Friday, December 23, 2005



Word of God


It would not be beneficial to specify to mankind the time of the spiritual turning point, because precise knowledge thereof is an inhibition of free will, as man would then at the appointed time, feel coerced into changing his life-style.

It is not God's will however that man should be acquainted beforehand with knowledge of when day and hour of His holding judgement have come - they should know only that he end is near, and recognise the end by the signs of the times. But where men of faith ask Him for clarification, He shall answer them as will best serve the good of their soul.

Judgement-day is preceded by the end time, and the latter marked by a faith conflict of extraordinary rigour. So soon as this faith conflict is conducted openly, so soon as all secrecy is set aside and all spiritual endeavour ruthlessly proceeded against; as soon as orders and decrees are issued prohibiting men all spiritual striving, so soon as none of the divine commandments are kept; as soon as persecution against all believers sets in and rights no longer granted them, the last phase of the end time has come, and the last judgment can be daily and hourly anticipated.

Before this faith conflict has flared up, however, mankind shall find itself in spiritual and earthly chaos and retrogression in every respect will be everywhere in evidence. Men who are under Satan’s control will initiate this regression; he will show in earthly annihilation and destructions, in unloving decrees, in profane life-conduct, in rebellion and insurgency against the rulers and brutal suppression again by the latter; in restriction of freedom and the circumventing of rights and justice.

These conditions however shall ensue after a great earthquake taking place by will of God, to terminate a conflict between nations which men's will fails to end. For those men affected by this earthquake it will mean a change in customary life, a time of greatest deprivation and difficult life-conditions.

This time, initially, shall be indeed conducive to the dissemination of the word of God, but shall not signify an upswing for an ecclesiastical hierarchy, as men will be zealously engaged in betterment of their life-conditions, and this striving shall not be compatible with spiritual endeavour - with faith in an Authority which holds them to account, and with divine Commandments that demand love. And hence everything hindering the restoration of former living standards comes under attack, and the faith conflict therefore sets in not long after God's intervention, which shall steer global affairs onto a new course. The events shall quickly follow each other because man's low spiritual level hastens this, and the low spirituality is recognisable in the unloving deeds of men, in their thinking, which attests to deepest depravity, and which prepares deeds that are to be addressed as satanic.

And by this you men will recognise also the point in time when God's intervention is to be anticipated. You shall have in the global affairs themselves a time-piece, you will perceive in the deeds of which men are capable that they utterly distanced themselves from God, and this will unequivocally gainsay the view that a spiritual renaissance can be expected from this humanity.

Those men standing in faith to God shall indeed strengthen their inner relationship with Him, they shall of a truth be "His Church", which shall maintain itself amidst misery and affliction, but of these there shall be only a handful. The world however denies God, and bears ill will towards all and fights everything that stands for God. And this spiritual want is indicative of the end.

Heed therefore the signs of the times, heed men's conduct, their apostasy and their bent for the world, how men patiently stand under Satan's influence, how they are in his bondage and do everything offending against God's Commandments; how nothing is sacred to them any longer, neither the life of fellow men, nor their goods and chattels; how the lie celebrates triumph, an truth is spited. Then know that the end is not far, You will then be able to pursue the happenings as they are made known to you, because all will take place in the generation of one man, who quickens the disintegration so to speak, who embraces the destructive principle, who therefore is not constructively but destructively engaged. And with the end of this man has come the end of the world, i.e., the end of the earth in its present form, together with the end of those men inhabiting the earth presently, who stand astride those belonging to God.

And thus you know that here is not much time, that no lengthy term is now given, that the end faces you soon. You must therefore prepare yourselves; you must live as though each day were the last, because you don't know when you will be recalled unto the Kingdom beyond, or whether you live to see the end of the earth. But if you are needed as fighters for God in the time of conflict before the end, God will lead your thinking aright and you will discern when the time has come - the time of divine intervention through the unleashing of natural forces, the time of the faith-conflict, and of last judgement. It is God's will that you alert mankind, and He will therefore illumine your spirit and so guide your thinking that you perceive correctly, and voice and convey to your fellow men what is correctly perceived.


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