Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Word of God
There will be only a small flock who will await the coming day of judgment. There will only be a very few people who I can call My Own, who remain strong in faith and acknowledge Me be fore the world, and for this reason be persecuted in such a way that they would fear for their lives, had their eyes not been trained on spiritual things. But this flock knows about the end. They are awaiting Me in great faith and will therefore endure the hard times with steadfastness, acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God before the world. Therefore I will take them to Me and give them a paradise in which to dwell until they can be placed on the newly transformed Earth.
This small flock has the task to proclaim My Word to their descendants, so that it will be passed on unadulterated as I have given it to mankind. This Word must remain as a fundamental teaching on the new Earth. I will continue to care of My Own in the future, which includes all who surrender to My Will and seek Me. Such will be kind and charitable, because their desire for Me is their expression of their Love, which they will express to their descendants. They fulfill My commandments and I will give them My Word, either directly or indirectly.
My Word contains the teaching, which Jesus Christ brought to Earth, because HE was filled with My Spirit of Love. The Man Jesus has already found His union with Me on Earth. In order for mankind on the new Earth to come to reconciliation with Me they must be taught the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Also My Word, the pure Truth from heaven in all its depth of wisdom will be offered to mankind and must be transmitted to the new Earth. This word will be accepted as a message from above, and as a direct teaching from God. It will therefore remain as a fundamental teaching for a long time, until mankind again becomes materialistic and, on their own, undertakes to "reform" and change My Word. This will be the cause of the loss of know1edge of the Truth. Their understanding will be darkened and their spiritual condition will dec1ine. So I will then decide to bring My Word to Earth once again.
But be fore that time My Word will remain pure and reach many people. The Word will be acknowledged as My gift. Those people will Love Me and be happy on Earth…. because they live continually in union with Me, and therefore receive Light and strength. My presence will enable them to be wise and powerful as I have promised.
There will be only a small flock who will await the coming day of judgment. There will only be a very few people who I can call My Own, who remain strong in faith and acknowledge Me be fore the world, and for this reason be persecuted in such a way that they would fear for their lives, had their eyes not been trained on spiritual things. But this flock knows about the end. They are awaiting Me in great faith and will therefore endure the hard times with steadfastness, acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God before the world. Therefore I will take them to Me and give them a paradise in which to dwell until they can be placed on the newly transformed Earth.
This small flock has the task to proclaim My Word to their descendants, so that it will be passed on unadulterated as I have given it to mankind. This Word must remain as a fundamental teaching on the new Earth. I will continue to care of My Own in the future, which includes all who surrender to My Will and seek Me. Such will be kind and charitable, because their desire for Me is their expression of their Love, which they will express to their descendants. They fulfill My commandments and I will give them My Word, either directly or indirectly.
My Word contains the teaching, which Jesus Christ brought to Earth, because HE was filled with My Spirit of Love. The Man Jesus has already found His union with Me on Earth. In order for mankind on the new Earth to come to reconciliation with Me they must be taught the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Also My Word, the pure Truth from heaven in all its depth of wisdom will be offered to mankind and must be transmitted to the new Earth. This word will be accepted as a message from above, and as a direct teaching from God. It will therefore remain as a fundamental teaching for a long time, until mankind again becomes materialistic and, on their own, undertakes to "reform" and change My Word. This will be the cause of the loss of know1edge of the Truth. Their understanding will be darkened and their spiritual condition will dec1ine. So I will then decide to bring My Word to Earth once again.
But be fore that time My Word will remain pure and reach many people. The Word will be acknowledged as My gift. Those people will Love Me and be happy on Earth…. because they live continually in union with Me, and therefore receive Light and strength. My presence will enable them to be wise and powerful as I have promised.