influencing people to do something which he has no power to do himself: to destroy works of creation…. in the belief to thereby release the constrained spirits and take control of them. He manipulates people and induces them to carry out all kinds of experiments which, however, will fail with devastating effect due to peoples' lack of knowledge. For people dare to experiment without having explored the outcome…. they will unleash forces they cannot control and consequently are doomed to die. And with them the creation work earth, too, will be subject to enormous destructions…. The entire earth's surface will totally change, all works of creation on earth will fall prey to destruction, the effects will penetrate to the core of the earth, and thus one can speak of a destruction of enormous proportions although people themselves will not be able to observe it, apart from the small flock which I will lead away from earth beforehand into a realm of peace.


I Myself would never allow such destruction if thereby I would not gain new opportunities of salvation for the still constrained spiritual substance, which already languishes for an infinitely long time in hardest matter …. Yet continued development would also be possible for this spiritual substance if people would not reverse the lawful order and always just live up to their helpful task on earth…. But people no longer live within divine order, and therefore My adversary exerts great influence over them and impels them to start a process in the hope to gain the return of the constrained spirits to him. And I will not stop him, since it still depends on every person's own free will to comply with My adversary's inducement…. Nevertheless, regardless of what people do, I will always know how to utilise the effects of their actions correctly. For even the world of darkness is subject to Me and My might, and it will have to serve Me while at the same time take part in My work of return, if only unconsciously. But I know the direction of humanity's will since eternity and was able to incorporate it in My plan of Salvation….  I know when the moment in time has come when spiritual progress can no longer be expected ….


I also know when the time has come to liberate the constrained spiritual substances, and therefore will not prevent people's activity when they set an enormous work of destruction into motion due to their misguided will, which aims for My adversary, and thus people are his willing instruments. For he himself is unable to destroy any work of creation, he cannot dissolve any kind of matter and all power over the spirits has been taken away from him. This is why he tries to regain it, and people who belong to him contribute themselves towards the disintegration of matter…. at first through countless experiments which then take on proportions which matter can no longer withstand…. But I allow the spirits captivated therein to be set free, if only at the expense of humanity, which itself has reached a spiritual low that requires a new banishment into matter…. And irrespective of what My adversary and the people who belong to him will undertake…. in the final analysis it will nevertheless serve the progress of the spiritual substances again, which is meant to reach perfection one day. Therefore My plan of Salvation will surely be implemented, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture…. Amen



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Booklets translated into english by 8/2007:

..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy

001 Who was Bertha Dudde ?
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
009 You between two worlds Part 2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011 Souls in the beyond 1
012 Souls in the beyond 2
013 Souls in the beyond 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy ?
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
023 Pre-Adamites
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1
059 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 2
060 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 3
061 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 4
062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 5
070a Return to God 1
070b Return to God 2
109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster
182 We are only guests on this earth
220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 I will guide you into truth 1
E03 I will guide you into truth 2
E04 I will guide you into truth 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days

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Thursday, October 18, 2007






Many times you will still be thrown into serious doubt and caused to ask questions, for during the last days you can still count on big surprises from My adversary's side.  He will not hesitate to use any means to disturb you and keep you from the truth, he will do anything to distract your thoughts from your actual task of improving your soul, and he will do so cunningly to make it difficult to recognise it as satanic activity, because he will always disguise himself with a garment of light. He will pretend that you will be protected, that in times of earthly difficulties you will receive help 'from above' by beings of light, by inhabitants from other stars who will take care of people. For he certainly sees the chaos that exists on earth and even uses it for his own proposes to add to the confusion.  Indeed, countless beings of light are ready to give you humans every assistance on My behalf, both spiritually and earthly, but they will only work on a spiritual level, they will influence your thoughts, they will urge you towards Me in Jesus Christ, they will arrange your fate such that your souls will be able to benefit from it.  


They will give you mentally good advice and you can also appeal to them for help in every need as soon as you are in contact with Me so that I can instruct these beings of light to assist you…. Yet visible things are truly not necessary to give you this help, they will not approach to you by manifesting themselves to you or even operate physical objects which you can see with your eyes….  For the inhabitants of the world of light, the inhabitant of My kingdom, who are instructed by Me to help you need no physical covers to apply their will, they are spiritual beings who only ever influence you spiritually…. My adversary, however, influences you humans differently by trying to deceive you. He wants people to believe that supernatural beings take care of earthly inhabitants and instructs his followers to flash deceptive lights, for it is in his interest to stop people from giving themselves to their God and Creator, so that they will turn and entrust themselves to those beings and thereby become subject to his rule….


He has great power at the end which he truly uses well for himself.... I can only ever warn you humans not to be so gullible. If you believe that beings from other planets come to earth in order to help you in any way then you should first consider that all visible stars are inhabited by beings in need of maturity but who, in accordance with eternal law, may not leave their assigned world…. that spiritual contact can in fact take place but that people on earth should not look for such contact with inhabitants of other stars since you do not know the degree of maturity of those who want to communicate with you in spirit. Although these beings are indeed able to transmit messages to you by spiritual means…. through mediums…. you are unable to verify their truth content. And therefore you should dismiss such messages as questionable, for when I want to instruct you it will either happen directly or through beings of light in My kingdom who receive the teaching material for you directly from Me. You should stay away from contact with spirits as long as you have not learned to differentiate between the spirits….


My adversary, however, will always interfere where people willingly open themselves for messages from the spirit world. The desire for the supernatural alone offers My adversary a reason and he will always oblige the seekers, yet never for the benefit of their souls. During the last days he will also try to deceive people through materialisations by making non-material objects appear as phantoms before the eyes of individual people who seek unusual experiences and therefore can also be easily influenced by My opponent. In addition, people, too, launch experimental objects into the universe which are sighted again as material objects, so that people are no longer able to distinguish between illusion and reality. Yet both are of satanic origin, whether it originates from people or from the spiritual world which, however, is always the realm of darkness, just as people are prompted by the prince of darkness to conduct these experiments.


The end is approaching, and that is the reason for Satan's extraordinary activity. But I Myself also work extraordinary by conveying the pure truth to people, and I would truly also let you know should these 'inhabitants of other celestial bodies' become active on My behalf…. I truly would not keep you guessing about it. But time and again I say to you 'Do not let such deceptive lights bother you....' For he who causes them does not want to save you but ruin you. You will still experience much more before the end which will enable you to clearly observe his activity, providing you pay attention and stay in contact with Me so that I Myself will always be able to illuminate your thoughts and in the light of truth you will recognise him and his doings…. Amen
 - prophetic word received through Bertha Dudde

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