Thursday, November 23, 2006





When you have understood the high spiritual mission of the human being Jesus, then it will be clear to you why the divine Redeemer must be continuously mentioned - for only when man is free of his primordial-guilt is an ascension into the bright lights assured to him.


People do not know about their primordial-guilt, and therefore they do not know what the Redemption-Work means. They cannot find any connection between the death on the cross of the man Jesus - in Whom they may still believe - and the Salvation of humanity. And therefore so many people refuse Him, because this Redemption-Work has only been announced  to them without any reason given.   


On the other hand, such a reason can only be given to those who seriously wish enlightenment, and of those there will always be only a few - for also the clearest explanation will be difficult to understand for those who cannot envision the spiritual world, those who accept only the earthly one, and only that which can be seen and proven.


But the mission of the man Jesus was not solely an earthy matter, although it was visible to men. It had a deep spiritual motivation. And as long as people do not know about it, they do not face the divine Redeemer, Jesus Christ, as guilt-burdened brothers who burden Him with their own guilt and beg Him to cancel it. But this request must take precedence if they want to find Redemption.


And therefore they must know about their sin-guilt, about the great offence against God that made them become sinners and that could not be redeemed in any other way except through the great Sacrifice of Expiation by the man Jesus. As long as people do not feel sinful, they, laden with their guilt, do not take the way that leads to Him and to the cross, and therefore they do not acknowledge the divine Redeemer.

Only the knowledge about their primordial-beginning, about their early state, and about their resistance to God - about their primordial-guilt - can make it possible for them to receive as a gift the understanding of the Redemption-Work of Jesus, Who lived as man so that He in Himself could receive God. Thus was accomplished the Work of Redemption by the eternal Love  that desired to set free Its Creatures from the fetters of the opponent.

Such a presentation of Jesus'  mission will be more believable to men than speaking solely of the sins that are committed during their life on Earth, because those sins seem to humanity too small for such a Redemption-act to have been necessary to cancel them. Truly, each sin is a trespassing against Love and so against God, but the primordial-sin of the ancient apostasy from God was so tremendous that the being could not expiate it by itself, not even through all Eternity.

To understand this is difficult for you. But such an enormous sin asks also for enormous expiation, that was in- deed done by a man, but He could do it only because He in Himself harboured God. And so the Force of God enabled Him to do this, and the Force was "Love" - the primordial-substance of God.

Men, as primordial-created beings, have rejected the Love-Force of God and therefore they were left without any force. But the man Jesus consciously accepted God's Love-Force and used it for a Work of Mercy for His fallen brothers, to alone for their quilt.

Humanity, however, does not know that their existence as men on this Earth is the consequence of that primordial-guilt, and that they will once again reach their primordial-state, but never without recognizing The One Who cancelled it, out of overpowering Love. Because their apostasy from God was a conscious "turning-away-from-Him", therefore it is required that there be a conscious "returning-to-Him" to make it possible once again to establish the primordial-relation with God.

When you receive this knowledge, it will be a gift of un- heard Mercy, of which everyone should take advantage by occupying his thoughts with it, and accepting it as the Truth that is given to him. And then he only has to turn to the "man Jesus" and speak with Him, and Jesus will answer him as God. He will help him to reach the correct understanding of his guilt - and He will remove it when he repents and asks Him for help.


Every single man can reach the realization that he must have once committed a sin - as soon as he thinks about the fact that he is an imperfect, weak and ignorant being, and searches for the reason. No question that is so deeply felt can remain without an answer - but the question has to be asked, which most people fail to do.


Without scruple, they reject every hint concerning the divine Redeemer when their attention is directed to Him and to His great spiritual mission. But God will announce again and again to humanity the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ', and all His servants who work on Earth for Him, will always preach with ever growing zeal His name and His Gospel, in order to free all those from their great guilt who listen and draw closer to Jesus Christ in Whom God Himself became man - to redeem those who are bound by His opponent.









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