Tuesday, November 28, 2006






I have accomplished the work of Redemption for all time. As long as the return of the once-fallen spirituals is not completed, there will come again the time for this spiritual to walk on earth as man. And then it needs My help, which is assured through the Redemption-Work of Jesus Christ.


The Grace gained on the cross has to be used during this time if man wants finally to shed his fetters caused by the fall into the abyss, which My opponent put on him, and could do so, because those beings had followed him voluntarily. - Therefore, again and again, a short time will be available for this once-fallen spiritual, when it need only to turn to the divine Redeemer Jesus Christ and thereby acknowledge Myself in Jesus Christ.


And this short time is the walk as man over the Earth, when this being again receives its free-will and thus has another chance to decide. It would never be able to make this decision without My help, because My opponent still keeps it captive. But because of My Redemption-Work, this decision is possible for man on account of the Grace that I acquired for him so as to enable him to resist and to break away from the opposite power.


As long as the Earth serves the spiritual as a location to gain maturity - as long as people live on it - so long will the Sacrifice on the cross of Jesus Christ be the only guaranty for man to be freed of all fetters - for the Sacrifice is done for time and Eternity, and never for the present alone. Also, all future periods of Redemption on this Earth will be under the sign of the cross, and will be successful only for those souls that live on Earth embodied as humans.


And also in the beyond the Redeeming Force of Jesus Christ can still be used; in the beyond the divine Redeemer must be implored too, because then My Sacrifice on the cross will still be recognized, and with that also Myself in Jesus. Then this means the liberation from My opponent, which finally has to happen if the being wants to reach Bliss.


I accomplished as man the Redemption-Work on this Earth - and this was an especially blessed Earth-period in which many spirituals, once fallen, could have returned to Me. But their will was not forced, and never can be; therefore, uncounted Creations must still arise or endless Creation-periods must follow. But all of them will stay under the sign of the Redemption-Work - because without Jesus Christ no Redemption can take place. However, My merciful Love will endlessly convey the knowledge to humanity about the Sacrifice on the cross and about the Mercy- treasure that was earned on the cross.


Enlightened people will be able again and again to receive instructions through My Spirit, and will be able to under- stand all this, and, conforming to the Truth, can explain to their fellow-men the meaning of Jesus Christ's Redemption - Work - the act of My "becoming man' on Earth and the deification of the man Jesus.


And this knowledge will be taken over from one Earth-period to another, and will nevermore be lost, because the Mercy-Work was accomplished for all people, for humanity of the past, present and future - and no being, once fallen, can return to Me if it does not in free will let itself be redeemed by Jesus Christ.


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