Tuesday, February 28, 2006






If you long for Truth I will never allow you to fall into wrong doctrine. Wherever you lack the right knowledge or have the wrong conception I will give you the explanation, because I do not want you to think wrong.

You live on Earth only a short time, but not too short to achieve redemption. During your earthly life you can totally change your being, you can change your self-love, which is strong in the beginning of your earthly life, to unselfish Love for your fellowman. Through this you can reach a degree of maturity, which enables you to enter the Light-spheres and become filled with Bliss.

Still, the degree of Bliss in the spiritual realm varies according to the condition of the soul, this determines the soul's ability to accept My rays of Light which touch it directly, coming from Me, thus implying My presence, which means unity with Me.

This union can only be accomplished with a being that has changed itself to Love. The degree of Love thus determines the degree of happiness. Man on Earth can certainly reach this degree of Love, and depart from this Earth as My true child. Then its lot is unlimited Bliss. Man can, however, fail to come to this perfection, but through deeds of Love on this Earth he can make his soul receptive for Light.

If his will turns to Me he has stood his life's test, which he has proven to Me with deeds of Love. Then the Kingdom of Light accepts his soul. There it can develop itself even further upwards. But it can never reach the degree which a man reaches who earnestly strives for perfection on Earth, because that soul is touched by Me, and My rays of Light do not find resistance, because that soul is crystallized by Love, and My Light can fully penetrate it.

Now you can understand that this degree of Bliss presupposes only ONE earthly life, otherwise the reward would have to be lessened. You will understand that the union with Me has to be established already on Earth in free will and with great effort. This Bliss is My present in return for total surrender to Me, which I will reward with My unlimited Love. Therefore, it would be an injustice of My part if I gave the same wages to those souls who have wasted their life on Earth.

The possibility to come to maturity on Earth is the same for everyone. Each has all means at his disposal. He can ask for Grace and use it as he wills. With the right use of his will everyone can reach his goal and come to perfection. All that is asked is to change into Love and everyone can practice Love, if he wants to. I do not ask anything of you that you cannot accomplish, because the help of JESUS CHRIST is available for you. That help gives strength to the right will, so that it can be turned into deeds.

If you have the right desire you all could become Eternally happy. The right will must be rewarded accordingly, because that soul must be weighed differently in the beyond than one who has neglected in earthly life to develop itself and did not strive earnestly for perfection. Understand, that such a soul stands in another degree of Light, but it can still be called Blessed because it has lifted itself out of darkness and ignorance to become a receiver of Light, even if it is still very weak. The soul can in the spiritual realm ascend to a higher blessed state, because the rays of Light, which it receives continually, increase its degree of Light. That explains why a re-incarnation on Earth is unnecessary and without purpose to come to higher maturity, because the remembrance of the soul's former existence must be taken from it and only the free will, will be decisive.

The free will can also cause regression and thus endanger the already achieved degree of Light. On the other hand, the soul keeps in the spiritual Kingdom what it already has, and can work with it successfully.

The re-incarnation of a Light-being on the Earth to fulfill a mission is a deed of greatest Love and Mercy, because its life in the flesh seems for a soul in freedom unbearable as soon as it has even a glimmer of knowledge. A being, which departs from Earth immaturely and in deep darkness, is still near the Earth but mostly unconscious of its lost physical life. Its longing for earthly possessions is strong. To place such a being again on Earth would truly not be wise or loving, because his desire would not be to strive for a higher maturity. The craving for the material must be overcome, which is much more difficult on Earth than in the spiritual realm, where the being can realize how unreal it is and loosen itself from it, which will be the beginning of its ascent.

A being with a little insight feels itself in its spiritual state already extremely happy and never longs for the ties of earthly life anymore. Each spark of insight means a little knowledge, which is Truth and makes it happy, because it can be active with its spiritual treasures. Love also urges it to share its possession with needy souls.

Each deed of Love increases the flow of Light, also knowledge and happiness. Such being will never give up its state of freedom to return to Earth because it realizes it can mature in the spiritual realm, and its work is needed.

On the other hand, when a Light-being incarnates itself on Earth is an act of greatest Love and Mercy, which demands a great degree of Love. Its concern is to bring help to human beings who dwell in great darkness and live in error, who need help so as not to sink into the depth.

