Wednesday, May 31, 2006




The more the world gets entangled into the wrong the more it moves away from God and the more unloving is the acting and thinking of people inclined to the world. And the increased unlovingness also drives people to actions that surpass all the previous happenings and so people draw the intervention of God near themselves. People do not realize the wrong of what they are doing anymore. The world happening is directed into a track so that, earthly speaking, there’s no way out to be found anymore. The thinking of people is wrong and distant from the truth altogether, the good is persecuted, evil is respected and thus the whole divine order is knocked over which is bound to cause a complete decline as a result.

And thus the day that puts an end to the chaos keeps getting closer and closer, for the condition is so ruining for mankind that there is a stop set to it by God.

And this end is close ahead, the end of the raging of people against each other. The end of the struggle of the nations which could never find the approval of God because it is a fight about power which is not based on any noble motives. Hate and the unlovingness of people have caused it, but those haven’t learned anything in this fight; they have become more unloving than ever and their hate has increased and manages to achieve scandalous deeds which cannot be carried out any worse.

And God will put a stop to this hustle and bustle in a way He will be recognized by it. He will let a dreadful misery happen to mankind which cannot be turned away by their own will. He will startle them and let them feel their own impotence because the elements of nature will be unleashed to the mercy of which people are left.

And this day won’t be long in coming. It will arrive so suddenly and unexpectedly it will create sheer horror, it will be [last] just hours and yet of so drastic significance that, afterwards, everything will be changed and the disaster will sink in due time only when they will have realized the divine intervention in its whole extent. For God wants to reveal Himself by His intervening, He will show them that He Himself will bring about the end because people cannot find an end, because they would rather tear each other apart than give in and bring the unspeakable misery to a close.

And therefore the end will be different from how people imagine it by themselves, God will prove His power and wind the weapons out of the hands of the earthly rulers; he will decide, and the outcome of the fight of the nations against each other will disappoint those people who wanted to gain by force that which they were not entitled to and who are therefore to recognize their impotence.

For it is God who finally decides on the world happenings in spite of the human will which thinks of directing it by itself. And God’s wisdom also recognizes the most effective means for man and He puts it to work to direct the chaos, which is the result of unlovingness and is therefore bound to lead to the downfall if God Himself does not terminate it. And the periods of a new battle will take the place of the time of the battle that will, however, not erupt for the sake of worldly power but about the spiritual power because the end is near and, prior to that, this spiritual battle will have to be fought, the battle that is aimed for the faith in Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer and His teaching....


Monday, May 29, 2006



Word of God


But few people realize the seriousness of the time and hence the coming can be made plausible to merely a few. As long as they just strive for the well-being of their body they will certainly pay attention to just the happenings related to it and they cannot and will not understand a change of world events caused by spiritual urgency. For spiritual experiences are strange to them and any references towards it, they consider to be insignificant and unimportant, if not wrong. To announce the coming happenings to them now will have little success and yet, they too, are to be warned so that no completely unsuspecting one will live to see the day. For what they do not want to believe as yet can all of a sudden appear credible to them and may cause to direct their mind towards God and to call upon Him in distress.

Spiritual thoughts are uncomfortable to man since they just spoil his earthly life; as a result, he rejects them when they show up and he therefore cannot come to a realization. The moment the neighbor attempts to inform and pass on a spiritual gift to him he’ll turn him down or pay no attention to the gift. And thus he’ll make no use of the time still keeping him distant from the great natural phenomenon and it will take him by surprise and will completely bewilder him.

But nonetheless he/she cannot be helped in any other way than that there be made mention of the great radical change even though he/she is not fully capable or willing to take things in. For even the certainty of a fulfillment of the prophecy already can suddenly lead a person to a realization.

God’s love meets every person and He sends His reminders and warnings to all of them for He knows of the weakness of man and He wants to help them when in need. But most of the time people won’t let themselves be helped because they don’t feel being in need. And still, their need is unspeakably great for they are not in any intimate contact with God, they have moved away from Him and that’s why they don’t listen to His voice speaking to them via human mouth. They don’t recognize it as the voice of God and it won’t become effective to them because they withhold themselves of its effect.

Every day on earth they live in absence of the spiritual is a lost one and there are not many of them left for the great earthly affliction. has not come to an end yet and mankind is facing a still bigger one which is inevitably due to the spiritual development of man. Many people will lose their lives at that and their possibility of development on earth is terminated. And God wants to help those as long as there is still time and He sends them His servants and representatives to speak in His name and to remind them to keep in mind their souls and to strive for the spiritually higher development. And in listening to it they will more easily endure the coming because they’ll realize that nothing coming upon the earth is senseless or without purpose and it is the spiritual development that is the final purpose of the earthly life….


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