Friday, September 29, 2006



Open your hearts wide, make yourselves receptive for My love-beam from above, and listen to what I want to tell you: A sure sign of the imminent end is the becoming visible of a star which is moving in the direction of the earth, and yet takes a peculiar path - often withdrawing from your view and then suddenly re-appearing…. because it is accompanied by impenetrable nebulae, which now and then dissolve, only to condense anew.
You men will be experiencing something previously unknown, as the effects of this star upon your earth are such that dread shall befall you, because you sense that the earth could become a victim of this unknown star, which is calling forth perceptible disturbances on earth, which however are inexplicable to you. 
There are men who cannot be shaken by anything that befalls them - who now lose their tranquillity, as they feel that they, as well as the rest of the earth - is delivered up to natural powers, which they fear because they are unable to counter them. And on account of these people, the powers of heaven are moving. It is particularly these people I want to address, and secure their entrusting themselves to a God and Creator, as soon as they see themselves completely powerless. Whatever is occasioned by human will - be it ever so terrible in its effect - does not shake such people. But they become small and weak when seeing themselves delivered up to natural forces. And then it is possible that they take refuge with Him Who is Lord over all Creation - then it is possible that in their greatest need they find their way to Me.
And this nature-spectacle shall arouse immense agitation among mankind, and the fear will not be unjustified, because regardless of the strange phenomena accompanying the star, it moves steadily nearer the earth, and a collision - according to the calculations of those discovering and trekking its career - appears inevitable.
But this also I have predicted a long time since, that I will send you an enemy from the air - that a natural catastrophe of the greatest magnitude lies ahead of you - which precedes the ultimate end, i.e. the complete re-shaping of the earth's surface - costing countless victims. I draw your attention to it time after time, and My Word is Truth, and shall be fulfilled. But you are being referred to it beforehand sot hat you men may know that nothing can take place without My Will, and that nothing that occurs is without sense and purpose - and that My thoughts include those who are entirely without faith, but whom, nevertheless, I do not want to lose to My adversary.
And that is why you people ought to know what is ahead of you, so that you might attain to faith more readily, when in great need you think of Him who is Lord over Heaven and earth - over all stars and worlds - and to Whose will everything is subject. You need to attain to this knowledge in advance, which will then help you with your faith, if you are of goodwill. A calamity is coming over you, but for each individual it can also be a blessing, if thereby he gains eternal life for his soul, even where temporal death is allotted him - if only he calls to Me in his need.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006



Word of God




Immeasurable distances separated the creations, which you see as stars in the heavens. Distances you cannot conceive and could therefore never conquer, for each individual globe is a world in itself and these worlds are separated, having totally different life spheres, always according to the structure of the planet and the nature of its inhabitants.


You should never think that My Creative Spirit is not versatile enough to produce this. You should never think that you could ever find the same life conditions on other globes as you have on the earth you live on and still less think that these planets could offer you the living environment that is required for your existence even if you could reach such a globe.


It is an arrogant undertaking which will never succeed to ever establish contact with other planets, unless it happens in a purely spiritual manner when thought transfer from such globes takes place serving only spiritual gain but never planned just for material research.


You may well develop great abilities and be creatively productive on earth, comprehending the forces of nature and making these useful in many ways, and by virtue of your intellect you could delve deeply into the laws of nature and with all your knowledge make a name for yourselves, but your field of endeavor is and always will be on earth.


So use your intellectual knowledge to be a blessing to your fellowmen and in this you have My blessing as well, for this is in keeping with My lawful order. But you must stay in this order… you must respect the laws that I have decreed which are recognizable in every creation work.


