Saturday, December 31, 2005
Word of God
Immediately after the death of the body the soul moves into the spiritual Kingdom that, according to its maturity, may be far or near to the Earth. Although it is not to be understood as "space", the distance is the result of the difference in the spheres, and yet they all belong to the spiritual kingdom, because they are outside the earthly material world, and the immature souls have yet, as far as time is concerned, a very long way to go until they will come to the Light spheres.
On the other hand, a matured soul, after bodily death, is as quick as lightning placed in these spheres, because it has no difficulty with time or space to overcome the distance between earth and the Light spheres… Because it has obtained enough strength through its state of maturity.
However, the immature souls cannot separate themselves as quickly from the earth, because they are without power to move themselves upwards, and also their senses are chained to earthly things. They do not want to leave the earth but want to stay close to the earth for a long time, mostly in the surroundings, which they called their own in their late time.
Consequently, they do not feel the direct change from the earthly to the spiritual kingdom. Because it seems to them the same place as on earth, and therefore, those souls do not always realize that they no longer have their life in the body. But they are astonished that they can no longer make themselves heard and are left alone by the people. This situation brings them slowly to the realization of their position, and of the knowledge that they are no more on earth, but in the spiritual kingdom of the beyond.
As long as the soul is earthly minded it is not able to separate itself from those surroundings, but is still bound to the earth, which is for it a state of misery, because everything that it longs for or wants to possess is unattainable. Now the soul must gradually overcome its longing for earthly possessions. Only when it has come to that point will it withdraw itself more and more from the earth. Then the spheres will take on another form for them, their eyes perceiving no more earthly but spiritual creations, according to the maturity of the soul, that means the spiritual eye of the soul is able to see spiritual things, which the immature soul cannot perceive even though they exist.
However, only when a more mature soul separates itself from the earth can it at once distinguishes its surroundings in the spiritual kingdom and because of its maturity it has the spiritual eyes and ability to do so.
Such a soul will also recognize the souls who it will meet in the beyond, while on the other hand the immature souls are unable to do so, this means that they recognize only those souls who walk in the darkness as they do and who are in the same imperfect condition. And yet, light beings are invisible to them even when they come close they do not recognize them in their bright disguise. The spiritual eyes are opened only in a certain condition of maturity. Then light surrounds that soul, while spiritual darkness is around those who can see nothing because that spiritual sphere is closed to them.
However, earthly things remain visible be fore their eyes because of their longing for them. But those are only optical illusions, which in reality do not exist but through the longing of the soul seem as if they are all there. But they disappear as a shadow as soon as a soul wants to touch or use them, because in this transitory condition the soul realizes that it should strive for something higher than earthly perishable goods. As long as the soul has a desire for such things no light beings come near it, because material minded souls will not listen to the words of the light beings, when they come in their covering to bring them the gospel and show them the way upwards. They can only be brought help in their situation through human prayers and seeking amends in the spiritual kingdom.
Then beings, which are willing to help meet them, teach them, and show them the way upward. The more willing they are to accept the teaching of the light beings, the sooner their spiritual eyes shall be opened, and they delivered from spiritual darkness to enter spheres where they also may spread the light.
Their way back can take a short or a very long 'time depending on the stubbornness with which the soul clings to material things which bind these to the earth until they are overcome so that they can be led by light beings into the pure Truth to be able to work in the beyond for the kingdom of God. Then these souls will share knowledge with needy souls, who still live in spiritual darkness.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Word of God
Listen to what the spirit of God tells you - a time of grace has commenced, and if you are willing to strive for the kingdom of God, you can feel how blessed it is. A perpetual activity of the beings of light is noticeable, who convey to men on earth the gifts of grace from the spiritual realm. Beings of light are incarnated on earth to serve men as guides in the final time. The thinking of those men who strive towards God will be enlightened and thus they will be closer to the Truth. In the times of distress on earth God’s Love will reveal itself by helping wherever help is prayed for. Men with faith will accomplish extraordinary things and the power of faith will become evident. And thus graces upon graces will be evident as also the adversary will use all possible means to cause spiritual distress to men, but God will obviously help them.
And during this time of grace there will arise a man whose spirit is from above, whose soul is completely united with the spirit within him and who, therefore, will speak what the spirit reveals to him - the fullest truth in a very clear form. God Himself will speak through him -he will admonish people to persevere or warn them against relinquishing Him. And this preacher is the Lord’s forerunner - when he appears the coming of the Lord is near. And through this man the measure of grace will be considerably increased, for he will mean considerable support to all believers, and to the unbelievers a chance will be offered to gain faith. He will have a considerable influence on the people who hear him because he is so full of strength and might. His words will ignite and spread like wildfire in the country where he will be active. He will speak without fear and hesitation, enlighten people and draw their attention to the coming of the Lord in the clouds and to the last judgment.
However, he will not find much belief since the majority of men are no longer interested in God and the spiritual and, consequently, are of a completely adverse thinking. They do not recognize the extraordinary gift of grace and, therefore, do not make use of it. So the end is unavoidable, and the abyss is opening up to swallow all that does not recognize God and reject His Word. God keeps giving, and that which He gives is an undeserved gift of grace, designed to help people to maturity, even in these times of distress - whether it is sorrow or joy, it all serves man to lift his soul to God - it is always pointing to Him, and coaxing and guiding to the right path - it is always grace.
And when this man comes, the measure of grace will increase for men, for he is enveloped in light and radiates this light which flows from the spiritual realm. He distributes knowledge - his ward is full of wisdom and power and easy to accept as it is offered convincingly and people can understand it if they only listen to it attentively.
In His Love, God makes it easy for men to believe, by sending them His messengers who possess extraordinary power by which alone they may be recognized as messengers from heaven. However, he is attacked from all sides and only few recognize his mission and stick to him – only few draw strength from his words. But these receive an abundance of strength and grace and are able to withstand all the attacks by the world, all hostilities that now become evident. The final time will be extremely hard, but also extremely full of mercy, for everywhere God will be revealing Himself, wherever there is a heart in distress that opens up to God’s grace. And thus it will be possible to be victorious in the last battle on this earth, that the soul can emerge from it unharmed so that it can gain eternal life if it has to depart from the earth prematurely, or that it perseveres in this world to the end and is bodily removed from this earth by the Lord Himself to begin a new life on the new earth.
Listen to what the spirit of God tells you - a time of grace has commenced, and if you are willing to strive for the kingdom of God, you can feel how blessed it is. A perpetual activity of the beings of light is noticeable, who convey to men on earth the gifts of grace from the spiritual realm. Beings of light are incarnated on earth to serve men as guides in the final time. The thinking of those men who strive towards God will be enlightened and thus they will be closer to the Truth. In the times of distress on earth God’s Love will reveal itself by helping wherever help is prayed for. Men with faith will accomplish extraordinary things and the power of faith will become evident. And thus graces upon graces will be evident as also the adversary will use all possible means to cause spiritual distress to men, but God will obviously help them.
And during this time of grace there will arise a man whose spirit is from above, whose soul is completely united with the spirit within him and who, therefore, will speak what the spirit reveals to him - the fullest truth in a very clear form. God Himself will speak through him -he will admonish people to persevere or warn them against relinquishing Him. And this preacher is the Lord’s forerunner - when he appears the coming of the Lord is near. And through this man the measure of grace will be considerably increased, for he will mean considerable support to all believers, and to the unbelievers a chance will be offered to gain faith. He will have a considerable influence on the people who hear him because he is so full of strength and might. His words will ignite and spread like wildfire in the country where he will be active. He will speak without fear and hesitation, enlighten people and draw their attention to the coming of the Lord in the clouds and to the last judgment.
However, he will not find much belief since the majority of men are no longer interested in God and the spiritual and, consequently, are of a completely adverse thinking. They do not recognize the extraordinary gift of grace and, therefore, do not make use of it. So the end is unavoidable, and the abyss is opening up to swallow all that does not recognize God and reject His Word. God keeps giving, and that which He gives is an undeserved gift of grace, designed to help people to maturity, even in these times of distress - whether it is sorrow or joy, it all serves man to lift his soul to God - it is always pointing to Him, and coaxing and guiding to the right path - it is always grace.
And when this man comes, the measure of grace will increase for men, for he is enveloped in light and radiates this light which flows from the spiritual realm. He distributes knowledge - his ward is full of wisdom and power and easy to accept as it is offered convincingly and people can understand it if they only listen to it attentively.
In His Love, God makes it easy for men to believe, by sending them His messengers who possess extraordinary power by which alone they may be recognized as messengers from heaven. However, he is attacked from all sides and only few recognize his mission and stick to him – only few draw strength from his words. But these receive an abundance of strength and grace and are able to withstand all the attacks by the world, all hostilities that now become evident. The final time will be extremely hard, but also extremely full of mercy, for everywhere God will be revealing Himself, wherever there is a heart in distress that opens up to God’s grace. And thus it will be possible to be victorious in the last battle on this earth, that the soul can emerge from it unharmed so that it can gain eternal life if it has to depart from the earth prematurely, or that it perseveres in this world to the end and is bodily removed from this earth by the Lord Himself to begin a new life on the new earth.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Word of God
In each period of development spiritual substance will be kept bound until it reaches the maturity which it needs to be incarnated as man. Because it has previously failed as man it must begin again bound in hard matter. It must again go the pathway through the mineral, plant and animal world. Spiritual substance which has in the previous period still not reached this last state of maturity but which God has set free in the last destruction of the Earth, will be placed in an exterior form suitable to its maturity. This means that the path of development, which was interrupted in the previous period of development will continue in the new period of the new Earth.
For this reason the new Earth will be equipped with varied creations of different kinds than on the old Earth. So, new wonders of creation will come into being. These will be miraculous in the eyes of men who live on the new Earth. They will be a proof of the greatness of God, a proof of His Love, Wisdom and Power. People will be astonished at what they see on the new Earth. They will sing God’s praises in wonder and Love Him with all their hearts.
The spiritual substance will progress toward its maturity. But what is bound in hard matter feels its fetters as a great torment from which it tries to break free. Depending on its deepest desires it will succeed or fail. But God takes into account the will of the spirit substance. Hard matter on the new Earth is of greater solidity so that the will of the spirit substance bound therein can be broken and finally give up resistance. With the least change of will the form will break, that is in earthly terms; hard matter on the new Earth is exceptionally hard hut also very brittle, therefore it will easily break or shatter when God in His Will has planned to free it from its bondage.
Other creations are of shorter life span, so that a quicker change of the spirit substance will take place. While this is possible it still depends upon the willingness of the spirituals to serve. The spirituals will achieve the last form as man sooner than in the previous period of development, only if it is not completely opposed to God.
So the first people on the new Earth will experience miracle upon miracle. They will be touched by them and their love for God will be strengthened, and so they will unite themselves closer to Him through their Love, and live in His Grace. They will know that they are signs of His boundless Love, who wants to win all spirituals for Himself and offer them every possibility to change their will. This condition will continue until that which was bound in the plant and animal world in the beginning has reached the stage of becoming incarnated as man. Then the understanding of the splendor of Divine creations shall more and more vanish in man. The lust for the material will again be awakened. Then the influence of Satan on people will become stronger in response to their desires for material things, which still contains immature spiritual substance.
Consequently, their unity with God will become slack and the battle between Light and darkness will become stronger, which was not so at the beginning when everything that lived on the Earth in freedom of will, radiated with Light. The path of development is the same in each period. Spirit substance must remain in a hard form until it is willing to go the way of serving through the creations, which would result in lighter fetters. Then it must serve until a certain degree of maturity is achieved, at which time it enters the stage when it must serve in free will, but still it will not be forced to do so, as was the case in the previous stage.
In this final stage it must not fail, otherwise the entire previous path of development was useless. The free will of man determines whether this will be his last incarnation on Earth, or if he must again travel the road through all creations, whether he in this last stage turns toward the Light, or allows the powers of darkness to bind him, only to be banished again for ages to come.
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In each period of development spiritual substance will be kept bound until it reaches the maturity which it needs to be incarnated as man. Because it has previously failed as man it must begin again bound in hard matter. It must again go the pathway through the mineral, plant and animal world. Spiritual substance which has in the previous period still not reached this last state of maturity but which God has set free in the last destruction of the Earth, will be placed in an exterior form suitable to its maturity. This means that the path of development, which was interrupted in the previous period of development will continue in the new period of the new Earth.
For this reason the new Earth will be equipped with varied creations of different kinds than on the old Earth. So, new wonders of creation will come into being. These will be miraculous in the eyes of men who live on the new Earth. They will be a proof of the greatness of God, a proof of His Love, Wisdom and Power. People will be astonished at what they see on the new Earth. They will sing God’s praises in wonder and Love Him with all their hearts.
The spiritual substance will progress toward its maturity. But what is bound in hard matter feels its fetters as a great torment from which it tries to break free. Depending on its deepest desires it will succeed or fail. But God takes into account the will of the spirit substance. Hard matter on the new Earth is of greater solidity so that the will of the spirit substance bound therein can be broken and finally give up resistance. With the least change of will the form will break, that is in earthly terms; hard matter on the new Earth is exceptionally hard hut also very brittle, therefore it will easily break or shatter when God in His Will has planned to free it from its bondage.
Other creations are of shorter life span, so that a quicker change of the spirit substance will take place. While this is possible it still depends upon the willingness of the spirituals to serve. The spirituals will achieve the last form as man sooner than in the previous period of development, only if it is not completely opposed to God.
So the first people on the new Earth will experience miracle upon miracle. They will be touched by them and their love for God will be strengthened, and so they will unite themselves closer to Him through their Love, and live in His Grace. They will know that they are signs of His boundless Love, who wants to win all spirituals for Himself and offer them every possibility to change their will. This condition will continue until that which was bound in the plant and animal world in the beginning has reached the stage of becoming incarnated as man. Then the understanding of the splendor of Divine creations shall more and more vanish in man. The lust for the material will again be awakened. Then the influence of Satan on people will become stronger in response to their desires for material things, which still contains immature spiritual substance.
