Wednesday, November 29, 2006
The manner in which you regard the Redemption-Work and Jesus Christ will be decisive for the success of your life on Earth. You received as a gift the grace of the embodiment as man, but you would not and will not accomplish anything if you finish your life without Jesus Christ and His forgiveness of sin - for the entrance into the realm of Light is forbidden to you if you have not previously been redeemed from your primordial guilt.
Only Jesus Christ, The divine Redeemer, can open the doors to you, but that presupposes the forgiveness of your sins - therefore also the acknowledgment of His Redemption-Work. And if you ponder the possibility that your life on Earth might be lived in vain - that at the end you could be in the same condition, concerning your soul, as at the beginning of your embodiment; when you realize then that your Earth-life was totally senseless - whether it might have brought you pleasures or sufferings - you must, however, try to give the Earth-life the right meaning.
You must then strive more and more to form a beautiful life beyond - insofar as you believe, if at all, in a life after death. But those who live indifferently, who do not believe in Jesus Christ and in His Redemption-Work, will also be in need of faith in a further life after death.
Nevertheless, the knowledge of Jesus Christ should always be brought closer to them, so that their thinking will be stimulated and they will repeatedly be moved to search and to find the right attitude towards Him. And the slightest willingness will also be prompted by Him. He will come toward the person and make it easy for him to gain faith in Him. But the freedom of will, will not be taken away, for man himself must decide for Jesus Christ - if the Redemption is to take place.
People do not know how important it is to have found Him. - For life on Earth is very short, and it can set the soul free from every fetter, so that in the hour of death it can rise up as a Spirit of Light.
And the soul consented consciously to this embodiment as man, for it was informed beforehand about its life on Earth, and also it was shown the goal. It had not been embodied by force as man, but every soul - once it has reached that Grade of development which allows the state of being embodied as man - has the longing to get rid of the physical cover, and then it knows also that the walk over the Earth as a human being offers the last chance. But it will be deprived of this consciousness again as soon as it is engendered into a human form.
Therefore, it is of the utmost importance for evil soul to stay close to Jesus Christ, Who made it possible for it to be freed from its fetters through His Redemption-Work because, without the cancelling of the primordial-guilt, there is no possibility of breaking away from the power of God's opponent.
And that should be announced to all people, and humanity should know the Truth about the meaning of Jesus Christ and His Redemption-Work. - All people should think more about the purpose of their lives on Earth, and whether they live according to the purpose. And he who seriously contemplates these questions will also receive answers in his thoughts from the spiritual world, from God, Who accomplished in the man Jesus the Redemption-Work to cancel that great primordial-guilt; to enable mankind to walk through the door into the realm of Light. But without Jesus Christ the door remains closed; without Jesus Christ no man reaches Bliss - for without Jesus Christ he remains in the power of the opponent who will never set him free.