And this includes the great separation of the planets from your earth and the isolation of each planet from the other, as evidenced by the vast vacuumos space throughout the stratosphere which is incapable of supporting human life and therefore clearly indicates that I Myself have made this separation.  Because if you ever think you can overcome such obstacles, these attempts will fall and you will perish if you dare to go to such regions, which have been closed to you. By this you only show that you are spiritually arrogant to think that you can make these laws of nature ineffective proving that you do not respect these laws or the Law-giver and indicating that you are ripe for a total transformation of this earth. You lack the most important knowledge, that there is One over you who speaks the last Word. You fall to acknowledge this One, or you would not attempt that which the inhabitants of this earth are not entitled to, by making other planets the goal of your explorations, which are and will always remain, totally inaccessible to you.


Each planet serves the maturity of the spiritual being, and the degree of maturity of these beings are so different that they all need different creations. So the creation in which you exist can never make contact with those worlds. My creative Spirit and creative Will has done everything in wisdom and men will never really understand what is outside their spheres, except that innumerable planets and worlds exist, which knowledge is not harmful to your soul, but any knowledge beyond this can only be given to you spiritually.







Tuesday, September 26, 2006



There will be a meeting again in the spiritual world, mankind can be sure of that. But whether or not a meeting with your loved ones is to be granted right after your parting from this earth, depends on the grade of maturity of your soul as well as the souls of your loved ones. Because where this maturity is not yet developed that spiritual insight would be impossible, this then has to be obtained first, which could take a very long time.
Not until a certain grade of maturity is achieved is the soul able to take in spiritual impressions. The soul itself has to stay in the Light, in order to be able to recognize who is approaching it, while a soul in a lower grade of maturity knows that it is surrounded by beings that it cannot recognize as long as it has not the ability to see spiritually.
The blissfulness of the being consists in the ability to share itself with those who were close to it while on earth. Therefore those souls who are already in the Light, because of their maturity will always come to their own, either for an exchange with those of equal spiritual maturity, or to help still weaker souls to reach the Light.
Thus the more mature souls will have the ability to recognize the weaker ones but not the other way around. The weak souls should be stimulated to improve, but may not be coerced to do so. If a Light-being were to approach a weaker soul and be recognized as one with whom he was acquainted while on earth, this would indeed amount to coercion.
So the joy of meeting one another is a gift of grace and given to the mature soul bringing unspeakable happiness. Such a soul will do everything in his power to help the immature soul to experience the same happiness. These souls strive constantly in the most loving way for them, never failing to stimulate them, though unrecognized by them, in their covering and attire. The longing for those who were near to them on earth draws them. This is indeed a very powerful drawing force.
When the moment of recognition comes then will these souls be supremely happy. Then they will recognize the care that was first' given to them and will in the same way care for other souls, languishing in darkness and help them in their progress upwards. Each soul is drawn to those to whom they were once close to when on earth.
There will be a meeting again but the time in which this is possible will be set by yourself. If you have already obtained this certain knowledge on earth, then you will do everything in your power to reach that grade of maturity on earth, which permits you to enter into the Light spheres. Then you will be received by those that you love and are able to recognize you at once, or you can come in contact with them without being recognized and start your redemptive work on their behalf.
Take care that you do not pass to the other side without even the slightest knowledge. See to it that you have already found God in Jesus Christ so that, redeemed by Him, you can enter into the spiritual realm.
Then this entrance will give you happiness through the joy of meeting again. But if you yourself have not reached his maturity on earth you will have to wait a long time, because everything can happen only in lawful order. The freedom of your will has to be respected in the spiritual kingdom, so that one day you may be greatly blessed.

Sunday, September 24, 2006






It is your task on earth to be active and to work for the eternity and, if you comply with this task, your temporal lot is secure as well, even though on earth you will still have battles to stand up against so that you don’t get tired in the striving for the spiritual destination. However, if you visualize your Father in Me and now make an effort for the proper child ship, you are thus also in fatherly care and therefore your earthly life is to go on in the way the father sees fit for His children.


Now, one’s trust into the love and care of the Father sets the child free of all fear and worry, for the one is full of confidence that one’s God and Creator, one’s Father from eternity, carries out everything just right. And thus the one may work and keep busy for the eternity, for the love towards Me indwells the one which also expresses itself towards the neighbor; and the one now carries out everything with a look upwards, fully aware is the one who strives towards Me and directs one’s way of life according to My will.


