Thursday, November 30, 2006
I could speak these words with authority when I walked on Earth, for it was My Father, Who was within Me, Who has given this power to Me - with Whom I became One, and Who therefore permeated Me totally, so that He Himself acted within Me and through Me.
And this power remained with Me even after My Life on Earth. For only My earthly garment, before My ascension, was of the human world; everything concealed in it was God, Who made Himself visible in JESUS CHRIST to all His beings.
And so the "man" Jesus spoke the words: “All power is given to Me ... !" -, but it was the Deity in this man that decided about the power.
I could therefore declare Myself as the One Who had all power in Heaven and on Earth, for there was no separation between the ETERNAL CREATOR-SPIRIT and the One Who had received Me into Him. - And this power I will not cede to any being aside from Me for it belongs to My primordial- being, that is in itself Love, Wisdom and Omnipotence!
Whoever understands this also realizes that My will alone reigns, and that therefore only delegates of My will can exist - or beings that oppose My will - so that the first ones somehow reign with Me, while the others will have to be led.
However, though My Will and My Might will not diminish in all Eternity, I use them not incessantly, but I sometimes permit those still opposing Me to act as well - but always only up to a certain limit - to make it quite clear whose Might is infinite.
My Might alone assures the existence, as well as the progress and the possibility of accomplishment, while any adverse activity - if not ended at the right time - would mean total destruction.
To Me, therefore, is given the power! That should be a hint for you to know to Whom you have to go - Who alone can give you everything - in Whom you should confide if you need a powerful protector and helper!
It is not the God in the distance Who will make you the gift of this help, but only that One, Who stands in full Might as divine Redeemer, Jesus Christ, because in Him has been incorporated the "ETERNAL DEITY" - the Spirit of the infinite. For only with JESUS CHRIST can you enter into relationship with God; for only when you call on Me in Jesus Christ can you recognize Myself; for there is no other God beside JESUS CHRIST, none more powerful than He! And thus, there is only One that reigns in the whole universe, to Whom all Creations are subjugated and on Whose order innumerable beings take care of these Creations, and Who arranges everything according to His eternal Salvation Plan. From Myself they receive My orders; from Myself they are equipped with the necessary force for their activity; and from Myself everything will be guided as it corresponds to My Love and Wisdom.
And no being will ever be active against My Will while they look after the maintenance and supervision of the many Creations. My Will flows through them, because they are perfect beings, glowing by My Will and by My Wisdom and nourished through My Force - and therefore they are always only executors of My Will.
But where My Will retreats for a while, immature, still apostate beings press forward and act with hostility towards Me - but always under My control, so that they will be tamed by My Will whenever I consider that it is necessary.
Only One reigns in Heaven and on Earth – only One has all the Might - before Him all creatures of Light and dark- ness must bow - for My Might is without end, and will remain so in all Eternity.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
The manner in which you regard the Redemption-Work and Jesus Christ will be decisive for the success of your life on Earth. You received as a gift the grace of the embodiment as man, but you would not and will not accomplish anything if you finish your life without Jesus Christ and His forgiveness of sin - for the entrance into the realm of Light is forbidden to you if you have not previously been redeemed from your primordial guilt.
Only Jesus Christ, The divine Redeemer, can open the doors to you, but that presupposes the forgiveness of your sins - therefore also the acknowledgment of His Redemption-Work. And if you ponder the possibility that your life on Earth might be lived in vain - that at the end you could be in the same condition, concerning your soul, as at the beginning of your embodiment; when you realize then that your Earth-life was totally senseless - whether it might have brought you pleasures or sufferings - you must, however, try to give the Earth-life the right meaning.
You must then strive more and more to form a beautiful life beyond - insofar as you believe, if at all, in a life after death. But those who live indifferently, who do not believe in Jesus Christ and in His Redemption-Work, will also be in need of faith in a further life after death.
Nevertheless, the knowledge of Jesus Christ should always be brought closer to them, so that their thinking will be stimulated and they will repeatedly be moved to search and to find the right attitude towards Him. And the slightest willingness will also be prompted by Him. He will come toward the person and make it easy for him to gain faith in Him. But the freedom of will, will not be taken away, for man himself must decide for Jesus Christ - if the Redemption is to take place.
