Saturday, December 24, 2005
Word of God
From luminous heights I had descended to earth, to carry My Light into the darkness, because the sun of the spirit had set, no light-ray illumined the dark night, and mankind found itself in greatest need. And those who had recognised their plight were calling to Me for help, they were calling for a Saviour who should deliver them, for these few were not entirely captive to My adversary yet, they lived a life of love and had not yet lost their link with Me, and therefore turned to me in their need, that I might send them a Saviour.
And thus I sent My Son to earth. A spirit of Light, who had gone forth out of My love, and who had remained faithful to Me when the host of primordial spirits had apostatised from Me. He had offered Himself for a deed that was singular, but nevertheless brought redemption to all mankind. He descended to earth and took abode in mankind's midst. He began His earth walk like any other man, but had taken a great Mission upon Himself: To prepare Himself, i.e. His earthly mantle, so that it could serve Me as an abode, because I desired to attend to My beings Myself, I wanted Myself to expiate their great sin, which they had loaded upon themselves voluntarily by their falling away from Me.
This Light-being, a child of My love, offered to carry out this work of salvation, and as a soul, He took abode in the infant Jesus, and began His earth-walk which was so uncommonly sorrowful because His earthly body was also to be spiritualised, to serve Myself, love eternal, for a dwelling.
At His birth, the world around Him could already recognise that this Child was the promised Messiah, because His intense Light would break through from time to time and manifest itself in the excessively wise utterances of the infant. But His soul was signally harassed by My adversary, who incited every spirit particle still pertaining to him to take possession of His body, so that by this influence the body became subject to powerful temptations, which the Man Jesus then had to combat in order not to succumb. The Love in Him gave Him the power for it, but He had to contend uncommonly, and His entire earth-walk was truly a way of the cross, which He had, nevertheless, taken upon Himself voluntarily, out of love for His fallen brethren, with whose great plight He was acquainted.
His life was, indeed, one of constant service out of love, and as I am Myself Love, I could always be in Him, and provide Him with the power to fulfil His mission: To perform the work of atonement for the sum of mankind's great debt of sin. He was My Son, He was a soul of Light Which found the complete union with Me, who accomplished the work of deification, the aim of every being created by Me: from a being to become My child, to enter wholly upon My will out of free will, and thereby to attain tot he highest degree of perfection.
Jesus was an unfallen primordial spirit, but this deification had nevertheless to take place in free will, which the walk through earth-life - a walk through the depths, brought about. And, therefore, as His soul had to be exposed to every harassment by My adversary, because the latter also wanted to possess this soul, whose fall he had not been able to bring about. And since the earth was his kingdom, the kingdom of the fallen spirit, Jesus' soul had been exposed also to all luciferic instincts and afflictions, and the Man Jesus had to resist them, He had, in the face of all temptations, to hold to Me as His Father from eternity. He had to make Me His comrade-in-arms, and He did it by constantly claiming My Love and also, with His working from love, receiving it, because Love does not deny itself, and the great love of the Man Jesus drew Me mightily. And by force of this love - since love in itself is power - He was able to put up a resistance, and carry through the work of Salvation to the end.
A Saviour had of a truth been sent mankind; the Messiah had come, as had been promised long before. The Light had descended to earth, to illumine the hearts of those men who accepted Him, who recognised Me in Him - the One who had wanted to bring them salvation from sin and death. And the light broke through the darkness. here arose in Jesus a fighter for My adversary Who conquered him, because His weapon was love, against which My adversary fights in vain; he shall always succumb to Love, for I Myself am Love, and truly, I am more powerful than he who once had precipitated you to the depths.
From luminous heights I had descended to earth, to carry My Light into the darkness, because the sun of the spirit had set, no light-ray illumined the dark night, and mankind found itself in greatest need. And those who had recognised their plight were calling to Me for help, they were calling for a Saviour who should deliver them, for these few were not entirely captive to My adversary yet, they lived a life of love and had not yet lost their link with Me, and therefore turned to me in their need, that I might send them a Saviour.
And thus I sent My Son to earth. A spirit of Light, who had gone forth out of My love, and who had remained faithful to Me when the host of primordial spirits had apostatised from Me. He had offered Himself for a deed that was singular, but nevertheless brought redemption to all mankind. He descended to earth and took abode in mankind's midst. He began His earth walk like any other man, but had taken a great Mission upon Himself: To prepare Himself, i.e. His earthly mantle, so that it could serve Me as an abode, because I desired to attend to My beings Myself, I wanted Myself to expiate their great sin, which they had loaded upon themselves voluntarily by their falling away from Me.
This Light-being, a child of My love, offered to carry out this work of salvation, and as a soul, He took abode in the infant Jesus, and began His earth-walk which was so uncommonly sorrowful because His earthly body was also to be spiritualised, to serve Myself, love eternal, for a dwelling.
At His birth, the world around Him could already recognise that this Child was the promised Messiah, because His intense Light would break through from time to time and manifest itself in the excessively wise utterances of the infant. But His soul was signally harassed by My adversary, who incited every spirit particle still pertaining to him to take possession of His body, so that by this influence the body became subject to powerful temptations, which the Man Jesus then had to combat in order not to succumb. The Love in Him gave Him the power for it, but He had to contend uncommonly, and His entire earth-walk was truly a way of the cross, which He had, nevertheless, taken upon Himself voluntarily, out of love for His fallen brethren, with whose great plight He was acquainted.
His life was, indeed, one of constant service out of love, and as I am Myself Love, I could always be in Him, and provide Him with the power to fulfil His mission: To perform the work of atonement for the sum of mankind's great debt of sin. He was My Son, He was a soul of Light Which found the complete union with Me, who accomplished the work of deification, the aim of every being created by Me: from a being to become My child, to enter wholly upon My will out of free will, and thereby to attain tot he highest degree of perfection.
Jesus was an unfallen primordial spirit, but this deification had nevertheless to take place in free will, which the walk through earth-life - a walk through the depths, brought about. And, therefore, as His soul had to be exposed to every harassment by My adversary, because the latter also wanted to possess this soul, whose fall he had not been able to bring about. And since the earth was his kingdom, the kingdom of the fallen spirit, Jesus' soul had been exposed also to all luciferic instincts and afflictions, and the Man Jesus had to resist them, He had, in the face of all temptations, to hold to Me as His Father from eternity. He had to make Me His comrade-in-arms, and He did it by constantly claiming My Love and also, with His working from love, receiving it, because Love does not deny itself, and the great love of the Man Jesus drew Me mightily. And by force of this love - since love in itself is power - He was able to put up a resistance, and carry through the work of Salvation to the end.
A Saviour had of a truth been sent mankind; the Messiah had come, as had been promised long before. The Light had descended to earth, to illumine the hearts of those men who accepted Him, who recognised Me in Him - the One who had wanted to bring them salvation from sin and death. And the light broke through the darkness. here arose in Jesus a fighter for My adversary Who conquered him, because His weapon was love, against which My adversary fights in vain; he shall always succumb to Love, for I Myself am Love, and truly, I am more powerful than he who once had precipitated you to the depths.