Wednesday, June 21, 2006
With Me and My Name you should start every day, tackle every job, also every area towards fulfilling your daily responsibilities and y ou will as well be assured of a blessed work accomplishment, be it of earthly or spiritual activity. If you roam alone, meaning, without having appealed for My assistance, you will be performing much of your work in vain, you will have to fight with difficulties, or you won’t always succeed in it. An inner thought concerning Me already assures you of my support, and if you willfully appeal to Me for my blessing and support, then everything will fall into place for your best, an you can accomplish your daily chores in full calmness.
You must always know, that you are being assailed by dark forces, which have constantly access to you, when you neglect to build a protective wall around you, through the plea of My name, through the begging of my blessing for your deeds. And once they found access to you then it is much more difficult, as it was at the beginning to fend them off again from gaining access. They are weakening your will, only under summoning up all your strength, you will gain back which was neglected: by not calling Me for help.
There is an ongoing battle over your soul and often your victory is hampered through those dark forces, it would often depend on your self, while you could request for limitless power which you must always accomplish through fervent prayer for My guidance, My protection and My blessing…. That is why you should never begin your daily chores without me, you should call on My Name in your heart, plead for strengthening of one’s will and entrust yourself without reservations over do Me…. Then I can protect you against the enemy of your souls, then you will be surrounded by countless light beings denying them access, then you will be performing your daily work cheerfully and carefree with a feeling of power and inner freedom. Nothing will then be able to shake you up, because you will know, that I always will be present and will regulate everything for you.
The inner bond with me is your best guarantee for succeeding in all your plans, be they of mortal or spiritual affairs, I Myself can then always influence you and your thoughts and guide your actions correctly and useful to you. No sooner you isolate yourself from me and are loosening the bond, other thoughts also will gain power over you, supplied to you by my opponent, taking your inner freedom, causing you to worry while giving increasing access to evil powers who continue the process of inner shattering and disharmony, robbing you of your daily blessed work and endangering your soul to be bound by him. And again you can free yourself of such danger only, by taking refuge to Me, for I am ready at any time in assisting you out of your spiritual woe. But without Me, you cannot free yourself of him and his influence, without me you are too week and thus succumbed to him.
All such besiege you can escape, if you continuously surrender yourself to Me and My protection, if you always beseech me for my blessing, if you entrust your physical and spiritual welfare never without neglect to Me and call My name…. and openly acknowledge your faith to Me in Jesus Christ…. Then you are establishing a wall, which my opponent will be incapable of collapsing, from Me and My name he flees, lik ewise he will withdraw from you, if in every need and danger you only faithfully vocalize My name. Amen.