Saturday, September 23, 2006
You can come to Me in confidence with all your questions and I will answer them as is necessary for you. You can only receive a little knowledge, but what I give you is enough to provide you with a glimpse into My everlasting Plan of Salvation. The knowledge I supply is enough to enable you to teach other people. It is enough to reveal to you My Love, Wisdom and Power.
The more you progress the more I increase your wisdom, and the better able you are to receive My Light and Power. My goal is that you become perfect as you were in the beginning. For this purpose you need deeper insight and a special knowledge about your purpose and My Being, My Kingdom and My workings.
You needed a very long time to come out of the depths to the heights, enabling you to become a human being. Consequently an extremely long time was needed before your development as a human being could take place. Upward development must take place in the described order. No period of development could be left out at will. Every phase must take place according to My everlasting Plan. Suitable creations were needed for this upwards development, which has become for you the concept of "Pre-historic" time with only limited results. It took eternities for the slow development of all the spirituality and the creations as you see them now. Eternities are certainly the right word for it.
Concept of time as we know it only began when the creature, "Man", was called into being by Me. Before that living beings on earth were not endowed to the extent that they could think and act independently. They also did not live with self-awareness nor did they have any conception of the past, present and future. Only a being that is equipped with intellect can be called a "Man" and live according to this concept. Only from that time on can you speak of a conscious development up- wards, in which fallen spirits are given the possibility to return to Me again. The creation of Man was the beginning of a redemption period where free will came into effect, not compulsion by Me as in pre-historic times. In that period everything took place in lawful order, and the upward progress of the soul was the irrevocable result.
Now you will ask the question: how long did the human beings live on earth, meaning "Man" with intellects capable of deciding for themselves as you see man today. The first man who could take responsibility for his thoughts and actions was Adam, while there were manlike beings before Adam on all parts of the globe. They already performed many things, which could be considered human thinking, but all their actions were instinctive, but could not be called responsible for their actions. They helped to set the spirituals free, which could not embody themselves. They also served to make ready a place for people suitable for man to go through the last test of his will.
These man-like beings were physically much like the form I held ready for Adam. The time came for the primal fallen spirits to be given back their free will, and to finally become free from the human form. Again and again the pre-historic creations gave spirituals further development in their bound condition. And for this, spirituals, the time came that they could decide for themselves.
That was the beginning of the redemption time, which is of such great importance for you. Now the intellect and free will can be used while the being lives consciously. The beginning of this period all took place so long ago you cannot imagine it. In My Will I am revealing to you the most important periods with their happenings. These are divided into easily understood phases but they are unimportant for your development. The endless number of fallen spirits takes an endlessly long time of upwards development. Therefore the pre-historic time cannot be estimated, for the embodiment of souls, as man has to take place in such a large scale that it will take eternities. It is not possible for you through research to determine the beginning of this period, although it is in man's nature as long as he is imperfect, to try to limit everything.
Man tries to limit everything to what he has observed through history. However, he will not admit there is a limit set for the time, which lies ahead of him. So man does not reject a "beginning" but an ending for them seems impossible. The former is unimportant, but the latter is so extremely important that man should direct his whole attention to what is ahead of him. This period of salvation has an end, as did so many before that.
However, My Plan of Salvation stands forever. There is never an end to the work of redemption…. because the endless number of fallen spirits need an endless time for their return. I offer them again and again the possibility to strive upwards out of the depths to the Light, to Me, from Whom they once came.