Such an incarnation can enable the Light- being to become a child of God, which means the highest degree of perfection and can only be reached on Earth. That soul has to go the same way in the flesh with all the temptations of the powers of darkness. It has no privileges because of its former maturity. However, a total descent into the depths is impossible, because it is under protection of the spiritually perfected souls who will help but will never force its will.

The soul must as a human being struggle and fight, and it is without remembrance of its former existence. It must live a life of Love, serving its fellowman as leader. The lot of such a soul will be much more difficult, but it will reach its goal because love urges it to take this road on Earth, and Love is the power which overcomes and attains everything because it means union with the Everlasting Love Itself, and it will always find support from Me.















Monday, February 27, 2006



Joh 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.



Men cannot comprehend the mutual relationship of body, soul and spirit. And therefore it is difficult to explain them the function of the spirit. The spirit is opposing the body, while the soul stays between both, so that in a way it has to decide for the body or for the spirit, but can never turn to both.


At the beginning of the embodiment as man, the soul is completely devoted to the body. It has therefore the aim to fulfill all desires of the body, i.e. thinking, feeling and the will - as the soul of man - are tuned solely to the body, who as itself still matter seeks to join with matter too. Therefore man longs only for material goods, because they are the sum of all that suits the body.


Therefore the spirit does not make itself felt. The soul does not listen what the spirit wants from it. The spirit cannot carry through itself because the body still has the priority and seizes the soul entirely, thus dominating its thoughts and aspirations.


But the soul can also recognize the worthlessness of earthly things. It can consider the bodily wishes as unimportant, it can demand more from the Earth-life than only materialistic goods. Then comes the spirit into its right, it makes itself heard, and will be listen to by the soul.


The soul starts to follow another direction, it asks nothing for the body, but strives for spiritual goods. It accepts instructions, i.e. it accepts without contradiction what the spirit conveys for it. It feels happy and so pays less attention to the body, or tries to make the body receptive to what the spirit asks of the soul: to give up earthly matter and trade in spiritual goods.


Now the spirit is victorious over the body. Both spirit and body try to win the soul for themselves and if the spirit succeeds in displacing the desires of the body it is victor.


But what is to be understood by the "spirit"? The Spirit is the Divine in man -   it is that which marks man a divine Creature; it is that which unites man with the Father-Spirit from Eternity. It is the consciousness in man, to be united eternally with the Father-Spirit of Eternity. As soon as the Spirit enters into action, only then man can recognize himself as a "Creature of God. Previously as a living being he was only conscious of himself, who tries to get everything that life offers.


But when man recognizes himself then the world is nothing more for him; then he searches for higher goods…. then his thoughts are directed toward the spiritual realm; then he will seek contact with the One Who gave him life; then his thinking is right and his wishes and acts according to the divine Will of God.


Then the Spirit of God in man is working, to whom the soul now gives away, thus the Spirit guides and teaches it, so that body, soul and spirit become one, establishing the union with God, because the Spirit presses incessantly towards the Father-Spirit, with Whom it is united and remains so in all Eternity.





Those that receive the Word of God in their heart do know about their obligation towards Jesus Christ, to distribute His Word of Truth to all those, which are in spiritual needs.

His Word to us is spiritual food for the soul and the world around us is in need for spiritual food from God.

Please make sure to live up your obligation because of your Love to Jesus Christ and to your neighbours.

Send this message to family and friends. "... freely ye have received, freely give." Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to:



To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION

...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler, etc.

..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations.

   (german homepage)

for english downloads contact:

432 revelations in numerical order


18 theme booklets

God answers our Questions about the universe
God Himself beams the truth to earth
God's proclamation to the dying world
I will guide you into truth 1 - 3
Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings
Souls in the beyond 1 - 3
Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
The Christ Problem
The Forerunner of the Lord
The Mystery of Man
The New Earth
The salvation plan of God
Thus it shall come to pass
Who was Bertha Dudde

FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.


Sunday, February 26, 2006






All your spiritual questions will be answered as that will help to provide clarity where truth must be distinguished from error, provided that you are anxious to find the pure truth. For when you are governed by the desire to have your already existent views corroborated, you are not receptive for pure truth. You must ask for this and desire to receive the right answer.


