Sunday, December 11, 2005



Word of God


The incarnation of a soul can take place only when all substances have gathered within it, that have covered the way on Earth in the most varied Creations and thereby have developed towards height. Every Creation-Work must be represented in its psychical substance in order to start the incarnation -i.e. the human body becomes now the garment of such a soul, which carries within in miniature all Creation-Works. The endlessly long existence on Earth (before incarnation) brought all these substances together, and now they wait for their last embodiment. They will be incorporated as soul in the human outer-form in order to pass through the last phase of its evolution.

This incarnation is of varied duration, according to the state of maturity of the different substances which have had a certain freedom in their previous phases -even though they acted in a "you must" condition, according to the Will of God. But during the last phases, before the embodiment as man, this compulsive state was more and more loosened, so that certain instincts came through in lesser or greater intensity. Consequently a lower or higher grade of maturity was reached that became decisive in the duration of the last embodiment as man.

As soon as all soul substances have united to a human soul they strive for the last embodiment on Earth. They know that the human outer form is their last material cover and they can thereafter be freed of each earthly chain. And therefore the soul alone remains there, where an opportunity is offered for incarnation. It is understandable that the soul will prefer to reside in a place where man's aptitude adjusts to its state of maturity -i.e. where the same instincts and properties are to be found in man that match its own nature. However, this does not exclude that a soul with different inclinations tries to embody in man with strange characteristics, thus to speed up the maturing process. Then, however, the soul has often to struggle with greater difficulties during its Earth-life, because its nature will not be taken into consideration, and it will be unable to satisfy the demands that are asked from it.

In view that the soul knows in advance about the way of its Earth -life, it will not be prevented if itself makes its choice, since in each embodiment are all remedies at its disposal, in order to reach its last maturity. Through its most varied last Forms, it has within itself each tendency, only in different degrees, which it can amplify or reduce during the life on Earth, conform to its will. The soul is therefore not in- capable of acting, and the Force for it will be given also in accordance to its will. But if the soul is lukewarm in her striving, then she remains in the same state of maturity as she was before her embodiment as man -then the incarnation did not yield to a higher level of development. It will also shed the bodily cover at the time of death but is however still chained to the material world through its passions and instincts, that she should have overcome during the life on Earth.

The failure to take advantage of its incarnation on Earth produces an indescribable state of repentance, for it realizes that its right to be a child of God has been lost and can nevermore be attained…. although it has in the life to come uncounted possibilities to arrive at the contemplation of God.

However, an incarnated soul must give account before God how it used the possibilities that were given to it on Earth and has to show what spiritual success it had at the time of death. For the embodiment as man is a Mercy that can not be esteemed highly enough; it is a gift and should be treasured, by doing as man everything that serves his upward development, because once he has left Earth he never does return again.

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