Consequently, their unity with God will become slack and the battle between Light and darkness will become stronger, which was not so at the beginning when everything that lived on the Earth in freedom of will, radiated with Light. The path of development is the same in each period. Spirit substance must remain in a hard form until it is willing to go the way of serving through the creations, which would result in lighter fetters. Then it must serve until a certain degree of maturity is achieved, at which time it enters the stage when it must serve in free will, but still it will not be forced to do so, as was the case in the previous stage.
In this final stage it must not fail, otherwise the entire previous path of development was useless. The free will of man determines whether this will be his last incarnation on Earth, or if he must again travel the road through all creations, whether he in this last stage turns toward the Light, or allows the powers of darkness to bind him, only to be banished again for ages to come.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Word of God
The degree of maturity at which a man is called away from this earthly life into the spiritual realm depends on the Will of God. People come to believe that it is an injustice that God chooses certain people to bless while others through His Will have to languish in a God-forsaken state. This opinion is entirely wrong, because God who knows what people desire, always rules in Love and Wisdom. He cuts short a life when a higher development on Earth is questionable.
While for the soul in a constrained state, before its embodiment as a human being, there is a constant upwards development, until the degree of maturity of the spiritual being permits the last embodiment. Now, however, the progress of upward development of the soul acting in free will can come to a standstill, or even regress. But it all depends on the being, who's maturity has already been increased and is now in danger of having his progress come to a standstill, remaining at the same stage that it was at the beginning of his embodiment, or even in danger of slipping back, which is to be feared.
It is always a deed of God’s Mercy when a man is called away, if he has come to his maximum development on Earth. Then God in His Love protects him from sinking back, or allowing a further life that would be useless for his soul. Because the more claim he makes on the time of the Grace of embodiment, which he does not utilize, the greater will be his guilt.
A man can strive upward in childhood and then stop his efforts. Then his development comes to a standstill and God will call him away to give him further possibilities in the beyond.
It can also happen that a man is not converted until later years, having wasted a long time without thinking of his soul, and his adequate development makes a sudden upturn enabling him to reach a higher maturity. Then God will give him a longer life. God looks at man's will from all Eternity and determines his way of life accordingly. God makes no arbitrary judgments but considers each human destiny in Love and Wisdom.
And God will never withhold from anyone the opportunity to mature his soul on Earth, if he is willing to use this opportunity. Man pays very little attention to this Mercy of God and is seldom willing to accept instructions. And because God knows since Eternity, which human being will reject Him, and He also knows when a person has reached his highest degree of maturity on Earth so the length of his life is determined since Eternity. This varies depending on what God in HIS Wisdom considers best.
God will never cut short an earthly life if it still promises the human being a higher maturity. God's Love is continually concerned that each human being on Earth reaches the highest possible maturity. He will never withhold opportunities from a human being that would result in a higher maturity. He knows from Eternity about the vagaries of the human will and often keeps the soul from a complete falling away, which could happen if He did not end that earthly life.
Therefore, a man who strives constantly will reach an old age, on the other hand, old age is evidence of a slowly upward development even if Ones fellowman is not aware of it. A long life on Earth is a grace, but a short life is also evidence of the Love of God, which is always present though seldom recognized by man.
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FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
The degree of maturity at which a man is called away from this earthly life into the spiritual realm depends on the Will of God. People come to believe that it is an injustice that God chooses certain people to bless while others through His Will have to languish in a God-forsaken state. This opinion is entirely wrong, because God who knows what people desire, always rules in Love and Wisdom. He cuts short a life when a higher development on Earth is questionable.
While for the soul in a constrained state, before its embodiment as a human being, there is a constant upwards development, until the degree of maturity of the spiritual being permits the last embodiment. Now, however, the progress of upward development of the soul acting in free will can come to a standstill, or even regress. But it all depends on the being, who's maturity has already been increased and is now in danger of having his progress come to a standstill, remaining at the same stage that it was at the beginning of his embodiment, or even in danger of slipping back, which is to be feared.
It is always a deed of God’s Mercy when a man is called away, if he has come to his maximum development on Earth. Then God in His Love protects him from sinking back, or allowing a further life that would be useless for his soul. Because the more claim he makes on the time of the Grace of embodiment, which he does not utilize, the greater will be his guilt.
A man can strive upward in childhood and then stop his efforts. Then his development comes to a standstill and God will call him away to give him further possibilities in the beyond.
It can also happen that a man is not converted until later years, having wasted a long time without thinking of his soul, and his adequate development makes a sudden upturn enabling him to reach a higher maturity. Then God will give him a longer life. God looks at man's will from all Eternity and determines his way of life accordingly. God makes no arbitrary judgments but considers each human destiny in Love and Wisdom.
And God will never withhold from anyone the opportunity to mature his soul on Earth, if he is willing to use this opportunity. Man pays very little attention to this Mercy of God and is seldom willing to accept instructions. And because God knows since Eternity, which human being will reject Him, and He also knows when a person has reached his highest degree of maturity on Earth so the length of his life is determined since Eternity. This varies depending on what God in HIS Wisdom considers best.
God will never cut short an earthly life if it still promises the human being a higher maturity. God's Love is continually concerned that each human being on Earth reaches the highest possible maturity. He will never withhold opportunities from a human being that would result in a higher maturity. He knows from Eternity about the vagaries of the human will and often keeps the soul from a complete falling away, which could happen if He did not end that earthly life.
Therefore, a man who strives constantly will reach an old age, on the other hand, old age is evidence of a slowly upward development even if Ones fellowman is not aware of it. A long life on Earth is a grace, but a short life is also evidence of the Love of God, which is always present though seldom recognized by man.
Send this message to family and friends. "... freely ye have received, freely give." Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to:
FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Word of God
People are constantly reminded how perishable the things of this world are. Again and again they face death when numerous people pass away prematurely. They are powerless against such happenings. This brings distress and grief to them. But they do not repent nor do they think about the real reason for suffering and early death.
So the suffering becomes more painful. Man will look fearfully at the coming events in the world and are petrified with fear over the great destruction which surrounds them. They see the misery of the times, yet they remain totally unimpressed and derive no gain for their souls.
So God uses the strongest ways to shake them out of their indifference. Even when people are faced with physical suffering their soul still remains untouched, they remain indifferent to the blows of fate, or else they would try to change when they realize that their spiritual attitude is the cause of the increased suffering on Earth.
So human beings must be removed prematurely from this life. A longer stay would be more of a disadvantage than a benefit for their souls. Because they think only of their earthly lives and could lose their faith altogether.
So God allows innumerable human beings to lose their lives in spite of their defectiveness of their maturity, so as to prevent a backsliding. Earth is not hidden from them and there they can observe further developments and come to the conclusion that man themselves are responsible through neglect of their soul's Salvation, because a wrong way of life, and through unbelief and selfish thinking.
However, those people who are called away by God prematurely could, when faced with death, come to understanding and still unite themselves sincerely to God. They can still be purified through grief. So all this has given them a higher degree of maturity that could not have been accomplished by a longer life on Earth. Such premature parting from Earth has been a blessing for them. Very few people recognize this; no matter how great the suffering is on Earth it is still just a means of winning souls. The magnitude of their needs should drive them to God, who can remove each need if people, in faith, expect His help.
However, where suffering is still unsuccessful, where people still target Him, then they are in great danger of becoming totally lost. Then God will end many an earthly life and allow what seems like in human misery, because He constantly cares for their souls and tries to save them. Although the body perishes, all is for the welfare and blessing of the human soul, because nothing that He does is wrong.
To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION ...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler, ..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations. (german homepage)for english downloads contact: 432 revelations in numerical orderand18 theme bookletsGod answers our Questions about the universe God Himself beams the truth to earth God's proclamation to the dying world I will guide you into truth 1 - 3 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings Pre-Adamites Souls in the beyond 1 - 3 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?The Christ Problem The Forerunner of the Lord The Mystery of Man The New Earth The salvation plan of God Thus it shall come to pass Who was Bertha DuddeFREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Word of God
I descended to Earth for there was a great spiritual need, and I took Mercy on men whom My opponent kept in fetters, and who could not resist, and cried to their God for a rescuer. But only a few still believed solidly and firmly that the Messiah would come as it was written - and those few waited for Him. In intense longing they waited for Him as a rescuer, out of the deepest need and affliction.
And it was for them that I descended, because their calls for help reached My ears and because I did not want to disappoint them in their faith. And besides, the time had come for the mission of the man Jesus Christ. I wanted to redeem the whole humanity from the bonds of the opponent, and wanted to redeem those who had passed away as well but could not enter My realm before the great sin-guilt was paid, which was the cause of the existence of men on Earth.
I Myself descended to Earth in this man, to bring release to all people, and to free them from the fetters in which they had been bound since Eternity, and to open to them the path to My realm - the realm of eternal Peace and Bliss.
When I descended to Earth, only a few people were ready to receive Me, i.e., only a few recognized Me - those that had led a life in love. Therefore, the flock of My adherents was small in spite of the fact that I incessantly strove to inspire people to activities of love, through which they could have recognized Me as their God and Father since eternity.
What made the misery so great was that there was little love amongst men; they were entirely in bondage to the one who himself was totally without love â€" who faced Me as an enemy, and whom I wanted to fight in order to wrench by victory the souls that he held captive. Therefore I lived in selfless Love amongst mankind, for Love was the weapon that I wanted to use against My opponent, and that also gave strength to men to resist him.
Without Love they were wholly dedicated to him. But he could not hold out against Love; Love is the only weapon that can vanquish him. However, at the time of My appearance on Earth, there was very little Love amongst men. Love was the only tie between them and Me, their God and Father of Eternity, and this relation had to be restored if men wanted to hear My Word.
My Word could no longer be heard by them because through their missing Love they had lost their faith in a God Who wanted to speak to them. Therefore, I Myself came to Earth to speak to them; to give them again a message of My will and to offer them again My Love-commandments; to preach to them again the Gospel - the divine teaching that would lead them to Bliss.
But I still had to bring mankind abundant help: I wanted to set them free from the power that bound them, the power that weakened their will and prevented humanity from fulfilling My will. I wanted to redeem them from Satan's power. And for this purpose I chose the form of the man Jesus, so that in Him I could accomplish a work of Love and Mercy that would free mankind from all misery.
But all people who wanted to be free from their torturer had to stand by My side. Those who remained with him voluntarily, I could not rescue, but those who turned to Me received the Force from Me to loose their chains.
But this Redemption-Work also had to happen within the frame-work of the humans, because men should not be forced in using their will. They should be completely free to recognize or to refuse the Work of Redemption through the man Jesus - in whom I Myself was incorporated. Therefore I walked on Earth as the human being Jesus, and I prepared humanity for the great Redeeming-Sacrifice that should expiate the immense sin-guilt, on account of which they lived on Earth.
But only few recognized Me, and saw in Me the rescuer - the Messiah that Seers and Prophets had announced again and again. The misery was overwhelming as I descended to Earth; but the Work of Redemption had been accomplished because My love was also over-helming, and Love expiated the sin-guilt by sacrificing itself on the cross.
And this Love searches endlessly to bring help to humanity, to those who up to now had not found Redemption, to those who have not made use of the Graces of the Redemption-Work and therefore still languish in the net of the enemy - those who never can liberate themselves without help - those whom I never give up, however, but steadily influence by pointing to the Redemption-Work of the man Jesus Christ, Who, as "man", because of His Love recognized the spiritual need of His fellow-men, and offered the Sacrifice of dying under the greatest pain on the cross.
And I will come always in the "Word" to men, and inform them about the supreme Love and Mercy-work of JESUS, Who received Myself, Who through Love united completely with Me, and Who became the Redeemer and Rescuer from sin and death for all of you.
I descended to Earth for there was a great spiritual need, and I took Mercy on men whom My opponent kept in fetters, and who could not resist, and cried to their God for a rescuer. But only a few still believed solidly and firmly that the Messiah would come as it was written - and those few waited for Him. In intense longing they waited for Him as a rescuer, out of the deepest need and affliction.
And it was for them that I descended, because their calls for help reached My ears and because I did not want to disappoint them in their faith. And besides, the time had come for the mission of the man Jesus Christ. I wanted to redeem the whole humanity from the bonds of the opponent, and wanted to redeem those who had passed away as well but could not enter My realm before the great sin-guilt was paid, which was the cause of the existence of men on Earth.
I Myself descended to Earth in this man, to bring release to all people, and to free them from the fetters in which they had been bound since Eternity, and to open to them the path to My realm - the realm of eternal Peace and Bliss.
When I descended to Earth, only a few people were ready to receive Me, i.e., only a few recognized Me - those that had led a life in love. Therefore, the flock of My adherents was small in spite of the fact that I incessantly strove to inspire people to activities of love, through which they could have recognized Me as their God and Father since eternity.
What made the misery so great was that there was little love amongst men; they were entirely in bondage to the one who himself was totally without love â€" who faced Me as an enemy, and whom I wanted to fight in order to wrench by victory the souls that he held captive. Therefore I lived in selfless Love amongst mankind, for Love was the weapon that I wanted to use against My opponent, and that also gave strength to men to resist him.
Without Love they were wholly dedicated to him. But he could not hold out against Love; Love is the only weapon that can vanquish him. However, at the time of My appearance on Earth, there was very little Love amongst men. Love was the only tie between them and Me, their God and Father of Eternity, and this relation had to be restored if men wanted to hear My Word.
My Word could no longer be heard by them because through their missing Love they had lost their faith in a God Who wanted to speak to them. Therefore, I Myself came to Earth to speak to them; to give them again a message of My will and to offer them again My Love-commandments; to preach to them again the Gospel - the divine teaching that would lead them to Bliss.
But I still had to bring mankind abundant help: I wanted to set them free from the power that bound them, the power that weakened their will and prevented humanity from fulfilling My will. I wanted to redeem them from Satan's power. And for this purpose I chose the form of the man Jesus, so that in Him I could accomplish a work of Love and Mercy that would free mankind from all misery.
But all people who wanted to be free from their torturer had to stand by My side. Those who remained with him voluntarily, I could not rescue, but those who turned to Me received the Force from Me to loose their chains.
But this Redemption-Work also had to happen within the frame-work of the humans, because men should not be forced in using their will. They should be completely free to recognize or to refuse the Work of Redemption through the man Jesus - in whom I Myself was incorporated. Therefore I walked on Earth as the human being Jesus, and I prepared humanity for the great Redeeming-Sacrifice that should expiate the immense sin-guilt, on account of which they lived on Earth.