The mother of My physical body on earth had already been chosen from eternity to become the mother of the Savior of mankind. She possessed an enlightened soul, which incarnated on earth for this sublime mission, and she was pure and perfect compared with her earthly sisters. However, she still had to go through a hard life in order to attain to the supreme bliss in the spiritual kingdom and become a true child of God, i.e., to achieve the supreme goal: complete union with Me. With the fulfillment of her mission she became entitled to be considered as "holiest being" in the spiritual kingdom, for through the suffering she had had to go through on earth she had become an image of God. Through her love for Me she was placed in a state of suffering thanks to which also her physical body was spiritualized. Thus she became a shining example of a mother bearing the deepest sorrow for her child.


However, the divine adoration shown her by people is not in accordance with My will. For although she was the mother of My physical body, in the spiritual kingdom she is a being of light, full of love and wisdom that wants to help men towards light and beatitude.


Beatitude in the spiritual kingdom is possible only in union with Me, and this a soul can only achieve through conscious aspiration for such a union. Thus, the thoughts of him who wants to gain beatitude must be filled with Me as their sole aspiration. He must seek this union with Me of his own free will, unbiased by spiritual forces because, if it were allowed, every human being would feel the influence of these forces that wish to help men out of their great love for them.


The soul has turned apostate from Me of its own free will, and of its own free will it must return to Me. Any influence by the beings of light would amount to a limitation of the free will. The action of the free will consists in the voluntary striving of this will toward Me, toward a union with Me, and this striving will be in every way supported by the beings of light. However, any adoration of a being of light is a will in the "wrong direction". The beings of light are within the love for Me, they keep worshipping and praising Me and never wish to accept any adoration for themselves knowing Me to be the Being most worthy of adoration.


He who correctly understands the relationship with Me of the beings of light whose love for Me has kindled into a bright fire, will also realize how wrong the thinking of those people is who show such adoration for the Mother of God. They will also understand that this cannot be My will, for this way people are kind of creating for themselves a "second God", a being whom they show adoration which it does not wish to accept. Man should at all times strive for a union with Me in order to achieve the goal still on earth.











Saturday, February 25, 2006




 I give you a genuine gift; and recognising this, you can be of good cheer.   How can the world harm you, if I stand in front of you as a protective shield and do not let anything come near you?  Hence take your stand behind the shield of faith, and you shall be safe against the onslaught of those who mean you no good.   I constantly stand by your side, ready to protect you at the moment of danger. And this faith has to be so convincing that you banish every fear and distress.

I am with you, and prevent you from being caught up in the undergrowth -which the many constraints of the world present to you and to which you fear succumbing. Just look up and call me mentally, and you shall never walk alone but always in My company, whereupon you walk free of care till the end of your days. The world shall still harass you much indeed but his must not make you anxious, because I am stronger than the world, and if the world pressurised you I nevertheless want you to be at peace, they shall be unable to accomplish a thing against you.

Hence be happy and of good cheer and scorn the world, i.e. regard neither it nor what comes out of it. My kingdom shall compensate you for what the world denies you, and to dwell in My kingdom truly is desirable, for you will not be disappointed.  I am Lord also of this terrestrial world and I also arrange your earth-life, but leave this care entirely to me and do not be weighted down therewith too, because the state of your soul is much more important and this you should remedy. Earth-life I Myself can regulate for you, but the spiritual life you have to shape yourselves, according to your will; and so that nothing would detract from the work of your soul, I take over the care for your body with all its needs for its maintenance and fulfilment of the earth task.

And since I am making this promise, you can verily entrust yourselves to Me - everything coming over you shall work for the good of your soul. And therefore I demand fullest trust in My assistance, and help shall be given you in whatever cares you may have. Because nothing is impossible to Me and I hold all the reins of infinity according to My Will; in Wisdom and outsize Love, for the greatest benefit of My beings, for whom I want to prepare a blissful lot into all eternity.


