Thursday, November 30, 2006





I could speak these words with authority when I walked on Earth, for it was My Father, Who was within Me, Who has given this power to Me - with Whom I became One, and Who therefore permeated Me totally, so that He Himself acted within Me and through Me.

And this power remained with Me even after My Life on Earth. For only My earthly garment, before My ascension, was of the human world; everything concealed in it was God, Who made Himself visible in JESUS CHRIST to all His beings.

And so the "man" Jesus spoke the words: “All power is given to Me ... !" -, but it was the Deity in this man that decided about the power.

I could therefore declare Myself as the One Who had all power in Heaven and on Earth, for there was no separation between the ETERNAL CREATOR-SPIRIT and the One Who had received Me into Him. - And this power I will not cede to any being aside from Me for it belongs to My primordial- being, that is in itself Love, Wisdom and Omnipotence!


Whoever understands this also realizes that My will alone reigns, and that therefore only delegates of  My will can exist - or beings that oppose My will - so that the first ones somehow reign with Me, while the others will have to be led.


However, though My Will and My Might will not diminish in all Eternity, I use them not incessantly, but I sometimes permit those still opposing Me to act as well - but always only up to a certain limit - to make it quite clear whose Might is infinite.


My Might alone assures the existence, as well as the progress and the possibility of accomplishment, while any adverse activity - if not ended at the right time - would mean total destruction.


To Me, therefore, is given the power! That should be a hint for you to know to Whom you have to go - Who alone can give you everything - in Whom you should confide if you need a powerful protector and helper!


It is not the God in the distance Who will make you the gift of this help, but only that One, Who stands in full Might as divine Redeemer, Jesus Christ, because in Him has been incorporated the "ETERNAL DEITY" - the Spirit of the infinite. For only with JESUS CHRIST can you enter into relationship with God; for only  when you call on Me in Jesus Christ can you recognize Myself; for there is no other God beside JESUS CHRIST, none more powerful than He! And thus, there is only One that reigns in the whole universe, to Whom all Creations are subjugated and on Whose order innumerable beings take care of these Creations, and Who arranges everything according to His eternal Salvation Plan. From Myself they receive My orders; from Myself they are equipped with the necessary force for their activity; and from Myself everything will be guided as it corresponds to My Love and Wisdom.

And no being will ever be active against My Will while they look after the maintenance and supervision of the many Creations. My Will flows through them, because they are perfect beings, glowing by My Will and by My Wisdom and nourished through My Force - and therefore they are always only executors of My Will.

But where My Will retreats for a while, immature, still apostate beings press forward and act with hostility towards Me - but always under My control, so that they will be tamed by My Will whenever I consider that it is necessary.

Only One reigns in Heaven and on Earth – only  One has all the Might - before Him all creatures of Light and dark- ness must bow - for My Might is without end, and will remain so in all Eternity.





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