Sunday, June 18, 2006
It is your task on earth to be active and to work for the eternity and, if you comply with this task, your temporal lot is secure as well, even though on earth you will still have battles to stand up against so that you don’t get tired in the striving for the spiritual destination. However, if you visualize your Father in Me and now make an effort for the proper child ship, you are thus also in fatherly care and therefore your earthly life is to go on in the way the father sees fit for His children.
Now, one’s trust into the love and care of the Father sets the child free of all fear and worry, for the one is full of confidence that one’s God and Creator, one’s Father from eternity, carries out everything just right. And thus the one may work and keep busy for the eternity, for the love towards Me indwells the one which also expresses itself towards the neighbor; and the one now carries out everything with a look upwards, fully aware is the one who strives towards Me and directs one’s way of life according to My will.
To every human is given the chance to recognize one’s belonging to Me, because they are able to ponder about one’s self and one’s origin and the one is intellectually lead to a recognition, if sincerely wanting to. Hence every human can decide for a working for the eternity, but nobody is forced to do so. Every human may require My directing and guidance; but as the one may also separate in a sense of one’s own strength and power, but then just to be standing alone, isolated, incapable of a climb, even though not opposed to it. Then the one faces Me, being estranged internally, having a sense of not being My child and not seeing the Father in Me, Who asks for His child’s love. And then the one won’t be working for the eternity but only see the world with its goods and will have a desire for those like minded.
Now, at the beginning the burden of life will certainly weigh heavily upon the one because I want to lead the one’s thoughts towards Me, but the load will become increasingly lighter because an other one (the opponent) takes it away and supplies everything to the one, as being strived for, but who also demands the one’s soul in exchange for it!
Work and be active for the eternity and do not pay so much attention to the earthly life, but accept it with all the burdens and troubles, for those are truly just for your best, as everything that happens to you indeed just serves you for your perfection, you who have dedicated yourselves to Me, who are striving for uniting with Me – for My presence…. who are dedicating yourselves to Me, to be taken care of by Me…. You have truly picked the best part even though you are poor on earthly pleasures, yet you will be rewarded in My kingdom and receive so ample you will be wanting to again pass it on; and you will be able to do so, to your own bliss.
Don’t forget, your earthly life is just given to you for the purpose of finding access to My kingdom, but which you have to sincerely look for. It’s for the sake of not forgetting your task and (possibly) get stuck in the mire of the world, so that you don’t succumb to the temptations of My opponent, who is trying to keep you away from the proper destination…. Be aware that an arduous path is the right path but it’s always I, Myself, who will meet you on this path; that I will take over your guidance and lead you safely to where your home country is…. Amen