People do not know how important it is to have found Him. - For life on Earth is very short, and it can set the soul free from every fetter, so that in the hour of death it can rise up as a Spirit of Light.
And the soul consented consciously to this embodiment as man, for it was informed beforehand about its life on Earth, and also it was shown the goal. It had not been embodied by force as man, but every soul - once it has reached that Grade of development which allows the state of being embodied as man - has the longing to get rid of the physical cover, and then it knows also that the walk over the Earth as a human being offers the last chance. But it will be deprived of this consciousness again as soon as it is engendered into a human form.
Therefore, it is of the utmost importance for evil soul to stay close to Jesus Christ, Who made it possible for it to be freed from its fetters through His Redemption-Work because, without the cancelling of the primordial-guilt, there is no possibility of breaking away from the power of God's opponent.
And that should be announced to all people, and humanity should know the Truth about the meaning of Jesus Christ and His Redemption-Work. - All people should think more about the purpose of their lives on Earth, and whether they live according to the purpose. And he who seriously contemplates these questions will also receive answers in his thoughts from the spiritual world, from God, Who accomplished in the man Jesus the Redemption-Work to cancel that great primordial-guilt; to enable mankind to walk through the door into the realm of Light. But without Jesus Christ the door remains closed; without Jesus Christ no man reaches Bliss - for without Jesus Christ he remains in the power of the opponent who will never set him free.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I have accomplished the work of Redemption for all time. As long as the return of the once-fallen spirituals is not completed, there will come again the time for this spiritual to walk on earth as man. And then it needs My help, which is assured through the Redemption-Work of Jesus Christ.
The Grace gained on the cross has to be used during this time if man wants finally to shed his fetters caused by the fall into the abyss, which My opponent put on him, and could do so, because those beings had followed him voluntarily. - Therefore, again and again, a short time will be available for this once-fallen spiritual, when it need only to turn to the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ and thereby acknowledge Myself in Jesus Christ.
And this short time is the walk as man over the Earth, when this being again receives its free-will and thus has another chance to decide. It would never be able to make this decision without My help, because My opponent still keeps it captive. But because of My Redemption-Work, this decision is possible for man on account of the Grace that I acquired for him so as to enable him to resist and to break away from the opposite power.
As long as the Earth serves the spiritual as a location to gain maturity - as long as people live on it - so long will the Sacrifice on the cross of Jesus Christ be the only guaranty for man to be freed of all fetters - for the Sacrifice is done for time and Eternity, and never for the present alone. Also, all future periods of Redemption on this Earth will be under the sign of the cross, and will be successful only for those souls that live on Earth embodied as humans.
And also in the beyond the Redeeming Force of Jesus Christ can still be used; in the beyond the divine Redeemer must be implored too, because then My Sacrifice on the cross will still be recognized, and with that also Myself in Jesus. Then this means the liberation from My opponent, which finally has to happen if the being wants to reach Bliss.
I accomplished as man the Redemption-Work on this Earth - and this was an especially blessed Earth-period in which many spirituals, once fallen, could have returned to Me. But their will was not forced, and never can be; therefore, uncounted Creations must still arise or endless Creation-periods must follow. But all of them will stay under the sign of the Redemption-Work - because without Jesus Christ no Redemption can take place. However, My merciful Love will endlessly convey the knowledge to humanity about the Sacrifice on the cross and about the Mercy- treasure that was earned on the cross.
Enlightened people will be able again and again to receive instructions through My Spirit, and will be able to under- stand all this, and, conforming to the Truth, can explain to their fellow-men the meaning of Jesus Christ's Redemption - Work - the act of My "becoming man' on Earth and the deification of the man Jesus.
And this knowledge will be taken over from one Earth-period to another, and will nevermore be lost, because the Mercy-Work was accomplished for all people, for humanity of the past, present and future - and no being, once fallen, can return to Me if it does not in free will let itself be redeemed by Jesus Christ.
