Wednesday, December 28, 2005



Word of God


The degree of maturity at which a man is called away from this earthly life into the spiritual realm depends on the Will of God. People come to believe that it is an injustice that God chooses certain people to bless while others through His Will have to languish in a God-forsaken state. This opinion is entirely wrong, because God who knows what people desire, always rules in Love and Wisdom. He cuts short a life when a higher development on Earth is questionable.

While for the soul in a constrained state, before its embodiment as a human being, there is a constant upwards development, until the degree of maturity of the spiritual being permits the last embodiment. Now, however, the progress of upward development of the soul acting in free will can come to a standstill, or even regress. But it all depends on the being, who's maturity has already been increased and is now in danger of having his progress come to a standstill, remaining at the same stage that it was at the beginning of his embodiment, or even in danger of slipping back, which is to be feared.

It is always a deed of God’s Mercy when a man is called away, if he has come to his maximum development on Earth. Then God in His Love protects him from sinking back, or allowing a further life that would be useless for his soul. Because the more claim he makes on the time of the Grace of embodiment, which he does not utilize, the greater will be his guilt.

A man can strive upward in childhood and then stop his efforts. Then his development comes to a standstill and God will call him away to give him further possibilities in the beyond.

It can also happen that a man is not converted until later years, having wasted a long time without thinking of his soul, and his adequate development makes a sudden upturn enabling him to reach a higher maturity. Then God will give him a longer life. God looks at man's will from all Eternity and determines his way of life accordingly. God makes no arbitrary judgments but considers each human destiny in Love and Wisdom.

And God will never withhold from anyone the opportunity to mature his soul on Earth, if he is willing to use this opportunity. Man pays very little attention to this Mercy of God and is seldom willing to accept instructions. And because God knows since Eternity, which human being will reject Him, and He also knows when a person has reached his highest degree of maturity on Earth so the length of his life is determined since Eternity. This varies depending on what God in HIS Wisdom considers best.

God will never cut short an earthly life if it still promises the human being a higher maturity. God's Love is continually concerned that each human being on Earth reaches the highest possible maturity. He will never withhold opportunities from a human being that would result in a higher maturity. He knows from Eternity about the vagaries of the human will and often keeps the soul from a complete falling away, which could happen if He did not end that earthly life.

Therefore, a man who strives constantly will reach an old age, on the other hand, old age is evidence of a slowly upward development even if Ones fellowman is not aware of it. A long life on Earth is a grace, but a short life is also evidence of the Love of God, which is always present though seldom recognized by man.


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