But only few recognized Me, and saw in Me the rescuer - the Messiah that Seers and Prophets had announced again and again. The misery was overwhelming as I descended to Earth; but the Work of Redemption had been accomplished because My love was also over-helming, and Love expiated the sin-guilt by sacrificing itself on the cross.
And this Love searches endlessly to bring help to humanity, to those who up to now had not found Redemption, to those who have not made use of the Graces of the Redemption-Work and therefore still languish in the net of the enemy - those who never can liberate themselves without help - those whom I never give up, however, but steadily influence by pointing to the Redemption-Work of the man Jesus Christ, Who, as "man", because of His Love recognized the spiritual need of His fellow-men, and offered the Sacrifice of dying under the greatest pain on the cross.
And I will come always in the "Word" to men, and inform them about the supreme Love and Mercy-work of JESUS, Who received Myself, Who through Love united completely with Me, and Who became the Redeemer and Rescuer from sin and death for all of you.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Word of God
When you have gone through this earthly life and have entered the spiritual realm, and when the remembrance of the long time before your embodiment as human beings is given back to you, then the time you have spend on Earth shall seem only a moment. You will recognize the great privilege the last phase of your development has been for your soul. Happy is the one who has made good use of it, and has therefore received blessings on entering the spiritual realm. For such a one has no remorse for not having made the best use of his earthly life. The remorse in the beyond is then far greater because the soul realizes that it cannot make up for what it missed or neglected on Earth, when the soul realizes what unimaginable suffering an unused earthly life has brought it, and how easy the short life as man was, which it did not value appropriately.
The regrets of a misused earthly life are such agony for the soul that it does penance and worsens its agonizing state. Life on Earth with its many possibilities is now over and the soul has to bear the consequences. Those who are barred from entering the realm of Light have to continue their development in the beyond with far greater difficulties than on Earth.
You do not know how distressing it is for such a soul in darkness, and what merciful Love they need to receive help. You should have compassion on them and give them your Love, or they cannot be redeemed because of their weakness. Only Love can give them strength. These souls hope and pray that people will give them such love.
Light-spirits can only help such souls when they in turn are willing to help other souls. But for this task their own will has to be strengthened and this can only take place through the Love of people on Earth. Lost souls who have not properly used their earthly life, or have lived without any spiritual endeavor are in great need, because they are without power and weak of will.
To help these souls in their need is one of the greatest works of Love, which you can perform as human beings. You should constantly pray for these souls. Through your thoughts, tell them to be active in Love. Also in the beyond, you should preach Love to them again and again. You must speak to them through your thoughts and send them strength through Love, which they feel as a blessing, thus relieving their suffering. They will thank you forever when you lift them out of their suffering by your loving help.
As soon as they can take part in the work of redemption and give relief to other souls by bringing them spiritual knowledge their own great need will be diminished. But they have to earn this through their will to help others. Their remorse disappears in the same measure as their will to help increases.
They realize that they are needed in the spiritual realm and their enthusiasm makes them forget their own misery. Their endeavor will now be to gather spiritual treasures in order to share them with others. The soul, by giving Love, which he neglected on Earth, creates a restitution activity for itself. It can then proceed with its development in the spiritual realm, thanks to the help conveyed to it through the Love of people on Earth, for which it will forever be thankful.
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FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
When you have gone through this earthly life and have entered the spiritual realm, and when the remembrance of the long time before your embodiment as human beings is given back to you, then the time you have spend on Earth shall seem only a moment. You will recognize the great privilege the last phase of your development has been for your soul. Happy is the one who has made good use of it, and has therefore received blessings on entering the spiritual realm. For such a one has no remorse for not having made the best use of his earthly life. The remorse in the beyond is then far greater because the soul realizes that it cannot make up for what it missed or neglected on Earth, when the soul realizes what unimaginable suffering an unused earthly life has brought it, and how easy the short life as man was, which it did not value appropriately.
The regrets of a misused earthly life are such agony for the soul that it does penance and worsens its agonizing state. Life on Earth with its many possibilities is now over and the soul has to bear the consequences. Those who are barred from entering the realm of Light have to continue their development in the beyond with far greater difficulties than on Earth.
You do not know how distressing it is for such a soul in darkness, and what merciful Love they need to receive help. You should have compassion on them and give them your Love, or they cannot be redeemed because of their weakness. Only Love can give them strength. These souls hope and pray that people will give them such love.
Light-spirits can only help such souls when they in turn are willing to help other souls. But for this task their own will has to be strengthened and this can only take place through the Love of people on Earth. Lost souls who have not properly used their earthly life, or have lived without any spiritual endeavor are in great need, because they are without power and weak of will.
To help these souls in their need is one of the greatest works of Love, which you can perform as human beings. You should constantly pray for these souls. Through your thoughts, tell them to be active in Love. Also in the beyond, you should preach Love to them again and again. You must speak to them through your thoughts and send them strength through Love, which they feel as a blessing, thus relieving their suffering. They will thank you forever when you lift them out of their suffering by your loving help.
As soon as they can take part in the work of redemption and give relief to other souls by bringing them spiritual knowledge their own great need will be diminished. But they have to earn this through their will to help others. Their remorse disappears in the same measure as their will to help increases.
They realize that they are needed in the spiritual realm and their enthusiasm makes them forget their own misery. Their endeavor will now be to gather spiritual treasures in order to share them with others. The soul, by giving Love, which he neglected on Earth, creates a restitution activity for itself. It can then proceed with its development in the spiritual realm, thanks to the help conveyed to it through the Love of people on Earth, for which it will forever be thankful.
Send this message to family and friends. "... freely ye have received, freely give." Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to:
FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Word of God
From luminous heights I had descended to earth, to carry My Light into the darkness, because the sun of the spirit had set, no light-ray illumined the dark night, and mankind found itself in greatest need. And those who had recognised their plight were calling to Me for help, they were calling for a Saviour who should deliver them, for these few were not entirely captive to My adversary yet, they lived a life of love and had not yet lost their link with Me, and therefore turned to me in their need, that I might send them a Saviour.
And thus I sent My Son to earth. A spirit of Light, who had gone forth out of My love, and who had remained faithful to Me when the host of primordial spirits had apostatised from Me. He had offered Himself for a deed that was singular, but nevertheless brought redemption to all mankind. He descended to earth and took abode in mankind's midst. He began His earth walk like any other man, but had taken a great Mission upon Himself: To prepare Himself, i.e. His earthly mantle, so that it could serve Me as an abode, because I desired to attend to My beings Myself, I wanted Myself to expiate their great sin, which they had loaded upon themselves voluntarily by their falling away from Me.
This Light-being, a child of My love, offered to carry out this work of salvation, and as a soul, He took abode in the infant Jesus, and began His earth-walk which was so uncommonly sorrowful because His earthly body was also to be spiritualised, to serve Myself, love eternal, for a dwelling.
At His birth, the world around Him could already recognise that this Child was the promised Messiah, because His intense Light would break through from time to time and manifest itself in the excessively wise utterances of the infant. But His soul was signally harassed by My adversary, who incited every spirit particle still pertaining to him to take possession of His body, so that by this influence the body became subject to powerful temptations, which the Man Jesus then had to combat in order not to succumb. The Love in Him gave Him the power for it, but He had to contend uncommonly, and His entire earth-walk was truly a way of the cross, which He had, nevertheless, taken upon Himself voluntarily, out of love for His fallen brethren, with whose great plight He was acquainted.
His life was, indeed, one of constant service out of love, and as I am Myself Love, I could always be in Him, and provide Him with the power to fulfil His mission: To perform the work of atonement for the sum of mankind's great debt of sin. He was My Son, He was a soul of Light Which found the complete union with Me, who accomplished the work of deification, the aim of every being created by Me: from a being to become My child, to enter wholly upon My will out of free will, and thereby to attain tot he highest degree of perfection.
Jesus was an unfallen primordial spirit, but this deification had nevertheless to take place in free will, which the walk through earth-life - a walk through the depths, brought about. And, therefore, as His soul had to be exposed to every harassment by My adversary, because the latter also wanted to possess this soul, whose fall he had not been able to bring about. And since the earth was his kingdom, the kingdom of the fallen spirit, Jesus' soul had been exposed also to all luciferic instincts and afflictions, and the Man Jesus had to resist them, He had, in the face of all temptations, to hold to Me as His Father from eternity. He had to make Me His comrade-in-arms, and He did it by constantly claiming My Love and also, with His working from love, receiving it, because Love does not deny itself, and the great love of the Man Jesus drew Me mightily. And by force of this love - since love in itself is power - He was able to put up a resistance, and carry through the work of Salvation to the end.
A Saviour had of a truth been sent mankind; the Messiah had come, as had been promised long before. The Light had descended to earth, to illumine the hearts of those men who accepted Him, who recognised Me in Him - the One who had wanted to bring them salvation from sin and death. And the light broke through the darkness. here arose in Jesus a fighter for My adversary Who conquered him, because His weapon was love, against which My adversary fights in vain; he shall always succumb to Love, for I Myself am Love, and truly, I am more powerful than he who once had precipitated you to the depths.
From luminous heights I had descended to earth, to carry My Light into the darkness, because the sun of the spirit had set, no light-ray illumined the dark night, and mankind found itself in greatest need. And those who had recognised their plight were calling to Me for help, they were calling for a Saviour who should deliver them, for these few were not entirely captive to My adversary yet, they lived a life of love and had not yet lost their link with Me, and therefore turned to me in their need, that I might send them a Saviour.
And thus I sent My Son to earth. A spirit of Light, who had gone forth out of My love, and who had remained faithful to Me when the host of primordial spirits had apostatised from Me. He had offered Himself for a deed that was singular, but nevertheless brought redemption to all mankind. He descended to earth and took abode in mankind's midst. He began His earth walk like any other man, but had taken a great Mission upon Himself: To prepare Himself, i.e. His earthly mantle, so that it could serve Me as an abode, because I desired to attend to My beings Myself, I wanted Myself to expiate their great sin, which they had loaded upon themselves voluntarily by their falling away from Me.
This Light-being, a child of My love, offered to carry out this work of salvation, and as a soul, He took abode in the infant Jesus, and began His earth-walk which was so uncommonly sorrowful because His earthly body was also to be spiritualised, to serve Myself, love eternal, for a dwelling.
At His birth, the world around Him could already recognise that this Child was the promised Messiah, because His intense Light would break through from time to time and manifest itself in the excessively wise utterances of the infant. But His soul was signally harassed by My adversary, who incited every spirit particle still pertaining to him to take possession of His body, so that by this influence the body became subject to powerful temptations, which the Man Jesus then had to combat in order not to succumb. The Love in Him gave Him the power for it, but He had to contend uncommonly, and His entire earth-walk was truly a way of the cross, which He had, nevertheless, taken upon Himself voluntarily, out of love for His fallen brethren, with whose great plight He was acquainted.
His life was, indeed, one of constant service out of love, and as I am Myself Love, I could always be in Him, and provide Him with the power to fulfil His mission: To perform the work of atonement for the sum of mankind's great debt of sin. He was My Son, He was a soul of Light Which found the complete union with Me, who accomplished the work of deification, the aim of every being created by Me: from a being to become My child, to enter wholly upon My will out of free will, and thereby to attain tot he highest degree of perfection.
Jesus was an unfallen primordial spirit, but this deification had nevertheless to take place in free will, which the walk through earth-life - a walk through the depths, brought about. And, therefore, as His soul had to be exposed to every harassment by My adversary, because the latter also wanted to possess this soul, whose fall he had not been able to bring about. And since the earth was his kingdom, the kingdom of the fallen spirit, Jesus' soul had been exposed also to all luciferic instincts and afflictions, and the Man Jesus had to resist them, He had, in the face of all temptations, to hold to Me as His Father from eternity. He had to make Me His comrade-in-arms, and He did it by constantly claiming My Love and also, with His working from love, receiving it, because Love does not deny itself, and the great love of the Man Jesus drew Me mightily. And by force of this love - since love in itself is power - He was able to put up a resistance, and carry through the work of Salvation to the end.
A Saviour had of a truth been sent mankind; the Messiah had come, as had been promised long before. The Light had descended to earth, to illumine the hearts of those men who accepted Him, who recognised Me in Him - the One who had wanted to bring them salvation from sin and death. And the light broke through the darkness. here arose in Jesus a fighter for My adversary Who conquered him, because His weapon was love, against which My adversary fights in vain; he shall always succumb to Love, for I Myself am Love, and truly, I am more powerful than he who once had precipitated you to the depths.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Word of God
It would not be beneficial to specify to mankind the time of the spiritual turning point, because precise knowledge thereof is an inhibition of free will, as man would then at the appointed time, feel coerced into changing his life-style.
It is not God's will however that man should be acquainted beforehand with knowledge of when day and hour of His holding judgement have come - they should know only that he end is near, and recognise the end by the signs of the times. But where men of faith ask Him for clarification, He shall answer them as will best serve the good of their soul.
Judgement-day is preceded by the end time, and the latter marked by a faith conflict of extraordinary rigour. So soon as this faith conflict is conducted openly, so soon as all secrecy is set aside and all spiritual endeavour ruthlessly proceeded against; as soon as orders and decrees are issued prohibiting men all spiritual striving, so soon as none of the divine commandments are kept; as soon as persecution against all believers sets in and rights no longer granted them, the last phase of the end time has come, and the last judgment can be daily and hourly anticipated.
Before this faith conflict has flared up, however, mankind shall find itself in spiritual and earthly chaos and retrogression in every respect will be everywhere in evidence. Men who are under Satan’s control will initiate this regression; he will show in earthly annihilation and destructions, in unloving decrees, in profane life-conduct, in rebellion and insurgency against the rulers and brutal suppression again by the latter; in restriction of freedom and the circumventing of rights and justice.
These conditions however shall ensue after a great earthquake taking place by will of God, to terminate a conflict between nations which men's will fails to end. For those men affected by this earthquake it will mean a change in customary life, a time of greatest deprivation and difficult life-conditions.