Monday, November 27, 2006
You have been created for the eternity. Hence you cannot stop existing for eternities even though you did have a beginning. But you were able to change your being, and you did just that and thus have robbed yourselves of the awareness of self. You still continued to exist but you were not aware of your own self anymore. Nevertheless, this condition was no bliss, it was no blissful drifting into a void but, rather, it was a condition of agony because it meant restriction for the once created free spiritual being, which also experienced this restriction as an agony.
Now, since you will exist forever you should be able to enjoy your existence; you should be able to live in a blissful condition, to work for your own joy in power and light, that is. This is your aim, the aim of all that once created by Me, to live and be active in My will, to be in bliss like Me, full of light and power and, for one’s own happiness, to be active in work and creation. Yet, countless beings radiated by Me in light and freedom have, by their own doing, lost their awareness of self. They gave up the freedom, the light and the power and chose a dreadful lot for themselves. But they could not destroy themselves and will also forever not be able to do so.
Now, if this voluntarily chosen condition without awareness of one’s self were free of any agony, no being then would strive for a life in blissfulness; it then would have perished, so to speak, just recognized as a being by Myself. For the agony of a bound being is unimaginable and the threat of rebanishment to you humans ought not leave you untouched, for even if you are lacking the awareness of self, you will still be exposed to pain which, when looking back, you will be recognizing once having entered the [real] life. It is the spiritual man who suffers, not the carnal man whom you imagine having passed away.
And the spiritual [in man] could certainly have turned solid within but it is not wiped out, it is not without sensation and it suffers the greatest pain, even in its most minute substance. That’s also why the whole creation, i.e. the spiritual bound in matter opposed to the kingdom of light and its inhabitants, is unsaved and non-blissful, that is pain struck, and in its pain it yearns for redemption. The pain which the spiritual experiences is incomprehensible to you humans, because that which is given to your soul as a cover, your earthly body, is only able to experience and bear pain up to a certain degree but which is in no comparison to the agonies the soul must endure in an unredeemed state and which the still bound spiritual experiences in its outer cover as well.
But because it is not until the state of a soul, now being aware of itself, it’s only in the state of a human being it then can consciously strive for a change of its being, i.e. a transformation to its former original being. The realization that it can never cease to exist, that it will actually exist forever, will then certainly induce it to arrange for a sincere striving of its own happy eternity; to strive for a “life in bliss” and to again attain power and light, to be able to be active according to the law of divine order. But as long as it is lacking this knowledge, man lives uselessly on this earth and the soul remains bound and it also leaves its body still bound…. And thus the agonizing condition emerges again which it did not feel so much on earth. It [the soul] is dead even though it exists; on earth it did not acquire the blissful life, the condition of banishment also does now threaten it again if it does not in the kingdom of the beyond manage to come to the realization of not having ceased to exist, nor will it cease to do so either, even though it does not live on earth any longer…. Only this realization makes it possible for it in the kingdom of the beyond to still strive for the “life” yet and it will actually receive help in doing so.
But dreadful it is for an already self-aware soul when it again experiences the fate of re-banishment…. when the self-awareness is taken away from it and it will have to take up the walk through the creation in countless particles and will have to re-endure the endless agonies, which represents any outer form of the spiritual. For only by means of pain can the spiritual be purified to the extent of again to mature to a self-aware being, once to live and to never again lose its life. Amen.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
When you have understood the high spiritual mission of the human being Jesus, then it will be clear to you why the divine Redeemer must be continuously mentioned - for only when man is free of his primordial-guilt is an ascension into the bright lights assured to him.
People do not know about their primordial-guilt, and therefore they do not know what the Redemption-Work means. They cannot find any connection between the death on the cross of the man Jesus - in Whom they may still believe - and the Salvation of humanity. And therefore so many people refuse Him, because this Redemption-Work has only been announced to them without any reason given.
On the other hand, such a reason can only be given to those who seriously wish enlightenment, and of those there will always be only a few - for also the clearest explanation will be difficult to understand for those who cannot envision the spiritual world, those who accept only the earthly one, and only that which can be seen and proven.
