Sunday, June 25, 2006
A redeeming period is ending, for the time is fulfilled .... For My plan of salvation is arranged since eternity, and it will be carried out, according to My decision by My love and wisdom. But you human can not estimate the meaning of the ending of a redeeming epoch, for the taking place of a transformation on this earth is unimaginable to you, which will destroy all creature, in which all creation, every life, will be dissolved and wiped out ....
For such a parallel mankind has never lived through, henceforth it is unbelievable to man that earth is heading towards its end. Mankind is standing before unimaginable events, but you won’t be able to estimate the proper meaning in all events, because you are not aware of the seriousness in your situation.
You are heading towards the end .... What you see around you, what is in existence and what you can watch, that is what will cease to exist .... everything will be destroyed, and you yourself will perish in this destruction, if you do not belong to My Own, which will be guided away through My power and My will, like I proclaimed it .... which I will carry away before the eyes of the fellow man, because they belong to Me and I can and will transplant them upon the new earth, once the transformation has taken place.
For the time is fulfilled .... For every redemption period is within a restricted time frame, regardless the endless length, that man no longer knows of the beginning, thus an end you therefore think impossible .... That you must experience this end, is only the result of your own will, in the resistance against Me, which you caused and are still causing with your spiritual setting within you, otherwise it could not have gotten lost, meaning you would not had to worry for the captivation into the matter in the creations of the new earth.
Your resistance alone is cause to your fate and your lot after the end of this earth, for as soon as you drop the resistance, you are turning to Me and will belong to My own, which I will save, before the coming end. For you human beings with no spiritual connection what so ever involved with everything that has to do with the “End of the old earth”, it is incomprehensible, and you will never believe the time has come, whereby every single person has to make the decision for life or death, you must make the decision, for none of you will be spared of it.
You should not gloat in confidence that there will be no end to this “creation earth” .... For faster as you can think; the end will be here .... because the time is fulfilled. And I Myself am constant and steadfast in My Being with My action and reign. Henceforth what I have told you I must fulfill, once the time has come, My plan must be carried out.
And that which I have brought your attention to it is here, it is apparent visible in many signs, to which I showed you every time I have mentioned the end of the earth .... For who has ears to hear, he might hear .... For who has eyes to see, he shall see .... But you human will not hear nor see. Thus neither can I reveal Myself more plainly in order to force faith out of you.
But My indications will have no end, until the day has come. And blessed be the ones that believe My Word, who will live according to their believe and bind themselves to Me in love and trust. For those are the ones that are saved for time and eternity, for those I will take on in any earthly and spiritual need, and nevermore will they have to fear an end, because I will take them up beforehand the hour of horror but not without them being able to watch the scene of destruction, but only, for them to recognise My power and magnificence and for them to testify on the new earth, where there will be an end to every sorrow and where they can experience the happiness of the paradise. The time is fulfilled, and it will come just as foretold, for my word is truth and it will last forever .... Amen.