Friday, February 24, 2006






What serves the benefit of your soul in your earthly life has been foreseen from eternity, and therefore you can consider everything as having been provided by Me, joyful and edifying, each experience, difficulty and tribulation, all serving only for the development of your soul. And if you look at the course of your life from this point of view, then nothing shall bother you, burden you or frighten you for it is all for the best. With each experience you can mature, drawing benefit for your soul if you always acknowledge Me as the One who allows it to happen to you, and so remain united to Me constantly directing your eye upward toward your Father. Fear and worry disappear if you submit them to Me that I may help you. You are never alone when you allow Me beside you, nor do you ever want to be alone if you do not exclude Me from your life, if your thoughts, your will and actions are totally entrusted to Me.

Then this will I do for you, I will lead you for you are a doer of My Will. How free from cares and worries could your life on Earth be if you would only continually walk with Me. But so often the world creeps in, separating you and I, the world is ever before you and you put Me in second place, even though you want to belong to Me. The world is too important to you and you do not understand your weakness since the world surrounds you. However, as soon as you value Me above the world, as soon as you put Me first in everything then the world will bother you no more, neither disturb you and it will not be difficult for you to overcome the world and be master over whatever it offers you.

Try it, let Me care for you, and trust yourself in complete faith to My protection and care making your first duty toward Me. Love according to My Word, diligently working for Me and My Kingdom and at the same time proclaiming My Will also to your fellowman, constantly pointing out to them their true destiny, urging them to work for their souls, bringing them what you have received from Me, My Word, which shows them where they are still walking in darkness. Draw to the attention of your fellowmen that I lead the destiny of all men, that nothing happens to a man without meaning and purpose, that the purpose of every occurrence is for higher spiritual development, and that everything is bearable if I am asked for help and acknowledged as the controller and Creator of Eternity and prayed to for My Fatherly care. Warn them not to forget Me for the sake of the world, then the way will be easier for each and every man on this earthly pathway and their souls will derive benefit from their earthly life. The development of your soul is My only purpose when you have to go through suffering.

But you can make it bearable if you give heed to My Word and always let Me go with you. For I am your Father and want only what is best for My children.




Those that receive the Word of God in their heart do know about their obligation towards Jesus Christ, to distribute His Word of Truth to all those, which are in spiritual needs.

His Word to us is spiritual food for the soul and the world around us is in need for spiritual food from God.

Please make sure to live up your obligation because of your Love to Jesus Christ and to your neighbours.


To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION

...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler,

..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations.

   (german homepage)

for english downloads contact:

432 revelations in numerical order


18 theme booklets

God answers our Questions about the universe
God Himself beams the truth to earth
God's proclamation to the dying world
I will guide you into truth 1 - 3
Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings
Souls in the beyond 1 - 3
Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
The Christ Problem
The Forerunner of the Lord
The Mystery of Man
The New Earth
The salvation plan of God
Thus it shall come to pass
Who was Bertha Dudde

FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.


Thursday, February 23, 2006






The spiritual need of the world is great. It is again at a low level as at the time of My coming to Earth, because people are no longer able to hear My voice. They can no longer hear Me, neither do they have a desire to hear Me but live their earthly lives without a purpose or spiritual plan. Instead they are busy pursuing earthly goals. They can no longer find their way to Me, so they separate themselves from the One Who should be their only goal. They no longer believe in Me because they do not know Me, and so do not sense My Love which could lift them out of their low spiritual condition.


This could be described as a desperate situation because ignorance brings with it a painful state in eternity, which they could escape if they would use their earthly life in the right way. I know about this frightful lot of the soul, I see men go into the abyss in their blindness. I tell them about it and warn them. I send leaders along their way, who would set them on the right road which leads to Me. But their will is persistently directed to the world. They do not accept instructions, but would rather resist Me and by doing so separate themselves from My Grace.


They rebel against the One Whom they should Love with all their heart, to Whom they should draw closer as children to their Father. But they would rather follow the call of the world, they live only for this earthly life, therefore I cannot come close to them and they cannot hear My Word through which I desire  to win them for Eternity. Still, I will not let them go. If they do not listen to Me, I seek to come to them in other ways. I send My servants whom they may not reject openly, and through these messengers speak to them words of Love and care for their souls.


I want to come to My children but they will not receive Me, thus I chose a cover, I hide Myself behind those who follow Me, who have contact with these who are still far from Me.


So I come near and reveal Myself to them. Even when they do not recognize Me they hear My messengers.


