Thursday, June 29, 2006
Nothing is without meaning or purpose. Everything that is, is created by Me and brought into being to fulfill a purpose. So everything has its destiny. It must serve one way or another, to fulfill its purpose. Even the tiniest creation, the smallest living being, has its function, which it must fulfill, and to a certain extent is forced to. All beings are subjected to the law of nature and so cannot act against this law. Still, what is fulfilled in this lawful way is in a way also serving, because it is always to the benefit of one or another creation. This is necessary for maintaining the creations. So nothing in the entire universe is without purpose or created without meaning. The last purpose and destiny is, however, the liberation of all spirituality. The entire creation contributes according to God's wise Eternal Plan. The entire creation was brought into being only for the liberation of spirituality and each single part of creation fulfills its des- tiny in the state of compulsion.
It is a much different matter regarding man, who although they are a creation of God, still are not subjected to compulsion in his thinking, will and actions. Although the exterior of man, the body, is still under compulsion, because it is built up of spirituality which is in the beginning of its development, his soul has a certain freedom in that it can mature in free will and is not subject to a God given law. Thus in its maturity, it is liberated from the bondage of the Earth. The material serves man's free will, for serving is the real purpose of the earth's existence. Because man is not forced to serve, Love must be developed, which is the usual motive for service.
What occurred in the period of compulsion and was completed, will now experience it’s crowning as man, but all in free will. Man must serve in Love to finally become free from the bondage that the spirituals experienced as a restriction of their original power and Light. The soul of man can reach this goal because God has given him free will so that he can decide for God or His opponent, who has made him unfree, and from whom it must free himself. Serving in Love is the key to liberation from this long confinement.
What the spiritual being, according to God's Will, was forced to do in the long path in the entire creation it must do now in the last stage, in free will. It must serve in Love. In this he proves his divine origin. Love characterized the Divine being, and the human being transforms itself again to what it initially was. He accepts again what he in arrogance gave up in free will. As soon as man serves in Love his offense against God is lifted. He is redeemed from sin and finds his way back to God, from Whom he had separated. He recognizes his son ship and longs to come into the right relationship with the Father and become, through his Love, a true child of God.
But it must all occur in free will. These are the trials, which he must unconditionally endure. Man can reach his goal because he receives help from God in every way possible. However, he can also travel the long road of development in vain if he in the stage as man strives downward rather than upward. Then he misuses his free will again. He does not use the many opportunities, which are at his disposal to reach his destiny, and must bear the consequences of another path through the entire creation. Some day he will reach his goal, but the being itself determines the length of time in his bondage. God gave him the opportunity to become perfect, but will always respect his free will.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Let it be told to all of you: The time granted to you on earth is but short and do not doubt My word I guide down to earth for the sake of making you aware of the happenings laying ahead of you, because all of you would still have time to change if you sincerely wanted to. But also, you will irrevocably fall into the hands of the opponent and will, together with him, be put into bonds. You will again be forced to go through the earthly creation of which you cannot be warned enough, because it is a hard lot which you will again have to bear. But it cannot be avoided, for everything will again have to be re-cast into bondage of matter and the lawful order re-established for the sake of enabling the spiritual still bound in the form [of matter], once in the condition of the awareness of the self, to take the path of return to Me, which also demands a total re-arrangement of the surface of the earth. Amen
Word of God @
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Do believe it you people, you are approaching this event that will unexpectedly descend upon you and is such a distinct voice from above that everybody who is of good will ought to recognize it. And everyone will hear it, for it is powerful and is yet a last reminder, for shortly after that the end comes like proclaimed.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
Do not think lightly about these prophesies, do not let yourselves be disconcerted by the apparent work of building up you can observe from the side of the world, but be aware that the shadows of annihilation are already showing up. There’s not much time left to pass by until you will receive word of that disaster approaching you in the form of a star to be hurled out of its orbit because it is God’s will that the earth be stricken by a quake that is meant to, and can possibly save those people who’s will is good. There truly won’t be a lack of signs for the close end but this one sign has a tremendous effect and many people will lose their life in the course of it. And no one will be able to play deaf, for it is too enormous than that it couldn’t possibly touch everybody. Only, the success is different, for people will partly revive their weak faith and again return to God, but also partly lose their weak faith and completely turn to the opponent which will be expressed in chasing after material possessions, mostly in an illegitimate manner. And there will be a great misery amongst people. And that’s when the true faith will prove itself, which means help for every person who faithfully submits to God. For He will help all those who want to be His, who in their greatest affliction remember Him Who alone is able to help. And the time will begin where there will have to be performed proper vineyard work for the sake of helping all those who are still weak in the spirit and are to experience a strengthening of their faith. For that’s when the time of the last struggle of faith will follow that will still demand a last decision of the believers; yet, whoever will be steadfast until the end shall be blessed.[overjoyed] Amen
Thursday, June 22, 2006
That a redeeming period is coming to an end, you can belie ve without a doubt, while you are on a spiritual Level, you then can also track the spiritual development of man, thus it won’t be difficult for you to believe, that a change must take place, if I don’t want man to fall in Satan’s hands, whose performance is obvious.
