Friday, September 22, 2006






The wounds that I must inflict on you to prevent you from falling into everlasting death, are truly not the expression of anger or lack of Love, neither are they indications of punishment for your defects, rather they are medicine for illness for which you yourself are the cause, and which you must endure for the healing of your soul.


It is your own fault that you have departed from My Order, for otherwise your destiny would be only happiness and blessings. Believe Me I would have much rather prepared happiness for you but you yourself have made this impossible when you stepped out of My Order. Although I do everything I can to bring you back to this Divine Order to make you once again supremely happy.


Need and sorrow, sickness and misery are present on earth to the same degree as the offences against My Order and in the face of such need you can see to what low condition you have fallen. I would surely rather see men happy than put on them unnecessary hard tribulation in order to restore My everlasting order. And when many think that men were not such great sinners that such great misery was necessary to come upon them, then I say to you; You do not know the relationship, neither do you completely understand the effect of your misery or the maturing that your suffering serves.


You also do not know since your memory has been taken from you, what you in free will, before your embodiment as man, offered to take upon yourself. I however know everything and will put on you no greater burden than you can bear.


Besides I offer Myself to you as a cross bearer when your cross seems too heavy for you. Love moved you once to offer yourself to Me to carry a burden in your earthly life, although you do not know this or why you must suffer and I say this in particular to you who believe that you belong to Me in free will.


I would that you go your way without complaining, without knowing about the cause. That you bear your cross willingly and that you always place yourself under My Will knowing that He to Whom you submit yourself is a God of Love and that everything that comes from Him is meant to be a blessing. Therefore do not resist whatever your destiny may bring. If you want to belong to Me then do not murmur or complain but know that it is for your good and is intended to help in the restoration of My Eternal Order.


Be certain that one day you will acknowledge and be thankful that I allowed you to go this earthly way with all its difficulties, with all its great misfortunes but also with My Love, which is the reason for everything that befalls you and which seeks only your blessing.




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