This time, initially, shall be indeed conducive to the dissemination of the word of God, but shall not signify an upswing for an ecclesiastical hierarchy, as men will be zealously engaged in betterment of their life-conditions, and this striving shall not be compatible with spiritual endeavour - with faith in an Authority which holds them to account, and with divine Commandments that demand love. And hence everything hindering the restoration of former living standards comes under attack, and the faith conflict therefore sets in not long after God's intervention, which shall steer global affairs onto a new course. The events shall quickly follow each other because man's low spiritual level hastens this, and the low spirituality is recognisable in the unloving deeds of men, in their thinking, which attests to deepest depravity, and which prepares deeds that are to be addressed as satanic.
And by this you men will recognise also the point in time when God's intervention is to be anticipated. You shall have in the global affairs themselves a time-piece, you will perceive in the deeds of which men are capable that they utterly distanced themselves from God, and this will unequivocally gainsay the view that a spiritual renaissance can be expected from this humanity.
Those men standing in faith to God shall indeed strengthen their inner relationship with Him, they shall of a truth be "His Church", which shall maintain itself amidst misery and affliction, but of these there shall be only a handful. The world however denies God, and bears ill will towards all and fights everything that stands for God. And this spiritual want is indicative of the end.
Heed therefore the signs of the times, heed men's conduct, their apostasy and their bent for the world, how men patiently stand under Satan's influence, how they are in his bondage and do everything offending against God's Commandments; how nothing is sacred to them any longer, neither the life of fellow men, nor their goods and chattels; how the lie celebrates triumph, an truth is spited. Then know that the end is not far, You will then be able to pursue the happenings as they are made known to you, because all will take place in the generation of one man, who quickens the disintegration so to speak, who embraces the destructive principle, who therefore is not constructively but destructively engaged. And with the end of this man has come the end of the world, i.e., the end of the earth in its present form, together with the end of those men inhabiting the earth presently, who stand astride those belonging to God.
And thus you know that here is not much time, that no lengthy term is now given, that the end faces you soon. You must therefore prepare yourselves; you must live as though each day were the last, because you don't know when you will be recalled unto the Kingdom beyond, or whether you live to see the end of the earth. But if you are needed as fighters for God in the time of conflict before the end, God will lead your thinking aright and you will discern when the time has come - the time of divine intervention through the unleashing of natural forces, the time of the faith-conflict, and of last judgement. It is God's will that you alert mankind, and He will therefore illumine your spirit and so guide your thinking that you perceive correctly, and voice and convey to your fellow men what is correctly perceived.
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It would not be beneficial to specify to mankind the time of the spiritual turning point, because precise knowledge thereof is an inhibition of free will, as man would then at the appointed time, feel coerced into changing his life-style.
It is not God's will however that man should be acquainted beforehand with knowledge of when day and hour of His holding judgement have come - they should know only that he end is near, and recognise the end by the signs of the times. But where men of faith ask Him for clarification, He shall answer them as will best serve the good of their soul.
Judgement-day is preceded by the end time, and the latter marked by a faith conflict of extraordinary rigour. So soon as this faith conflict is conducted openly, so soon as all secrecy is set aside and all spiritual endeavour ruthlessly proceeded against; as soon as orders and decrees are issued prohibiting men all spiritual striving, so soon as none of the divine commandments are kept; as soon as persecution against all believers sets in and rights no longer granted them, the last phase of the end time has come, and the last judgment can be daily and hourly anticipated.
Before this faith conflict has flared up, however, mankind shall find itself in spiritual and earthly chaos and retrogression in every respect will be everywhere in evidence. Men who are under Satan’s control will initiate this regression; he will show in earthly annihilation and destructions, in unloving decrees, in profane life-conduct, in rebellion and insurgency against the rulers and brutal suppression again by the latter; in restriction of freedom and the circumventing of rights and justice.
These conditions however shall ensue after a great earthquake taking place by will of God, to terminate a conflict between nations which men's will fails to end. For those men affected by this earthquake it will mean a change in customary life, a time of greatest deprivation and difficult life-conditions.
This time, initially, shall be indeed conducive to the dissemination of the word of God, but shall not signify an upswing for an ecclesiastical hierarchy, as men will be zealously engaged in betterment of their life-conditions, and this striving shall not be compatible with spiritual endeavour - with faith in an Authority which holds them to account, and with divine Commandments that demand love. And hence everything hindering the restoration of former living standards comes under attack, and the faith conflict therefore sets in not long after God's intervention, which shall steer global affairs onto a new course. The events shall quickly follow each other because man's low spiritual level hastens this, and the low spirituality is recognisable in the unloving deeds of men, in their thinking, which attests to deepest depravity, and which prepares deeds that are to be addressed as satanic.
And by this you men will recognise also the point in time when God's intervention is to be anticipated. You shall have in the global affairs themselves a time-piece, you will perceive in the deeds of which men are capable that they utterly distanced themselves from God, and this will unequivocally gainsay the view that a spiritual renaissance can be expected from this humanity.
Those men standing in faith to God shall indeed strengthen their inner relationship with Him, they shall of a truth be "His Church", which shall maintain itself amidst misery and affliction, but of these there shall be only a handful. The world however denies God, and bears ill will towards all and fights everything that stands for God. And this spiritual want is indicative of the end.
Heed therefore the signs of the times, heed men's conduct, their apostasy and their bent for the world, how men patiently stand under Satan's influence, how they are in his bondage and do everything offending against God's Commandments; how nothing is sacred to them any longer, neither the life of fellow men, nor their goods and chattels; how the lie celebrates triumph, an truth is spited. Then know that the end is not far, You will then be able to pursue the happenings as they are made known to you, because all will take place in the generation of one man, who quickens the disintegration so to speak, who embraces the destructive principle, who therefore is not constructively but destructively engaged. And with the end of this man has come the end of the world, i.e., the end of the earth in its present form, together with the end of those men inhabiting the earth presently, who stand astride those belonging to God.
And thus you know that here is not much time, that no lengthy term is now given, that the end faces you soon. You must therefore prepare yourselves; you must live as though each day were the last, because you don't know when you will be recalled unto the Kingdom beyond, or whether you live to see the end of the earth. But if you are needed as fighters for God in the time of conflict before the end, God will lead your thinking aright and you will discern when the time has come - the time of divine intervention through the unleashing of natural forces, the time of the faith-conflict, and of last judgement. It is God's will that you alert mankind, and He will therefore illumine your spirit and so guide your thinking that you perceive correctly, and voice and convey to your fellow men what is correctly perceived.
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FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Word of God
The soul remains inactive if it does not receive power. This state of idleness can only be removed through works of Love, for which souls lack the will when they are in this powerless condition in the beyond.
On Earth their will can be stimulated through the Word of God. It can be shown to man that deeds of Love are a blessing to him and he can take this to heart, he can consider this and can, of his own accord decide to practice deeds of Love because on Earth he does not lack the ability to perform what he wants to. Then the soul receives power, which contributes to its development.
It is different in the beyond where the powerless soul cannot do what it wants. Whether or not that being will receive power depends on how its desires are. The soul in the beyond is also dependent on the help of more matured beings, while the human being on Earth can act independent from spiritual forces, according to his own will.
Man cannot unconcernedly think that if he does not reach his goal on Earth, due to the neglect of his development, he can make it up in the beyond. This is a deceptive hope, which he will One day bitterly regret. However, his fate in the beyond is not hopeless but what such a soul has to endure in the beyond is an agony beyond expression, which on Earth could have easily been avoided with earnest effort.
Powerlessness is something inexpressibly hopeless. It is a state, which the soul cannot remedy at will, but depends on the Love of other beings. And this Love is rarely recognizable to the soul and depends on its own Love to other suffering souls. So, it is possible that a loveless soul may have to spend eternities in its powerless state. No loving being will come close to it, while it persists in its self- love, thinking only about itself and feeling nothing for other suffering souls.
According to the Divine Order it cannot be helped until it thinks of other souls. Its selfishness is an obstacle for the Light-being to come nearer and bring relief. Since the soul itself is not willing to give or to help it cannot expect to receive and to be helped. The worst is, that God's Word cannot be brought to this soul. The Word of God is Light and that would bring it out of its spiritual blindness, but the soul, through its unkindness cannot receive this Light.
On Earth, however, the Word of God is offered to the loveless which is indeed a mercy that God gives to the lost. They can in free will accept or reject it. In the beyond however, God's mercy touches that being only when it is willing to let loving thoughts come to its mind, but when it does this it will also receive strength.
However, many souls are so hardened that they are not capable of having loving thoughts, then for them it is an unbearable situation, which they cannot end on their own. These souls are surrounded with other sufferers which suffering could stimulate their love.
Then when they allow Love to flow into their own hearts they can create for themselves a better situation. The least intention to help others who suffer will impart to them strength, and as they acknowledge that strength they become more active in deeds of Love. The help they bring to other sufferers gives them inner happiness.
When this happens they overcome that powerless state of total inactivity. Then they can receive the Word of God, so that beings can come near to them who will instruct them and tell them of the laws God gave and why they have to be fulfilled. The teachings of Light-beings must now begin so that ignorant souls will receive power, the knowledge of which they can in turn now lovingly pass on to improve the lot of other suffering souls.
But for a long time these powerless souls might have to starve. This condition could easily be avoided if man on Earth would use the opportunity they have to enter into the beyond, in a condition of maturity, which would give them Light and Power. This would enable them to be active in the spiritual Kingdom for their own happiness.
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Word of God
Through worldly determinations mankind will come into enormous mental conflicts, and the time is not far off. They will be pressured into a public decision vis-à-vis their faith (in God), and God allows this to happen because it is necessary that people explain to themselves the one question regarding their salvation, which was left unnoticed by them until then. He is allowing that they be pressured from earthly power, that they for the sake of faith come into distress, so that they make a clear decision as to their faith (in God). He leaves every person the freedom, in other words, God pressures no man to recognize Him for whom He is, he is not admonished by the still small voice to remain faithful to God and thereby would feel pressured by this Voice to confess Him before the world. God lets this internal Admonisher and Warner speak where there is yet some ruling of doubt and man lean towards a weak will. He will assist all who are yet undecided; He will send them faithful people and through them knock in their hearts, He will move close in Word to all, in sorrow and in need; He will reveal Himself to them, and with positive mind recognize God and fulfill His will, the person will then know how one should decide because the light-beings, who are loyal, direct ones thoughts, right. However, also many people will throw away, what should be the most precious to them...the faith in Jesus Christ as divine savior.
Without thought they will decide on the world and bring their souls into dire need. And God warns them prior, in that He confronts them through His tools…in that He teaches them the power of faith and gives them extraordinary proofs, which can lead them to faith, because they are not entirely against God. Therefore He allows the battle against the faith (in God), He allows it to take on forms that expose men’s depravity because during this time He will express Himself so that men can yet be rescued, who need a great push in order to become Believers. Therefore He will not hinder the earthly force, so it openly advances against the people who confess themselves to God. Now the people are forced to a decision, and this decision is extremely important to the souls, he determines his souls lot for eternity whether it should awake for life or death when it departs from this earth. So that people make the right decision, God seeks them out prior to leading them to recognition, He seeks them to be influenced through earthly and godly servants who stand by them and assist them should they be undecided in what to do. Yet, He will not force their will, and therefore it is necessary that man be pressured from the aspect of earth, and that the freedom of their actions is warranted.
Through worldly determinations mankind will come into enormous mental conflicts, and the time is not far off. They will be pressured into a public decision vis-à-vis their faith (in God), and God allows this to happen because it is necessary that people explain to themselves the one question regarding their salvation, which was left unnoticed by them until then. He is allowing that they be pressured from earthly power, that they for the sake of faith come into distress, so that they make a clear decision as to their faith (in God). He leaves every person the freedom, in other words, God pressures no man to recognize Him for whom He is, he is not admonished by the still small voice to remain faithful to God and thereby would feel pressured by this Voice to confess Him before the world. God lets this internal Admonisher and Warner speak where there is yet some ruling of doubt and man lean towards a weak will. He will assist all who are yet undecided; He will send them faithful people and through them knock in their hearts, He will move close in Word to all, in sorrow and in need; He will reveal Himself to them, and with positive mind recognize God and fulfill His will, the person will then know how one should decide because the light-beings, who are loyal, direct ones thoughts, right. However, also many people will throw away, what should be the most precious to them...the faith in Jesus Christ as divine savior.
Without thought they will decide on the world and bring their souls into dire need. And God warns them prior, in that He confronts them through His tools…in that He teaches them the power of faith and gives them extraordinary proofs, which can lead them to faith, because they are not entirely against God. Therefore He allows the battle against the faith (in God), He allows it to take on forms that expose men’s depravity because during this time He will express Himself so that men can yet be rescued, who need a great push in order to become Believers. Therefore He will not hinder the earthly force, so it openly advances against the people who confess themselves to God. Now the people are forced to a decision, and this decision is extremely important to the souls, he determines his souls lot for eternity whether it should awake for life or death when it departs from this earth. So that people make the right decision, God seeks them out prior to leading them to recognition, He seeks them to be influenced through earthly and godly servants who stand by them and assist them should they be undecided in what to do. Yet, He will not force their will, and therefore it is necessary that man be pressured from the aspect of earth, and that the freedom of their actions is warranted.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Word of God
God will be merciful to those who will at any time acknowledge and renounce their wrong. But a most severe punishment without mercy shall come on those who are unyielding in their stubbornness, those who have no pity on their fellowman, and are guided only by their selfishness.
The coming days will witness increasing immortality among mankind. Man will devise unimaginable means of destruction and will not hesitate to use such devices to accomplish their plans. The distress of mankind will increase. For this, the instigator of these things, as well as his followers and those who support his plans, will have to give an account. Because God is righteous and He judges man's thoughts, words and deeds.
Nothing is hidden from Him. He knows the thoughts and impulses of the heart. He determines the measure of Grace that will be allotted to each when the end comes, and it is certain that the end will come. People's actions will hasten the end. You are coming to the end of an age, an age, which cannot produce a better generation, even if God would extend His patience much longer to offer mankind more opportunities to change. People no longer make use of such opportunities so God brings this earthly life to an end.
