Thursday, June 29, 2006
Nothing is without meaning or purpose. Everything that is, is created by Me and brought into being to fulfill a purpose. So everything has its destiny. It must serve one way or another, to fulfill its purpose. Even the tiniest creation, the smallest living being, has its function, which it must fulfill, and to a certain extent is forced to. All beings are subjected to the law of nature and so cannot act against this law. Still, what is fulfilled in this lawful way is in a way also serving, because it is always to the benefit of one or another creation. This is necessary for maintaining the creations. So nothing in the entire universe is without purpose or created without meaning. The last purpose and destiny is, however, the liberation of all spirituality. The entire creation contributes according to God's wise Eternal Plan. The entire creation was brought into being only for the liberation of spirituality and each single part of creation fulfills its des- tiny in the state of compulsion.
It is a much different matter regarding man, who although they are a creation of God, still are not subjected to compulsion in his thinking, will and actions. Although the exterior of man, the body, is still under compulsion, because it is built up of spirituality which is in the beginning of its development, his soul has a certain freedom in that it can mature in free will and is not subject to a God given law. Thus in its maturity, it is liberated from the bondage of the Earth. The material serves man's free will, for serving is the real purpose of the earth's existence. Because man is not forced to serve, Love must be developed, which is the usual motive for service.
What occurred in the period of compulsion and was completed, will now experience it’s crowning as man, but all in free will. Man must serve in Love to finally become free from the bondage that the spirituals experienced as a restriction of their original power and Light. The soul of man can reach this goal because God has given him free will so that he can decide for God or His opponent, who has made him unfree, and from whom it must free himself. Serving in Love is the key to liberation from this long confinement.
What the spiritual being, according to God's Will, was forced to do in the long path in the entire creation it must do now in the last stage, in free will. It must serve in Love. In this he proves his divine origin. Love characterized the Divine being, and the human being transforms itself again to what it initially was. He accepts again what he in arrogance gave up in free will. As soon as man serves in Love his offense against God is lifted. He is redeemed from sin and finds his way back to God, from Whom he had separated. He recognizes his son ship and longs to come into the right relationship with the Father and become, through his Love, a true child of God.
But it must all occur in free will. These are the trials, which he must unconditionally endure. Man can reach his goal because he receives help from God in every way possible. However, he can also travel the long road of development in vain if he in the stage as man strives downward rather than upward. Then he misuses his free will again. He does not use the many opportunities, which are at his disposal to reach his destiny, and must bear the consequences of another path through the entire creation. Some day he will reach his goal, but the being itself determines the length of time in his bondage. God gave him the opportunity to become perfect, but will always respect his free will.