To every human is given the chance to recognize one’s belonging to Me, because they are able to ponder about one’s self and one’s origin and the one is intellectually lead to a recognition, if sincerely wanting to. Hence every human can decide for a working for the eternity, but nobody is forced to do so. Every human may require My directing and guidance; but as the one may also separate in a sense of one’s own strength and power, but then just to be standing alone, isolated, incapable of a climb, even though not opposed to it. Then the one faces Me, being estranged internally, having a sense of not being My child and not seeing the Father in Me, Who asks for His child’s love. And then the one won’t be working for the eternity but only see the world with its goods and will have a desire for those like minded.


Now, at the beginning the burden of life will certainly weigh heavily upon the one because I want to lead the one’s thoughts towards Me, but the load will become increasingly lighter because an other one (the opponent) takes it away and supplies everything to the one, as being strived for, but who also demands the one’s soul in exchange for it!


Work and be active for the eternity and do not pay so much attention to the earthly life, but accept it with all the burdens and troubles, for those are truly just for your best, as everything that happens to you indeed just serves you for your perfection, you who have dedicated yourselves to Me, who are striving for uniting with Me – for My presence…. who are dedicating yourselves to Me, to be taken care of by Me…. You have truly picked the best part even though you are poor on earthly pleasures, yet you will be rewarded in My kingdom and receive so ample you will be wanting to again pass it on; and you will be able to do so, to your own bliss.


Don’t forget, your earthly life is just given to you for the purpose of finding access to My kingdom, but which you have to sincerely look for. It’s for the sake of not forgetting your task and (possibly) get stuck in the mire of the world, so that you don’t succumb to the temptations of My opponent, who is trying to keep you away from the proper destination…. Be aware that an arduous path is the right path but it’s always I, Myself, who will meet you on this path; that I will take over your guidance and lead you safely to where your home country is…. Amen

Saturday, September 23, 2006



You can come to Me in confidence with all your questions and I will answer them as is necessary for you. You can only receive a little knowledge, but what I give you is enough to provide you with a glimpse into My everlasting Plan of Salvation. The knowledge I supply is enough to enable you to teach other people. It is enough to reveal to you My Love, Wisdom and Power.
The more you progress the more I increase your wisdom, and the better able you are to receive My Light and Power. My goal is that you become perfect as you were in the beginning. For this purpose you need deeper insight and a special knowledge about your purpose and My Being, My Kingdom and My workings.
You needed a very long time to come out of the depths to the heights, enabling you to become a human being. Consequently an extremely long time was needed before your development as a human being could take place. Upward development must take place in the described order. No period of development could be left out at will. Every phase must take place according to My everlasting Plan. Suitable creations were needed for this upwards development, which has become for you the concept of "Pre-historic" time with only limited results. It took eternities for the slow development of all the spirituality and the creations as you see them now. Eternities are certainly the right word for it.
Concept of time as we know it only began when the creature, "Man", was called into being by Me. Before that living beings on earth were not endowed to the extent that they could think and act independently. They also did not live with self-awareness nor did they have any conception of the past, present and future. Only a being that is equipped with intellect can be called a "Man" and live according to this concept. Only from that time on can you speak of a conscious development up- wards, in which fallen spirits are given the possibility to return to Me again. The creation of Man was the beginning of a redemption period where free will came into effect, not compulsion by Me as in pre-historic times. In that period everything took place in lawful order, and the upward progress of the soul was the irrevocable result.
Now you will ask the question: how long did the human beings live on earth, meaning "Man" with intellects capable of deciding for themselves as you see man today. The first man who could take responsibility for his thoughts and actions was Adam, while there were manlike beings before Adam on all parts of the globe. They already performed many things, which could be considered human thinking, but all their actions were instinctive, but could not be called responsible for their actions. They helped to set the spirituals free, which could not embody themselves. They also served to make ready a place for people suitable for man to go through the last test of his will.
These man-like beings were physically much like the form I held ready for Adam. The time came for the primal fallen spirits to be given back their free will, and to finally become free from the human form. Again and again the pre-historic creations gave spirituals further development in their bound condition. And for this, spirituals, the time came that they could decide for themselves.
That was the beginning of the redemption time, which is of such great importance for you. Now the intellect and free will can be used while the being lives consciously. The beginning of this period all took place so long ago you cannot imagine it. In My Will I am revealing to you the most important periods with their happenings. These are divided into easily understood phases but they are unimportant for your development. The endless number of fallen spirits takes an endlessly long time of upwards development. Therefore the pre-historic time cannot be estimated, for the embodiment of souls, as man has to take place in such a large scale that it will take eternities. It is not possible for you through research to determine the beginning of this period, although it is in man's nature as long as he is imperfect, to try to limit everything.
Man tries to limit everything to what he has observed through history. However, he will not admit there is a limit set for the time, which lies ahead of him. So man does not reject a "beginning" but an ending for them seems impossible. The former is unimportant, but the latter is so extremely important that man should direct his whole attention to what is ahead of him. This period of salvation has an end, as did so many before that.
However, My Plan of Salvation stands forever. There is never an end to the work of redemption…. because the endless number of fallen spirits need an endless time for their return. I offer them again and again the possibility to strive upwards out of the depths to the Light, to Me, from Whom they once came.


