Saturday, February 25, 2006




 I give you a genuine gift; and recognising this, you can be of good cheer.   How can the world harm you, if I stand in front of you as a protective shield and do not let anything come near you?  Hence take your stand behind the shield of faith, and you shall be safe against the onslaught of those who mean you no good.   I constantly stand by your side, ready to protect you at the moment of danger. And this faith has to be so convincing that you banish every fear and distress.

I am with you, and prevent you from being caught up in the undergrowth -which the many constraints of the world present to you and to which you fear succumbing. Just look up and call me mentally, and you shall never walk alone but always in My company, whereupon you walk free of care till the end of your days. The world shall still harass you much indeed but his must not make you anxious, because I am stronger than the world, and if the world pressurised you I nevertheless want you to be at peace, they shall be unable to accomplish a thing against you.

Hence be happy and of good cheer and scorn the world, i.e. regard neither it nor what comes out of it. My kingdom shall compensate you for what the world denies you, and to dwell in My kingdom truly is desirable, for you will not be disappointed.  I am Lord also of this terrestrial world and I also arrange your earth-life, but leave this care entirely to me and do not be weighted down therewith too, because the state of your soul is much more important and this you should remedy. Earth-life I Myself can regulate for you, but the spiritual life you have to shape yourselves, according to your will; and so that nothing would detract from the work of your soul, I take over the care for your body with all its needs for its maintenance and fulfilment of the earth task.

And since I am making this promise, you can verily entrust yourselves to Me - everything coming over you shall work for the good of your soul. And therefore I demand fullest trust in My assistance, and help shall be given you in whatever cares you may have. Because nothing is impossible to Me and I hold all the reins of infinity according to My Will; in Wisdom and outsize Love, for the greatest benefit of My beings, for whom I want to prepare a blissful lot into all eternity.


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