Sunday, February 19, 2006






That, which is weak will not experience the end. I know very well how the souls of individuals are, what will they have in them and what degree of maturity they possess, which is also the yardstick for the strength of will in the last battle of faith.


I know that this final belief in Me demands great strength, which only few people can muster and that a totally live faith is required to withstand and to preserve loyalty to Me.


Wherefore, the gates of paradise upon the new earth will be opened to the faithful followers and confessors in order that their love for Me, which they have shown to the end, may be rewarded.


But people who are weak in belief will not withstand this last battle upon earth. I will deflect the danger of moving away from Me in order that they do not fall into the hands of My opponent, and I will still give them the opportunity to continue their evolvement in the Beyond, which privilege will no longer be available for a long time after the end of this earth.


They will not be able to stand the requirements and hardships of the final season and will physically conclude their life before that time. For they have not turned away from Me, they only lack the living faith that enables them to be a real fighter for Christ.


There will be many who decide for Me that is, they carry within them the belief in a God of Love and Wisdom; however, cannot increase it to that strength that they trust Me without worry and ask for My help.


Those souls I take away from the earth, otherwise they would be lost for very long times.


But the strong one remains faithful to Me until the end and will be removed by Me before the destruction of the old earth.


This occurrence will have to be clear to you likewise understandable for you must be, that those weak souls cannot populate the paradise of the new earth, which can bear only spiritually mature people who admit among them My presence according to what I have promised you.


Finally there must be a separation between rams and sheep. The old period of evolution will end with banning the failing spiritual into solid matter. A new period will be with a mature humanity, which finds itself in a state of blessedness already upon earth, because it resisted, being tested by Me sufficiently while on earth.


Such maturity of soul admits My presence among My children. Weak souls, not yet matured, would not be able to bear My presence; therefore, the new earth is no mansion for them.


Yet, in the Beyond, they proceed to the height of their early conclusion of life; wherefore in the Spiritual Kingdom they will enjoy privileges that help them to arise to the height.





To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION

...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler,

..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations.
   (german homepage)

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432 revelations in numerical order


18 theme booklets

God answers our Questions about the universe
God Himself beams the truth to earth
God's proclamation to the dying world
I will guide you into truth 1 - 3
Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings
Souls in the beyond 1 - 3
Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
The Christ Problem
The Forerunner of the Lord
The Mystery of Man
The New Earth
The salvation plan of God
Thus it shall come to pass
Who was Bertha Dudde

FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.

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