Sunday, December 31, 2006






You all should know that you cannot, at your own will, repeat your life on Earth, so you should use this special opportunity, if you do not want to be plagued by bitter remorse, if you through your own fault enter the spiritual realm be fore you come to maturity.

To think that you can repeat earthly life until you have reached perfection makes you indifferent in your efforts to reach your final goal, therefore such a doctrine is harmful to your soul. It is dangerous since many, because of this doctrine; neglect the work of their soul in the hope of making up in another life what they neglected in their former existence on Earth.

Such teaching is erroneous. You must fully utilize the gift of Grace, such as your incarnation as man, because when you have once entered the beyond the way on Earth is closed to you. Your development depends on your attitude in the spiritual realm, and that can vary. With a good will and the help of the Light-beings, as well as the prayers of your fellowman you can also experience progress in the beyond and come to a completely Blessed state. But you need far more strength there than on Earth.

However, you could also sink into the abyss if you have a stubborn heart and will. In that case it would truly be a merciless deed to allow you a second existence on Earth. That would never assure your spiritual progress, because free will always governs, and because of free will your remembrance is taken away.

If you are of good will you can also come to maturity in the spiritual realm, which will give you Light and a degree of happiness, which can steadily increase. You will then have no longing for life in the flesh, to go through another incarnation on Earth. But it happens in same cases for special reasons. This should not be thought of as common. Nor should you draw from this the conclusion for a doctrine of re-incarnation.

It is not that mankind cannot reach maturity on Earth, for JESUS CHRIST died for this on the cross, so that on Earth complete freedom from the material form can be reached. It is only the will of man who fails and must bear the consequences, namely: an unhappy state in the spiritual realm, which he can stop at will and change. Besides, everything according to God’s Will progresses upwards. Only man's will can cause a regression. Also it would contradict God’s Plan of Divine Order to set a being in a backward material form when it has not used this in the right way, and so misused a gift of Grace, for which he one day must give an account and bear the consequences.

An incarnation can take place in special cases. Only for the purpose of helping, can souls of Light be incarnated on Earth to show their great Love for the suffering world. They can take again the road on Earth to help their fellowman in their great need.

Man should understand that people dwell on Earth who came from Above. They themselves do not know this hut their fellowman may surmise it. Man should never believe that people on Earth are re-incarnated unless they recognize a special mission in them. The doctrine of re-incarnation is dangerous for people to believe. Because of an isolated case taken as common they do not take their responsibility seriously.

To think that man can repeat this earthly life to make up for what they, through their own fault, have neglected in their short life on Earth, will weigh heavily on them in the spiritual realm when they realize this was a wrong doctrine. But the soul can there also come to a certain degree of Light, and increase it steadily. But it can never come to that degree as to reach the Son ship of GOD, which could be reached only on Earth. There is also a great danger in the beyond of sinking deeper if the soul does not accept the help of Light-beings to strive upwards.




