Sunday, February 26, 2006






All your spiritual questions will be answered as that will help to provide clarity where truth must be distinguished from error, provided that you are anxious to find the pure truth. For when you are governed by the desire to have your already existent views corroborated, you are not receptive for pure truth. You must ask for this and desire to receive the right answer.


The mother of My physical body on earth had already been chosen from eternity to become the mother of the Savior of mankind. She possessed an enlightened soul, which incarnated on earth for this sublime mission, and she was pure and perfect compared with her earthly sisters. However, she still had to go through a hard life in order to attain to the supreme bliss in the spiritual kingdom and become a true child of God, i.e., to achieve the supreme goal: complete union with Me. With the fulfillment of her mission she became entitled to be considered as "holiest being" in the spiritual kingdom, for through the suffering she had had to go through on earth she had become an image of God. Through her love for Me she was placed in a state of suffering thanks to which also her physical body was spiritualized. Thus she became a shining example of a mother bearing the deepest sorrow for her child.


However, the divine adoration shown her by people is not in accordance with My will. For although she was the mother of My physical body, in the spiritual kingdom she is a being of light, full of love and wisdom that wants to help men towards light and beatitude.


Beatitude in the spiritual kingdom is possible only in union with Me, and this a soul can only achieve through conscious aspiration for such a union. Thus, the thoughts of him who wants to gain beatitude must be filled with Me as their sole aspiration. He must seek this union with Me of his own free will, unbiased by spiritual forces because, if it were allowed, every human being would feel the influence of these forces that wish to help men out of their great love for them.


The soul has turned apostate from Me of its own free will, and of its own free will it must return to Me. Any influence by the beings of light would amount to a limitation of the free will. The action of the free will consists in the voluntary striving of this will toward Me, toward a union with Me, and this striving will be in every way supported by the beings of light. However, any adoration of a being of light is a will in the "wrong direction". The beings of light are within the love for Me, they keep worshipping and praising Me and never wish to accept any adoration for themselves knowing Me to be the Being most worthy of adoration.


He who correctly understands the relationship with Me of the beings of light whose love for Me has kindled into a bright fire, will also realize how wrong the thinking of those people is who show such adoration for the Mother of God. They will also understand that this cannot be My will, for this way people are kind of creating for themselves a "second God", a being whom they show adoration which it does not wish to accept. Man should at all times strive for a union with Me in order to achieve the goal still on earth.







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