This phase of development has been particularly rich in Grace for mankind and should have been sufficient for man to find Salvation, and God will still help people with extraordinary gifts of Grace to the very end, although they will be mostly left unheeded. Everything concerning God and Salvation will be ignored.
Therefore, a longer life on this Earth would serve no purpose. It would only serve the body and not the immortal soul. So the possibility for the soul to live longer is taken away. However, there is the promise of further development in the beyond if the soul does not reject God's Word there also, and provided that the soul, be fore the last judgment at the end of this Earth is loosed from its physical life and is accepted into the realm to come.
So death before this is a special mercy for the man who has not yet made his decision on Earth. He will still find in the beyond plenty of opportunities to be helpful and to serve in Love. Then he can get on with his development that was interrupted, he can even begin his development if his resistance is not so great that it gives no heed to the souls who help him.
The soul can still continue in its back- sliding and go back again into the hardest matter. It must then repeat the long walk through the creations until it can once again embody as human being. God's Mercy is still available for many be fore He lets this Earth be destroyed. He will not force peoples free will. Those who open themselves for His Mercy will receive many blessings for their soul.
On the other hand, they can remain empty and powerless, both on Earth and in the beyond, if they shun or ignore this Mercy. But they can receive strength in great measure and progresses unbelievably fast if they in free will let those gifts of Mercy influence them.
God is exceedingly Merciful and Compassionate, but also righteous, and He will give to everyone according to their desires.
God will be merciful to those who will at any time acknowledge and renounce their wrong. But a most severe punishment without mercy shall come on those who are unyielding in their stubbornness, those who have no pity on their fellowman, and are guided only by their selfishness.
The coming days will witness increasing immortality among mankind. Man will devise unimaginable means of destruction and will not hesitate to use such devices to accomplish their plans. The distress of mankind will increase. For this, the instigator of these things, as well as his followers and those who support his plans, will have to give an account. Because God is righteous and He judges man's thoughts, words and deeds.
Nothing is hidden from Him. He knows the thoughts and impulses of the heart. He determines the measure of Grace that will be allotted to each when the end comes, and it is certain that the end will come. People's actions will hasten the end. You are coming to the end of an age, an age, which cannot produce a better generation, even if God would extend His patience much longer to offer mankind more opportunities to change. People no longer make use of such opportunities so God brings this earthly life to an end.
This phase of development has been particularly rich in Grace for mankind and should have been sufficient for man to find Salvation, and God will still help people with extraordinary gifts of Grace to the very end, although they will be mostly left unheeded. Everything concerning God and Salvation will be ignored.
Therefore, a longer life on this Earth would serve no purpose. It would only serve the body and not the immortal soul. So the possibility for the soul to live longer is taken away. However, there is the promise of further development in the beyond if the soul does not reject God's Word there also, and provided that the soul, be fore the last judgment at the end of this Earth is loosed from its physical life and is accepted into the realm to come.
So death before this is a special mercy for the man who has not yet made his decision on Earth. He will still find in the beyond plenty of opportunities to be helpful and to serve in Love. Then he can get on with his development that was interrupted, he can even begin his development if his resistance is not so great that it gives no heed to the souls who help him.
The soul can still continue in its back- sliding and go back again into the hardest matter. It must then repeat the long walk through the creations until it can once again embody as human being. God's Mercy is still available for many be fore He lets this Earth be destroyed. He will not force peoples free will. Those who open themselves for His Mercy will receive many blessings for their soul.
On the other hand, they can remain empty and powerless, both on Earth and in the beyond, if they shun or ignore this Mercy. But they can receive strength in great measure and progresses unbelievably fast if they in free will let those gifts of Mercy influence them.
God is exceedingly Merciful and Compassionate, but also righteous, and He will give to everyone according to their desires.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Word of God
A great desire after spiritual manna will set in, as soon as the shacking of the earth has taken place, but it will only be a passing condition; initially the people will be driven by the great distress to be a willing receiver and the Word of God will bring them comfort and strength. They will recognize it as the Word of God; they will be Believers, however only a short time. For the world steps with great demands again into the foreground, and because of this they forget their need, therefore they forget Him Who allowed this need to come over them. Their reflections and aspirations only point to the restoration of the old lifestyle, and it becomes uncomfortable to them to comply with the commandments, that are introduced to them by the Word of God.
Therefore the action against the faith and its followers will find the approval of men, and only a small portion will hold firm to the Word; only few people will hold up against all attacks and remain faithful and true in their belief in God.
Nevertheless the foregone desire will be fulfilled in the broadest sense; the Word of God is to be offered to men unswervingly wherever possible, to reach as many people possible concerning the (divine) Knowledge, for in the following battle of faith, everybody is once again being divinely admonished. The Believers will be full of power and accomplish extraordinary things, and they will draw this power only out of the deep faith (in God)…. And the unbelievers will also be able to recognize the power of faith (in God) because they had a prior introduction into the doctrine of Christ, and now much will be understood by them, for they now see the proof of what was announced to them.
God lets no possibility go past; He leaves no stone unturned, and where people can yet be rescued He will also stand by them, as long as they are willing. God will direct many servants on Earth to speak according to His Will, wherever possible, to spread His teaching and to place the people into the Knowledge of what is to come. The battle of faith is indispensable, and will take on forms like never before. And the more people hold to their faith (in God), the more brutal the opponent will advance, to completely rot it out.
Yet, also the Believers have at one’s disposal a great power, and they will be able to endure much because God himself strengthens them, He supplies all the power through His Word to them, and because He is constantly with them who are for Him and defend the faith in Him before the world.
And you shall announce all this to the people beforehand; you shall point them to the time of the battle of faith, you shall preach to them of the Power of faith and of the Strength of the believers, who have Jesus Christ himself as commander-in-chief in the contention against the world…. And many will yet pass over from the opponent’s camp; many will become Believers by the things they see, which take place… For God Himself will work through its servants on earths in order to rescue what is not completely against Him...
To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION ...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler, ..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations. (german homepage)for english downloads contact: 432 revelations in numerical orderand18 theme bookletsGod answers our Questions about the universe God Himself beams the truth to earth God's proclamation to the dying world I will guide you into truth 1 - 3 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings Pre-Adamites Souls in the beyond 1 - 3 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?The Christ Problem The Forerunner of the Lord The Mystery of Man The New Earth The salvation plan of God Thus it shall come to pass Who was Bertha DuddeFREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
A great desire after spiritual manna will set in, as soon as the shacking of the earth has taken place, but it will only be a passing condition; initially the people will be driven by the great distress to be a willing receiver and the Word of God will bring them comfort and strength. They will recognize it as the Word of God; they will be Believers, however only a short time. For the world steps with great demands again into the foreground, and because of this they forget their need, therefore they forget Him Who allowed this need to come over them. Their reflections and aspirations only point to the restoration of the old lifestyle, and it becomes uncomfortable to them to comply with the commandments, that are introduced to them by the Word of God.
Therefore the action against the faith and its followers will find the approval of men, and only a small portion will hold firm to the Word; only few people will hold up against all attacks and remain faithful and true in their belief in God.
Nevertheless the foregone desire will be fulfilled in the broadest sense; the Word of God is to be offered to men unswervingly wherever possible, to reach as many people possible concerning the (divine) Knowledge, for in the following battle of faith, everybody is once again being divinely admonished. The Believers will be full of power and accomplish extraordinary things, and they will draw this power only out of the deep faith (in God)…. And the unbelievers will also be able to recognize the power of faith (in God) because they had a prior introduction into the doctrine of Christ, and now much will be understood by them, for they now see the proof of what was announced to them.
God lets no possibility go past; He leaves no stone unturned, and where people can yet be rescued He will also stand by them, as long as they are willing. God will direct many servants on Earth to speak according to His Will, wherever possible, to spread His teaching and to place the people into the Knowledge of what is to come. The battle of faith is indispensable, and will take on forms like never before. And the more people hold to their faith (in God), the more brutal the opponent will advance, to completely rot it out.
Yet, also the Believers have at one’s disposal a great power, and they will be able to endure much because God himself strengthens them, He supplies all the power through His Word to them, and because He is constantly with them who are for Him and defend the faith in Him before the world.
And you shall announce all this to the people beforehand; you shall point them to the time of the battle of faith, you shall preach to them of the Power of faith and of the Strength of the believers, who have Jesus Christ himself as commander-in-chief in the contention against the world…. And many will yet pass over from the opponent’s camp; many will become Believers by the things they see, which take place… For God Himself will work through its servants on earths in order to rescue what is not completely against Him...
To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION ...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler, ..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations. (german homepage)for english downloads contact: 432 revelations in numerical orderand18 theme bookletsGod answers our Questions about the universe God Himself beams the truth to earth God's proclamation to the dying world I will guide you into truth 1 - 3 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings Pre-Adamites Souls in the beyond 1 - 3 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?The Christ Problem The Forerunner of the Lord The Mystery of Man The New Earth The salvation plan of God Thus it shall come to pass Who was Bertha DuddeFREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Think about the hour of your death and ask yourself how well prepared you are for Eternity. Consider your relationship with God and how well you have used the talent He has given you for your time on Earth. Ask yourself if you could stand be fore the judgment seat of God, if your earthly life is right with God, if you have shown Love, and if you are ready at any hour to depart from Earth without fear of having to give an account to God.
Think about it, your strength ends with death. If you depart from this Earth with an immature soul your own strength can do nothing. Ask yourself if you are satisfied that you could depart from this world in peace. Practice strong self-criticism. Endeavor to perfect yourself. Use each day that is yours, as long as you are on Earth you can still achieve so much. You still have the opportunity to purify your- self, because you have the power to do this increasingly through deeds of Love.
Remember death and recognize that you as a weak creature cannot delay it for an hour if God has determined the hour of your decease. Ask sincerely for God’s Mercy, for His Grace, and for His support, which He will give you in His Love. And with His Love He will also give you the power that assures you your ascent.
Keep your goal in mind so that you may awaken to Eternal Life when your earthly life is ended. Live according to that goal, fulfill God’s Will and think always that each day could be your last on Earth. In this way you can prepare yourself. You can then live consciously and enter without fear into that Kingdom of Peace, your true homeland.
Think about the hour of your death and ask yourself how well prepared you are for Eternity. Consider your relationship with God and how well you have used the talent He has given you for your time on Earth. Ask yourself if you could stand be fore the judgment seat of God, if your earthly life is right with God, if you have shown Love, and if you are ready at any hour to depart from Earth without fear of having to give an account to God.
Think about it, your strength ends with death. If you depart from this Earth with an immature soul your own strength can do nothing. Ask yourself if you are satisfied that you could depart from this world in peace. Practice strong self-criticism. Endeavor to perfect yourself. Use each day that is yours, as long as you are on Earth you can still achieve so much. You still have the opportunity to purify your- self, because you have the power to do this increasingly through deeds of Love.
Remember death and recognize that you as a weak creature cannot delay it for an hour if God has determined the hour of your decease. Ask sincerely for God’s Mercy, for His Grace, and for His support, which He will give you in His Love. And with His Love He will also give you the power that assures you your ascent.
Keep your goal in mind so that you may awaken to Eternal Life when your earthly life is ended. Live according to that goal, fulfill God’s Will and think always that each day could be your last on Earth. In this way you can prepare yourself. You can then live consciously and enter without fear into that Kingdom of Peace, your true homeland.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Word of God
Countless souls wait for incarnation and therefore again and again new generations have to rise. Ever and again people have to be born in whom the souls can dwell during their last period of evolution on Earth.
It requires always the willingness of mankind that a soul can embody, and this is at the same time an act of Love for the unredeemed, when people give an opportunity to a soul for the last incarnation on Earth. The will to awaken a new life must therefore be the cause of each union between man and wife, and if this is missing then an act is practiced wrongfully for it should have in view only the awakening of a human life.
Much will be sinned on this domain, i.e. the divine Will is not being considered, the body will not be educated to its most proper task. As consequence, many souls wait in vain and cannot embody even though they have reached the grade of development that admits an incarnation on Earth.
These souls dwell in the surroundings of the Earth and try to influence people to join - which is mainly the case with people in love. Love has to be the impulse for a union from which a new life comes forth. Love between two beings is necessary if the soul, awakened to life, will have the possibility to reach maturity during the short existence on Earth that permits the entrance into the realm of Light.
A union without Love provides those souls an opportunity for incarnation, in which extremely strong evil instincts still reign, and they therefore have to fight with greater difficulties in their life-time on Earth to overcome these instincts.
The will of man to produce offspring is mostly connected with the love between man and woman, and this is of great advantage for the incarnating soul because when love prevails the spark of love overleaps to the newborn being and it can now much easier gain spiritual maturity on Earth.
The endeavor to avoid descendants can be harmful for the souls who want to embody, inasmuch as men's sexual urge fortifies also the same instincts of the new being, and its soul has to fight constantly against them. If the souls do not come to an embodiment, then they continue to stay near to men and urge them, i.e. they try to influence men to unite for the purpose of procreation.
It is easy to understand that then corporal desires predominate. Since the souls try to influence men only according to their inclinations, they therefore want to transfer only physical desires, to have the occasion to embody themselves.
Therefore, men are burdened with a tremendous responsibility if they unite only for sexual urge without Love, because they are surrounded by souls who want to incarnate, and through their desire they entice similarly disposed souls to use on their part the uncontrolled moments to take residence in a newly begotten being that now starts as man the course on Earth.
And mostly such souls are predominant because the number of those who let enter into life the descendants by Love and conscious Will, is only small. Arid therefore mankind will always be less spiritually inclined, because there is little Love amongst men, who have been born also without Love. Amen
Countless souls wait for incarnation and therefore again and again new generations have to rise. Ever and again people have to be born in whom the souls can dwell during their last period of evolution on Earth.
It requires always the willingness of mankind that a soul can embody, and this is at the same time an act of Love for the unredeemed, when people give an opportunity to a soul for the last incarnation on Earth. The will to awaken a new life must therefore be the cause of each union between man and wife, and if this is missing then an act is practiced wrongfully for it should have in view only the awakening of a human life.
Much will be sinned on this domain, i.e. the divine Will is not being considered, the body will not be educated to its most proper task. As consequence, many souls wait in vain and cannot embody even though they have reached the grade of development that admits an incarnation on Earth.