Can you understand now why I appear in unusual ways bringing My Word to Earth, and speaking through servants who are devoted to Me? Can you understand the great need that I want to meet, and why I use all means to gain access to people of the world. There is not much time left before the end so help is urgently needed. Would I let My creatures be lost and not want to save them from a repeated path through the creations?


You cannot measure the exceedingly great spiritual need of mankind, but I take pity on men who still have so many opportunities to fulfil their earthly purpose but never consider what will become of them after death. I have compassion on them, still I cannot come to them in any other way but through My Word. I can only teach them and remind them of their need but because of their free will I cannot force them to walk My way.


This I can tell people, that I truly use all means to help them and therefore spiritually take My abode on those who will help Me to redeem mankind.


So believe those whom I send as My messengers. Believe that the spiritual need is exceedingly great, that I accept all who do not resist Me and that I will draw close to those who acknowledge Me, if they will.


So, let Me help you, do not reject Me, return to Me and escape the abyss. There is still time but the time which I give you before the end is short. Accept My warnings and follow My servants that I send you. Acknowledge in this the great Love of your Father Who wants you all to return to the House of the Father, and be blessed.










Wednesday, February 22, 2006






It seems strange to you that I do not appear in great glory; that is to say, that I do not make My presence known through the aid of obvious phenomenon, but rather manifest My presence, where I am accepted, through My Word ….without pomp or show.

The world wants wonders. Those who are Mine, however, see wonders everywhere and recognize Me despite the plainness of My vestments and feet My Spirit which is not manifest as a blinding-light but rather as a soft enlightening glow that radiates from within out of the heart where I can linger.

The world wants wonders and falls to see the greatest of them all, FOR IS IT NOT A WONDER that you can perceive the voice of God ...that I personally speak with you as a father speaks to his children?

IS IT NOT A WONDER that I personally answer questions that arise in the thinking person and for which he, out of himself, can find no answer? IS IT NOT A WONDER that you each contain within yourself the teacher who can instruct you in the ways of genuine truth?

Those who search for God in the remote distances will never understand this wonder nor believe in it, for you do not allow Me to work within you; therefore, I cannot make Myself known unto you. Those who are Mine, however, who have established ties through their thoughts and feel that I am beside them, are impressed even though they do not comprehend the fullness of the wonder that they experience. This is wisely arranged, that they may remain free and unencumbered in their relationship with Me; that they regard Me as a friend and brother with whom they may discourse without hesitation or awe. I am closer to these then to those who would try to comprehend Me with their intellect and never ever find Me.

Unusual phenomenon will take place, however, and these will stand as a witness for Me and will be a source of definite encouragement for those who are weak, yet not without faith. My Word will speak for itself and offer the world proof of My being. The substance of those truths, which are guided from on High is a more manifest wonder than any supernatural occurrence attributed as an "Act of God". Those followers who remain simple and who receive My Word with sobriety and pass it on in the same spirit will feel no unusual inner emotions, but their souls will experience the grace and enlightenment of God even though man as such is unaware of this occurrence.

The reason for this seeming unawareness among My followers is that My influence must in no way work forcibly upon the free agency of their souls. Let no negative thoughts minimize the worth of these manifestations and know that I personally am present and when you hear My voice, know that this is the greatest wonder that only few believe in or aware experience. The world wants to see and be astonished, not to quietly listen and give thanks for every revelation acting as a mediator for My Word from heaven to Mankind.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006






You have been told that judgment is near! Yet, you doubt and do not heed My words seriously. If you believed, you would cease all earthly arrangements and prepare only for the day of fulfillment. You do not know the day, yet it should be sufficient that I, your CREATOR and FATHER in Eternity, indicate that the time is short before the end. If it were not so, I would not repeatedly urge and warn you; but would rather leave you without further admonition.

So hear then! Your days of grace grow shorter and time is quickly running out. All earthly preparations are in vain. I will take care of My own so that they may have that which they need. All others will find security in nothing; even though they are in league with My adversary who has helped them to the riches, honors and wisdoms of this earth. This adversary will be powerless to protect his own on the day of terror, when I, through nature, will attempt to bring mankind to their senses; that they might think of their GOD and CREATOR, and trust Him in their dire need.