Friday, September 22, 2006






The wounds that I must inflict on you to prevent you from falling into everlasting death, are truly not the expression of anger or lack of Love, neither are they indications of punishment for your defects, rather they are medicine for illness for which you yourself are the cause, and which you must endure for the healing of your soul.


It is your own fault that you have departed from My Order, for otherwise your destiny would be only happiness and blessings. Believe Me I would have much rather prepared happiness for you but you yourself have made this impossible when you stepped out of My Order. Although I do everything I can to bring you back to this Divine Order to make you once again supremely happy.


Need and sorrow, sickness and misery are present on earth to the same degree as the offences against My Order and in the face of such need you can see to what low condition you have fallen. I would surely rather see men happy than put on them unnecessary hard tribulation in order to restore My everlasting order. And when many think that men were not such great sinners that such great misery was necessary to come upon them, then I say to you; You do not know the relationship, neither do you completely understand the effect of your misery or the maturing that your suffering serves.


You also do not know since your memory has been taken from you, what you in free will, before your embodiment as man, offered to take upon yourself. I however know everything and will put on you no greater burden than you can bear.


Besides I offer Myself to you as a cross bearer when your cross seems too heavy for you. Love moved you once to offer yourself to Me to carry a burden in your earthly life, although you do not know this or why you must suffer and I say this in particular to you who believe that you belong to Me in free will.


I would that you go your way without complaining, without knowing about the cause. That you bear your cross willingly and that you always place yourself under My Will knowing that He to Whom you submit yourself is a God of Love and that everything that comes from Him is meant to be a blessing. Therefore do not resist whatever your destiny may bring. If you want to belong to Me then do not murmur or complain but know that it is for your good and is intended to help in the restoration of My Eternal Order.


Be certain that one day you will acknowledge and be thankful that I allowed you to go this earthly way with all its difficulties, with all its great misfortunes but also with My Love, which is the reason for everything that befalls you and which seeks only your blessing.




