Wednesday, December 21, 2005



Word of God


Through worldly determinations mankind will come into enormous mental conflicts, and the time is not far off. They will be pressured into a public decision vis-à-vis their faith (in God), and God allows this to happen because it is necessary that people explain to themselves the one question regarding their salvation, which was left unnoticed by them until then. He is allowing that they be pressured from earthly power, that they for the sake of faith come into distress, so that they make a clear decision as to their faith (in God). He leaves every person the freedom, in other words, God pressures no man to recognize Him for whom He is, he is not admonished by the still small voice to remain faithful to God and thereby would feel pressured by this Voice to confess Him before the world. God lets this internal Admonisher and Warner speak where there is yet some ruling of doubt and man lean towards a weak will. He will assist all who are yet undecided; He will send them faithful people and through them knock in their hearts, He will move close in Word to all, in sorrow and in need; He will reveal Himself to them, and with positive mind recognize God and fulfill His will, the person will then know how one should decide because the light-beings, who are loyal, direct ones thoughts, right. However, also many people will throw away, what should be the most precious to them...the faith in Jesus Christ as divine savior.

Without thought they will decide on the world and bring their souls into dire need. And God warns them prior, in that He confronts them through His tools…in that He teaches them the power of faith and gives them extraordinary proofs, which can lead them to faith, because they are not entirely against God. Therefore He allows the battle against the faith (in God), He allows it to take on forms that expose men’s depravity because during this time He will express Himself so that men can yet be rescued, who need a great push in order to become Believers. Therefore He will not hinder the earthly force, so it openly advances against the people who confess themselves to God. Now the people are forced to a decision, and this decision is extremely important to the souls, he determines his souls lot for eternity whether it should awake for life or death when it departs from this earth. So that people make the right decision, God seeks them out prior to leading them to recognition, He seeks them to be influenced through earthly and godly servants who stand by them and assist them should they be undecided in what to do. Yet, He will not force their will, and therefore it is necessary that man be pressured from the aspect of earth, and that the freedom of their actions is warranted.

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