Thursday, December 29, 2005
Word of God
In each period of development spiritual substance will be kept bound until it reaches the maturity which it needs to be incarnated as man. Because it has previously failed as man it must begin again bound in hard matter. It must again go the pathway through the mineral, plant and animal world. Spiritual substance which has in the previous period still not reached this last state of maturity but which God has set free in the last destruction of the Earth, will be placed in an exterior form suitable to its maturity. This means that the path of development, which was interrupted in the previous period of development will continue in the new period of the new Earth.
For this reason the new Earth will be equipped with varied creations of different kinds than on the old Earth. So, new wonders of creation will come into being. These will be miraculous in the eyes of men who live on the new Earth. They will be a proof of the greatness of God, a proof of His Love, Wisdom and Power. People will be astonished at what they see on the new Earth. They will sing God’s praises in wonder and Love Him with all their hearts.
The spiritual substance will progress toward its maturity. But what is bound in hard matter feels its fetters as a great torment from which it tries to break free. Depending on its deepest desires it will succeed or fail. But God takes into account the will of the spirit substance. Hard matter on the new Earth is of greater solidity so that the will of the spirit substance bound therein can be broken and finally give up resistance. With the least change of will the form will break, that is in earthly terms; hard matter on the new Earth is exceptionally hard hut also very brittle, therefore it will easily break or shatter when God in His Will has planned to free it from its bondage.
Other creations are of shorter life span, so that a quicker change of the spirit substance will take place. While this is possible it still depends upon the willingness of the spirituals to serve. The spirituals will achieve the last form as man sooner than in the previous period of development, only if it is not completely opposed to God.
So the first people on the new Earth will experience miracle upon miracle. They will be touched by them and their love for God will be strengthened, and so they will unite themselves closer to Him through their Love, and live in His Grace. They will know that they are signs of His boundless Love, who wants to win all spirituals for Himself and offer them every possibility to change their will. This condition will continue until that which was bound in the plant and animal world in the beginning has reached the stage of becoming incarnated as man. Then the understanding of the splendor of Divine creations shall more and more vanish in man. The lust for the material will again be awakened. Then the influence of Satan on people will become stronger in response to their desires for material things, which still contains immature spiritual substance.
Consequently, their unity with God will become slack and the battle between Light and darkness will become stronger, which was not so at the beginning when everything that lived on the Earth in freedom of will, radiated with Light. The path of development is the same in each period. Spirit substance must remain in a hard form until it is willing to go the way of serving through the creations, which would result in lighter fetters. Then it must serve until a certain degree of maturity is achieved, at which time it enters the stage when it must serve in free will, but still it will not be forced to do so, as was the case in the previous stage.
In this final stage it must not fail, otherwise the entire previous path of development was useless. The free will of man determines whether this will be his last incarnation on Earth, or if he must again travel the road through all creations, whether he in this last stage turns toward the Light, or allows the powers of darkness to bind him, only to be banished again for ages to come.
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In each period of development spiritual substance will be kept bound until it reaches the maturity which it needs to be incarnated as man. Because it has previously failed as man it must begin again bound in hard matter. It must again go the pathway through the mineral, plant and animal world. Spiritual substance which has in the previous period still not reached this last state of maturity but which God has set free in the last destruction of the Earth, will be placed in an exterior form suitable to its maturity. This means that the path of development, which was interrupted in the previous period of development will continue in the new period of the new Earth.
For this reason the new Earth will be equipped with varied creations of different kinds than on the old Earth. So, new wonders of creation will come into being. These will be miraculous in the eyes of men who live on the new Earth. They will be a proof of the greatness of God, a proof of His Love, Wisdom and Power. People will be astonished at what they see on the new Earth. They will sing God’s praises in wonder and Love Him with all their hearts.
The spiritual substance will progress toward its maturity. But what is bound in hard matter feels its fetters as a great torment from which it tries to break free. Depending on its deepest desires it will succeed or fail. But God takes into account the will of the spirit substance. Hard matter on the new Earth is of greater solidity so that the will of the spirit substance bound therein can be broken and finally give up resistance. With the least change of will the form will break, that is in earthly terms; hard matter on the new Earth is exceptionally hard hut also very brittle, therefore it will easily break or shatter when God in His Will has planned to free it from its bondage.
Other creations are of shorter life span, so that a quicker change of the spirit substance will take place. While this is possible it still depends upon the willingness of the spirituals to serve. The spirituals will achieve the last form as man sooner than in the previous period of development, only if it is not completely opposed to God.
So the first people on the new Earth will experience miracle upon miracle. They will be touched by them and their love for God will be strengthened, and so they will unite themselves closer to Him through their Love, and live in His Grace. They will know that they are signs of His boundless Love, who wants to win all spirituals for Himself and offer them every possibility to change their will. This condition will continue until that which was bound in the plant and animal world in the beginning has reached the stage of becoming incarnated as man. Then the understanding of the splendor of Divine creations shall more and more vanish in man. The lust for the material will again be awakened. Then the influence of Satan on people will become stronger in response to their desires for material things, which still contains immature spiritual substance.
Consequently, their unity with God will become slack and the battle between Light and darkness will become stronger, which was not so at the beginning when everything that lived on the Earth in freedom of will, radiated with Light. The path of development is the same in each period. Spirit substance must remain in a hard form until it is willing to go the way of serving through the creations, which would result in lighter fetters. Then it must serve until a certain degree of maturity is achieved, at which time it enters the stage when it must serve in free will, but still it will not be forced to do so, as was the case in the previous stage.
In this final stage it must not fail, otherwise the entire previous path of development was useless. The free will of man determines whether this will be his last incarnation on Earth, or if he must again travel the road through all creations, whether he in this last stage turns toward the Light, or allows the powers of darkness to bind him, only to be banished again for ages to come.
Send this message to family and friends. "... freely ye have received, freely give." Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to: OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.