For the human with the worldly intellect, this won’t be an explanation, since he will not accept to be in a spiritual low level, because he has no conception of it. For the purpose of the earth dweller is not a pure worldly one, but the spiritual development of man is the sense and reason for the life on earth, and if this obviously moves in the background, then there is no longer a purpose for life on earth and it does not need to be continued by man who totally fail to recognise their present life purpose.
It is not just the upward development of man…. The whole creation bears spiritual matter within itself, which also must move in the same development route, all kept within a certain order in the creation, but which is knocked over by man and therefore the creations on earth are no longer serving the purpose which was assigned to them. A spiritually empty humanity is not living according to my will, thus humanity will not use all the available creations according to my will, but assign them for other purposes, which will hamper or make a spiritual upward development impossible….
Such a spirit-empty humanity is occupying the earth today and is jeopardizing their future existence because they are no longer following My order on earth but knocking over the order of God and causing the brake through their own will which is contradicting my redemption plan. But the will of man is free….thus their behaviour is not being intervened, but man themselves will lay their hands on the works of the last destruction, they themselves will draw nay their own end and know not, that they are indirectly following my redemption plan through their works of the destruction while the still remaining bound spirits within the creation are in the ongoing development process because a new redeeming period is in the starting which again will take its course in the law governed Order like it is destined by My love and wisdom.
The spiritual low level is prove, that humanity in the bigger numbers won’t believe it, because every spiritua lly awakened human will see by himself, that the present condition on this earth can not remain, if of a spiritual development shall be spoken. But the very few of Mine will know, that not much time will remain until the end, because they can see the signs very clear, of which I have pointed out by word and script….
Man must see with spiritual eyes, thus he will see the condition of humanity. But if he is only watching the world, then he will only see economic development and progress, then he will have trouble to believe that all will come to an end, that nobody will be able to enjoy the very result of his hard work, of his property and worldly goods, every time he will only see the world and its progress, and spiritual thoughts will move further from his mind, as more often he watches the world and its progress….
But he won’t be able to enjoy much longer what the world has in store for him, very soon he will be abele to follow the disintegration, first through my will, through the wrecking havoc of the nature elements…. and later through human projects, for the will of man himself is judging the last work of destruction on this earth and I won’t prevent it….for I have built My plan of salvation of man since eternity according to the wrong will of man, which will give all spiritual in the whole universe again new possibilities for upward development, because I will help all for spiritual progress.
And as heralded, so it will come….no matter how much you people are ridden with unbelief against My predictions, you can expect it with certainty, that you are standing before a grand roll-over-era and that a redemption-period is ending and a new one will begin….For the time has run out, which was granted to the spirits out of My love, wisdom and power…. And it will come to pass, as it continuously will be heralded to you people. Amen.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
You have been created for the eternity. Hence you cannot stop existing for eternities even though you did have a beginning. But you were able to change your being, and you did just that and thus have robbed yourselves of the awareness of self. You still continued to exist but you were not aware of your own self anymore. Nevertheless, this condition was no bliss, it was no blissful drifting into a void but, rather, it was a condition of agony because it meant restriction for the once created free spiritual being, which also experienced this restriction as an agony.
Now, since you will exist forever you should be able to enjoy your existence; you should be able to live in a blissful condition, to work for your own joy in power and light, that is. This is your aim, the aim of all that once created by Me, to live and be active in My will, to be in bliss like Me, full of light and power and, for one’s own happiness, to be active in work and creation. Yet, countless beings radiated by Me in light and freedom have, by their own doing, lost their awareness of self. They gave up the freedom, the light and the power and chose a dreadful lot for themselves. But they could not destroy themselves and will also forever not be able to do so.
N ow, if this voluntarily chosen condition without awareness of one’s self were free of any agony, no being then would strive for a life in blissfulness; it then would have perished, so to speak, just recognized as a being by Myself. For the agony of a bound being is unimaginable and the threat of rebanishment to you humans ought not leave you untouched, for even if you are lacking the awareness of self, you will still be exposed to pain which, when looking back, you will be recognizing once having entered the [real] life. It is the spiritual man who suffers, not the carnal man whom you imagine having passed away.
