Friday, June 23, 2006
Do not think lightly about these prophesies, do not let yourselves be disconcerted by the apparent work of building up you can observe from the side of the world, but be aware that the shadows of annihilation are already showing up. There’s not much time left to pass by until you will receive word of that disaster approaching you in the form of a star to be hurled out of its orbit because it is God’s will that the earth be stricken by a quake that is meant to, and can possibly save those people who’s will is good. There truly won’t be a lack of signs for the close end but this one sign has a tremendous effect and many people will lose their life in the course of it. And no one will be able to play deaf, for it is too enormous than that it couldn’t possibly touch everybody. Only, the success is different, for people will partly revive their weak faith and again return to God, but also partly lose their weak faith and completely turn to the opponent which will be expressed in chasing after material possessions, mostly in an illegitimate manner. And there will be a great misery amongst people. And that’s when the true faith will prove itself, which means help for every person who faithfully submits to God. For He will help all those who want to be His, who in their greatest affliction remember Him Who alone is able to help. And the time will begin where there will have to be performed proper vineyard work for the sake of helping all those who are still weak in the spirit and are to experience a strengthening of their faith. For that’s when the time of the last struggle of faith will follow that will still demand a last decision of the believers; yet, whoever will be steadfast until the end shall be blessed.[overjoyed] Amen