Wednesday, September 20, 2006



It will come as I have announced. The Earth will lose its present appearance, and both a spiritual and material change will take place. There will be a separation of the sheep from the goats. My Own will come to blessedness, but those who belong to My opponent to re-banishment. It must happen this way because otherwise progress would not be possible while all spirituals, except a few who remain true to Me until the end, are on a downward course. The Earth must fulfill its purpose, it must serve for all spirituals who want to progress.
Men in this present time who have already gone the path through the creations may have gone this road in vain. Those who have reached the highest degree of maturity through their previous path on Earth can now fall in their last arena, sinking so far that the entrance into the spiritual Kingdom is closed to them. They must be re-banned in the hardest matter to be allowed, after a very long time, to once more undergo a test of their will as human beings.
The number who use their earthly life in the right way, is very small. The spirits of those who belong to My opponent have influenced mankind and poisoned them to such an extent that the Earth must first be cleansed before it can fulfill its real purpose. I will perform this purification through a great transformation from which mankind cannot escape, because they have caused this by their conduct and rebellious attitude.
A change must take place for the sake of My created beings who would have to suffer a very long time, if they do not complete their path of development on Earth according to My Will.
This time has come, although it seems unbelievable to you that I would perform something in the creation which occurrence has no comparison on this Earth. The Earth in its present form is in the last days of its existence. You cannot understand what it means that man, animals and all creation-works will come to an end and a completely new Earth will be created which will exceed your wildest expectations. Completely new creations will arise which have never been seen by human eyes. You who may live on this new Earth will marvel again and again.
All through the ages I have told mankind that a new Heaven and a new Earth will be created. But people did not grasp what this meant. Still, My Word is Truth, and will be fulfilled. But it will be a proof of My Divinity, for only the few who with a firm faith became My Own and to whom I can open that paradise on the new Earth. They will be and remain My children forever. Those few understand the meaning of My Word and they will expect and wait with a firm faith for My coming. I will rescue them from the suffering, which will take place in the last days. They are My children, which I will come for when the time is fulfilled.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006



When through My Will and My Power the destruction of this Earth takes place, effecting everything on this Earth, it will become evident who is truly redeemed, because only the redeemed can survive the end and enter My paradise on the new Earth. To survive this last work of destruction requires a great faith in Me, Jesus Christ. A full surrender to Me as well as a total separation from My opponent. The redeemed will also possess the freedom, which Jesus Christ bought for mankind through His death on the Cross. Only those redeemed by His blood can live on the new Earth where Satan has no power and where I Myself can dwell among My Own, because the conditions are restored, as they were in the beginning.
However, people whom I call away from this Earth before the end, can also experience salvation. They will also live in the bliss of My Kingdom where no evil power or oppression can harm them, because they have been saved from it. The inhabitants of the new Earth will live in the same happiness, in complete Freedom, Light and Power, but in earthly spheres. They are to be the progenitors of the human race. They must guide the next generation to their final redemption, and inhabit the Earth until everything is spiritualized.
Because they are redeemed and as the first people on the new Earth can influence their descendants in a very blessed way. They will also influence all spirituality around them, which is still bound in the new creations on the new Earth. Thus those spiritual substances can cover the path of development much faster. The time in which My opponent is bound must be used well, because during that period he has no access to the people on Earth. The Power and Light of the redeemed is so strong, each of his attempts to come close to the people on the new Earth is repressed.
Just as in the end-times his working and raging were unmistakably recognized when he used all his influence to draw people into the depths, so on the new Earth will the Divine influence prevail. Every effort to reach a higher maturity will be easier because no evil power can hinder. From the redeemed human race people full of Love, in whom the Divine principles prevail, can come forth again and in a shorter time come to full maturity. They will then be able to enter My Kingdom of Light, when their life on Earth is ended.

Monday, September 18, 2006






Time and again I remind you of detaching yourselves from the world.   Yet steadily you men chain yourselves more to it, hunting ever more after the goods of this world; more and more do you indulge in the pleasures of life, and ever more remote is from you the spiritual kingdom, which can never be gained simultaneously with the terrestrial world.


And this is your ruin - delivering yourselves up to that lord who drags your soul down, so that you get ever more caught up in his snares which, being gilded, are not recognised by you for what they are.