Wednesday, December 27, 2006



If you hear of one who proclaims the Lord in an unusual way, you shall know that the last phase or the final time has begun, then you will know that the forerunner of JESUS CHRIST again exercises his mission to proclaim Him who will come on the day of judgment in order to fetch His own ones and to execute the change on earth as it is prophesied by Word and Scripture.
He will appear quite unexpectedly causing a great stir in the world since the power of his voice is great and because he will address the people in so earnest and significant a manner that many will become impressed and accept his word since they recognize that it is the Word of God, which he pronounces and since also the signs are unusual which he works to help his fellow-men.
He will be a real miracle-worker of the poor and unhappy ones and a helper in the distress that will come over all humanity in the time when he appears. He will speak loudly and perceivably. He will not be afraid of those who forbid his working. All the more he will expose those who speak and act against the Will of God.
On account of this he will be hated and persecuted by the powerful of this earth whom he strongly accuses because of their actions toward people. The abyss between the earthly and spiritual worlds is already too great so that from the earthly side no understanding can be expected for that which "the crier in the desert" will proclaim.
They will laugh at him and persecute him so eagerly only because the number of his followers steadily increases since there are people who permit to become impressed to the annoyance of the mighty ones who are against all belief and therefore proceeding against it.
That is the time which very soon lies before you; it will not take long any more when you will hear of him. Then, however, remember that you must be strong, for with his appearance the religious strife will soon begin. Then it will be of significance in which direction you will turn, and it will only too clear that you must decide either for God or for the world.
He will be your strong support so that you take the road to God, for his speech is convincing and powerful. God HIMSELF speaks through him so obviously that it should not be difficult for anyone to follow him. He will give such visible testimonies of his calling that the people will recognize thereby who he is!
He himself also knows what his mission is and that this is his last commission: to precede the LORD and to proclaim Him with a loud voice.
He is also conscious of his origin and likewise of his end, which again will be terrible; but nothing frightens him, nothing holds him back from executing his mission, which will be greatly blessed.
Who follows him is well off. For he can amass much strength and get much light from this great light that will shine everywhere it appears.
He is already among the living ones, but not yet conscious of his task; yet this will become clear to him suddenly, causing his earthly life fundamentally to change. It is true, he serves the Lord and also recognizes the spiritual low level on which humanity is languishing; but the call has not yet come to him. This will happen suddenly.
Then he will step out of his quietude, being fully conscious of his task … for the Spirit of God moves him, giving him fullest clarity about his mission. Joyfully he serves his Lord with a devotion, which makes him increasingly efficient for the last service, which he wants to render the Lord before the End, before His return!
Wherefore, you people should pay attention only to those who really proclaim God's Word; you will recognize him who appears in an extraordinary manner since he wants to fulfill an extraordinary task namely to pronounce the coming of the LORD and by powerful sermons to show the people their mission on earth to repent and most seriously to work for the salvation of their soul!…. for he will tell them the end, which will come shortly after his appearance.
The time is fulfilled which God gave mankind for perfection.

Sunday, December 24, 2006






The opportunity is given to every human being to discover the secret of the "becoming Man" of God, and every man can then have proof  - of the existence of Jesus, Who, as "Son of God and Redeemer of the world" will be revealed to him, so that every other proof is unnecessary.


But he who has once understood the "becoming man of God", also knows that, and why, faith is required - why proofs do not promote but rather harm the maturing process of the soul - for which purpose man walks on Earth.


That God Himself was embodied in Jesus Christ, in the man Jesus, is and remains unbelievable for those people who have no spiritual connection whatever, and to whom the spiritual strive seems strange.


Under "spiritual strive", therefore, one can understand the process of the development of a soul that did not receive the Earth-life as self-purpose, but only as means to the purpose. He who is not spiritually motivated is also not awake, i.e., his thinking is more easily influenced by mistake rather than by Truth; he will sooner accept a mistake  and let it act as truth. Therefore, the pure Truth, in return, will seem to be unacceptable- precisely because his spirit is still darkened, which does not mean his reason, but the spark within man that is a divine share.


This person will not give any credit to a purely spiritual cause - and therefore, the becoming man of God, as a “consequence" of such a "spiritual cause", will be incomprehensible for him.


But it took place! God begot Himself in a man. And this human being was Jesus, the son of Mary, Whose Father was the Spirit of God. Nothing as permitted to force mankind to faith. And therefore the birth of Jesus was subjugated to human laws, but not the "procreation"!


Humanity should have no doubts about this when they consider that all Created, as well as the complete complex of the Creation-Work, came about through God's Force, and that therefore it is also possible to, that Force to create a human being out of His Will.


But this birth without procreation has also its spiritual causes that are very easily understood by an awakened spirit. And therefore man has to know that the whole Creation-Work had spiritual causes, founded on the free- will of the primal-created spiritual beings; and that this free- will plays an important part also in the existence of man - the once created primal-spirit; a part that is significant and is also the explanation for there being no proofs - or only a few - to be found of the "existence of Jesus".


No sort of coercion should include man to take a positive or a negative attitude towards Jesus Christ, The divine Redeemer - a complete freedom of will must decide the attitude towards Him, because only on that depends the spiritual regeneration of man to the primal-created being, for which Regeneration man lives on Earth.


That which can be proven forces a decision to be made by man. But no man should be coerced to that decision if the formerly spiritual perfection of the primal-being should once be achieved, which is the purpose and the goal of the whole Creation-Work.


Therefore, man must know beforehand about the primal-beginning and the goal of all that exists - about the sense and purpose of the Creation and of all the existing created beings therein. But he will never gain this knowledge from books - he must be made aware of it by the "Spirit of God" - Which is Itself the "eternal Truth".


