Friday, December 09, 2005



Word of God


When through My Will and My Might the destruction of this earth occurs, that means of all that lives therein, then it will be proved, who can be considered as really redeemed because only these will survive the end and can enter My Paradise on the new Earth. Because to survive this last destruction work, it is necessary to have fullest belief in Me and in Jesus Christ, together with the total devotion to Me, and therefore a complete separation from My opponent. To this it becomes unavoidable the state of freedom, which Jesus purchased for humanity through His death on the cross. Only a being redeemed by His blood can inhabit the new Earth where Satan no longer has any power; where I Myself can dwell amongst My children because the condition of the Earth is again re-established as it was in the beginning.

People, whom I call from this Earth before the last end, can also experience the Redemption through Jesus Christ. They also will be blessed inhabitants in My realm where no evil power can harm or threaten them anymore, precisely because they are redeemed from it. Those people who shall inhabit the new Earth, live in equal bliss, in complete freedom, full of Light and Force, but however, in earthly spheres, since they shall build the beginning of a new Generation and help mankind that follows to a complete Redemption, that still has to live as long on the Earth, until everything is entirely spiritualized.

The first human beings on the new Earth, as already redeemed, can blissfully influence their descendants as well as everything spiritual that surrounds them and that is still bound in the creations of the new Earth. And thus this spiritual can more quickly walk the way of development. Because the time must be well used, while My opponent is in chains and has no access to the people of the Earth, because the strength and the light of the "redeemed" is so strong, that any approach to humanity will be prevented. Exactly as in the last time before the end, his influence and rage was clearly noticeable,.... as he was using all his power of persuasion to draw humanity into the abyss .... so will in the same way dominate now the influence of the Divine on Earth. Everyone will strive to reach the height and will do so easily, because there is no opposed force that can hinder it. From the redeemed mankind, people full of love, in whom the divine principles dominate, will therefore proceed once more and will entirely mature in the shortest time, and thus be able to enter into My realm of light, when their life on Earth is ended.


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