Monday, September 18, 2006
Time and again I remind you of detaching yourselves from the world. Yet steadily you men chain yourselves more to it, hunting ever more after the goods of this world; more and more do you indulge in the pleasures of life, and ever more remote is from you the spiritual kingdom, which can never be gained simultaneously with the terrestrial world.
And this is your ruin - delivering yourselves up to that lord who drags your soul down, so that you get ever more caught up in his snares which, being gilded, are not recognised by you for what they are.
Your craving for the pleasures of life brings you death, as this craving is planted into your heart by My adversary, - he spurns you unto escalating lust, in abandoning yourselves to worldly pleasures - he fans all your sensuality into seeking and also finding their fulfilment in sin. All good thoughts are scattered by him, self-love is fanned to most intense glow; men are receptive to him alone, for they no longer ask whether they live in accordance with My will, to please Me.
They have fallen victim to the world, and hence to him who is the prince of this world. Thick darkness overlays the earth, as no spiritual beam is able to penetrate, and in this darkness, work is easy for My adversary - he ensnares countless souls, preparing a fall for them which in their blindness they are unable to recognise. He indeed gives them all they crave for in their earth-life, but their fate after physical death is a terrible one, because then he takes full possession of them and, powerless, they are unable to free themselves from his power, paying for their ease during brief earth-life with a terrible fate in eternity.
But regardless of how vividly this is brought to mankind's attention, and the urgency of warnings against the enemy of their souls, they turn a deaf ear and instead steadfastly fix their gaze upon the world, which tempts them with its glitter. And sin gains the upper hand, for whatever does not accrue to man by itself he seeks to acquire by unjust means. Nothing is sacred, neither the goods nor the life of neighbour, who serves him physically.
And under such conditions, light cannot possibly break through to his heart - he is in thickest darkness and feels just fine therein. - It is a time of depravity, a time of sin where My adversary celebrates triumphs, where the impact of My light-beams are small, with only the powers from below succeeding.
My adversary is reaping a rich harvest, and time moves towards its end. The work in the vineyard is more urgent than ever, so as to save those men not yet fully under his influence, and whose souls have not become his victims yet.