But this requires conditions that every man is certainly able to fulfil, though only few want to fulfil them! God's Spirit can only manifest Itself where these conditions exist, such as: A living faith in God, that can come to life only through "Love" - and a conscious claim for the "Truth out of God" - to receive the Truth precisely in faith from Him. And it will be given to mankind, for the Spirit out of God now unites with the spirit-spark in man - which is His share - and man will be taught through the Spirit.


Whoever cannot, or does not want to believe such a thing will never enjoy wisdom - the light of knowledge. But to him who believes it, there will be unveiled the most glorious revelations, and he will recognize clearly what is for other people beyond understanding. He will be able to comprehend the links, and for him the becoming man of God in Jesus is now a wonderfully resolved problem, for which he no longer needs any proof - for now he can see through alt this more clearly, remaining more convinced than possibly by the most brilliant intellectual approach.


For an awakened spirit, then, it is unimportant how much time elapses between the life of Jesus on Earth and the present, because this walk of Jesus was not an act which concerned a certain circle of people, but was. undertaken for all men of the past, present, and future. - All men will know about this walk on Earth by Jesus, but will not need proof of it, as their spirit is awakened.


But without the awakening of the spirit, the keenest proof would not be any good for obtaining the maturity of the soul, for faith built on proofs is not faith that respects the free will, which alone is to be valued. The "intelligence" of man has nothing, or only very little, to do with the "awakening of the Spirit" in mankind. The latter is the consequence of a life of Love - a life in unselfish love for one's neighbour. And, therefore, the exploration of the deepest secrets is never a privilege of intellectual activity, but the privilege of only those who live according to the commandments of God, that the man Jesus taught while He was on Earth: "Love God above all and thy neighbour as thyself."


The effect of the fulfilment of this commandment is the surest and most clear proof of the existence of Jesus, for then the spirit out of God leads man to all Truth and gives him all the explanations of the spiritual connections that will never be obtained through reason.






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Saturday, December 23, 2006






You can always be sure that you will be instructed correctly when you come to Me for an explanation. You will sense it in your mind, that is, your thoughts will move in Truth because this is what you are looking for. Your thinking will be on the right road even when many unsolved problems still occupy your minds…. because it is the privilege of those who unite with Me, the Eternal Truth, that they experience an inner resistance when wrong thoughts come to them.


In the end-time you will have to deal with many strange phenomena and you can attribute these appearances either to Me or to My opponent who in the end-time appears in such unusual ways to win over his victims. You must learn to discern. Do not forget that the world is his domain and that he will demonstrate this through worldly demonstrations. But you must also realize that there is no power, which can hinder My work so that My eternal plan of Salvation, in which an end to this earth is foreseen, will overrule…. because it is always My goal to redeem fallen spirituals from the depths. And I certainly know when the right time for this has come.


One thing is certain that the plans of My opponent do not agree with Mine, nor does he strive for the same goal, to help the fallen. But he is always aware of My plans trying to make them ineffective, to frustrate them and as it were to conquer Me, which goal he will never achieve. On the one hand he urges men to experiment in different ways to destroy creations, believing that in setting bound spirituality free he can win them for himself, on the other hand he makes people believe that they need not fear the end in order to hinder men from consciously working on their souls, which in view of the end is earnestly pursued by those who follow the signs of the time and therefore know their hour is at hand. So he works with all craftiness to cause confusion, which affects those who do not belong to him. He tries to beguile people with phenomena, which appear real, until people who are looking for such things actually see them. People who's minds and thoughts are open to the opponent who is able to influence those who do not want to think about the end of this earth, who would rather believe in the most incredible occurrences in order to prevent the end, than to accept the Truth which has been proclaimed to them again and again.


My opponent is permitted great power in the end, in opposition to My unusual work of Grace for men whom I still help to find their way to Me. I will work in unusual ways but not to unnaturally influence men's minds. I will work silently in the hearts of men to win them. My opponent however, influences the mind and intellect of people to strengthen their desire for an indestructible earth to try to postpone the end.


The enemy opposes Me and My proclamations, and this must unmask him proving who is at work when unexplainable phenomena occur troubling men's minds when the end is foretold by Me, is questioned. My Word is Truth, so My opponent cannot contradict these predictions even if he is able to present himself in a crafty and cunning manner. Even the people can see who is trying to draw them under his power if they would only turn to Me, for I will not withhold the Truth from them.