These souls dwell in the surroundings of the Earth and try to influence people to join - which is mainly the case with people in love. Love has to be the impulse for a union from which a new life comes forth. Love between two beings is necessary if the soul, awakened to life, will have the possibility to reach maturity during the short existence on Earth that permits the entrance into the realm of Light.
A union without Love provides those souls an opportunity for incarnation, in which extremely strong evil instincts still reign, and they therefore have to fight with greater difficulties in their life-time on Earth to overcome these instincts.
The will of man to produce offspring is mostly connected with the love between man and woman, and this is of great advantage for the incarnating soul because when love prevails the spark of love overleaps to the newborn being and it can now much easier gain spiritual maturity on Earth.
The endeavor to avoid descendants can be harmful for the souls who want to embody, inasmuch as men's sexual urge fortifies also the same instincts of the new being, and its soul has to fight constantly against them. If the souls do not come to an embodiment, then they continue to stay near to men and urge them, i.e. they try to influence men to unite for the purpose of procreation.
It is easy to understand that then corporal desires predominate. Since the souls try to influence men only according to their inclinations, they therefore want to transfer only physical desires, to have the occasion to embody themselves.
Therefore, men are burdened with a tremendous responsibility if they unite only for sexual urge without Love, because they are surrounded by souls who want to incarnate, and through their desire they entice similarly disposed souls to use on their part the uncontrolled moments to take residence in a newly begotten being that now starts as man the course on Earth.
And mostly such souls are predominant because the number of those who let enter into life the descendants by Love and conscious Will, is only small. Arid therefore mankind will always be less spiritually inclined, because there is little Love amongst men, who have been born also without Love. Amen
Monday, December 12, 2005
Word of God
The will to live in man has become very strong as long as the maturity of his soul is still very low. This is understandable because the world holds him captive and promises him the fulfillment of all his desires. For people who lack the belief of a life hereafter, it is very difficult to give up earthly life. But if they believe in this, they see life on Earth entirely different.
A strong believer looks on earthly life as a station in between, as a school through' which he has to go to be taken into that kingdom where real life begins. And through that faith he receives strength to overcome all obstacles and difficulties, while often the unbeliever cannot face them and throws away his life, thinking that he can make a definite end to it.
Whoever has a strong faith will give up his life with an easy heart, if it is required of him. Because his eye is directed to that life after bodily death, and his longing is for reunion with GOD because he feels that is the only true life.
As long as man strives only for treasures on Earth, his endeavor to progress is hindered. His desire is only for the world, and the thoughts that he one day must part from this world is intolerable and depressing. And from this you can determine his spiritual state because the love of the world greatly harms his love to GOD and the fellowman. Such a human being is still spiritually immature. His soul has not yet found union with the spirit within. He still lacks insight and knows nothing in his earthly life that he can compare with it.
This makes every thought of death unbearable; he wants to live to enjoy it. He wants the things of this world and neglects spiritual treasures. This is a low acceptable spiritual condition and should be condemned. Man is in great danger of losing both his earthly life and his spiritual life.
Thus if man does not use his earthly life to find reunion with GOD, he lives in vain and must therefore give up his life sooner, so as not to fall into greater love for the material which means spiritual death. This earthly life is a Grace. It is given to man for the higher development in order to be able to enter into the spiritual kingdom.
As long as it is unbearable for man to think of dying, he does not have the right insight of his real earthly assignment. The will to live is so strong in him that he will do everything to protect it and to lengthen it. He believes he has it in his own hands and has fear of losing it prematurely. Only when he considers the beyond with faith in relation to the immortality of the soul will he begin to lose his fear of death, then man will recognize that his earthly life is only a first step to the real life that shall last forever.
The will to live in man has become very strong as long as the maturity of his soul is still very low. This is understandable because the world holds him captive and promises him the fulfillment of all his desires. For people who lack the belief of a life hereafter, it is very difficult to give up earthly life. But if they believe in this, they see life on Earth entirely different.
A strong believer looks on earthly life as a station in between, as a school through' which he has to go to be taken into that kingdom where real life begins. And through that faith he receives strength to overcome all obstacles and difficulties, while often the unbeliever cannot face them and throws away his life, thinking that he can make a definite end to it.
Whoever has a strong faith will give up his life with an easy heart, if it is required of him. Because his eye is directed to that life after bodily death, and his longing is for reunion with GOD because he feels that is the only true life.
As long as man strives only for treasures on Earth, his endeavor to progress is hindered. His desire is only for the world, and the thoughts that he one day must part from this world is intolerable and depressing. And from this you can determine his spiritual state because the love of the world greatly harms his love to GOD and the fellowman. Such a human being is still spiritually immature. His soul has not yet found union with the spirit within. He still lacks insight and knows nothing in his earthly life that he can compare with it.
This makes every thought of death unbearable; he wants to live to enjoy it. He wants the things of this world and neglects spiritual treasures. This is a low acceptable spiritual condition and should be condemned. Man is in great danger of losing both his earthly life and his spiritual life.
Thus if man does not use his earthly life to find reunion with GOD, he lives in vain and must therefore give up his life sooner, so as not to fall into greater love for the material which means spiritual death. This earthly life is a Grace. It is given to man for the higher development in order to be able to enter into the spiritual kingdom.
As long as it is unbearable for man to think of dying, he does not have the right insight of his real earthly assignment. The will to live is so strong in him that he will do everything to protect it and to lengthen it. He believes he has it in his own hands and has fear of losing it prematurely. Only when he considers the beyond with faith in relation to the immortality of the soul will he begin to lose his fear of death, then man will recognize that his earthly life is only a first step to the real life that shall last forever.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Word of God
The incarnation of a soul can take place only when all substances have gathered within it, that have covered the way on Earth in the most varied Creations and thereby have developed towards height. Every Creation-Work must be represented in its psychical substance in order to start the incarnation -i.e. the human body becomes now the garment of such a soul, which carries within in miniature all Creation-Works. The endlessly long existence on Earth (before incarnation) brought all these substances together, and now they wait for their last embodiment. They will be incorporated as soul in the human outer-form in order to pass through the last phase of its evolution.
This incarnation is of varied duration, according to the state of maturity of the different substances which have had a certain freedom in their previous phases -even though they acted in a "you must" condition, according to the Will of God. But during the last phases, before the embodiment as man, this compulsive state was more and more loosened, so that certain instincts came through in lesser or greater intensity. Consequently a lower or higher grade of maturity was reached that became decisive in the duration of the last embodiment as man.
As soon as all soul substances have united to a human soul they strive for the last embodiment on Earth. They know that the human outer form is their last material cover and they can thereafter be freed of each earthly chain. And therefore the soul alone remains there, where an opportunity is offered for incarnation. It is understandable that the soul will prefer to reside in a place where man's aptitude adjusts to its state of maturity -i.e. where the same instincts and properties are to be found in man that match its own nature. However, this does not exclude that a soul with different inclinations tries to embody in man with strange characteristics, thus to speed up the maturing process. Then, however, the soul has often to struggle with greater difficulties during its Earth-life, because its nature will not be taken into consideration, and it will be unable to satisfy the demands that are asked from it.
In view that the soul knows in advance about the way of its Earth -life, it will not be prevented if itself makes its choice, since in each embodiment are all remedies at its disposal, in order to reach its last maturity. Through its most varied last Forms, it has within itself each tendency, only in different degrees, which it can amplify or reduce during the life on Earth, conform to its will. The soul is therefore not in- capable of acting, and the Force for it will be given also in accordance to its will. But if the soul is lukewarm in her striving, then she remains in the same state of maturity as she was before her embodiment as man -then the incarnation did not yield to a higher level of development. It will also shed the bodily cover at the time of death but is however still chained to the material world through its passions and instincts, that she should have overcome during the life on Earth.
The failure to take advantage of its incarnation on Earth produces an indescribable state of repentance, for it realizes that its right to be a child of God has been lost and can nevermore be attained…. although it has in the life to come uncounted possibilities to arrive at the contemplation of God.
However, an incarnated soul must give account before God how it used the possibilities that were given to it on Earth and has to show what spiritual success it had at the time of death. For the embodiment as man is a Mercy that can not be esteemed highly enough; it is a gift and should be treasured, by doing as man everything that serves his upward development, because once he has left Earth he never does return again.
The incarnation of a soul can take place only when all substances have gathered within it, that have covered the way on Earth in the most varied Creations and thereby have developed towards height. Every Creation-Work must be represented in its psychical substance in order to start the incarnation -i.e. the human body becomes now the garment of such a soul, which carries within in miniature all Creation-Works. The endlessly long existence on Earth (before incarnation) brought all these substances together, and now they wait for their last embodiment. They will be incorporated as soul in the human outer-form in order to pass through the last phase of its evolution.
This incarnation is of varied duration, according to the state of maturity of the different substances which have had a certain freedom in their previous phases -even though they acted in a "you must" condition, according to the Will of God. But during the last phases, before the embodiment as man, this compulsive state was more and more loosened, so that certain instincts came through in lesser or greater intensity. Consequently a lower or higher grade of maturity was reached that became decisive in the duration of the last embodiment as man.
As soon as all soul substances have united to a human soul they strive for the last embodiment on Earth. They know that the human outer form is their last material cover and they can thereafter be freed of each earthly chain. And therefore the soul alone remains there, where an opportunity is offered for incarnation. It is understandable that the soul will prefer to reside in a place where man's aptitude adjusts to its state of maturity -i.e. where the same instincts and properties are to be found in man that match its own nature. However, this does not exclude that a soul with different inclinations tries to embody in man with strange characteristics, thus to speed up the maturing process. Then, however, the soul has often to struggle with greater difficulties during its Earth-life, because its nature will not be taken into consideration, and it will be unable to satisfy the demands that are asked from it.
In view that the soul knows in advance about the way of its Earth -life, it will not be prevented if itself makes its choice, since in each embodiment are all remedies at its disposal, in order to reach its last maturity. Through its most varied last Forms, it has within itself each tendency, only in different degrees, which it can amplify or reduce during the life on Earth, conform to its will. The soul is therefore not in- capable of acting, and the Force for it will be given also in accordance to its will. But if the soul is lukewarm in her striving, then she remains in the same state of maturity as she was before her embodiment as man -then the incarnation did not yield to a higher level of development. It will also shed the bodily cover at the time of death but is however still chained to the material world through its passions and instincts, that she should have overcome during the life on Earth.
The failure to take advantage of its incarnation on Earth produces an indescribable state of repentance, for it realizes that its right to be a child of God has been lost and can nevermore be attained…. although it has in the life to come uncounted possibilities to arrive at the contemplation of God.
However, an incarnated soul must give account before God how it used the possibilities that were given to it on Earth and has to show what spiritual success it had at the time of death. For the embodiment as man is a Mercy that can not be esteemed highly enough; it is a gift and should be treasured, by doing as man everything that serves his upward development, because once he has left Earth he never does return again.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Word of God
Through the Grace of God, there is a way shown to you, which without fail must lead you upwards, if you will go that way. No gift from above is so blissful than the offer of God's Word, which gives you the guiding principle for your earthly walk of life and shows you the Will of God. To fulfill the Divine Will is spiritual progress and this is the purpose and the meaning of life on Earth.
People do not know in what spiritual need they find themselves, who's soul's maturity is very low because they will not accept a higher spiritual development on Earth while they, with soul and body, are still bound to the Earth. All their mind and efforts are set only on earthly goods, thinking of the perfecting of the soul as the purpose of this earthly life mere fancy or imagination which man himself brought forth and could never be proved.
Only a very few stand for the belief in a life after death, but this belief makes the need for a higher development on Earth understandable, because then, the whole of creation has a purpose, namely, to serve the higher development of the spiritual.
Because people do not have such a faith anymore, denying a life after death, they therefore do not acknowledge the spiritual purpose of creation, but regard everything from the point of view that this earthly life in itself is the aim and purpose, and that everything is to serve the body, and to bring the body to the highest development. That is an attitude, which does not lift up the level of maturity of the people, but rather brings them down to where they will not receive help, and to where the Love of God does not intervene, and the Mercy of God is not given so that they may see the Truth. Even so this Grace flows to them, yet is by many unrecognized, otherwise they would be so delighted that they could fight the battle on Earth with greater strength to resist the enemy.
However, those people are spiritually blind. They do not know the purest Truth from Heaven; they only see the world. They have understanding of all earthly things, but have no inner incentive to look beyond these to see the hidden things because no one can give them proof of life after death.
Through the Grace of God, there is a way shown to you, which without fail must lead you upwards, if you will go that way. No gift from above is so blissful than the offer of God's Word, which gives you the guiding principle for your earthly walk of life and shows you the Will of God. To fulfill the Divine Will is spiritual progress and this is the purpose and the meaning of life on Earth.
People do not know in what spiritual need they find themselves, who's soul's maturity is very low because they will not accept a higher spiritual development on Earth while they, with soul and body, are still bound to the Earth. All their mind and efforts are set only on earthly goods, thinking of the perfecting of the soul as the purpose of this earthly life mere fancy or imagination which man himself brought forth and could never be proved.
Only a very few stand for the belief in a life after death, but this belief makes the need for a higher development on Earth understandable, because then, the whole of creation has a purpose, namely, to serve the higher development of the spiritual.
Because people do not have such a faith anymore, denying a life after death, they therefore do not acknowledge the spiritual purpose of creation, but regard everything from the point of view that this earthly life in itself is the aim and purpose, and that everything is to serve the body, and to bring the body to the highest development. That is an attitude, which does not lift up the level of maturity of the people, but rather brings them down to where they will not receive help, and to where the Love of God does not intervene, and the Mercy of God is not given so that they may see the Truth. Even so this Grace flows to them, yet is by many unrecognized, otherwise they would be so delighted that they could fight the battle on Earth with greater strength to resist the enemy.
