Friday, February 24, 2006






What serves the benefit of your soul in your earthly life has been foreseen from eternity, and therefore you can consider everything as having been provided by Me, joyful and edifying, each experience, difficulty and tribulation, all serving only for the development of your soul. And if you look at the course of your life from this point of view, then nothing shall bother you, burden you or frighten you for it is all for the best. With each experience you can mature, drawing benefit for your soul if you always acknowledge Me as the One who allows it to happen to you, and so remain united to Me constantly directing your eye upward toward your Father. Fear and worry disappear if you submit them to Me that I may help you. You are never alone when you allow Me beside you, nor do you ever want to be alone if you do not exclude Me from your life, if your thoughts, your will and actions are totally entrusted to Me.

Then this will I do for you, I will lead you for you are a doer of My Will. How free from cares and worries could your life on Earth be if you would only continually walk with Me. But so often the world creeps in, separating you and I, the world is ever before you and you put Me in second place, even though you want to belong to Me. The world is too important to you and you do not understand your weakness since the world surrounds you. However, as soon as you value Me above the world, as soon as you put Me first in everything then the world will bother you no more, neither disturb you and it will not be difficult for you to overcome the world and be master over whatever it offers you.

Try it, let Me care for you, and trust yourself in complete faith to My protection and care making your first duty toward Me. Love according to My Word, diligently working for Me and My Kingdom and at the same time proclaiming My Will also to your fellowman, constantly pointing out to them their true destiny, urging them to work for their souls, bringing them what you have received from Me, My Word, which shows them where they are still walking in darkness. Draw to the attention of your fellowmen that I lead the destiny of all men, that nothing happens to a man without meaning and purpose, that the purpose of every occurrence is for higher spiritual development, and that everything is bearable if I am asked for help and acknowledged as the controller and Creator of Eternity and prayed to for My Fatherly care. Warn them not to forget Me for the sake of the world, then the way will be easier for each and every man on this earthly pathway and their souls will derive benefit from their earthly life. The development of your soul is My only purpose when you have to go through suffering.

But you can make it bearable if you give heed to My Word and always let Me go with you. For I am your Father and want only what is best for My children.




Those that receive the Word of God in their heart do know about their obligation towards Jesus Christ, to distribute His Word of Truth to all those, which are in spiritual needs.

His Word to us is spiritual food for the soul and the world around us is in need for spiritual food from God.

Please make sure to live up your obligation because of your Love to Jesus Christ and to your neighbours.


To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION

...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler,

..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations.
   (german homepage)

for english downloads contact:

432 revelations in numerical order


18 theme booklets

God answers our Questions about the universe
God Himself beams the truth to earth
God's proclamation to the dying world
I will guide you into truth 1 - 3
Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings
Souls in the beyond 1 - 3
Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
The Christ Problem
The Forerunner of the Lord
The Mystery of Man
The New Earth
The salvation plan of God
Thus it shall come to pass
Who was Bertha Dudde

FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.

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