But the mission of the man Jesus was not solely an earthy matter, although it was visible to men. It had a deep spiritual motivation. And as long as people do not know about it, they do not face the divine Redeemer, Jesus Christ, as guilt-burdened brothers who burden Him with their own guilt and beg Him to cancel it. But this request must take precedence if they want to find Redemption.
And therefore they must know about their sin-guilt, about the great offence against God that made them become sinners and that could not be redeemed in any other way except through the great Sacrifice of Expiation by the man Jesus. As long as people do not feel sinful, they, laden with their guilt, do not take the way that leads to Him and to the cross, and therefore they do not acknowledge the divine Redeemer.
Only the knowledge about their primordial-beginning, about their early state, and about their resistance to God - about their primordial-guilt - can make it possible for them to receive as a gift the understanding of the Redemption-Work of Jesus, Who lived as man so that He in Himself could receive God. Thus was accomplished the Work of Redemption by the eternal Love that desired to set free Its Creatures from the fetters of the opponent.
Such a presentation of Jesus' mission will be more believable to men than speaking solely of the sins that are committed during their life on Earth, because those sins seem to humanity too small for such a Redemption-act to have been necessary to cancel them. Truly, each sin is a trespassing against Love and so against God, but the primordial-sin of the ancient apostasy from God was so tremendous that the being could not expiate it by itself, not even through all Eternity.
To understand this is difficult for you. But such an enormous sin asks also for enormous expiation, that was in- deed done by a man, but He could do it only because He in Himself harboured God. And so the Force of God enabled Him to do this, and the Force was "Love" - the primordial-substance of God.
Men, as primordial-created beings, have rejected the Love-Force of God and therefore they were left without any force. But the man Jesus consciously accepted God's Love-Force and used it for a Work of Mercy for His fallen brothers, to alone for their quilt.
Humanity, however, does not know that their existence as men on this Earth is the consequence of that primordial-guilt, and that they will once again reach their primordial-state, but never without recognizing The One Who cancelled it, out of overpowering Love. Because their apostasy from God was a conscious "turning-away-from-Him", therefore it is required that there be a conscious "returning-to-Him" to make it possible once again to establish the primordial-relation with God.
When you receive this knowledge, it will be a gift of un- heard Mercy, of which everyone should take advantage by occupying his thoughts with it, and accepting it as the Truth that is given to him. And then he only has to turn to the "man Jesus" and speak with Him, and Jesus will answer him as God. He will help him to reach the correct understanding of his guilt - and He will remove it when he repents and asks Him for help.
Every single man can reach the realization that he must have once committed a sin - as soon as he thinks about the fact that he is an imperfect, weak and ignorant being, and searches for the reason. No question that is so deeply felt can remain without an answer - but the question has to be asked, which most people fail to do.
Without scruple, they reject every hint concerning the divine Redeemer when their attention is directed to Him and to His great spiritual mission. But God will announce again and again to humanity the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ', and all His servants who work on Earth for Him, will always preach with ever growing zeal His name and His Gospel, in order to free all those from their great guilt who listen and draw closer to Jesus Christ in Whom God Himself became man - to redeem those who are bound by His opponent.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
The work of redemption began with the originating of the creations in the universe….it began by the amalgamating of hardened spiritual substance into shape, that is with the originating of physical shapes which where at first spiritual according to their substance, and then also held spiritual substance within, which had already traversed a certain development-stage. The spiritual that once deserted from God distanced itself so far from Him, that the power of God could no longer touch it, thus it became motionless and rigid, it hardened in itself. And in this continued existence it was in the possession of the opponent of God, and it would never have changed its consistency.
But the plan of God consisted in creating the possibility for the hardened spiritual, to reach a splendour, which will far surpass the former bliss…. God wanted to create “children” out of His “creatures” ….but it is an accomplishment, the creature has to achieve on its own. The created being, which was in rebellion against God and thus fell into endless depth had the opportunity to again climb up to maturity and to achieve in total free will the state of godliness…. but out of the deepest depths it had to be lifted, since it was no longer capable of ascending on its own, being devoid of all strength. And God was assisting the fallen by creating the creation, and by forming creations of all various kind out of the hardened spiritual substance through His will.
