Friday, September 15, 2006
The destination of man is the perfection of his soul on Earth. A spiritual maturing is set as your goal, which you should strive for and accomplish in free-will, so that at the end of your Earth-life you are qualified for the spiritual realm. This irrefutable Truth is accepted only by a few, and their way of life is in accordance with it. The majority of people are still of delude thinking; they are spiritual blind and do not accept the Truth, if it is brought closer to them. They can only show a low grade of development of their souls, but they do nothing to improve this. They do not believe - neither in a purpose of the earthly life as a Creation, nor in the Creator - and do not seek enlightenment about what is enormously important: what will happen to them after they have left their earthly bodies -because they do not believe neither in a life after death.
Their disbelief does not free them however from their responsibility, because they have a free-will, -they are not forced to their disbelief, to their attitude towards God, to Whom they could open their hearts in free-will, so as to be guided always and constantly in their thinking and acting. Because every man can turn to God, and he has no valid excuse for his turning away from Him, other than that he does not wish to. Because as soon as he wants to know the Truth, it will be given to him and then man himself establishes the right relationship to God.
That the people's thoughts and wants are different is their own doing, because the will to find the Truth guarantees right thinking. And therefore everybody should examine himself as to how much he longs for the Truth. If he accepts indifferently everything as credible that reaches him, then he has no desire to know the Truth, otherwise he would investigate. And if he rejects all offerings, it also could be indifference regarding the Truth, for he does not seek and therefore can never recognize it as Truth.
It is man's own fault if he is ignorant, if he walks in spiritual blindness, because there is no longing for the Truth in him. - And no man can excuse himself that he does not know what Truth is, and that he himself could never judge it, why he refuses everything. It is indeed impossible for him to examine a knowledge regarding the Truth, because his intelligence alone cannot do it, because he has to demand God' s support for that.
But as soon as he turns to God for support and asks for an illumination of the spirit, he will clearly recognize and will be able to distinguish Truth from error. For this the faith in God is necessary, and this faith can be affirmed even by the intelligence, if the will of man is good. The whole Creation is witness to the existence of a Wise, Almighty God and Creator, and to call for help on this Creator-Spirit should be possible for every wise person, who wants to penetrate into the Truth. And he will soon receive enlightenment about his destination on Earth. And he will give to his existence on Earth the right meaning and will not continue in thoughtless indifference. He will be conscious about the responsibility towards his soul and help it to the peak of perfection.