Friday, December 22, 2006



There will be a new Earth, and the people on it will be closely united with Me, living according to My order. But that condition can only be reached through a cleansing of this Earth. The old Earth must be brought again into the right condition. This does not mean that the present situation can be corrected, as so many people want to believe who are not prepared to think about the end.
The coming purification will be thorough. It will first apply to the people who no longer live in My everlasting order. But it includes the creation-work itself, because the spiritual substance that is bound therein needs reshaping to come quicker to a spiritual progress. This will happen because I am concerned about all spiritual substance, which has languished long enough in hard matter and now finally begins its upward progress.
There will be no more turning to Me on this Earth, because the people themselves strengthen My opponent's power, which he will use to achieve a greater falling away from Me. If the adversary and all who belong to him would not be bound the spiritual condition would not just remain as it is but become constantly worse, so much so that harmonious conditions on Earth could never be expected. So, I will perform a thorough cleansing. I will dissolve everything on this Earth that contains spiritual substance. I will cause a new Earth to arise with completely new creations. They will again obtain spiritual substance for its further development.
I will populate the Earth only with people whose maturity is such that they can bear a life in paradise, people who remained true to Me in the last battle on this Earth. I will place them as a new human race on the new Earth. This new creation period begin with a spiritually mature people who will influence future generations, showing them the way upwards and helping them to their perfection.
Because My opponent is bound, man will not be oppressed by him, consequently there will be a paradise-like condition for a long time where all creations, both men and animals, live in harmony and peace, where people will constantly pursue union with Me. I can also be present with them, therefore mankind will be blessed until once again the time comes when this union will slacken and material things will become the great attraction.
The people themselves will loosen the chains of My opponent through their desires. I will not hinder them. Because their test of free will is again necessary which was previously completely submitted to Me. If I would not bring an end to this present situation, there could truly be no spiritual success. I allowed the adversary the right to fight for beings. But he abused his rights, because he went too far. He hindered the people from receiving knowledge of Me, their Eternal GOD and Creator. This Earthly life is given to man to decide which master they want to belong to. Consequently they must be informed about both masters, which My opponent tries to hinder. Therefore, I will bring an end to his works and he with his followers will be bound.
First of all I will restore lawful order everywhere, to assure upwards development of all fallen beings, according to My Eternal Plan.