Your craving for the pleasures of life brings you death, as this craving is planted into your heart by My adversary, - he spurns you unto escalating lust, in abandoning yourselves to worldly pleasures - he fans all your sensuality into seeking and also finding their fulfilment in sin.   All good thoughts are scattered by him, self-love is fanned to most intense glow; men are receptive to him alone, for they no longer ask whether they live in accordance with My will, to please Me.


They have fallen victim to the world, and hence to him who is the prince of this world. Thick darkness overlays the earth, as no spiritual beam is able to penetrate, and in this darkness, work is easy for My adversary - he ensnares countless souls, preparing a fall for them which in their blindness they are unable to recognise. He indeed gives them all they crave for in their earth-life, but their fate after physical death is a terrible one, because then he takes full possession of them and, powerless, they are unable to free themselves from his power, paying for their ease during brief earth-life with a terrible fate in eternity.


But regardless of how vividly this is brought to mankind's attention, and the urgency of warnings against the enemy of their souls, they turn a deaf ear and instead steadfastly fix their gaze upon the world, which tempts them with its glitter.   And sin gains the upper hand, for whatever does not accrue to man by itself he seeks to acquire by unjust means.   Nothing is sacred, neither the goods nor the life of neighbour, who serves him physically.


And under such conditions, light cannot possibly break through to his heart - he is in thickest darkness and feels just fine therein.   - It is a time of depravity, a time of sin where My adversary celebrates triumphs, where the impact of My light-beams are small, with only the powers from below succeeding.


My adversary is reaping a rich harvest, and time moves towards its end.   The work in the vineyard is more urgent than ever, so as to save those men not yet fully under his influence, and whose souls have not become his victims yet.










Sunday, September 17, 2006






Your inner life is not fostered by anything external; nothing formal shall advance your soul-maturity and perfection.  - The transformation of your being can be accomplished only from within, whence you men need to repeatedly turn to inner silence, for introversion and removal of everything spoiling you from within, - whatever still is persisting within you is defect.  You can of course be made aware from without of how to accomplish the work upon your soul, you can be instructed on what to heed, and how to avoid what harms you, and what to do to become perfect; but you must carry it out yourselves, and this by shutting yourselves off from everything external, even though you stand in the world and have to carry out your responsibilities.


This soul-work is to be carried out simultaneously, as it is entirely independent of your terrestrial activity, since it concerns your inner being, your faults and vices - it concerns man's inner life, - his thinking, volition and action which, even if directed terrestrially, has to radiate love, otherwise there can be no talk about the being's transformation.


Your soul-work therefore has to consist in refining all your thinking and striving, and the directing of same towards divine aims - you need to constantly strive for a life free of self-interest, towards selflessness, mercy, gentleness, patience and peaceableness - you have to develop all good attributes within you, driving out bad thoughts and attributes.  And all this demands an earnest desire to live rightly before God.  - It does not have to become obvious externally, i.e. it should not become ostentatious, yet such life in accordance with God's will always shall radiate over fellow man.  It shall spurn to emulation and be of better effect than a lot of talk and formal customs, which do not yet vouch for a change of attitude.


Man can change only if he earnestly introverts, thinks about his short-comings and faults and resolves to remodel himself. And this inner transformation man must undertake himself, if he wants to achieve his aim of becoming perfect on earth. The resolve has to be followed by deed; otherwise the will is not in earnest.


And from this in turn, you shall recognise that the attainment to beatitude is not determined by denomination, but by man's will to kindle love within himself, which then totally transforms him, converting all bad attributes into good ones, being the only means to perfection - yet which can nevertheless be exercised by all men, regardless of which denomination they belong to.  - Indeed, all denominations teach love.  - Hence they all can lead to perfection - yet none of them can guarantee same; only man himself can attain to it through earnestly working upon himself.



