Friday, June 16, 2006
You should prepare yourselves for the coming time…. For what my seers and prophets have foretold, will be fulfilled, for the time is accomplished, and man is standing before a revolutionary/roll over according to the everlasting law, which is to be understood spiritually as well as materially. It is the time of the end, the earth is changing itself, and an epoch is coming to an end for the earth dwellers, and a new one is beginning. But only a few of the humans now alive will experience this new epoch, for conditions will have to be fulfilled which only a few will let themselves undergo. For that reason the earth will come to an end, and countless people will die, because they can no more experience the new epoch.
Benevolently (compassionately) I will have mercy for the ones that come to me in the last hour and call for mercy, but there will be only a few of them, who suddenly change themselves and recognize their sinfulness and will come in the last hour to be accepted by Me. But I will that the small crowd of Mine will arrive at the last destination, that they will survive the conclusion of this period/epoch, and will enter in the new epoch, where I will need them to uphold my law and order. Therefore I tell you: Prepare yourselves for the coming time, for it will claim high demands from you, from your will, your faith and your loyalty to Me. The purpose for the coming time is to provide you with extreme maturity, but it will also take all your strength you have. For the closer towards the end your getting, the more unreal everything is appearing, of what actually is reality; the more will be fought against your faith and My name be pulled in the filth. But if you prepare yourself earnestly, you will stand above all, and your faith cannot be shaken as you belong to the ones with the knowledge. But the knowledge is the result of the love…. Hence make an effort to live an eager love life and you will then prepare yourselves well for the end….
This is my advice, which should not be taken unnoticed…. Cultivate your love….and power and light will flow your way in the measure of resistance against anything as to what is brought against you in the end time and nothing will be able to make you incapable in the last fight. Prepare yourself and don’t hesitate, for the time is heading towards the end, these redeeming epoch will be ended, for it is according to the everlasting order that there will be a change once the spiritual development is no longer successful…. No longer is there a spiritual growth to be found among man, only a few are striving towards the light, and for this few I have a new task in store, which will only begin after the change, which will be executed on this earth. Hence those, My small flock, will be reminded by Me to the eager sole work, for the last great onslaught is standing before the door, the last battle is beginning, which shall find armed fighters, who will follow Me to battle and therefore will claim victory…. they will triumph in the end over the opponent and his followers….