Thursday, December 21, 2006



The incidents which happened in the kingdom of the spirits were the cause of the origin of the creation, [that is] the entire universe including all of its creations of the spiritual and the material kind. Prior to the originating of these creations was nothing but the spiritual kingdom. It was [a condition] of immense blissfulness within which spiritual beings enjoyed themselves of their existence and, by their possession of power and light, were able to create, according to their destiny.
And again, this creating consisted in spiritual creations, i.e. the thoughts and ideas that [then] emanated from God towards those beings which they thus converted by immense bliss into reality, because the power to do so was at their disposal and they were also capable of using their will [power] in a free manner. And there was [certainly] no need for this blissful condition of the spirit-beings to be changed, ever; and as long as their love for their Creator remained unchanged within them and they thus were being saturated with the divine light of love, they didn’t need to fear neither restriction of their power nor a reduction of their light.
But then [eventually] the condition occurred when a new view opened up to the beings when, on the part of the first created being, the light carrier Lucifer, the Divinity [God] was presented to be doubtful because It was not visible [i.e. as a visible being]; when he [Lucifer] himself pretended to be the one from whom all the spirit-beings emerged and he thus expected from them the acknowledgement of being their god and creator instead.
Hence, the beings were thus put into a conflict because their love [really] belonged to the One Who [basically] created them. But Lucifer’s presentation confused them; in fact, it appeared more plausible since Lucifer was shining in [full] light and radiance and a being above him they certainly could not imagine. Except, though, there still remained the light of insight within them according to which they also held doubts against Lucifer’s presentation.
But by now clear moments started to take turns with slightly dull ones and the more the being devoted itself to the latter ones the longer the phases of darkened thinking became; or with other words: the one’s thoughts became clear and the being most clearly recognized its origin. And [thus] Lucifer was not able to dull the insight of the latter any more. The former, however, got under his control quite quickly and followed him and considered him as their god and creator because they rejected their enlightened moments which repeatedly occurred to them as well, prior to the taking place of the final fall into the abyss.
The undiminished power of Lucifer at the beginning had created a numberless army of most blissful spirit-beings, and from this abundance of his creation a wrong self-consciousness grew within him. He did not see the Source anymore from which he had obtained that power, but he only considered the “proofs” of the power which had flowed through him, and all this he wanted to keep just for himself even though he knew it equally belonged to the One from the power of Whom he was allowed to draw.
Yet, he also wanted not only to possess it but also to dull the light in these beings which most distinctly revealed their origin to them. And he thus managed them to be caught in a conflict which also lessened their blissfulness and hampered their creative activity, until they made a final decision for their lord and, by that, the beings and the light- carrier as well forfeited their power with the light and plunged into the darkness. And that one spiritual event, which can only be explained to you humans in broad outlines, was the cause for the coming-into-existence of the endless creations of the spiritual and the material kind….
These creations are nothing but a transformed, broken away spiritual. By this break away from God, which is an endless remote distance, it [the spiritual] became continuously harder in its substance the farther it fell. Now, this must be understood like this: The spiritual power from God, which drives for a continuously livelier activity, was not able to touch this spiritual anymore because it was fighting against [the spirit of God]; and thus [its] activity came to an end, the mobility, the life came to a stop. And the remainder was completely solidified substance; actually power originally emanating from God, now having become completely ineffective.
But God’s love and wisdom had originally destined another purpose to the spiritual: Constant activity according to his will which, at the same time though, was also meant to be the will of the being itself. The spiritual beings had violated against their assignment, they wanted to use their power with an intention opposed to the will of God, but they were not able any more; due to their breaking away they deprived themselves of their power. By now God’s love again took a hold of the completely solidified spiritual that did not recognize itself anymore, which was just a conglomeration of contrary-to-God spiritual substances.
God’s power of love dispersed these substances and let the most versatile works of creation arise from them. He thus reshaped the power once emanated from Him, so to speak; He established the destination for every single work of creation that was now certainly achieved in the law of fixed regulation [matter]. [This happened] to the extent of a now forced activity of the disintegrated spiritual, even though without any self-awareness of which it was in possession as a spiritual being once before.
Basically, then, the [material] creations are nothing else but that which has originally taken its beginning as a being from God, except in a completely changed condition as far as its perfection is concerned. For all creations are or contain only an imperfect spiritual that is on the path of return to God. The perfect spiritual beings [originally] were in no need of material creations; they brought forth their ideas and thoughts from out of themselves but, again, those were actually just spiritual creations of their own wants and thinking and of their unlimited power.
It was a “world” within which there was certainly nothing found but a perfect. There were no flaws, no limits and no inadequacies….For these did not emerge until the universe contained disloyal-to-God-beings who, being imperfect needed [mortal, outer] shells within which they were forced to activity. Hence, then, wherever there are any kind of forms there is also an imperfect spiritual captivated within, and the more solid those forms are the more hardened and opposed-to-God is the spiritual bound in it.
But even the form itself, matter, consists of such imperfect substances, merely held together by God’s power of love to serve the one purpose: As carriers of spiritual beings to help these towards the climb. Divine power of love surrounds all of these spiritual substances, but it does not act forcefully upon them to the point were it would break their resistance by force….Nevertheless, it is true, the work of creation has to, according to the will of God, carry out a certain activity but the spiritual [contained] within is not being forced to turn to God.
And that’s why it is also possible the spiritual that belongs to a primal being covers the whole walk through the works of creation up to the last embodiment as a human being and still, it has not given up its resistance towards God because it is its free will that needs to achieve such, leaving also the possibility for it to again turn to the lord of darkness as well. But the continuous activity in the law of fixed regulation mostly accomplishes a decreasing of the resistance against God because the spiritual [in matter] does sense a certain pleasant feeling even at the slightest self-initiated activity, since a certain application of power fits its original being.
The countless star worlds, i.e. all the creations contained in them, are the result of that one falling-away, once, in the realm of the spirits. They will still remain for eternities, there will continuously arise new creations for the sake of making it possible for all the fallen ones to return to God. Eternities will pass by until the work of return will be completed, until even the last solidified spiritual will be dissolved and be able to enter the path of return…. But once all those creations will be spiritualized, once again there will be but one “spiritual world” were all the spiritual will be active with the same will of, and with God, and will be incomparably blissful…. Once God will have reached the aim to be surrounded not just by “creatures” but [rather] by “children” to whom He can give the greatest blissfulness, because His endless love urges Him to constant happiness and also does not let Him rest before He has reached His aim.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006