And thus the rescue or leading back of the spiritual to God began through these creations. An ascending to a certain degree was now secured to the fallen ones, because of the divine will and decisiveness in this plan of creation and the opponent’s zero-influence upon the bound spiritual in the works of the creation. The further ascending as man would have been secured, if the first humans would have loyally lived according to the easy commandments of God and would have resisted the temptations of the opponent of God….to which the first humans, Adam and Eve, indeed had the power….
But because they where allowed to use their free will and let themselves be bewitched by the opponent, by not properly applying their will they failed and now caused the work of rescue for all mankind to be much more difficult as it needed to be. Through the sin of the first human beings the humans in succession where now substantially weakened, they no longer had the power of which the former had plenty of, they bore likewise the load of this sin, and the opponent of God achieved a large accomplishment: He jeopardized the end-destination that man….the once fallen ur-spirits…. could once become divine.
And therefore God brought help anew….He sent His Son unto this earth, meaning, a highest Light- being began the journey on this earth, to fulfill the conditions as a human which the first humans neglected to fulfill, on which they shattered….Through it, this Man wanted to help all humans out of their condition of weakness, He wanted to make it again possible for them to become divine.
It was the Man Jesus in whom the Divine Love Itself took abode….the Father, who wanted to help His children, becoming free from the opponent and to come back to Him….He sent His Son to the earth, a being who likewise emerged out of His creative Power and who had to obtain a mortal cover in order to become only now a vessel to be filled with the eternal Spirit of God, who wanted to bring salvation to His creatures in this mortal form. But again the free will of man is presiding….
For also now he must first acknowledge the Divine Redeemer Jesus Christ and accept His redeeming help, if he wants to reach the destination to merge with God, to the child-ship of God, which is a state of highest completion and blissfulness. All fallen can reach the highest heights, for the proof was brought forth through the work of redemption by the man Jesus that the will of a human can resist his opponent and mortal enemy, that the power to resistance is Love, which every human being can kindle within….and all every human needs to do is plead to the Divine Redeemer for support in order to overcome death and now to attain life, which is only found by becoming one with God….which also will proof freedom from the opponent who’s continuous effort it is to keep all his created beings in the depth, in the condition of death that is. The significance of “Salvation” therefore is “freedom” from the one who brought death to this world; salvation means acceptance of the help of Jesus Christ, because without Him man is week, a result of the primordial-sin and sin of his progenitors which were finally were paid off through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross…. Amen.
Monday, November 20, 2006
The faith in Jesus Christ and in His Redemption-Work is becoming lost more and more the closer the end is. The activity of God's adversary is directed only toward keeping mankind far away from the divine Redeemer" to prevent their calling on Him - Because then the opponent has lost the right to own their souls, because Jesus Christ Himself then stands between him and those people who call on Him for help. - And so it can be clearly noticed in the end-time that again and again, from all sides, work is done against the faith in Jesus Christ - that everything is done to undermine the knowledge about Him and His Redemption-Work. Indeed it will not be at all successful, because obviously God's influence is also noticeable, Who constantly proclaims through "His Word" Jesus Christ. But the enemy will do much mischief among men, and he will not hesitate to use any means to reach his goal.
And as humanity practices little love, as love grows cold among them, it is also easy for God's opponent to destroy the faith in Jesus Christ, because if there is faith, but weak, there the faith is not yet alive enough to withstand the attacks of the opponent. Men succumb because they have no Love and their spirit is darkened, and precisely there- fore the opponent can easily win his game.
But he uses dishonest means. - He transgresses the allowance that is granted to him. Even if he does everything to cause man to fall, without being hindered by God - in view of man's freedom of will - he has no right whatsoever to strangle the transmission of knowledge about God to mankind, Who in Jesus Christ embodied Himself on Earth, to redeem mankind. Where two opponents fight, i.e., where men have to decide freely between the one and the other power, they have to know, too, about these two powers and about their beings and actions as well as about their aims, otherwise, a free decision is impossible.
