Wednesday, January 25, 2006



Word of God


God's graces and proofs of love during the final time can fully compensate men for the distress and sufferings of this time, for it secures them a fast ascent if they make good use of the gifts of grace and strive after the maturing of their soul. It is the time of which is written, that God will be with His own in the spirit until the end. It is the time where men see Him come in the clouds, where the connection between heaven and earth becomes evident, not only in people's imagination, but in actual life, beings of Light will be active on earth and spread Light, and men will be taught from above, when God Himself descends to the earth in the Word, handing to His own the bread from Heaven when men can, at all times, draw from the source of life, since God Himself offers them the drink of life to strengthen them.

During this time one will become known, who is destined to be the last messenger before the coming of the Lord, who will be His fore-runner and tell men the truth unafraid, although that will endanger him being apprehended. But he does no longer care about the world and is quite willing to exchange his mortal life for the eternal life. Therefore, he does not fear the world, for he knows, how near the end is and what is awaiting those who do not believe it.

His appearance, too, is an outstanding grace, because he keeps reminding men of the near end and encouraging them to work on their souls, thus directing their attention towards eternity. He will also possess the power to heal the sick and help where help is needed and appears impossible to men. He will be leading an exemplary life of love and be filled with the spirit of God. God Himself will be working through him, and who will listen to him, listens to God Himself. He hears God's Word through a human mouth, but just as it has come from Him
And this time has come - the final time of grace, which can bring success to those who strive after perfection. And even if they may have to suffer terribly in an earthly sense, they gain great benefit, if they only make use of the graces; for now they know that the end is near, because they recognize in him the forerunner of the Lord and wait for Him full of joy. And He will soon appear to save His own from great misery and lead them to a land of peace, as He has promised.


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