And so I will always remind you that I died for you on the cross. I will remind all you people on Earth and all unredeemed souls in the beyond. I will bring it again and again to their remembrance. I must inform you about it if you are yet unaware of it, because you must not remain ignorant if you should ever want to reach Blissfulness.
Of what use is it to humanity to know about the "Man Jesus" who ended his earthly existence with the death on the cross, if you ignore the spiritual meaning of his death on the cross and the mission that Jesus accomplished for the sake of the sinners?
And even if it will be told to you: He redeemed humanity from sin - you will not find any connection; only words whose meaning you don't understand remain with you.
And as long as you do not know the purpose of man's existence on this Earth, you will not be able to understand why mankind is called sinful - even though none of you is free of sin. But the real importance of the Redemption- Work through Jesus Christ will become obvious when you know about the primordial-sin, which is the cause of your pilgrimage on Earth.
This sin cannot be compared in its enormity with the sinfulness of man, even if the latter is only the consequence of the first. For whatever sins a person commits on Earth, he would be able to repent for them on Earth, or in the beyond; however, even for this repentance, very much time would be necessary.
But to repent the primordial-sin is impossible for you people, either during your Earth-life or in the beyond. For this primordial - sin was not committed by a being that was already imperfect, but by beings of "highest perfection", who were not in need of light of knowledge, but who let themselves be controlled by the thought: "to be able to overwhelm Me"; therefore they became arrogant in their fullness of Light and Force.
This sin cannot be atoned for by men, because it is immeasurably great, and eternity would not suffice to free them from that guilt.
Through this sin, these beings fell into the abyss, which means that they lost Light and Force; they turned, so to speak, into the opposite - they lost all divine traits and accepted instead all bad qualities and drives. They became My opponents - until their spiritual substance hardened to such a degree that they were no longer able to be conscious of their on being.
And this hardened spiritual I banished in the Form; in other words, I dissolved it into countless spiritual particles and created those into an unending number of Creation-Works, which My Love, Wisdom and Might produced only for the purpose of guiding those fallen spirituals back again to Me. They were ordained to Blissfulness which they can only find with Me.
This passing through the Creation indeed is also an act of repentance for that immeasurable guilt, but it happens in a state of compulsion - in bound will - and therefore cannot be valued as payment for that guilt. The being must once more revert to the condition where it voluntarily desires to get rid of its guilt; when the knowledge can be imparted that it has trespassed - but that there exists nevertheless a way to be set free from this great guilt. It must know that this way is the way to the cross: that to be free of the primordial-guilt is possible only through the acceptance of the divine Redeemer and His Work of Redemption - and that this way to the cross must be walked during one's life on Earth, so that after the bodily death, one can be accepted again into the realm of Light which is the true home of man.
Also in the beyond, the souls are informed about My Work of Redemption, and there, too, they can still take the way to Me in Jesus Christ. But they can no longer reach this high grade of perfection, which they may have reached on Earth through the acceptance of Jesus as Son of God and Redeemer of the world, in Whom I Myself incorporated to find their recognition which they once denied to Me.
You humans must know about the great significance of this Redemption-Work: You must not mention the name of Jesus only as the name of a man that once walked over the Earth with high ethical aims. It was a significant mission for which He dwelt on Earth, and this, you should try to learn about, as long as there is any obscurity in you. For it depends upon your comprehension and good will whether your walk on Earth is terminated successfully and whether the Kingdom that is truly your homeland will accept you again.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006






With Me and My Name you should start every day, tackle every job, also every area towards fulfilling your daily responsibilities and you will as well be assured of a blessed work accomplishment, be it of earthly or spiritual activity. If you roam alone, meaning, without having appealed for My assistance, you will be performing much of your work in vain, you will have to fight with difficulties, or you won’t always succeed in it. An inner thought concerning Me already assures you of my support, and if you willfully appeal to Me for my blessing and support, then everything will fall into place for your best, an you can accomplish your daily chores in full calmness.


You must always know, that you are being assailed by dark forces, which have constantly access to you, when you neglect to build a protective wall around you, through the plea of My name, through the begging of my blessing for your deeds. And once they found access to you then it is much more difficult, as it was at the beginning to fend them off again from gaining access. They are weakening your will, only under summoning up all your strength, you will gain back which was neglected: by not calling Me for help.


