Wednesday, November 22, 2006






The work of redemption began with the originating of the creations in the universe….it began by the amalgamating of hardened spiritual substance into shape, that is with the originating of physical shapes which where at first spiritual according to their substance, and then also held spiritual substance within, which had already traversed a certain development-stage. The spiritual that once deserted from God distanced itself so far from Him, that the power of God could no longer touch it, thus it became motionless and rigid, it hardened in itself. And in this continued existence it was in the possession of the opponent of God, and it would never have changed its consistency.


But the plan of God consisted in creating the possibility for the hardened spiritual, to reach a splendour, which will far surpass the former bliss…. God wanted to create “children” out of His “creatures” ….but it is an accomplishment, the creature has to achieve on its own. The created being, which was in rebellion against God and thus fell into endless depth had the opportunity to again climb up to maturity and to achieve in total free will the state of godliness…. but out of the deepest depths it had to be lifted, since it was no longer capable of ascending on its own, being devoid of all strength. And God was assisting the fallen by creating the creation, and by forming creations of all various kind out of the hardened spiritual substance through His will.


And thus the rescue or leading back of the spiritual to God began through these creations. An ascending to a certain degree was now secured to the fallen ones, because of the divine will and decisiveness in this plan of creation and the opponent’s zero-influence upon the bound spiritual in the works of the creation. The further ascending as man would have been secured, if the first humans would have loyally lived according to the easy commandments of God and would have resisted the temptations of the opponent of God….to which the first humans, Adam and Eve, indeed had the power….


But because they where allowed to use their free will and let themselves be bewitched by the opponent, by not properly applying their will they failed and now caused the work of rescue for all mankind to be much more difficult as it needed to be. Through the sin of the first human beings the humans in succession where now substantially weakened, they no longer had the power of which the former had plenty of, they bore likewise the load of this sin, and the opponent of God achieved a large accomplishment: He jeopardized the end-destination that man….the once fallen ur-spirits…. could once become divine.


And therefore God brought help anew….He sent His Son unto this earth, meaning, a highest Light- being began the journey on this earth, to fulfill the conditions as a human which the first humans neglected to fulfill, on which they shattered….Through it, this Man wanted to help all humans out of their condition of weakness, He wanted to make it again possible for them to become divine.


It was the Man Jesus in whom the Divine Love Itself took abode….the Father, who wanted to help His children, becoming free from the opponent and to come back to Him….He sent His Son to the earth, a being who likewise emerged out of His creative Power and who had to obtain a mortal cover in order to become only now a vessel to be filled with the eternal Spirit of God, who wanted to bring salvation to His creatures in this mortal form. But again the free will of man is presiding….


For also now he must first acknowledge the Divine Redeemer Jesus Christ and accept His redeeming help, if he wants to reach the destination to merge with God, to the child-ship of God, which is a state of highest completion and blissfulness. All fallen can reach the highest heights, for the proof was brought forth through the work of redemption by the man Jesus that the will of a human can resist his opponent and mortal enemy, that the power to resistance is Love, which every human being can kindle within….and all every human needs to do is plead to the Divine Redeemer for support in order to overcome death and now to attain life, which is only found by becoming one with God….which also will proof freedom from the opponent who’s continuous effort it is to keep all his created beings in the depth, in the condition of death that is. The significance of “Salvation” therefore is “freedom” from the one who brought death to this world; salvation means acceptance of the help of Jesus Christ, because without Him man is week, a result of the primordial-sin and sin of his progenitors which were finally were paid off through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross….    Amen.  



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