And therefore it will not be allowed that God's opponent continues any longer in his nuisance on Earth, because the One, Who is stronger than he - Whom all Forces in Heaven and on Earth have to obey - will call a halt to his undertakings because he trespasses the limits of his power. It is in the end-time, therefore, of utmost importance to bring to mankind the knowledge about Jesus Christ, The divine Redeemer.
And all those who want to serve God should consider this task as extremely urgent and should work against the activities of His opponent; they should bring to men the knowledge of The One, to Whom they have to turn if they do not want to fall into the hands of their enemy and destroyer. Because he does not want to take people away from God to make them happy - he wants to alienate them from God in order not to lose followers - in whom he sees his whole might.
There is a sad state on this Earth: there are only a few people who still believe with living faith in the divine Redeemer, because most of them speak only dead words, without spirit and life, when they present themselves to their fellow-men as Christians. But they have no living relationship with Him, and therefore they are also not re- deemed and are an easy prey for the opponent, if they have to decide seriously for or against Jesus Christ. - And this decision will be asked for, because the opponent also is able to induce his followers under his domination to act mercilessly against all those who believe.
And then they have to confess openly before the world their relation to their Saviour and Redeemer. They will no longer have any choice, and only a few will resist - those who turn in living faith to Him and ask for help.
But the humans themselves are responsible - those who fail in this last decision - because the knowledge about Jesus Christ has been brought to all of them, and the divine Love-teaching is also not unknown to them. And if they accept only the latter and fully live with it, then their faith would be awakened or strengthened, and they would have the force to withstand God's opponent. The will of each man is free, but it brings also the corresponding consequences.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
I can only kindle a light to illuminate the way, but you have to walk it yourselves in free-will. And I can offer you My company, but again I will not force it upon you, precisely because I do not want to constrain you, for you yourselves must join Me and beg Me to walk on the path as your attendant, always at your side. Then you cannot miss the way.
Indeed I have done everything I can, to enable you to rise up to the heights to Me, but nevertheless you have the freedom to want this and to act as you choose. But therefore many, many people fail, because they misuse their freedom, and their obstinate will remains unbroken.
You can force people on Earth to obedience; you can use your power when you believe that you are resisted without reason. But My Salvation Plan of eternity separates each power application when it is aimed to win back the spiritual. For what I want to reach as the final goal can only be realized with the free-will of the being.
And My Love will always pursue this goal, and it will find the right means to win the hearts of the spiritual, so that the spiritual goes voluntarily on the path that leads back into the House of the FATHER. Love accomplishes a great deal, and every influence that a loving being exercises on the still undecided spiritual can be successful - but this is difficult to carry through if the being still leans towards My opponent.
But the will of man is respected, though it is continuously solicited - a way is always shown to mankind, a light is kindled. Again and again My Word will be brought close to mankind, that, as a light from above, informs man clearly and distinctly about his task on Earth, and in its broad light the cross of the divine Redeemer can be perceived.
If the glance of man would only once fall on this illuminated path, then the will could also decide whether he takes this way and strives towards the cross. Every man has to walk this path himself! It does not help to only see it, unless one steps upon it. It is therefore not enough to now of My Word or of the Redemption-Work of Christ, but it is necessary to walk on the way that passes by the cross of Golgotha.
My Word has to be lived, as the man Jesus lived it on Earth; and then the way will be walked that will have been shown to you in bright light. And so, no man should believe that it makes no difference which way he goes - no man should believe that side roads lead to the same goal - no man should believe that he is allowed to walk without the right guidance, for then, without a doubt, his path will lead again into the abyss from whence he had come and from where My Love had already helped him upward.
He must entrust himself to Me and must ask for My guidance; he must observe the way in front of him that he sees in clear light, and he should not recoil when he perceives the cross on it which shows him that he has to go through suffering. He should always think of the magnificent goal that can only be reached on this way, and he must - when he decides to take it - ask Me for strength and trust My guidance.