However, those people are spiritually blind. They do not know the purest Truth from Heaven; they only see the world. They have understanding of all earthly things, but have no inner incentive to look beyond these to see the hidden things because no one can give them proof of life after death.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Word of God
When through My Will and My Might the destruction of this earth occurs, that means of all that lives therein, then it will be proved, who can be considered as really redeemed because only these will survive the end and can enter My Paradise on the new Earth. Because to survive this last destruction work, it is necessary to have fullest belief in Me and in Jesus Christ, together with the total devotion to Me, and therefore a complete separation from My opponent. To this it becomes unavoidable the state of freedom, which Jesus purchased for humanity through His death on the cross. Only a being redeemed by His blood can inhabit the new Earth where Satan no longer has any power; where I Myself can dwell amongst My children because the condition of the Earth is again re-established as it was in the beginning.
People, whom I call from this Earth before the last end, can also experience the Redemption through Jesus Christ. They also will be blessed inhabitants in My realm where no evil power can harm or threaten them anymore, precisely because they are redeemed from it. Those people who shall inhabit the new Earth, live in equal bliss, in complete freedom, full of Light and Force, but however, in earthly spheres, since they shall build the beginning of a new Generation and help mankind that follows to a complete Redemption, that still has to live as long on the Earth, until everything is entirely spiritualized.
The first human beings on the new Earth, as already redeemed, can blissfully influence their descendants as well as everything spiritual that surrounds them and that is still bound in the creations of the new Earth. And thus this spiritual can more quickly walk the way of development. Because the time must be well used, while My opponent is in chains and has no access to the people of the Earth, because the strength and the light of the "redeemed" is so strong, that any approach to humanity will be prevented. Exactly as in the last time before the end, his influence and rage was clearly noticeable,.... as he was using all his power of persuasion to draw humanity into the abyss .... so will in the same way dominate now the influence of the Divine on Earth. Everyone will strive to reach the height and will do so easily, because there is no opposed force that can hinder it. From the redeemed mankind, people full of love, in whom the divine principles dominate, will therefore proceed once more and will entirely mature in the shortest time, and thus be able to enter into My realm of light, when their life on Earth is ended.
When through My Will and My Might the destruction of this earth occurs, that means of all that lives therein, then it will be proved, who can be considered as really redeemed because only these will survive the end and can enter My Paradise on the new Earth. Because to survive this last destruction work, it is necessary to have fullest belief in Me and in Jesus Christ, together with the total devotion to Me, and therefore a complete separation from My opponent. To this it becomes unavoidable the state of freedom, which Jesus purchased for humanity through His death on the cross. Only a being redeemed by His blood can inhabit the new Earth where Satan no longer has any power; where I Myself can dwell amongst My children because the condition of the Earth is again re-established as it was in the beginning.
People, whom I call from this Earth before the last end, can also experience the Redemption through Jesus Christ. They also will be blessed inhabitants in My realm where no evil power can harm or threaten them anymore, precisely because they are redeemed from it. Those people who shall inhabit the new Earth, live in equal bliss, in complete freedom, full of Light and Force, but however, in earthly spheres, since they shall build the beginning of a new Generation and help mankind that follows to a complete Redemption, that still has to live as long on the Earth, until everything is entirely spiritualized.
The first human beings on the new Earth, as already redeemed, can blissfully influence their descendants as well as everything spiritual that surrounds them and that is still bound in the creations of the new Earth. And thus this spiritual can more quickly walk the way of development. Because the time must be well used, while My opponent is in chains and has no access to the people of the Earth, because the strength and the light of the "redeemed" is so strong, that any approach to humanity will be prevented. Exactly as in the last time before the end, his influence and rage was clearly noticeable,.... as he was using all his power of persuasion to draw humanity into the abyss .... so will in the same way dominate now the influence of the Divine on Earth. Everyone will strive to reach the height and will do so easily, because there is no opposed force that can hinder it. From the redeemed mankind, people full of love, in whom the divine principles dominate, will therefore proceed once more and will entirely mature in the shortest time, and thus be able to enter into My realm of light, when their life on Earth is ended.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Word of God
The belief that souls sleep after death is justified only in so far as immature souls remain in a state of idleness, because they lack strength. However, this is not a condition of blessed rest, but a state of misery, confinement and powerlessness, thus no condition to strive for.
To be active in the beyond is only for the souls who have a certain grade of maturity wherein they receive strength continually, to be able to work. They will then use this power without restriction. Because their activity does not depend on earthly matter, so it must be different than work on earth. Neither can it be compared with that because the requirements that cause or permit activity in the spiritual kingdom is entirely different. There is continual instruction in and passing on of spiritual knowledge, which makes the giving soul happy and reduces the misery of the one who receives and enables them to receive strength.
There is also a serving in Love that can be compared with earthly activities as long as these souls, in their state of darkness, believe that they are still on earth. They create, in their imagination, through their desires, their own surroundings, but must in that imagination also perform deeds of Love. The clearer it becomes in them the more they separate them- selves from the earth in their thinking. Then their activities are no longer bound to earthly matter or to their imagination.
The work of souls in the beyond is to pass on the spiritual knowledge they have received in the spiritual kingdom. Every soul who receives power and is willing to give has a protégé, especially entrusted to him on earth or in the beyond, to whom they give themselves in untiring devotion. They must influence their thoughts and give them clarity of understanding without forcing the will of the soul. This requires great patience and Love. They are two totally separated beings that are facing each offer, who still can act and think in free will. Therefore right thinking may not be passed on by force lest the immature spiritual soul be hindered in coming to a higher degree of maturity. Spiritual knowledge must be offered to the ignorant soul in such a way that it will be accepted without resistance and that it will awaken a longing for more gifts. The one who receives must agree in total free will. What has passed on only then can work as a strength and blessing.
The work of passing on this knowledge can only be done in Love since it can be tedious. But the state of a soul who is condemned to idleness is so pitiful that the Light-beings try to help them constantly, and they are willing to do the most arduous work to free those poor souls from their pitiful condition. It also increases their happiness if their loving care is successful. That work draws ever increasing circles for every being who receives shares his knowledge further with greater urgency to help other souls in darkness and to be active in this redeeming work.
The belief that souls sleep after death is justified only in so far as immature souls remain in a state of idleness, because they lack strength. However, this is not a condition of blessed rest, but a state of misery, confinement and powerlessness, thus no condition to strive for.
To be active in the beyond is only for the souls who have a certain grade of maturity wherein they receive strength continually, to be able to work. They will then use this power without restriction. Because their activity does not depend on earthly matter, so it must be different than work on earth. Neither can it be compared with that because the requirements that cause or permit activity in the spiritual kingdom is entirely different. There is continual instruction in and passing on of spiritual knowledge, which makes the giving soul happy and reduces the misery of the one who receives and enables them to receive strength.
There is also a serving in Love that can be compared with earthly activities as long as these souls, in their state of darkness, believe that they are still on earth. They create, in their imagination, through their desires, their own surroundings, but must in that imagination also perform deeds of Love. The clearer it becomes in them the more they separate them- selves from the earth in their thinking. Then their activities are no longer bound to earthly matter or to their imagination.
The work of souls in the beyond is to pass on the spiritual knowledge they have received in the spiritual kingdom. Every soul who receives power and is willing to give has a protégé, especially entrusted to him on earth or in the beyond, to whom they give themselves in untiring devotion. They must influence their thoughts and give them clarity of understanding without forcing the will of the soul. This requires great patience and Love. They are two totally separated beings that are facing each offer, who still can act and think in free will. Therefore right thinking may not be passed on by force lest the immature spiritual soul be hindered in coming to a higher degree of maturity. Spiritual knowledge must be offered to the ignorant soul in such a way that it will be accepted without resistance and that it will awaken a longing for more gifts. The one who receives must agree in total free will. What has passed on only then can work as a strength and blessing.
The work of passing on this knowledge can only be done in Love since it can be tedious. But the state of a soul who is condemned to idleness is so pitiful that the Light-beings try to help them constantly, and they are willing to do the most arduous work to free those poor souls from their pitiful condition. It also increases their happiness if their loving care is successful. That work draws ever increasing circles for every being who receives shares his knowledge further with greater urgency to help other souls in darkness and to be active in this redeeming work.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Word of God
Those of you who do not yet walk within truth shall have to give up much of your spiritual treasure, because the time is coming when you witness the collapse of much that had seemed indestructible. You shall acknowledge that the works of man are transient although capable of asserting themselves for long periods. It shall be beyond your grasp as to why, through divine providence a work of destruction is carried out, which will simultaneously present an immense spiritual reversal and greatly shake the thought of those who had deemed themselves as walking in the Truth.
And you shall find no explanation other than that God wants to plainly show you that you walk in error. This error has taken hold of you too firmly for freeing yourselves easily there from, and therefore God wants to help you. He wants to show you that everything must give way to His will; hence also what has asserted itself for thousands of years. God gave men free will and hence had to withdraw His own will where human will assert itself. And hence He did not hinder and infrastructure, which did not correspond to His will.
His will was heeded secretly however and performed unnoticed, little-known to the world therefore, yet resisting hostile interference. But mankind nevertheless found pleasure in yonder infrastructure, which asserted itself in pomp and splendour, finding many followers. But an ultimate end nonetheless has been set for this set-up too, and this end will come in full view of all men.
A superstructure deemed indestructible shall be shaken, an event shall come claiming sacrifices in every direction: mankind's thinking shall be shaken. Through this divine intervention, god wants to prove to mankind that everything initiated by men is transient but that which comes from God endures. He wants to show men that they err, so that they should become receptive to pure Truth.
And many men shall become sceptical in view of the catastrophic transformation; they shall query the credibility of what they had been taught because the collapse robs them of all faith. And this happening is not far off and the entire world will be involved and, to the extent of any faith recognise a sign, which God gives men on earth for the good of their souls.
Those of you who do not yet walk within truth shall have to give up much of your spiritual treasure, because the time is coming when you witness the collapse of much that had seemed indestructible. You shall acknowledge that the works of man are transient although capable of asserting themselves for long periods. It shall be beyond your grasp as to why, through divine providence a work of destruction is carried out, which will simultaneously present an immense spiritual reversal and greatly shake the thought of those who had deemed themselves as walking in the Truth.
And you shall find no explanation other than that God wants to plainly show you that you walk in error. This error has taken hold of you too firmly for freeing yourselves easily there from, and therefore God wants to help you. He wants to show you that everything must give way to His will; hence also what has asserted itself for thousands of years. God gave men free will and hence had to withdraw His own will where human will assert itself. And hence He did not hinder and infrastructure, which did not correspond to His will.
His will was heeded secretly however and performed unnoticed, little-known to the world therefore, yet resisting hostile interference. But mankind nevertheless found pleasure in yonder infrastructure, which asserted itself in pomp and splendour, finding many followers. But an ultimate end nonetheless has been set for this set-up too, and this end will come in full view of all men.
A superstructure deemed indestructible shall be shaken, an event shall come claiming sacrifices in every direction: mankind's thinking shall be shaken. Through this divine intervention, god wants to prove to mankind that everything initiated by men is transient but that which comes from God endures. He wants to show men that they err, so that they should become receptive to pure Truth.
And many men shall become sceptical in view of the catastrophic transformation; they shall query the credibility of what they had been taught because the collapse robs them of all faith. And this happening is not far off and the entire world will be involved and, to the extent of any faith recognise a sign, which God gives men on earth for the good of their souls.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Word of God
Man is the highest developed being on Earth, consequently he is given a task in keeping with his maturity. He can fulfill his commission in free will. It is this free will, which is put to the test. So man must make decisions, and his decisions will govern whether or not he fulfills this commission and uses his ability to live his last embodiment according to its purpose.
He is in no war forced. In his earthly life he has innumerable tasks to fulfill. His commission is not particularly pointed out to him, but he must fulfill it amidst his many earthly activities. If he neglects this task he will still live his earthly life, but his soul remains undeveloped. For this he must give account to God because his earthly life is given to him for the perfecting of his soul. If he uses his earthly activities only for his own advantage, pays no attention to its importance, thus disregarding the Grace of God, he will have misused his earthly life.
The Earth was his residence and he as a highly matured being, already in an advanced state of development, having many capabilities, was allowed to incarnate. But he lives his life no more conscious of his purposes than the people of prehistoric time, using his intellect, free will and strength given by God, only for his activities on Earth, which have no permanent value. He uses his intellect and free will only to increase his own well-being and this is in such a way that he influences his fellowman to do the same. So, the Earth becomes unsuitable for the higher development of his soul. Indeed, worldliness prevails and binds people to such an extent that they completely forget their soul.
The world then is in a condition where a change is necessary so that mankind can again learn about their true commission and live accordingly. It is essential that the Earth experience another change. It must again become what it once was and is intended to be. A place for the education of the spirit where earthly things do not predominate, but are only a means to an end. The Earth must arise and be formed anew. People, who consciously strive for maturity, who use all their abilities, which they have received from God for the maturing of their souls, realizing that this is the true purpose of their incarnation on Earth, must inhabit it. AMEN
Man is the highest developed being on Earth, consequently he is given a task in keeping with his maturity. He can fulfill his commission in free will. It is this free will, which is put to the test. So man must make decisions, and his decisions will govern whether or not he fulfills this commission and uses his ability to live his last embodiment according to its purpose.
He is in no war forced. In his earthly life he has innumerable tasks to fulfill. His commission is not particularly pointed out to him, but he must fulfill it amidst his many earthly activities. If he neglects this task he will still live his earthly life, but his soul remains undeveloped. For this he must give account to God because his earthly life is given to him for the perfecting of his soul. If he uses his earthly activities only for his own advantage, pays no attention to its importance, thus disregarding the Grace of God, he will have misused his earthly life.
The Earth was his residence and he as a highly matured being, already in an advanced state of development, having many capabilities, was allowed to incarnate. But he lives his life no more conscious of his purposes than the people of prehistoric time, using his intellect, free will and strength given by God, only for his activities on Earth, which have no permanent value. He uses his intellect and free will only to increase his own well-being and this is in such a way that he influences his fellowman to do the same. So, the Earth becomes unsuitable for the higher development of his soul. Indeed, worldliness prevails and binds people to such an extent that they completely forget their soul.
The world then is in a condition where a change is necessary so that mankind can again learn about their true commission and live accordingly. It is essential that the Earth experience another change. It must again become what it once was and is intended to be. A place for the education of the spirit where earthly things do not predominate, but are only a means to an end. The Earth must arise and be formed anew. People, who consciously strive for maturity, who use all their abilities, which they have received from God for the maturing of their souls, realizing that this is the true purpose of their incarnation on Earth, must inhabit it. AMEN
Monday, December 05, 2005
The evolution of the Earth took place during many very long periods, was developed and could be used as a dwelling place for innumerable beings, and could also be used for the development of the spirituals.
