Sunday, September 17, 2006
Your inner life is not fostered by anything external; nothing formal shall advance your soul-maturity and perfection. - The transformation of your being can be accomplished only from within, whence you men need to repeatedly turn to inner silence, for introversion and removal of everything spoiling you from within, - whatever still is persisting within you is defect. You can of course be made aware from without of how to accomplish the work upon your soul, you can be instructed on what to heed, and how to avoid what harms you, and what to do to become perfect; but you must carry it out yourselves, and this by shutting yourselves off from everything external, even though you stand in the world and have to carry out your responsibilities.
This soul-work is to be carried out simultaneously, as it is entirely independent of your terrestrial activity, since it concerns your inner being, your faults and vices - it concerns man's inner life, - his thinking, volition and action which, even if directed terrestrially, has to radiate love, otherwise there can be no talk about the being's transformation.
Your soul-work therefore has to consist in refining all your thinking and striving, and the directing of same towards divine aims - you need to constantly strive for a life free of self-interest, towards selflessness, mercy, gentleness, patience and peaceableness - you have to develop all good attributes within you, driving out bad thoughts and attributes. And all this demands an earnest desire to live rightly before God. - It does not have to become obvious externally, i.e. it should not become ostentatious, yet such life in accordance with God's will always shall radiate over fellow man. It shall spurn to emulation and be of better effect than a lot of talk and formal customs, which do not yet vouch for a change of attitude.
Man can change only if he earnestly introverts, thinks about his short-comings and faults and resolves to remodel himself. And this inner transformation man must undertake himself, if he wants to achieve his aim of becoming perfect on earth. The resolve has to be followed by deed; otherwise the will is not in earnest.
And from this in turn, you shall recognise that the attainment to beatitude is not determined by denomination, but by man's will to kindle love within himself, which then totally transforms him, converting all bad attributes into good ones, being the only means to perfection - yet which can nevertheless be exercised by all men, regardless of which denomination they belong to. - Indeed, all denominations teach love. - Hence they all can lead to perfection - yet none of them can guarantee same; only man himself can attain to it through earnestly working upon himself.