Tuesday, June 20, 2006
A short time only is separating you from the day where My voice will sound so powerfully it cannot be ignored by anyone. A short time only will remain to live in normal conditions for you. But then will be a chaos and you people will be put before monstrous tasks: To arrange your own life and the one of your neighbors to be bearable, by means of extraordinary assistance to gain control of the chaos and, by means of the smallest means being at your disposal, to again create bearable conditions. Because you who live in areas that are hit by a natural happening of unimaginable extent will loose everything.
You people will not and cannot yet believe it because never ever before has such a natural event been experienced. But the following end of this earth still requires one such intervention from My part because once more I want to speak to all of mankind to get it to come to its senses for the sake of yet saving the ones who are of good will. And no person will be able to ignore this address, but whether or not they will now open up their hearts and ears, is still up to them. For still, at that time, most people will separate from Me, they will remain in their isolation they’ve already entered due to their unbelief and will, for this happening, seek and present themselves with any other explanation but the one: I want to speak to them, the one God wants to disclose Himself to them, Who speaks to them to get them to come to their senses, to be united with Him in deepest distress and danger.
Countless people will loose their lives and the eye of the survivors will see a monstrous devastation; the misery will be enormous and only a strong faith in Me and My help will accomplish its removal, the former of which only a few people possess. What, earthly speaking, does not seem to be possible will, with My help, still be possible and I will often have a miraculous effect upon true believers who are trusting in Me and My help.
But the earth has to be shaken, the human hearts, too, have to be touched in an unusual manner so that they prove to be helpful to the neighbor in the great misery and an obvious improvement of the situation will take place everywhere where this love with an unselfish will to help one’s neighbor is apparent. Because the purpose of My intervention is only for the sake of people, to once put aside their self and to practice unselfish love for the neighbor…. I then can also take care of their own need, I then can provide them with the necessities and I will truly take care of those who will reveal that unselfishness. There will be a misery like never experienced before, but I must speak thus distinctly so that everybody is able to recognize Me in My might, and everyone paying heed to unusual assistances not to be expected from human side will certainly be able to recognize My love. Whoever but establishes or strengthens the intimate ties with Me will be certain of My help at any time, the people without faith, however, are in trouble. They will try to help themselves and often at the expense of their neighbors; but they will not gain anything, neither physically nor spiritually.
There won’t be much time left up to this disastrous happening but the attention of you people is being drawn towards it and that’s certainly an enormous favor, for then you know to Whom you are to turn, Who will be able to help you in deepest trouble and danger. I therefore keep announcing this happening over and over and whoever hears it ought to ask for a strong faith and strength and energy in order to remain steadfast. And that’s when he/she too, will pick the path leading to Me, Who alone can help them. And they won’t have to be afraid of anything because I will assist them, no matter in what way. And all those are counted to My people who believe in Me, pray to Me, who thus unite with Me and can therefore, count on My protection and My help, always. And to those is given the duty to refer their neighbors to Me so that, when the hour has come to decide between the weal and woe of all people, they, too, will choose the path to Me. Amen