And truly, he will be able to walk the way up to the height because I always guide him so that he will by-pass all dangerous cliffs, that he steps easily over each obstacle, and can reach the height without strain. For I will always supply him with strength, so that he does not need to get tired, even if the way seems very steep. But he cannot reach this goal alone, for as soon as he walks alone, somebody will join him who quickly and easily forces him to stray again from the right path, towards the depth. But My Love will pursue you forever, because My Love does not give up any of My creatures.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
I descended to Earth for there was a great spiritual need, and I took Mercy on men whom My opponent kept in fetters, and who could not resist, and cried to their God for a rescuer. But only a few still believed solidly and firmly that the Messiah would come as it was written - and those few waited for Him. In intense longing they waited for Him as a rescuer, out of the deepest need and affliction.
And it was for them that I descended, because their calls for help reached My ears and because I did not want to disappoint them in their faith. And besides, the time had come for the mission of the man Jesus Christ. I wanted to redeem the whole humanity from the bonds of the opponent, and wanted to redeem those who had passed away as well but could not enter My realm before the great sin-guilt was paid, which was the cause of the existence of men on Earth.
I Myself descended to Earth in this man, to bring release to all people, and to free them from the fetters in which they had been bound since Eternity, and to open to them the path to My realm - the realm of eternal Peace and Bliss.
When I descended to Earth, only a few people were ready to receive Me, i.e., only a few recognized Me - those that had led a life in love. Therefore, the flock of My adherents was small in spite of the fact that I incessantly strove to inspire people to activities of love, through which they could have recognized Me as their God and Father since eternity.
What made the misery so great was that there was little love amongst men; they were entirely in bondage to the one who himself was totally without love – who faced Me as an enemy, and whom I wanted to fight in order to wrench by victory the souls that he held captive. Therefore I lived in selfless Love amongst mankind, for Love was the weapon that I wanted to use against My opponent, and that also gave strength to men to resist him.
Without Love they were wholly dedicated to him. But he could not hold out against Love; Love is the only weapon that can vanquish him. However, at the time of My appearance on Earth, there was very little Love amongst men. Love was the only tie between them and Me, their God and Father of Eternity, and this relation had to be restored if men wanted to hear My Word.
My Word could no longer be heard by them because through their missing Love they had lost their faith in a God Who wanted to speak to them. Therefore, I Myself came to Earth to speak to them; to give them again a message of My will and to offer them again My Love-commandments; to preach to them again the Gospel - the divine teaching that would lead them to Bliss.
But I still had to bring mankind abundant help: I wanted to set them free from the power that bound them, the power that weakened their will and prevented humanity from fulfilling My will. I wanted to redeem them from Satan's power. And for this purpose I chose the form of the man Jesus, so that in Him I could accomplish a work of Love and Mercy that would free mankind from all misery.
But all people who wanted to be free from their torturer had to stand by My side. Those who remained with him voluntarily, I could not rescue, but those who turned to Me received the Force from Me to loose their chains.
But this Redemption-Work also had to happen within the frame-work of the humans, because men should not be forced in using their will. They should be completely free to recognize or to refuse the Work of Redemption through the man Jesus - in whom I Myself was incorporated. Therefore I walked on Earth as the human being Jesus, and I prepared humanity for the great Redeeming-Sacrifice that should expiate the immense sin-guilt, on account of which they lived on Earth.
But only few recognized Me, and saw in Me the rescuer - the Messiah that Seers and Prophets had announced again and again. The misery was overwhelming as I descended to Earth; but the Work of Redemption had been accomplished because My love was also over-helming, and Love expiated the sin-guilt by sacrificing itself on the cross.
And this Love searches endlessly to bring help to humanity, to those who up to now had not found Redemption, to those who have not made use of the Graces of the Redemption-Work and therefore still languish in the net of the enemy - those who never can liberate themselves without help - those whom I never give up, however, but steadily influence by pointing to the Redemption-Work of the man Jesus Christ, Who, as "man", because of His Love recognized the spiritual need of His fellow-men, and offered the Sacrifice of dying under the greatest pain on the cross.
And I will come always in the “Word” to men, and inform them about the supreme Love and Mercy-work of JESUS, Who received Myself, Who through Love united completely with Me, and Who became the Redeemer and Rescuer from sin and death for all of you.