Saturday, December 03, 2005



Word of God


What is the world and its matter? This question interests many people. However they are not able to solve it with their intellect. Everything visible is matter i.e. stuff that has solidified into Form. So to speak by compression it became visible, because it had been invisible i.e. spiritual substance. Spiritual substance is Force emanated from God, that according to His Will, as soon as God has given it a certain form, becomes what it is. This form is the compound of countless substances, therefore a structure that can be dissolved in order to release each single substance that it contains…. if that is God' s Will.

Therefore every Form is destructible, matter is something that has no eternal existence because it is only the cover of spiritual substances that should develop higher and thus do not remain eternally in these wrappings. Matter itself is indeed also a spiritual substance, i.e. through God' s Will compressed spiritual Force that through continuous dissolution and dispersion…. and by building again new Forms…. becomes something that after an endless long time can hide itself in such a Form.

Therefore everything visible is spiritual Force that is still at the beginning of the development, whereas the more matured spiritual is invisible to the human eye…. while using a visible Form to live in. In each Form therefore exists something spiritual, a being that is unconscious about itself, but that longs for the union with equal beings to increase with this union the fullness of Force, because each being strives for perfection.

As soon as matter dissolves, which means that a Form falls to pieces, the freed spiritual being strives towards equal spiritual beings and merges to give life to a new Form. This occurrence is the base of the changes always existing in Nature; it is therefore the cause of the continuous life and death in Nature.

The spiritual substances pass through the whole Creation, partly alone partly merged with immense numbers. Corresponding to these are also the Forms that surround them, in their size and kind. Everything that encloses spirituality is matter. But matter itself consists of those spiritual substances that are in the beginning of their evolution and therefore can be visible to the human eye. Only the already higher developed spiritual is invisible.

So everything that is visible must be considered as imperfect i.e. a spiritual that is far from God -that is only starting on its way of development. The spiritual concealed in it has already covered this way and strives now towards God. Therefore a destruction -i.e. a passing away or dissolution of the Form, means that the transience of matter corresponds to the Will of God, because that way it makes the further development of the spiritual possible.


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