Saturday, September 16, 2006


" FEAR NOT ! "


" FEAR  NOT ! "


Do not fear - only believe!  Nothing shall frighten you, nothing shall oppress you if only you believe firmly and unshakeably.   And thus a strong faith can mean an easier earth-life, because there is then nothing to frighten you and you can walk untroubled, your thoughts always turned towards the One Who helps you out of all trouble. You should be strongly convinced inwardly that you have a Father in heaven Who watches over His children and does not leave them in want because He love them. This strong conviction already is the certainty of its being so.


And what could be more powerful than your Father in heaven? No man on earth and no being of darkness can resist Him, and hence you need not fear that any man on earth or any creature of darkness can do you harm, if you believe in God's outsized love and the protection which He had promised.   Because His written words are, "Come unto Me all ye that labour", "Ask, and it shall be given", "Knock, and it shall be opened!" - Lift your sights to Him Whose help comes.  [ref.  Matt.  7:7]


When you succeed in assimilating the Words of His love, when you feel yourselves thereby addressed by your Father, then you shall not resist through any doubt, and tarry in full faith till help comes. There is nothing He cannot ward off, anything that is impossible to Him. And hence there always is a solution even if you cannot foresee one.  He verily finds the means; He finds a way out of all trouble.


Let these words stir you deep in your heart until all doubts have vanished; until you have fearlessly entrusted yourselves to Him and tarried patiently, because His love is meant for you, His children, and this love never shall leave you.





Friday, September 15, 2006






The destination of man is the perfection of his soul on Earth. A spiritual maturing is set as your goal, which you should strive for and accomplish in free-will, so that at the end of your Earth-life you are qualified for the spiritual realm. This irrefutable Truth is accepted only by a few, and their way of life is in accordance with it. The majority of people are still of delude thinking; they are spiritual blind and do not accept the Truth, if it is brought closer to them. They can only show a low grade of development of their souls, but they do nothing to improve this. They do not believe -  neither in a purpose of the earthly life as a Creation, nor in the Creator -  and do not seek enlightenment about what is enormously important:  what will happen to them after they have left their earthly bodies -because they do not believe neither in a life after death.


Their disbelief does not free them however from their responsibility, because they have a free-will, -they are not forced to their disbelief, to their attitude towards God, to Whom they could open their hearts in free-will, so as to be guided always and constantly in their thinking and acting. Because every man can turn to God, and he has no valid excuse for his turning away from Him, other than that he does not wish to. Because as soon as he wants to know the Truth, it will be given to him and then man himself establishes the right relationship to God.


That the people's thoughts and wants are different is their own doing, because the will to find the Truth guarantees right thinking. And therefore everybody should examine himself as to how much he longs for the Truth. If he accepts indifferently everything as credible that reaches him, then he has no desire to know the Truth, otherwise he would investigate. And if he rejects all offerings, it also could be indifference regarding the Truth, for he does not seek and therefore can never recognize it as Truth.


It is man's own fault if he is ignorant, if he walks in spiritual blindness, because there is no longing for the Truth in him. - And no man can excuse himself that he does not know what Truth is, and that he himself could never judge it, why he refuses everything. It is indeed impossible for him to examine a knowledge regarding the Truth, because his intelligence alone cannot do it, because he has to demand God' s support for that.


But as soon as he turns to God for support and asks for an illumination of the spirit, he will clearly recognize and will be able to distinguish Truth from error. For this the faith in God is necessary, and this faith can be affirmed even by the intelligence, if the will of man is good. The whole Creation is witness to the existence of a Wise, Almighty God and Creator, and to call for help on this Creator-Spirit should be possible for every wise person, who wants to penetrate into the Truth. And he will soon receive enlightenment about his destination on Earth. And he will give to his existence on Earth the right meaning and will not continue in thoughtless indifference. He will be conscious about the responsibility towards his soul and help it to the peak of perfection.