And the spiritual [in man] could certainly have turned solid within but it is not wiped out, it is not without sensation and it suffers the greatest pain, even in its most minute subst ance. That’s also why the whole creation, i.e. the spiritual bound in matter opposed to the kingdom of light and its inhabitants, is unsaved and non-blissful, that is pain struck, and in its pain it yearns for redemption. The pain which the spiritual experiences is incomprehensible to you humans, because that which is given to your soul as a cover, your earthly body, is only able to experience and bear pain up to a certain degree but which is in no comparison to the agonies the soul must endure in an unredeemed state and which the still bound spiritual experiences in its outer cover as well.
But because it is not until the state of a soul, now being aware of itself, it’s only in the state of a human being it then can consciously strive for a change of its being, i.e. a transformation to its former original being. The realization that it can never cease to exist, that it will actually exist forever, will then certainly induce it to arrange for a sincere striving of its own happy eternity; to strive for a “life in bliss” and to again attain power and light, to be able to be active according to the law of divine order. But as long as it is lacking this knowledge, man lives uselessly on this earth and the soul remains bound and it also leaves its body still bound…. And thus the agonizing condition emerges again which it did not feel so much on earth. It [the soul] is dead even though it exists; on earth it did not acquire the blissful life, the condition of banishment also does now threaten it again if it does not in the kingdom of the beyond manage to come to the realization of not having ceased to exist, nor will it cease to do so either, even though it does not live on earth any longer…. Only this realizati on makes it possible for it in the kingdom of the beyond to still strive for the “life” yet and it will actually receive help in doing so.
But dreadful it is for an already self-aware soul when it again experiences the fate of re-banishment…. when the self-awareness is taken away from it and it will have to take up the walk through the creation in countless particles and will have to re-endure the endless agonies, which represents any outer form of the spiritual. For only by means of pain can the spiritual be purified to the extent of again to mature to a self-aware being, once to live and to never again lose its life. Amen.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Don’t forget, your earthly life is just given to you for the purpose of finding access to My kingdom, but which you have to sincerely look for. It’s for the sake of not forgetting your task and (possibly) get stuck in the mire of the world, so that you don’t succumb to the temptations of My opponent, who is trying to keep you away from the proper destination…. Be aware that an arduous path is the right path but it’s always I, Myself, who will meet you on this path; that I will take over your guidance and lead you safely to where your home country is…. Amen
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
An enormous event will precede the last end that is bound to make people who survive it think. It will be an omen of the end, a devastation on a small scale in comparison to the last work of annihilation of this earth, yet of such an extent never experienced by mankind from the beginning of this earth. It is a natural happening that will throw all people who are affected by it or hear of it into a turmoil, for the consequences of the incidents are too enormous as to go unnoticed. There will be created so-called dead-earth sections that show no life at all because the transpiration of the earth on those areas choke out every life. There will be a visible influence of natural forces noticed so that this phenomenon will not be traceable back to human influence because I want to reveal Myself by means of the occurrence in order to substantiate the near end, which is continuously announced by seers and prophets on My behalf.
Renewed sorrow is imminent to people and they cannot be spared of this sorrow as long as they still pay their tribute to the world and pay their respect to Me just on-the-way-by. They need to search for Me in order for Me to be found and this can only be accomplished by means of such an event that cannot be brought in context with work of man. They’ll have to feel a higher power behind it and to entrust themselves in their earthly distress to this power. But that’s why they need to be subject to this power for the sake of taking resort to it on their own. Earthly speaking, they have to be without help in order to visibly feel the help from above. That’s why a violent storm will emerge that uproots and jolts up everything. The earth will split open and from above and below people will be at the mercy of the elements against which they won’t be able to battle because their strength won’t be sufficient. An unbearable heat will already render people unable and dull before and apathetically they watch the first phenomena in nature until they then recognize their grim situation and now nearly brutally fight for their life, which they fear to loose.
And all those who are of good will I will stand by in their need and I will give them knowledge so they will see My ruling and working in all the happenings and from this insight also teach their neighbors and encourage them to turn to Me and to preach to them about My love, wisdom and omnipotence so that they may call upon Me when in danger. And I will be their guide and throughout all of the distress all those who believe in Me and are willing to serve Me in the last time prior to the end shall be saved.
For shortly after these happenings the destruction of the old earth [surface] will follow, as it is written. Yet, people are not to experience this destruction unprepared and that’s why I send ahead a shadow as a last indication, to be believed, so that people will not enter their eternal ruin but are able to be saved, if making use of their will in the appropriate manner.