Friday, January 27, 2006
Word of God
When all earthly help fails then the Love of God is often clearly revealed. Whoever even let’s the seemingly impossible happen so that people will learn to believe and love Him above everything else. There is no limit to God's power, what He wills, will happen.
There is nothing that cannot be realized for with God anything is possible. So people suffer unnecessarily through their earthly life because if they want to be able to accomplish or experience the unusual they need only ask God for help. And He can and always will help. But such faith can only be acquired by men through the practice of Love for their fellowmen, for only good works can restore union with God, and only through this is the receiving of power certain, which radiated from God and inevitably must return to Him. Thus man must learn to believe, which he will do if he strives earnestly upward.
In the end-times great things will happen which seem to be supernatural but the explanation can be found in the will of men and the power of faith. In this lies the explanation of all that seems incomprehensible but is really only the result of a proper walk with God. It is not enough that people formally call themselves Christians or professes to belong to a church, but they must live out their Christianity and through their life's walk show that they belong to a community of believers who represent the True Church of Christ. It is also necessary to have a living faith, which results in deeds of Love to their neighbor. Such a man has at his disposal an unusual power, which is the power of God, which radiates through him and has no limitations. So men can through faith in the power of God accomplish great things, and also through faith God can reveal Himself by rendering supernatural help, often coming when no hope for help exists. With God nothing is impossible -- men must remind themselves of this again and again in every difficult situation. Then when their difficulties are overcome their faith will be strengthened.
Through his attitude toward God, through his deep unshakeable faith in His help, he is able to cast every care on Him and face each threatening danger without fear, confident that God will help him, for He will never put strong faith to shame. With God nothing is impossible. Everything can be accomplished according to His Will and everything will be accomplished when His children call upon Him as their loving Father and trust Him without reservation. He will then provide for all their needs and help them in all earthly troubles and difficult situations…. for he is a God of Love and Love always wants to give help for it wants to bring blessing.