There is an ongoing battle over your soul and often your victory is hampered through those dark forces, it would often depend on your self, while you could request for limitless power which you must always accomplish through fervent prayer for My guidance, My protection and My blessing…. That is why you should never begin your daily chores without me, you should call on My Name in your heart, plead for strengthening of one’s will and entrust yourself without reservations over do Me…. Then I can protect you against the enemy of your souls, then you will be surrounded by countless light beings denying them access, then you will be performing your daily work cheerfully and carefree with a feeling of power and inner freedom. Nothing will then be able to shake you up, because you will know, that I always will be present and will regulate everything for you.


The inner bond with me is your best guarantee for succeeding in all your plans, be they of mortal or spiritual affairs, I Myself can then always influence you and your thoughts and guide your actions correctly and useful to you. No sooner you isolate yourself from me and are loosening the bond, other thoughts also will gain power over you, supplied to you by my opponent, taking your inner freedom, causing you to worry while giving increasing access to evil powers who continue the process of inner shattering and disharmony, robbing you of your daily blessed work and endangering your soul to be bound by him. And again you can free yourself of such danger only, by taking refuge to Me, for I am ready at any time in assisting you out of your spiritual woe. But without Me, you cannot free yourself of him and his influence, without me you are too week and thus succumbed to him.


All such besiege you can escape, if you continuously surrender yourself to Me and My protection, if you always beseech me for my blessing, if you entrust your physical and spiritual welfare never without neglect to Me and call  My name…. and openly acknowledge your faith to Me in Jesus Christ…. Then you are establishing a wall, which my opponent will be incapable of collapsing, from Me and My name he flees, likewise he will withdraw from you, if in every need and danger you only faithfully vocalize My name.         Amen.




Monday, December 18, 2006






If you would contemplate your life on earth as the last chapter of a developmental process which took endless time, you could cover the final short stretch in a great hurry and you would not spare any trouble to successfully finish the upwards development from this short life on earth.


But, as you lack the memory of your former life and as you know only with certainty this short passage on earth, you do not develop a special zeal -- you are quite indifferent to that which lies before you. You do not waste much thought about what you may expect after your life on earth. But you have to go through life without memory of your former life, so that you are not determined in your wants, thoughts and actions. But if you could just look back a little, you would be terrified and unable to live. Driven by this greatest fear, you would be willing to do anything asked of you, if only you could be spared from that terrible fate and be liberated from every materiel form.


I do indeed have the power to influence you to a certain way of life suitable to My will were I to allow you to take a glance to your past. But My Love for you is greater, and for it to procure for you an unlimited happiness, a compulsion of the will must be eliminated. Because to be permitted this eternal bliss you have to live in entirely free will in such a way that it corresponds to My will -- i.e. the eternal order.


Understand that it is a work of My mercy and of My Love that I removed the memory of your former life from you -- on the one hand, to spare you the knowledge of a vanquished life on earth, and, on the other hand, to let you partake of a joy that is unlimited. But I did not leave you without knowledge, even if that knowledge cannot be proven. You heard consequently about your former state, but it did not burden you uncommonly because you had overcome it.


But knowledge could encourage you also to greater spiritual endeavors which, however, are always done in the most complete freedom of will, and therefore brings blessings to you. And therefore I can only again say to you. Decline nothing, but consider everything that exposes to you the purpose and aim of your earthly life, and also submit such knowledge to your contemplation which can then inform you about your "pre-embodiment".


Reflect upon all this, and always live your earthly life so that you can justify it to yourself, and therefore you need not fear a justification of yourself before Me. But believe that your earthly existence is not purposeless; that its purpose is contrary to the sole preservation and satisfaction of the body, which is perishable and whose life-length you cannot yourself decide.


And if you are not willing to accept additional knowledge, if you do not wish to accept what is “approvable”,  hold fast  at least to the “Word of God” – for, as soon as you listen to it in faithful seriousness, a small light will be kindled within you,; many things that also cannot be proven will then be open to your understanding and appear believable!


Search only for a single form, whether it be in thought or through your will, by which you can establish connection with the spiritual realm, that you may send to your Creator, along with your works of love. The latter is definitely a ligature with Myself Thus you will discover secrets which will be unveiled to you, so that you may be helped to successfully pass the last short walk of your development. But do not walk with indifference, and do not permit your whole thinking to be guided by corporal wishes, for I have surrounded you with many things to inspire you to think.


Marvels of every kind are surrounding you that are the products of My Love and of My might, and they should prove Myself also to you. So search for the ligature with the One Who reveals Himself to you in the creation, then will you be saved from the terrible situation of having to pass again through  all those creations, and you will be freed from the form and can enter the blissful realm of the spirits where you will live in freedom, light and force in eternal bliss.