Thursday, September 14, 2006






The first sin of rebellion against Me was cause for the far distance between Me and My creatures, because with the rejection of Myself they also refused My Power of love, they themselves stepped out of My love-beam-circuit while continuously moving further away from Me. Resistance against Me is also like rejecting My love-power, which is why no human being who is still opposing Me within, can experience My flow-through love-beams. And a resistance is already apparent; he has no faith in Me and has therefore no connection with Me. Thus he is standing outside of My love-beam-circuit …. he feels nothing of My love because he is not voluntarily opening self to It and not willing to associate with Me. Not acknowledging Me means having totally succumbed to the one who long ago rebelled against Me and became My opponent as a result …. and who’s plan it is to influence all creatures in such a way that they likewise feel of Me as non-existent, that they have no faith in a Being Who created them and Who wishes to be in connection with them.


But the non-acknowledgement of such is the outcome of total weakness and mental darkness …. Light and power is only available through Me …. and light and power they scorn because they scorn the Provider of  light and power …. for they have no faith in the Original-Source of Light and Power, out of Whom they emerged …. In like measure though, as they are rejecting the Original-Source, they are making themselves incapable to be fed by this Original-Source, hence they stay light- and powerless until they are striving towards this Source with their free will …. until they acknowledge the Power Who created them, und thus are opening themselves to be supplied with the Divine-love-power …. until they unite with the Provider of light and power.


And now they receive in abundance according their need to become blissful …. to again enter into the Original-condition, which they once left voluntarily. Every man who turns to Me, shall abundantly receive, for My Love never overexerts itself …. it wants to give continually and make happy and only demands open vessels into which it can pour itself. And as soon as the serious will in man is awakened to unite with the Power which created him, he will turn away from primordial-sin, from the rebellion against Me; then he will safely reach his goal with the help of the divine Redeemer, Jesus Christ, Who shed His blood as payment for the sake of this great original-guilt ….


Who infinitely had suffered and died on the cross, earning the feeble humanity a mercy-treasure …. will-strength and recognizing of their guilt …. every human being can now shorten the vast distance from Me, every man can now find forgiveness for the immense guilt of the former   rebellion against Me; every man can now enter again into the love-beam-circuit and receive light and power in excess …. helping himself to the blessings, which through Jesus Christ’s work of redemption are at his disposal abundantly …. if he acknowledges Me, I as Jesus, a human, who have paid off your guilt for you, through the death on the cross.   Amen  





Wednesday, September 13, 2006






What I administer is for your soul truly a healing medicine with which you can be healed and gain happiness and everlasting Life. But what good is this medicine to you if you do not accept it, although you know about its healing power but never put it to use. How can you benefit if you hear My Word but do not live according to it, so that the power of this Word cannot become effective in you?


You have a very effective means of healing but you do not put its effectiveness to the test. You consult with Me, your soul's physician, but do not follow My advice, and so you cannot be healed even though you are under the care of the best Physician. You do not carry out what I have prescribed and so remain in your unfortunate condition, the needs of your soul therefore undiminished you must continue to suffer since you yourself have withheld this help.


And this need of your soul has its effect on your physical needs, because I want to stimulate you to take notice as to whether your life style is the right one and to see that your soul is in danger, and it must be careful not to lose its life.


I can only offer you what will help your soul, but if you do not accept My methods then your soul will remain in sickness and will not be able to enjoy the Spiritual Life.


It will also not benefit you much if you listen to My Word but make no effort to live according to it. Only when you put My Word into practice by fulfilling My commandment of Love can you receive My power. Only when you move in Love can you be filled with My Love-force which will result in the healing of your soul and a life in Light and Power. And to this end I want to help you, so I seriously exhort you to let My Word move in your heart and act according to it.


I warn you not to treat your soul carelessly but give it the nourishment it needs without delay and help it to become healthy. I exhort you to ask Me for help when you are unsuccessful or when you are too weak to do this.


I will supply the needed strength if you cry out to Me from your heart, if you will only turn to Me in trust, call upon Me, and confess your weakness.

I am your Physician, I am your Helper Who never will leave you alone to fate but will redeem all who are sick in soul and body.






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