In this period of evolution the living beings were of a different nature. They were, so to speak, adjusted to the development of the existing Earth, to the extent that the Earth could support living beings. The phases of development were many. Only at a certain stage could the Earth-surface contain living beings. They became more numerous the further the development of the Earth progressed. Thus the development of the Earth advanced as well as the living creatures, which were assigned to it for the purpose of higher development.
It took an unimaginable long time. Such development was necessary because spirituality in and over the Earth must first be tried in bound condition. For this reason creation was important for the living creatures. In this time of development all spirituality must be tested. It could slowly develop to a living creature.
The living conditions were more difficult but they maintained themselves and evolved slowly to become men. But at this time they were totally different than "Man". They were still beings acting according to their instinct. In a sense they were led. They had no free will or intellect.
They were beings that in form resembled human beings, but in other ways were on the level of the animal world, which moved in the Divine law of nature. They did everything instinctively without being conscious of their actions. These beings were still not accountable. They lived their lives after the law of nature, driven by their instinct, which dominated them, which expressed itself in each being, according to the Divine Will.
These living beings corresponded to the primitive conditions of the earth-surface, but contributed, to a certain extent to the development of the earth. They multiplied and through their activities quickened the change of the earth surface, so that it became suitable to contain more advanced living beings, until the first human beings, equipped with free will and intellect, could possess the Earth. They could use everything on this Earth. They were taught by God and lived conscious lives, which was the very purpose and meaning of their incarnation on Earth.
However, now the people had to be accountable to God in their thoughts and actions. They had reached certain maturity, and were able to live lives according to God's Will. According to their ability they were responsible as to how they would use their lives. They were absolutely free in the use of His gift of Life. But the consequence of their incarnation was pointed out to them so that they could now choose how to use their free will.
The evolution of the Earth took place during many very long periods, was developed and could be used as a dwelling place for innumerable beings, and could also be used for the development of the spirituals.
In this period of evolution the living beings were of a different nature. They were, so to speak, adjusted to the development of the existing Earth, to the extent that the Earth could support living beings. The phases of development were many. Only at a certain stage could the Earth-surface contain living beings. They became more numerous the further the development of the Earth progressed. Thus the development of the Earth advanced as well as the living creatures, which were assigned to it for the purpose of higher development.
It took an unimaginable long time. Such development was necessary because spirituality in and over the Earth must first be tried in bound condition. For this reason creation was important for the living creatures. In this time of development all spirituality must be tested. It could slowly develop to a living creature.
The living conditions were more difficult but they maintained themselves and evolved slowly to become men. But at this time they were totally different than "Man". They were still beings acting according to their instinct. In a sense they were led. They had no free will or intellect.
They were beings that in form resembled human beings, but in other ways were on the level of the animal world, which moved in the Divine law of nature. They did everything instinctively without being conscious of their actions. These beings were still not accountable. They lived their lives after the law of nature, driven by their instinct, which dominated them, which expressed itself in each being, according to the Divine Will.
These living beings corresponded to the primitive conditions of the earth-surface, but contributed, to a certain extent to the development of the earth. They multiplied and through their activities quickened the change of the earth surface, so that it became suitable to contain more advanced living beings, until the first human beings, equipped with free will and intellect, could possess the Earth. They could use everything on this Earth. They were taught by God and lived conscious lives, which was the very purpose and meaning of their incarnation on Earth.
However, now the people had to be accountable to God in their thoughts and actions. They had reached certain maturity, and were able to live lives according to God's Will. According to their ability they were responsible as to how they would use their lives. They were absolutely free in the use of His gift of Life. But the consequence of their incarnation was pointed out to them so that they could now choose how to use their free will.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Word of God
What is the world and its matter? This question interests many people. However they are not able to solve it with their intellect. Everything visible is matter i.e. stuff that has solidified into Form. So to speak by compression it became visible, because it had been invisible i.e. spiritual substance. Spiritual substance is Force emanated from God, that according to His Will, as soon as God has given it a certain form, becomes what it is. This form is the compound of countless substances, therefore a structure that can be dissolved in order to release each single substance that it contains…. if that is God' s Will.
Therefore every Form is destructible, matter is something that has no eternal existence because it is only the cover of spiritual substances that should develop higher and thus do not remain eternally in these wrappings. Matter itself is indeed also a spiritual substance, i.e. through God' s Will compressed spiritual Force that through continuous dissolution and dispersion…. and by building again new Forms…. becomes something that after an endless long time can hide itself in such a Form.
Therefore everything visible is spiritual Force that is still at the beginning of the development, whereas the more matured spiritual is invisible to the human eye…. while using a visible Form to live in. In each Form therefore exists something spiritual, a being that is unconscious about itself, but that longs for the union with equal beings to increase with this union the fullness of Force, because each being strives for perfection.
As soon as matter dissolves, which means that a Form falls to pieces, the freed spiritual being strives towards equal spiritual beings and merges to give life to a new Form. This occurrence is the base of the changes always existing in Nature; it is therefore the cause of the continuous life and death in Nature.
The spiritual substances pass through the whole Creation, partly alone partly merged with immense numbers. Corresponding to these are also the Forms that surround them, in their size and kind. Everything that encloses spirituality is matter. But matter itself consists of those spiritual substances that are in the beginning of their evolution and therefore can be visible to the human eye. Only the already higher developed spiritual is invisible.
So everything that is visible must be considered as imperfect i.e. a spiritual that is far from God -that is only starting on its way of development. The spiritual concealed in it has already covered this way and strives now towards God. Therefore a destruction -i.e. a passing away or dissolution of the Form, means that the transience of matter corresponds to the Will of God, because that way it makes the further development of the spiritual possible.
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What is the world and its matter? This question interests many people. However they are not able to solve it with their intellect. Everything visible is matter i.e. stuff that has solidified into Form. So to speak by compression it became visible, because it had been invisible i.e. spiritual substance. Spiritual substance is Force emanated from God, that according to His Will, as soon as God has given it a certain form, becomes what it is. This form is the compound of countless substances, therefore a structure that can be dissolved in order to release each single substance that it contains…. if that is God' s Will.
Therefore every Form is destructible, matter is something that has no eternal existence because it is only the cover of spiritual substances that should develop higher and thus do not remain eternally in these wrappings. Matter itself is indeed also a spiritual substance, i.e. through God' s Will compressed spiritual Force that through continuous dissolution and dispersion…. and by building again new Forms…. becomes something that after an endless long time can hide itself in such a Form.
Therefore everything visible is spiritual Force that is still at the beginning of the development, whereas the more matured spiritual is invisible to the human eye…. while using a visible Form to live in. In each Form therefore exists something spiritual, a being that is unconscious about itself, but that longs for the union with equal beings to increase with this union the fullness of Force, because each being strives for perfection.
As soon as matter dissolves, which means that a Form falls to pieces, the freed spiritual being strives towards equal spiritual beings and merges to give life to a new Form. This occurrence is the base of the changes always existing in Nature; it is therefore the cause of the continuous life and death in Nature.
The spiritual substances pass through the whole Creation, partly alone partly merged with immense numbers. Corresponding to these are also the Forms that surround them, in their size and kind. Everything that encloses spirituality is matter. But matter itself consists of those spiritual substances that are in the beginning of their evolution and therefore can be visible to the human eye. Only the already higher developed spiritual is invisible.
So everything that is visible must be considered as imperfect i.e. a spiritual that is far from God -that is only starting on its way of development. The spiritual concealed in it has already covered this way and strives now towards God. Therefore a destruction -i.e. a passing away or dissolution of the Form, means that the transience of matter corresponds to the Will of God, because that way it makes the further development of the spiritual possible.
Send this message to family and friends. "... freely ye have received, freely give." Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to: FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Word of God
The will brings forth the deed. The will is therefore what decides even if the action is only the rectification of the will. Without the will no action will come to performance. But the will without the deed has to be justified too before God, because it manifests the opinion of man, the impulse for good or for evil.
To carry out the will, man has to use the Life-Force that flows towards him, so that he can accomplish good as well as bad deeds. But always will he use for this the Force that God Himself gives him.
If now he commits a bad deed, then he accomplishes it with the help of the divine Force, and therefore he does something for which he has to answer before God. He has used therefore his will to increase the force of His opponent, with the power out of God, because every bad deed is a surrender to the evil power and thus augments it. The will of man turns away from God and towards that evil power, through each deed that acts against God, and testifies therefore a bad way of thinking.
Therefore if the will of man is good, i.e. directed toward God, then will he use the Life- Force that always flows towards him for deeds that serve his fellow-man. He will practice in serving Love to the neighbor, because he is continuously active, that means permitting his will to become a deed. If his deeds are born in Love so that this Love drives the will of man to be active, then is the will of man devoted to God. Out of a free impulse the will has decided for God, and each deed that is born out of this will is justified before God, and God values this deed accordingly to the "will for Love".
The will brings forth the deed. The will is therefore what decides even if the action is only the rectification of the will. Without the will no action will come to performance. But the will without the deed has to be justified too before God, because it manifests the opinion of man, the impulse for good or for evil.
To carry out the will, man has to use the Life-Force that flows towards him, so that he can accomplish good as well as bad deeds. But always will he use for this the Force that God Himself gives him.
If now he commits a bad deed, then he accomplishes it with the help of the divine Force, and therefore he does something for which he has to answer before God. He has used therefore his will to increase the force of His opponent, with the power out of God, because every bad deed is a surrender to the evil power and thus augments it. The will of man turns away from God and towards that evil power, through each deed that acts against God, and testifies therefore a bad way of thinking.
Therefore if the will of man is good, i.e. directed toward God, then will he use the Life- Force that always flows towards him for deeds that serve his fellow-man. He will practice in serving Love to the neighbor, because he is continuously active, that means permitting his will to become a deed. If his deeds are born in Love so that this Love drives the will of man to be active, then is the will of man devoted to God. Out of a free impulse the will has decided for God, and each deed that is born out of this will is justified before God, and God values this deed accordingly to the "will for Love".
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Word of God
Listen to the request of the dead. Do not refuse them your intercession when they are brought to your remembrance. Understand that they would have to suffer indescribably without your help.
The lot of a lost soul is exceedingly pitiful, and none of you know if a soul is redeemed or languishes in this painful state in need of your help. Only your prayers can help such needy souls. They sense your Love, which gives them strength to improve their condition. They must change their will, which is the first step to bring about a change in their pitiful condition.
These souls are thankful for the least support because they depend on the loving help of other souls who have reached a higher maturity. However, they may only be helped if they have a desire for a change in their situation. But the will of such a soul is weak, if not entirely inactive. Therefore they may have to suffer for a very long time, if they do not respond to your support. Through your intercession you can give them strength to alter their will and become active. If you knew about their need you would not let them ask in vain. Every thought for a deceased is a way they bring themselves to your remembrance and a call for help in their need.
Mankind is so selfish toward one another that they do not think about their deceased loved ones. Because of this these souls suffer exceedingly. They put themselves again and again in the thoughts of the people, using them to remember them in their prayers.
The need in the beyond is great, therefore, even the unknown deceased souls keep themselves near to those who think with compassion about these helpless souls. They feel every prayer as a blessing and strength in their desire to strive upward. Those on Earth who are compassionate are constantly surrounded by needy souls because they expect their help.
The desire to help such souls is already strength to them and every loving thought surrounding them strengthens their will. Therefore everyone who is willing to give can help souls in the beyond to lessen their inexpressible suffering.
People do not appreciate the precious gift of prayer, because God Himself has given this grace and sets no limitation. But in the beyond the powerless soul cannot help itself and so depends on help from you. You should give this Love and Help to them, to remove this painful condition and make it possible for them to help themselves. When souls overcome their unwillingness then their desire is only to strive upwards, and their great need is removed.
However, they must receive strength through loving intercession. Only deeds of Love brings the soul redemption, so wherever they are too weak to work in Love then man must lovingly help them to receive strength to strive upward. Therefore, do not forget needy souls, they beg you constantly for help. AMEN
Listen to the request of the dead. Do not refuse them your intercession when they are brought to your remembrance. Understand that they would have to suffer indescribably without your help.
The lot of a lost soul is exceedingly pitiful, and none of you know if a soul is redeemed or languishes in this painful state in need of your help. Only your prayers can help such needy souls. They sense your Love, which gives them strength to improve their condition. They must change their will, which is the first step to bring about a change in their pitiful condition.
These souls are thankful for the least support because they depend on the loving help of other souls who have reached a higher maturity. However, they may only be helped if they have a desire for a change in their situation. But the will of such a soul is weak, if not entirely inactive. Therefore they may have to suffer for a very long time, if they do not respond to your support. Through your intercession you can give them strength to alter their will and become active. If you knew about their need you would not let them ask in vain. Every thought for a deceased is a way they bring themselves to your remembrance and a call for help in their need.
Mankind is so selfish toward one another that they do not think about their deceased loved ones. Because of this these souls suffer exceedingly. They put themselves again and again in the thoughts of the people, using them to remember them in their prayers.
The need in the beyond is great, therefore, even the unknown deceased souls keep themselves near to those who think with compassion about these helpless souls. They feel every prayer as a blessing and strength in their desire to strive upward. Those on Earth who are compassionate are constantly surrounded by needy souls because they expect their help.
The desire to help such souls is already strength to them and every loving thought surrounding them strengthens their will. Therefore everyone who is willing to give can help souls in the beyond to lessen their inexpressible suffering.
People do not appreciate the precious gift of prayer, because God Himself has given this grace and sets no limitation. But in the beyond the powerless soul cannot help itself and so depends on help from you. You should give this Love and Help to them, to remove this painful condition and make it possible for them to help themselves. When souls overcome their unwillingness then their desire is only to strive upwards, and their great need is removed.
However, they must receive strength through loving intercession. Only deeds of Love brings the soul redemption, so wherever they are too weak to work in Love then man must lovingly help them to receive strength to strive upward. Therefore, do not forget needy souls, they beg you constantly for help. AMEN