Saturday, June 24, 2006
You still don’t know what it means to be spoken to directly by Me because you people do not believe that your God and Father from high talks to you. For you are still of unenlightened spirit and you deem this not to be possible. You therefore still have a very wrong understanding of God because you put yourselves completely beside the Might that created you and thus cannot feel Its love because you are without love yourselves and therefore the working of the eternal love is incomprehensible to you. But, in not to remote a time you shall have proof that your God and Creator truly does speak and has spoken to you, for you to go through the fulfillment of My continuous announcements yourselves; and that you will go through a natural disaster of greatest extent ,which has never before befallen the earth.
Over and over I announce to you these happenings without finding any faith. But I want you to be able to believe when these My announcements will come true, for then I want you to believe too on the shortly afterwards following end and will prepare yourselves towards it. For the purpose of all My predictions is just always that you do sincerely tackle your soul-work, that you make well use of the short time and then live through the end, regardless, and not to be lost again for eternal times. i.e., having to bear the rebanishment [into matter] which you are irrevocably threatened with at the arrival of the end: if having not found your way to Me yet.
I just want to save you humans but not leave you to perish, but I cannot influence you against your will. I therefore talk to you through My messengers and make you aware of the near end, I remind you to keep thinking of your earthly purpose. I keep telling you over and over my divine teaching of love and all of you could believe if you just had an earnest will to achieve your earthly purpose of life. But you live a carefree life without any serious thought because you don’t believe in an afterlife of the soul. But I cannot do more than passing on the truth about your being and your destiny by Myself…..I cannot do more than directly talk to you by My messengers and to explain everything as comprehensible to you to the point where you can truly believe. But you don’t want to and you can’t be forced to believe My words from on high. Yet you ought to pay attention to every world event, to the condition amongst people and to the obvious spiritual low. You also ought to be critical towards yourself and your walk of life and you should meditate about the meaning and purpose of the earthly life…..You then would recognize the condition of man on your own and consider it plausible, this condition cannot remain like this; a change is due to occur and then attention will be paid to My word from on high. Yet, for obtaining faith the good will is required, for I help everyone who’d like to rise from the depths, who directs his thoughts towards Me in striving for recognition of the right and to detest the wrong..…
Truly, no better information can be given to you people than by My word….Truly you can find no better explanation except I give it to you by means of the direct address and you can believe it – it’s the great spiritual need which causes Me to grant help to you people on earth in the way that I direct the truth towards you, which is foreign to you, because My opponent is doing and has been doing everything to increase the darkness upon you people, that you don’t see anything properly anymore. To also prevent you from recognizing the voice of your God and Father who wants to help and bring the light to you prior to the coming of the end.
Listen to Me when you hear My voice by means of My messengers, do not refuse what they bring you, for you who do not believe are in greatest danger….And you can still get saved and find faith because the plain truth is presented to you….And I will give you proof of the truth of it because it will very soon be fulfilled what there was proclaimed a long time ago already: that the earth will be befallen by an enormous natural happening as not experienced before….And soon afterwards the end will truly come like proclaimed in word and scripture…. Amen.