Tuesday, February 21, 2006






You have been told that judgment is near! Yet, you doubt and do not heed My words seriously. If you believed, you would cease all earthly arrangements and prepare only for the day of fulfillment. You do not know the day, yet it should be sufficient that I, your CREATOR and FATHER in Eternity, indicate that the time is short before the end. If it were not so, I would not repeatedly urge and warn you; but would rather leave you without further admonition.

So hear then! Your days of grace grow shorter and time is quickly running out. All earthly preparations are in vain. I will take care of My own so that they may have that which they need. All others will find security in nothing; even though they are in league with My adversary who has helped them to the riches, honors and wisdoms of this earth. This adversary will be powerless to protect his own on the day of terror, when I, through nature, will attempt to bring mankind to their senses; that they might think of their GOD and CREATOR, and trust Him in their dire need.

All things will fall prey to the forces of nature. Nothing will be preserved save that which I would save. Let man endeavor to be worthy of My Grace. Unite with Me in works of Love…. communicate with Me in your innermost self ... speak with Me, and listen to My answer! Your rewards will be far greater than if you continue to strive only for physical well-being, earthly riches and promotions.

Believe that soon will come to pass that has been foretold you. Believe that there is no longer much time and do not concern yourself with how best to turn earthly investments into profits for such manipulations will be in vain. You who will witness unto My Word will be given a sign that will help strengthen and encourage you in your convictions.

A star is approaching the earth with great velocity. This phenomenon will appear shortly before judgment is fulfilled. Those who believe will then know that the hour is at hand. Do My Will! Give mankind knowledge of what lies before them! Take their attention to this matter! Communicate with Me in prayer that I may give you the strength you will need for these trying hours.

Fear not! Believe that I will save you in your need; that you may complete the mission for which I have groomed you.…  that afterward you may bring My Word to those who come forth unscathed through the danger.


Know that the time is short! Things will be as I have appointed them to you! Believe it and prepare yourselves accordingly, for time has run out, and I WILL VERY SOON APPEAR !


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