All things will fall prey to the forces of nature. Nothing will be preserved save that which I would save. Let man endeavor to be worthy of My Grace. Unite with Me in works of Love…. communicate with Me in your innermost self ... speak with Me, and listen to My answer! Your rewards will be far greater than if you continue to strive only for physical well-being, earthly riches and promotions.

Believe that soon will come to pass that has been foretold you. Believe that there is no longer much time and do not concern yourself with how best to turn earthly investments into profits for such manipulations will be in vain. You who will witness unto My Word will be given a sign that will help strengthen and encourage you in your convictions.

A star is approaching the earth with great velocity. This phenomenon will appear shortly before judgment is fulfilled. Those who believe will then know that the hour is at hand. Do My Will! Give mankind knowledge of what lies before them! Take their attention to this matter! Communicate with Me in prayer that I may give you the strength you will need for these trying hours.

Fear not! Believe that I will save you in your need; that you may complete the mission for which I have groomed you.…  that afterward you may bring My Word to those who come forth unscathed through the danger.


Know that the time is short! Things will be as I have appointed them to you! Believe it and prepare yourselves accordingly, for time has run out, and I WILL VERY SOON APPEAR !


Monday, February 20, 2006





 What you must do is bring all your cares to Me for I truly am the best Healer and Redeemer Who can take all your sickness, and make you healthy in body and soul, and will give you an everlasting and indestructible life. On earth you still feel bound to the use of medicines but if I do not bless them, if you do not ask Me to bless them they will not produce their intended results and may even do you harm. I can help the sick to become healthy without outside means, and this I do, as soon as I see that suffering for him is no longer necessary, as soon as its purpose of purifying the soul has been accomplished.

Sickness of the soul and the body are related. You cannot imagine what considerable influence in the development of the soul the sickness of the body has, and how grateful the soul one day will be that it was allowed to go this way in the flesh in order to reach greater maturity in a short time.

Therefore when you suffer you must always pray "Father your Will be done". Then I will do My part as you must do yours. Then I come to you as Savior of body and soul and your healing is certain. But bear your sickness and your weakness so that your soul will be strong, so that your soul can develop upward and that it will long much more for unity with he spiritual realm when the body offers no resistance, which it would in a healthy state. Then your soul will be much better formed through suffering when it leaves its earthly cover.

When you are always conscious of My nearness and My working then the process of healing for body and soul will take place quicker. Then you can in faith expect a miracle to take place if you know that nothing is impossible for My Might and My Power, and that My Love will always help. A strong faith is the best medicine and will never fail.

So bring all your cares to Me and you will be set free of them. But come with a strong unbending faith and you will not be disappointed.






Sunday, February 19, 2006






That, which is weak will not experience the end. I know very well how the souls of individuals are, what will they have in them and what degree of maturity they possess, which is also the yardstick for the strength of will in the last battle of faith.


I know that this final belief in Me demands great strength, which only few people can muster and that a totally live faith is required to withstand and to preserve loyalty to Me.


Wherefore, the gates of paradise upon the new earth will be opened to the faithful followers and confessors in order that their love for Me, which they have shown to the end, may be rewarded.


But people who are weak in belief will not withstand this last battle upon earth. I will deflect the danger of moving away from Me in order that they do not fall into the hands of My opponent, and I will still give them the opportunity to continue their evolvement in the Beyond, which privilege will no longer be available for a long time after the end of this earth.


They will not be able to stand the requirements and hardships of the final season and will physically conclude their life before that time. For they have not turned away from Me, they only lack the living faith that enables them to be a real fighter for Christ.


There will be many who decide for Me that is, they carry within them the belief in a God of Love and Wisdom; however, cannot increase it to that strength that they trust Me without worry and ask for My help.


Those souls I take away from the earth, otherwise they would be lost for very long times.


But the strong one remains faithful to Me until the end and will be removed by Me before the destruction of the old earth.


This occurrence will have to be clear to you likewise understandable for you must be, that those weak souls cannot populate the paradise of the new earth, which can bear only spiritually mature people who admit among them My presence according to what I have promised you.


Finally there must be a separation between rams and sheep. The old period of evolution will end with banning the failing spiritual into solid matter. A new period will be with a mature humanity, which finds itself in a state of blessedness already upon earth, because it resisted, being tested by Me sufficiently while on earth.


