Friday, December 30, 2005



Word of God


Listen to what the spirit of God tells you - a time of grace has commenced, and if you are willing to strive for the kingdom of God, you can feel how blessed it is. A perpetual activity of the beings of light is noticeable, who convey to men on earth the gifts of grace from the spiritual realm. Beings of light are incarnated on earth to serve men as guides in the final time. The thinking of those men who strive towards God will be enlightened and thus they will be closer to the Truth. In the times of distress on earth God’s Love will reveal itself by helping wherever help is prayed for. Men with faith will accomplish extraordinary things and the power of faith will become evident. And thus graces upon graces will be evident as also the adversary will use all possible means to cause spiritual distress to men, but God will obviously help them.

And during this time of grace there will arise a man whose spirit is from above, whose soul is completely united with the spirit within him and who, therefore, will speak what the spirit reveals to him - the fullest truth in a very clear form. God Himself will speak through him -he will admonish people to persevere or warn them against relinquishing Him. And this preacher is the Lord’s forerunner - when he appears the coming of the Lord is near. And through this man the measure of grace will be considerably increased, for he will mean considerable support to all believers, and to the unbelievers a chance will be offered to gain faith. He will have a considerable influence on the people who hear him because he is so full of strength and might. His words will ignite and spread like wildfire in the country where he will be active. He will speak without fear and hesitation, enlighten people and draw their attention to the coming of the Lord in the clouds and to the last judgment.

However, he will not find much belief since the majority of men are no longer interested in God and the spiritual and, consequently, are of a completely adverse thinking. They do not recognize the extraordinary gift of grace and, therefore, do not make use of it. So the end is unavoidable, and the abyss is opening up to swallow all that does not recognize God and reject His Word. God keeps giving, and that which He gives is an undeserved gift of grace, designed to help people to maturity, even in these times of distress - whether it is sorrow or joy, it all serves man to lift his soul to God - it is always pointing to Him, and coaxing and guiding to the right path - it is always grace.

And when this man comes, the measure of grace will increase for men, for he is enveloped in light and radiates this light which flows from the spiritual realm. He distributes knowledge - his ward is full of wisdom and power and easy to accept as it is offered convincingly and people can understand it if they only listen to it attentively.

In His Love, God makes it easy for men to believe, by sending them His messengers who possess extraordinary power by which alone they may be recognized as messengers from heaven. However, he is attacked from all sides and only few recognize his mission and stick to him – only few draw strength from his words. But these receive an abundance of strength and grace and are able to withstand all the attacks by the world, all hostilities that now become evident. The final time will be extremely hard, but also extremely full of mercy, for everywhere God will be revealing Himself, wherever there is a heart in distress that opens up to God’s grace. And thus it will be possible to be victorious in the last battle on this earth, that the soul can emerge from it unharmed so that it can gain eternal life if it has to depart from the earth prematurely, or that it perseveres in this world to the end and is bodily removed from this earth by the Lord Himself to begin a new life on the new earth.


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