Wednesday, September 13, 2006






What I administer is for your soul truly a healing medicine with which you can be healed and gain happiness and everlasting Life. But what good is this medicine to you if you do not accept it, although you know about its healing power but never put it to use. How can you benefit if you hear My Word but do not live according to it, so that the power of this Word cannot become effective in you?


You have a very effective means of healing but you do not put its effectiveness to the test. You consult with Me, your soul's physician, but do not follow My advice, and so you cannot be healed even though you are under the care of the best Physician. You do not carry out what I have prescribed and so remain in your unfortunate condition, the needs of your soul therefore undiminished you must continue to suffer since you yourself have withheld this help.


And this need of your soul has its effect on your physical needs, because I want to stimulate you to take notice as to whether your life style is the right one and to see that your soul is in danger, and it must be careful not to lose its life.


I can only offer you what will help your soul, but if you do not accept My methods then your soul will remain in sickness and will not be able to enjoy the Spiritual Life.


It will also not benefit you much if you listen to My Word but make no effort to live according to it. Only when you put My Word into practice by fulfilling My commandment of Love can you receive My power. Only when you move in Love can you be filled with My Love-force which will result in the healing of your soul and a life in Light and Power. And to this end I want to help you, so I seriously exhort you to let My Word move in your heart and act according to it.


I warn you not to treat your soul carelessly but give it the nourishment it needs without delay and help it to become healthy. I exhort you to ask Me for help when you are unsuccessful or when you are too weak to do this.


I will supply the needed strength if you cry out to Me from your heart, if you will only turn to Me in trust, call upon Me, and confess your weakness.

I am your Physician, I am your Helper Who never will leave you alone to fate but will redeem all who are sick in soul and body.






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