Such maturity of soul admits My presence among My children. Weak souls, not yet matured, would not be able to bear My presence; therefore, the new earth is no mansion for them.


Yet, in the Beyond, they proceed to the height of their early conclusion of life; wherefore in the Spiritual Kingdom they will enjoy privileges that help them to arise to the height.





To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION

...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler,

..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations.

   (german homepage)

for english downloads contact:

432 revelations in numerical order


18 theme booklets

God answers our Questions about the universe
God Himself beams the truth to earth
God's proclamation to the dying world
I will guide you into truth 1 - 3
Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings
Souls in the beyond 1 - 3
Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
The Christ Problem
The Forerunner of the Lord
The Mystery of Man
The New Earth
The salvation plan of God
Thus it shall come to pass
Who was Bertha Dudde

FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.


Friday, February 17, 2006







Do not be misled by supposed contradictions. Rather see the reason in the fact that you do not understand sufficiently, and there need not be a contradiction, but you only suppose it to be. It must be sufficient for you to know that I will not teach you wrongly. I will bring you this knowledge in such a way that it will benefit your soul.


The Karma teaching is not proper to urge you to a strong spiritual striving. It is more apt to bring you to a lukewarm spiritual walk. For that reason it is of little use for the soul and it does not have My full approval in that you reckon with a Re-incarnation on Earth, and thereby become negligent in your striving.



The development of the spirit is certainly supported by ME in every way. When I see a good way of bringing your soul to maturity I will be ready to approve of it. Of course it must be according to MY Divine Order and not just to create a possibility. So you must understand that I will not direct you to a repeated path of development on this Earth, which, suppose that you failed in your former life. But I want to save you from failing, and therefore I warn, admonish and teach you in order to prevent a failure.


It would be a wrong way of educating to direct you to another path to reach your goal, while you still have the right way before you, and with a good will must and can go. The knowledge of it shall serve to make you strive higher and not to draw the wrong conclusions and become negligent in your efforts, in the hope that you will have another life on Earth, if you do not reach your goal.


My Spirit will give you an explanation if you turn trustingly to Me. I give you an insight, through My servants, to discern to what extent your thoughts are the Truth. If you knew of the endless possibilities of a further development on the innumerable celestial bodies in the universe, you would never come to the conclusion that the soul will be placed back on Earth again. Indeed, the soul, which has not reached maturity, must still go through many embodiments to prove itself and develop upwards.


The doctrine of re-incarnation of the soul is in a sense the Truth, but it does not mean that the soul will be born in the "flesh" on Earth. But it points to the many possibilities on other creations for a further development, where the soul can be given an assignment materially or spiritually which, by fulfilling this, assures an ascent to higher spheres.


When a soul repeatedly is placed on this Earth is an exception, to fulfill a spiritual mission and cannot be considered common. The immature soul which is taken away from this Earth will imagine itself still on Earth, believing to have been placed in a desert and unfruitful part of land, but in reality it is placed on another planet according to its maturity, with more primitive creations, which means for the soul a poor and oppressing condition.


This is an opportunity for purification of the materialistic soul, which has to overcome its desires, in order to be placed on another work of creation, to develop itself to a higher state, according to its will.


Because you love this Earth the word, "Re-incarnation" signifies to you that this Earth is the dwelling place for re- incarnated souls. You must realize that the exceedingly great creation work of My Love is brought into existence because of the innumerable spiritual beings who have to go the path to perfection in one way or another, in the material creation as long as the soul is not yet spiritualized and receptive for Light.


And in spiritual creations, where also the spiritualized soul can develop still higher, where it can be purified more and more, and make itself ready to receive the emanation of Myself. Imagine for yourself the infinity, see the starry heavens whose innumerable stars are creations of My Will of Love, determined to accept souls who need further maturity. You will then realize that the Earth is not the only carrier of beings who must strive upwards. Realize, it is truly not necessary for souls, who have failed on Earth, to be placed again on this Earth, though it is indeed the only station to reach the son- ship of God, but it can still not be chosen at will, and repeatedly, as a place to mature further.


So the doctrine of a repeated return to the Earth must be declared as wrong. It must be disputed and looked upon as harmful for the soul, because it weakens man's will and endangers the earnest change of the being by the expectation that it can make up for any neglect in a repeated life, until final perfection.    AMEN




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