Saturday, December 16, 2006






The existence as man on Earth would not have a right reason if it would be solely for a self-purpose. For it would be difficult for you, humans, to find for this a proper reason, because you see too clearly the great differences in human destinies. Again and again the question would arise in you: What is the purpose of such a hard difficult, poor life? However, you could find an answer right away if you considered life not as a self purpose but as a means to the purpose.


Were the fate of each person the same, were every man's Earth-life filled with harmony, carelessness, blissfulness -and material happiness -with little difference from the lives of their fellow-men -then you would remain in the belief that there is no deeper meaning in Earth -life than that of the life itself. But as soon as you seriously meditate about it, you will not be satisfied with such an explanation.


You will search for a deeper reason and you will certainly find it. Because only one question from your side is necessary in order to receive an answer.


And all people should raise this question for themselves. Because really it does not show cleverness or intelligence when a man is satisfied to walk through life just as a caprice of the Creator. Because every person that claims to be considered intelligent would not squander his time and energy in producing things that are quite purposeless. And neither would he want to consider himself a completely useless creature that has only one purpose -and that is to support himself and yet be unable to decide the length of his existence.


Is Earth-life self-purpose or a means to a purpose? To bring up this question could be very enticing for the one who is unable to believe. By no means will you be asked to believe blindly, because such a blind faith has no value. But you should use your intelligence and think in all directions about, what is asked of you to believe. You can arrive through reflection at a result that appears acceptable to you, and you can be sure that such thoughtful effort will be blessed if it leads you to a deeper understanding, the knowledge about what is still hidden from you, but does not have to remain hidden.


To fathom the purpose of man's earthly life, as man, is such a knowledge, because it belongs to the area of what can not be proven but nevertheless makes a man happy - as soon as it is his earnest desire to get it. Because as soon as man has the clarity to see that life as man is only the means to a purpose, more and more questions will arise. He will search for the true purpose and thereby will also recognize his own task. He will no longer be content to worry only about earthly life; he will learn to consider all happenings and experiences as a condition to a purpose, and will then find and pursue a spiritual attitude that satisfies him completely.


The conscious life of man only begins with the understanding of the Earth-life purpose. Because then his thinking will be directed towards a goal that he tries to reach. Only then begins his endeavor to execute the soul work; only then earthly aims retreat into the background. However, he will be able to master his earthly life with GOD'S help, Who blesses such an attitude towards life and will open for him again and again new aspects that activates his thinking and leads him to the height.


A purpose-conscious Earth-life can never be lived in vain; it must bring spiritual success, while a man for whom life is only self-purpose will reach no spiritual gain. But as soon as he is willing to love, many questions will come up by him about the purpose of his life on Earth, and then a change will occur in his thinking. But without the willingness to love, which is most often the case with those who have not yet recognized the Earth-life purpose, an upwards development can not be expected. Then man remains, concerning his soul, as he was at the beginning of his embodiment.


Then the existence on Earth will have past quite in vain; then a great Mercy-gift will have been lost which could have brought the highest reward.


It is however possible for every man to come to the knowledge that he exists on Earth for a purpose, since each man possesses the faculty to think and he can ponder one thought against another, and is therefore himself able to judge. And with serious meditation he would certainly receive that insight, because he can recognize in the Creation of nature a certain purpose in lawful order, which he also should apply to himself as the highest developed Creation-Work. Otherwise he would have a very limited way of thinking; a conception that could not be called cleverness.


Man can win the recognition of an Earth-life purpose because otherwise no responsibility could be demanded from him, how he has used his Earth-life. Such a responsibility is in fact denied by man who does not want to recognize any purpose. But regarding this responsibility there are enough proofs on hand in nature; that no natural law , - the divine order - can be trespassed without consequences. Therefore man himself has to accept a certain order, he must feel himself included in that order-law. Thus he cannot arbitrarily shape his life without any responsibility towards GOD, Who created everything, but he has to try to align himself with the law of divine Order.


He must acknowledge his legislator. Then facing this law- giver he will feel himself responsible. If his legislator is not recognized, man himself feels free of responsibility towards a master; then he is obviously still in the power of GOD' s opponent, who tries always to influence man in such a way that any belief in a purpose and aim of the Earth-life-existence vanishes, so that this evil-one might keep him again through eternal times.






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