Saturday, September 16, 2006
" FEAR NOT ! "
" FEAR NOT ! "
Do not fear - only believe! Nothing shall frighten you, nothing shall oppress you if only you believe firmly and unshakeably. And thus a strong faith can mean an easier earth-life, because there is then nothing to frighten you and you can walk untroubled, your thoughts always turned towards the One Who helps you out of all trouble. You should be strongly convinced inwardly that you have a Father in heaven Who watches over His children and does not leave them in want because He love them. This strong conviction already is the certainty of its being so.
And what could be more powerful than your Father in heaven? No man on earth and no being of darkness can resist Him, and hence you need not fear that any man on earth or any creature of darkness can do you harm, if you believe in God's outsized love and the protection which He had promised. Because His written words are, "Come unto Me all ye that labour", "Ask, and it shall be given", "Knock, and it shall be opened!" - Lift your sights to Him Whose help comes. [ref. Matt. 7:7]
When you succeed in assimilating the Words of His love, when you feel yourselves thereby addressed by your Father, then you shall not resist through any doubt, and tarry in full faith till help comes. There is nothing He cannot ward off, anything that is impossible to Him. And hence there always is a solution even if you cannot foresee one. He verily finds the means; He finds a way out of all trouble.
Let these words stir you deep in your heart until all doubts have vanished; until you have fearlessly entrusted yourselves to Him and tarried patiently, because His love is meant for you, His children, and this love never shall leave you.